Chapter 7. Pipes

Pipe is a transformer to display data. You can use pipes for string formatting, data converting or other things. Pipes let you separate view-specific logic from components or services.

In Angular 2, you can use pipes with pipe operator (|) in the component template. Let’s look at the following simple example:

  selector: 'my-cmp',
  template: `<h1>{{ title | uppercase }}</h1>`,
export class MyComponent {
  title = 'Pipes';

The component will be rendered as <h1>PIPES</h1>. In this case, title property is transformed by the uppercase pipe. All pipes take an input value from the left-side of the operator (|), and some pipes take additional parameters from the right-side of the pipe’s name as pipe:param1:param2 like the following code:

  selector: 'my-cmp',
  template: `{{ text | replace:'World':'Angular' }}`, // -> Hello Angular
export class MyComponent {
  text = 'Hello World';

A reason of the name, pipe, is that supports chained transforming like data streams. You can use multiple pipes at the same input.

  selector: 'my-cmp',
  template: `{{ text | replace:'World':'Angular' | lowercase }}`, // -> hello angular
export class MyComponent {
  text = 'Hello World';

Built-in Pipes

By default, many useful built-in pipes are provided and you can use them without explicit importing. Ok, let’s figure them out by its kind.

String -> String

First, let’s figure out about pipes transforming string to string.

UpperCasePipe / LowerCasePipe

UpperCasePipe transforms a string to an upper-cased string. It’s named uppercase.

  selector: 'my-cmp',
  template: `{{ 'Angular 2' | uppercase }}` // -> 'ANGULAR 2'
export class MyComponent {

Similarly, LowerCasePipe makes a string lower-cased. It’s named lowercase.

  selector: 'my-cmp',
  template: `{{ 'Angular 2' | lowercase }}` // -> 'angular 2'
export class MyComponent {


ReplacePipe returns a string replaced with a given pattern. replace pipe takes two parameters as replace:pattern:replacement.

  selector: 'my-cmp',
  template: `{{ 'Hello AngularJS!' | replace:'AngularJS':'Angular 2' }}` 
  // -> 'Hello Angular 2!'
export class MyComponent {

A RegExp object can be used as a pattern parameter.

  selector: 'my-cmp',
  template: `{{ 'Hello AngularJS!' | replace:ngPattern:'Angular 2' }}` 
  // -> 'Hello Angular 2!'
export class MyComponent {
  ngPattern = /angularw+/i;

Number -> String

Some pipes can convert a number value to a string and format it.


DecimalPipe formats a number as a decimal string. It is named number and it has an optinal parameter, digitInfo. digitInfo is a string that has three segments like the following:

  • minIntegerDigits is the minimum number of integer digits to use. It defaults to 1.
  • minFractionDigits is the minimum number of digits after fraction. It defaults to 0.
  • maxFractionDigits is the maximum number of digits after fraction. It defaults to 3.

In other words, default digitInfo is 1.0-3.

See the following example:

  selector: 'my-cmp',
  template: `
    {{ 12.3456 | number }}, 
    {{ 12.3456 | number:'3.0-2' }}, 
    {{ 12 | number:'3.2' }}
  // -> 12.346, 012.35, 012.00
export class MyComponent {


PercentPipe is similar to DecimalPipe. The difference is that PercentPipe shows a number in percentage.

  selector: 'my-cmp',
  template: `
    {{ 0.1234 | percent }}, 
    {{ 0.1234 | percent:'3.0-2' }}, 
    {{ 0.12 | percent:'3.2' }}
  // -> 12.34%, 012.34%, 012.00%
export class MyComponent {


CurrencyPipe is used for displaying a number as a price. Basically it’s the same to DecimalPipe, but CurrencyPipe takes two additional parameters: currencyCode and symbolDisplay.

currencyCode is the ISO 4217 currency code, such as “USD” for the US dollar and “EUR” for the euro.

symbolDisplay is an optional parameter to use the currency symbol (e.g. $) or the currency code (e.g. USD) in the output. It defaults to false.

  selector: 'my-cmp',
  template: `
    {{ 12.3456 | currency:'USD' }}, 
    {{ 12.3456 | currency:'USD':true }}, 
    {{ 12.3456 | currency:'USD':true:'.0-2' }}
  // -> USD12.346, $12.346, $12.35
export class MyComponent {

Object -> String

The following pipes can transform an object to a string.


JsonPipe converts an object to a string by JSON.stringify. This pipe is useful for development.

  selector: 'my-cmp',
  template: `
    {{ data | json }}
  // -> { "name": "foo", "value": "bar" }
export class MyComponent {
  data = { name: 'foo', value: 'bar' };


DatePipe transforms an input date value to formatted text. This pipe accepted some types as an input. The first type is a Date type. Look at the following code:

  selector: 'my-cmp',
  template: `
    {{ targetDate | date:'yMMMd' }}
  // -> Sep 3, 2015
export class MyComponent {
  targetDate = new Date(2015, 8, 3);

DatePipe has an optional parameter, format, which is used for formatting the date. The following symbols can be used in the parameter:

