

    communicating company ethics and, 79–102

    discipline, 95–98

    ethical auditing, 98–101

    rewards, 93–95

    training processes, 83–90

    visual marketing, 90–92

    ethical decisions, through, 57–76

        decision making ladder, creating. See under ethical decisions

        using COE, 58–60

    framework of, 108–110

Acronyms, 51–54. See also Mnemonic device


Business ethics, 9, 49

Business morality, 7–9


Capitalist or contributive justice theory, 71

CEMS. See Corporate ethical management systems (CEMS)

Code of conduct. See Code of ethics (COE)

Code of ethics (COE)

    role modeling and, 47–54

    values and behaviors, 48–54

        company behaviors, 50–51

        company values, 49–50

        mnemonic device, 51–54

COE. See Code of ethics (COE)

Communication, in CEMS, 79–102

Company COE. See Code of ethics (COE)

Company ethics, management system, 1–14


framework of, 108–110

organizational, ethics and, 15–26

Continuous Quality Improvement, 1

Corporate ethical management system (CEMS)

    critical foundations, 17

    failure of, 59

    Frodo, 16–17

    and MM, 5–7, 108–110

    need for, 3–5

    Plato and, 16–17

    quality improvement processes, 1

    research and, 5–7

    results of, 1

    and role modeling, 47–48

    terms used in, 7–11

Corporate social responsibility (CSR), 19, 21–22

Cultural relativism, 68

Customer service, 20–21


Decision-making ladder (DML), 58, 61–65, 67–72, 74–75, 79, 109, 120, 123. See also Ethical decisions

Deontological ethics, 17–18

Destructive behavior, 3

Discipline, 95–98

Distributive justice theory, 71

Divine command (DC) ethical theory, 64–65

DML. See Decision-making ladder (DML)

Dunn’s DML. See Decision-making ladder (DML)


Egalitarianism, 71

EL. See Ethical leadership (EL)

Engrained ethical theory, 115–116

Ethical auditing, 98–101

Ethical behavior, 2, 15, 19

Ethical decisions, accountability and

    decision making ladder, creating, 60–76

        cultural relativism, 68

        DC theory, 64–65

        Dunn’s, 62–64

        ethical egoism theory, 65–66

        justice theory, 70–71

        Kantian ethics, 66–67

        narrative ethics, 72–73

        natural law theory,65

        situational ethics, 68–69

        social media, 73–75

        utilitarianism, 67–68

        virtue ethics, 69–70

    using COE, 58–60

Ethical egoism theory, 65–66

Ethical hiring, 80–81

Ethical leadership (EL)

    definition, 10–11, 31

    research on, 5–6

    and role modeling, 30–31, 43

Ethical management, 10–11

Ethical theory, 75–76


    business, 9, 49

    of care, 20

    communication and, 79–102

    definition of, 9

    importance of, 15–26

    teleological, 22–23

Ethic-specific tool. See Decision-making ladder (DML)

Executives’ Ethical Guide (EEG), 61

Explicit CSR, 21–22


Frodo, 16–17


Hiring. See Ethical hiring


implicit CSR, 21

Informational or interactional justice theory, 72

Instrumental stakeholder view, 19


justice theory, 70–71


Kantian ethics, 66–67

Kohlberg’s model, 110–112


Law-abiding behavior, 2

Leadership. See Ethical leadership


Management ethics, lack of, 2

MM. See Moldable Model© (MM)

Mnemonic device, 51–54

Moldable Model©(MM), 2

    and CEMS, 108–115

        creation of, 109–110, 112–115

        evaluation of, 108–109

    engrained ethical theory, 115–116

    ethics, role in, 15

    framework of, 108–110

    implementation of, 105–116

    and Kohlberg’s model, 110–112

Moore-Dunn ethical theory, 22, 63

Morals. See Business morality


narrative ethics, 72–73

Natural law (NL) theory, 65


ongoing ethics training, 88–90

Organizational context, ethics and, 15–26

Organizational duty

    to community, 21–22

    to employee and customer care, 20–21

    to financial performance, 18–20

Organizational outcomes, 22–26

    employee outcomes, 24–26

    financial performance, 22–24

Organizational tools, 1

Orientation ethics training, 85–88


peer-to-peer role modeling, 25, 39–40

    mentor systems, 42–43

Plato, 16–17

Procedural justice, 72


Rewards, 93–95

Role modeling, 29–43

    and code of ethics, 47–54

    framework of, 108–110

    peer-to-peer. See Peer-to-peer role modeling

    theoretical basis, 30–33

        social exchange theory, 32–33

        social learning theory, 31–32

    TT. See Top-tier (TT) role modeling


shareholder theory (ShaT), 18–19

Situational ethics, 68–69

Six Sigma, 1

Social exchange theory (SXT), 32–33

Social learning theory (SLT), 31–32

Social media, 73–75

Stakeholder theory (StaT), 19

StaT. See Stakeholder theory (StaT)


SXT. See Social exchange theory (SXT)


teleological ethics, 22–23

Top-tier (TT) role modeling

    company COE, 34–35

    leader attributes, ethical, 35–39

    mentor systems, 41

    personal morality, 34

Total Quality Management, 1

Training processes, 83–90

    ongoing ethics training, 88–90

    orientation ethics training, 85–88


utilitarianism, 67–68

Unethical behaviour, 3–4, 6, 59


values and behaviors, COE

    company behaviors, 50–51

    company values, 49–50

    mnemonic device, 51–54

Virtue ethics, 69–70

    concepts in DML, 70

Visual marketing, 90–92

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