Chapter 7. High Order Components and Mixins

There are two special kinds of abstraction with React. High order components are components that take a component as an argument and return another component.

Previously, the role of high order components was solved with mixins. A few things can still only be done with mixins, which we’ll cover below.

Simple Example

Let’s write a high order function that passes a random number to the child via props. Props are how high order components talk to child components. You also need to make sure you pass any extra props down using the {...this.props} syntax.

function providesRandomNumber(Component) {
  return class RandomNumberProvider extends React.Component {
      return <Component {...this.props} randomNumber={4} />;

We can then use this function to wrap a component.

var MyComponent = providesRandomNumber(
  class MyComponent extends React.Component {
      return (
          The random number is {this.props.randomNumber}

This is a bit cleaner with the es7 decorators proposal.

class MyComponent extends React.Component {
    return (
        The random number is {this.props.randomNumber}

Tips and Tricks

Often a high order component takes options. You can curry it, which means it can be called like hoc(Component)hoc({}, Component), or hoc({})(Component).

function hoc(options, Component){
  if (typeof options === 'function') return hoc({}, options);
  if (arguments.length < 2) return hoc.bind(null, options || {});

  return class ...

If you have a mixin, you can create a high order component from the mixin and pass things down as props.

import {History} from 'react-router';

function providesRouter(Component){
  return React.createClass({
    mixins: [History],

      return <Component 
          pushState: this.pushState,

As a general rule, static properties should be passed down to the component you create.

function providesFoo(Component){
  return Object.assign(class Foo extends React.Component {
  }, Component);

Common Use Cases

High order components are typically used for global events, binding to flux stores, timers, and any other imperative APIs that you want to use declaratively.


High order components are one of the most powerful tools for eliminating code repetition, and keeping your components focused on what makes them special.  They allow you to use powerful abstractions, and some problems can’t be solved elegantly without them. 

Even if you only intend to use a high order component in a single component, it allows you to describe a certain behavior or role, and provide that to the component. They reduce the amount of code you need to read before understanding a component, and allow you to do ugly things (such as managing __intervals) without making your component ugly.

When reading the next chapter about DOM, think about the behaviors and roles you could pull out of the components, or even try for yourself.

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