I HOPE YOU have enjoyed reading this guide and that it’s given you an understanding of the fashion industry, as well as providing you with the confidence to take the first steps in starting up your business.

You have probably gathered that behind the glamour of the catwalk shows and celebrity filled parties you read about, there is a tremendous amount of hard work. In reality, the creative part (which is what motivates most people to get involved in the first place), accounts for only around 10% of what’s needed to be successful. You could design or produce the most beautiful, desirable products in the world, but without strong business and entrepreneurial skills and the right support, you are unlikely to be able to build a viable business.

Luckily, there is help out there; from fashion business accelerators and business support agencies, to networks that give you the benefit from sharing knowledge and experience with other budding entrepreneurs.

Evolving technology and social media has made it easier than ever to start up, and providing you stay focused on your strategy, you have every chance of success.

Good luck and let me know how you get on.

Alison Lewy

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