
1    What is a UX portfolio?

Misconception #1: A collection of screengrabs will do

UX/UI portfolios

Misconception #2: A collection of annotated screengrabs will do

Misconception #3: A collection of UX deliverables will work

Misconception #4: An illustrated UX lexicon will do

Misconception #5: Just one portfolio will do

So what is a UX portfolio?

In this chapter

2    Why have a UX portfolio?

A great portfolio differentiates you from the competition

Portfolios help you get your story straight

Portfolios can influence your interview

Portfolios can clear up confusion

A portfolio helps others act as your advocate

Preparing your portfolio can make you a better designer

Portfolios encourage career management

Can you get by without a UX portfolio?

In this chapter

3    Know your users

The recruiting process


Learning more about your users

Chapter summary

4    Preparing your UX portfolio

Take care of the fundamentals

Maintain a logbook or work diary

Optimize your deliverables

Keep organized

Actively seek feedback

Audit your previous career

Know what you want to do

Chapter summary

5    Getting the basics right

Work with convention

Keep your portfolio as brief as possible

Choose the right platform

Make it look good

Ensure it reads well

Ensure your voice comes through loud and clear

Keep it updated

In this chapter

6    Nailing the Introduction - Coming soon

7    Case studies in depth - Coming soon

8    Completing the picture


Training and Education

Awards and honors

Volunteer work

Activities and Interests

Speaking engagements

Writing and podcasting

Client testimonials


Professional associations


Social Media

Thank You / Next Steps

Things to Avoid

Chapter Summary

9    Common Constraints in UX Portfolio Design

Limited Work History

Experience in a Different Role

One Loooooong Project

Non-Disclosure Agreements

Work You’re Not Proud Of

Work Completed Some Time Ago

Work in Progress

Projects that Never Deliver

In this chapter

10  Evaluating and Reviewing your UX Portfolio - Coming soon

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