  • G/GGGG: era symbols corresponding to AD/Anno Domini
  • y/yy: year symbols corresponding to 2015/15
  • M/MM/MMM/MMMM: month symbols corresponding to 9/09/Sep/September
  • d/dd: day symbols corresponding to 3/03
  • EEE/EEEE: weekday symbols corresponding to Sun/Sunday
  • h/hh: 12-hour symbols corresponding to 01/01 PM
  • H/HH: 24-hour symbols corresponding to 13/13
  • m/mm: minute symbols corresponding to 5/05
  • s/ss: second symbols corresponding to 5/05
  • z/Z: minute symbols corresponding to Pacific Standard Time/GMT-8:00

In addition, there are some predefined formats:

  • medium: equivalent to yMMMdhms
  • short: equivalent to yMdhm
  • fullDate: equivalent to yMMMMEEEEd
  • longDate: equivalent to yMMMMd
  • mediumDate: equivalent to yMMMd
  • shortDate: equivalent to yMd
  • mediumTime: equivalent to hms
  • shortTime: equivalent to hm

An important thing is that the formatting depends on the browser-locale. This pipe uses the Internationalization API. Therefore, it is only reliable in Chrome and Opera.


In addition to that, there are some useful pipes. Let’s look at those.


SlicePipe creates a new list or string from an input one. It’s named slice and takes two parameters: start and end.

  selector: 'my-cmp',
  template: `
    {{ 'abcdef' | slice:2 }}, 
    {{ 'abcdef' | slice:2:4 }}
  // -> cdef, cd
export class MyComponent {

SlicePipe can accept types of only Array or string.


AsyncPipe is a special pipe. Its named async, and it can transform an async object to a sync value. The async object is an Observable or a Promise. When the async object emits new value, AsyncPipe updates views with the value.

Let’s see the following example:

  selector: 'my-cmp',
  template: `
    {{ asyncData | async }}
export class MyComponent {
  asyncData = new Promise(resolve => {
    setTimeout(() => resolve('Hello'), 1000);

asyncData is a promise object, which will emit a value after 1000ms. And that view is empty before that time.

Also you can use the pipe with Observable and a view will be updated at each time when the new value is emmitted.

  selector: 'my-cmp',
  template: `
    {{ asyncData | async }}
export class MyComponent {
  asyncData = Observable.interval(1000)
    .map(i => `Count: ${i}`);


I18nPluralPipe and the following I18nSelectPipe are helpful pipes for internationalization. I18nPluralPipe can map a number input and a string output. For example, the following is a simple counter component:

  selector: 'my-cmp',
  template: `
    <button (click)="itemCount=itemCount+1">Add item</button>
    {{ itemCount | i18nPlural:amountMapping }}
export class MyComponent {
  itemCount = 0;
  amountMapping = {
    '=0': 'No items',
    '=1': 'One item',
    'other': '# items'

I18nPluralPipe takes a mapping object as its parameter to pluralize. If the key is '=0', that rule will be used when the input is 0. A special key, 'other', is used as the default rule and you can interpolate the actual value with the '#' sign. In the above case, the rules look like the following:

input output
0 'No items'
1 'One item'
2 '2 items'
x 'x items'


I18nSelectPipe is almost the same as I18nPluralPipe. The difference is that pipe maps a string to a string. See the following example:

  selector: 'my-cmp',
  template: `
    <select [(ngModel)]="gender">
      <option value="" selected>select gender</option>
      <option value="male">male</option>
      <option value="female">female</option>
    {{ gender | i18nSelect:inviteMap }}
export class MyComponent {
  gender = '';
  inviteMap = {
    'male': 'Invite her.',
    'female': 'Invite him.',
    'other': 'Invite them.'

I18nSelectPipe takes an object for mapping. The mapping rule is similar to the JavaScript switch statement. You can use this pipe to convert a model-side string to a view-side string.

Custom Pipes

Angular 2 supports creating custom pipes and you can use this easily. Using custom pipes, you can boost speed for developing your awesome application.

Create pipes

You can write your pipes by using the @Pipe decorator. For example, let’s make a pipe that powers a number input with a given exponent number. First of all, write a simple class that will be the pipe.

export class PowerPipe {

Next, decorate this class with the @Pipe decorator and define the pipe’s name. In this case, the pipe is named power.

import { Pipe } from '@angular/core';

@Pipe({ name: 'power' })
export class PowerPipe {

Last, implement the transform method. It’s defined in the PipeTransform interface.

import { Pipe, PipeTransform } from '@angular/core';

@Pipe({ name: 'power' })
export class PowerPipe implements PipeTransform {

  transform(input: number, exp: number): number {
    return Math.pow(input, exp);

The transform method takes several arguments. The first is always an input value. The other arguments are all pipe’s parameters. Above, the pipe can be used by {{ 2 | power:3 }} and then it displays 8.

If you want to take multiple parameters like SlicePipe, you can add method arguments.

// {{ input | somePipe:param1:param2 }}
transform(input, param1, param2) {

Use custom pipes

You can use built-in pipes by default. To use your custom pipe, you have to notify it to your component. There is pipes property in @Component decorator’s metadata to register additional pipes.

  selector: 'my-cmp',
  template: `
    {{ 2 | power:3 }}
  pipes: [ PowerPipe ]
export class MyComponent {
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