
Getting Started

About Classroom in a Book


Installing software in Adobe Creative Cloud

Hardware requirements

For Windows

For Mac OS

Optimizing performance

How to use these lessons

Copying the lesson files and bonus chapters

Relinking the lesson files

Interpreting the frame rate of linked files

Additional resources

Adobe certification

1 Working in Adobe Creative Cloud

The “planning to playback” video-production workflow




Overview of Creative Cloud

Learning the role of each component

Understanding the Creative Cloud user interface

Using Dynamic Link

Working with media files in video production

Linking a project with media files

Real-time playback and editing

Mercury Playback Engine

Global Performance Cache

Mercury Graphics Engine

Mercury Performance System

2 Organizing the Media Files for Your Project

About Adobe Bridge

Naming and managing your project and media files

Navigating and previewing media

Working with metadata

Adding metadata to your media

About Adobe Story

Starting a new A/V script in Adobe Story

Collaborating with others on your script

Planning and managing your production with Adobe Story

About Prelude

Ingesting media and working with metadata in Prelude

Adding notes to footage

Creating bins

Assembling a rough cut

Adding time-based comments

Sending your project to Adobe Premiere Pro

3 Creating a Basic Edit

About Adobe Premiere Pro

Optimizing performance

Creating a new project in Adobe Premiere Pro

Understanding the Adobe Premiere Pro user interface

Importing footage and other media using the Media Browser

Understanding the Project panel

Interpreting footage

Creating bins

Importing assets as a bin

Creating a new bin

Viewing your footage

Listening to your footage

Viewing your B-roll footage

Viewing your RED footage

Music and sound effects

About subclips

Creating a subclip

Editing Interview clips

Relinking media with Link & Locate

Creating the first sequence

Using markers

Adding a marker to a clip

Adding a marker to a sequence

Working in the Timeline

Preparing to edit in the Timeline

The components of the Timeline

Muting and locking tracks

Editing on the Timeline

Adding B-roll

Reordering clips on the Timeline

Using new audio enhancements

Using Snap

Snapping between edit points

Snapping clips into a sequence

Snapping clips within a sequence

Refining your story

Shorten the music clips

Making an audio gap

Adding a reaction shot

Adding the last clip

Final marker

Finishing your rough edit

4 Advanced Editing Techniques

Beginning this lesson

If you are starting here

Preserving your rough edit in Adobe Premiere Pro

Trimming clips in the Timeline

Adding a jump cut

Using Rate Stretch

Using Dynamic Timeline Trimming

Incorporating RED footage

RED versus DSLR

Adding the first RED clip


Syncing RED with DSLR footage

Adding the final RED clip

Adding transitions

Creating effects in Adobe Premiere Pro

Applying an effect to a clip

Adding titles with the Adobe Premiere Pro Title tool

Graphics bin

Editing closed captions

Stabilizing footage with the Warp Stabilizer

Rendering your Timeline

Posting to Creative Cloud for review

Posting a file to Creative Cloud

Syncing Preferences in Creative Cloud

5 Creating Basic Motion Graphics and Visual Effects

Getting started

If you are starting here

Preserving your rough edit in Adobe Premiere Pro

About After Effects

Creating a new project in After Effects

Optimizing performance

The Global Performance Cache

Understanding the After Effects user interface

Creating folders in After Effects

Using Dynamic Link: from Adobe Premiere Pro to After Effects

Creating a motion graphic with After Effects

Working with layers

Understanding keyframes

Animating your layers

Using RAM Preview

RAM Previewing your timelapse

Final changes to timelapse

Updating a dynamically linked composition

About Illustrator

Making a new image in Illustrator

Overview of the Illustrator interface

Making the lower third background

Making the background shape

Making a group of shapes

Duplicating layers in Illustrator

Importing a lower third background to After Effects

Creating a new composition

Creating the lower third template composition

Create a new text layer

Applying the Drop Shadow effect

Duplicating a layer

Optional exercise: parenting

Creating a null object

Moving the null into place

Using the Pick-Whip

Moving and scaling the group

Nested compositions

Animating the background

Animating opacity

Verifying updates to a nested composition

Animating text in After Effects

Animating position

Easy Ease interpolation

Understanding and applying motion blur

Applying motion blur to text layers

Working with animation presets in After Effects

Finalizing lower third graphics

Using Dynamic Link: from After Effects to Adobe Premiere Pro

Importing After Effects compositions in Adobe Premiere Pro

Replacing clips in your Adobe Premiere Pro sequence

Dynamic Link updates

6 Advanced Still and Motion Graphics Techniques

Beginning this lesson

If you are starting here

Preserving your rough edit in Adobe Premiere Pro

Incrementing your After Effects project

Starting the intro motion graphic

Converting a vector layer to a shape layer

Creating static and animated masks in After Effects

Drawing masks

How masks work

Editing a mask

Animating masks

Creating 3D extrusions in After Effects

Activating 3D

Applying extrusions

Changing extrusion color

Finishing the intro text

Using the 3D Camera Tracker in After Effects

Applying a camera track

Using transfer modes in After Effects

Simulating a light leak

Simulating TV pixels

Adding and animating effects with After Effects

Fractal noise

The Displacement Map effect

Setting a proxy for an After Effects composition

Tidying up

Viewing your After Effects composition in Adobe Premiere Pro

Exporting video frames from Adobe Premiere Pro

About Photoshop

The Photoshop user interface

Making labels

After Effects live 3D pipeline with CINEMA 4D

Importing a .c4d file

The MAXON CINEMA 4D Lite user interface

Previewing the animation


Finishing touches

Making new materials

Replacing footage in After Effects

Shape repeaters

Analog bleed

Rendering a proxy for the outro

Adding the outro to your edit

7 Working with Audio

Getting started

If you are starting here

Making your final edit sequence in Adobe Premiere Pro

Monitoring audio

Understanding audio tools in Adobe Premiere Pro and Adobe Audition

Changing your workspace in Adobe Premiere Pro

Verifying your preferences

Viewing audio waveforms

Opening the Audio Mixer

Adobe Premiere Pro effects

Audio clip editing in Adobe Premiere Pro

Automating volume with keyframes

Adjusting volume with the Audio Clip Mixer

Audio clip editing in Adobe Audition

Examining clips for distractions

Sending audio clips from Adobe Premiere Pro to Adobe Audition for cleanup

Understanding the Spectral Frequency Display

Removing transient sounds using the Spectral Frequency Display

Removing background noise from your audio

Multitrack mixing and finishing in Adobe Audition

Audio track editing in Adobe Audition

Creating the final audio mix

Sending your final audio mix back to Adobe Premiere Pro

8 Finishing Your Project

Getting started

If you are starting here

The basics of color correction

Using color-correction techniques in Adobe Premiere Pro

Setting up for color correction

Using the YC Waveform

Using the Three-Way Color Corrector

Integrating color corrections to RED footage

About SpeedGrade

Adjustment layers in Adobe Premiere Pro

Lumetri Looks

Creating a custom Look in Adobe SpeedGrade

Applying your custom Look in Adobe Premiere Pro

9 Output for the Web and Creative Cloud

Getting started

If you are starting here

Final quality control

Exporting the final output with Adobe Premiere Pro

Understanding compression and other factors for exporting files

About Adobe Media Encoder

Rendering master files

Saving a preset

Encoding video for web and mobile

Introducing Flash Professional

Creating interactivity with Flash Professional

Uploading and sharing your project using Creative Cloud

Uploading your work to Creative Cloud

Promoting your project

Linking Behance with your online social networks

Posting an image to Behance


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