Strengths Conversational Prompts for Project Teams

Strengths conversations are instrumental for cultivating and sustaining your project team’s strengths-based talent development culture. When you engage others in strengths conversations, you are helping them to articulate their talents and develop their strengths. Strengths conversations will also help you to develop strengths-based complementary partnerships and maximize and leverage the collective strengths of your project team.

Strengths conversations include asking specific questions about a person’s talents and strengths and active listening. A list of strengths-based conversational prompts and ideas are listed as follows to help you and your project team members begin engaging in strengths conversations. Also consider adding “active listening skills” into your PM tool kit to better equip you to fully engage in strengths conversations.

Suggested Questions:


“What did you initially think about your Signature Themes Report?”


“Do you think the summaries of your top five dominant talent themes describe you? Tell me more…”


“Tell me about your specific talents from your _______________ talent theme.” If the person is not sure how to answer this prompt, have them pull out their Signature Themes Report and talk about the words and phrases in their theme summaries that they highlighted.


“What do you like about your talents?”


“What is challenging about your talents?”


“Did you see yourself using talents from your _____________ talent theme today? In what ways?”


“What specific talents from your _______________ talent theme are you most excited about? Tell me more…”


“What are some examples of how you use your specific talents from your ___________talent theme (at work, home, volunteering, etc.)?”


“What specific talents have you discovered from knowing about your dominant _______________ talent theme? Besides knowing about your dominant talent theme, how did you discover these specific talents you just identified?”


Find someone that shares a talent theme with you and compare notes. After your conversation, what specific talent similarities and differences did you notice?


“A strength is the ability to do something consistently, very well.

•  Tell me about one of your strengths.

•  Which of your dominant talent themes describes talents that might be a foundation for the strength you named?

•  Articulate more of your strengths.”


“Think of an example of a challenging problem that you have solved on your own. What role did your talents and/or talent themes play in your approach to the problem? How did you use your strengths to solve the problem?”


“Think about the times you have felt extremely proud of a workplace achievement. How did you use your strengths to be successful in one or more of those situations?”


“How have you used your specific talents and strengths on a project team (your current team or a previous team)?”


“What project management tools or techniques have you invested in your talents? What specific project management strengths have you developed from that investment?”


“In what ways do/could some of your specific talents from your _______________ talent theme help you when working with project team members to achieve a common goal?”


“How specifically can you use your talents/strengths to help our/your project team build relationships?”


“How specifically can you use your talents/strengths to motivate our/your project team?”


“How specifically can you use your talents/strengths to help our/your project team think through approaches to team challenges and make good decisions?”


“How specifically can you use your talents/strengths to help our/your project team get things done?”


“In what specific ways to do you currently/potentially see our/your project team using the project team members’ collective strengths as a team?”

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