affinity groups, 78

after-school activities, 8084, 192n2

Althusser, Louis, 115

amenable and fixable subjects, 11114, 13538, 191n1; assembling affinities and divisions among, 11928; conditions of sanctioned nonconformity, 13135; crossing boundaries, 12831; identities-in-practice and, 11419, 191n2; school lunch periods and, 11719; semiautonomous worlds of, 11516

Americans with Disabilities Act, 189n11

Ames, Morgan G., 32

“ample production of hope,” 90

antipolitics machine, development industry as, 12, 16970

assembling of affinities and divisions, 11928

attainment, educational, 3638

autonomy for accountability exchange, 42


Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother, 71

Becker, Howard, 14, 15, 19, 39, 186n12

beneficial experiences, designing of, 9094

Berger, Bennett, 99

big data, 28, 166

Bloomberg, Michael, 43

Bourdieu, Pierre, 6, 8, 115, 168, 186n6

Bowles, Samuel, 115

Boys and Girls Club, 83, 125

Brown, John Seely, 13

Bryant, Kobe, 126

bullying, 14952, 161


Callon, Michel, 13, 171, 172

capitalist societies, 115

Carnegie Foundation, 43

“Children First” initiative, 43

choice, school, 6468

Christensen, Clayton, 29

Chua, Amy, 31, 71

clock time, 9798

communities of practice, 9

community fixations, 13943, 16162, 192n12; on admissions process, 15657; being involved and, 14349; fueling fears of imminent collapse, 14958; idealizations and conditions of community involvement and, 15861

compulsory schooling, 115

concerted cultivation, 77

conditions of sanctioned nonconformity, 13135

connected age, 29

connected space, imagining and producing, 7784

creative class, 20, 32; choosing cutting-edge alternatives, 6877

Creative Commons, 111

crisis of authority, 1415, 28, 34, 186n12

crossing of boundaries, 12831

Cuban, Larry, 27, 33, 77, 94, 171

Cubberley, Ellwood P., 33

“cultural dopes,” 171

curriculum domains, 92

cyberculture, 187n6

cycles of disruptive fixation, 2430, 5355, 58, 14041, 16477; designing pro­gressive alternative in, 4553; failure as regenerative force in, 3945; ­translating the political-economic into the technical in, 3039


Dean, Tacita, 18384

Department of Education (DOE), New York, 5657, 60, 99; racialized and classed geographies and, 6164; school choice and, 6468

design thinking, 51, 190n23

Dewey, John, 46, 47

DiMaggio, Paul J., 16, 18, 98, 172

Disrupting Class: How Disruptive Innovation Will Change the Way the World Learns, 28

disruptive fixations, 45, 8, 1117, 11112, 141; beneficiaries of failure in, 16568; cycles of, 2455, 58; designing progressive alternative in, 4553; failure as regenerative force in, 3945; historical examples, 2728; translating the political-economic into the technical and, 3039; unraveling, 18384. See also reform, educational

Dourish, Paul, 13, 32

Downtown School for Design, Media, and Technology, 14, 13, 14, 1617; admissions process, 15657; after-school activities, 8084, 192n2; designing beneficial experiences at, 9094; harnessing of transformative power of technology, 4748; idealism and, 1720, 2829; idealizations and conditions of community involvement in, 15861; introductory event, 31; less-privileged students of, 26, 57, 6164, 8283, 12325, 187n2; Level Up period, 1035, 175; media attention on, 2427; moral imperative, 53; new strategy for, 177; overflowing and retrofitting, 9499; parents’ choice as cutting-edge alternative, 6877; Parent-Teacher Association (see Parent-Teacher Association (PTA)); powerful actors and, 2930; privileged students of, 2526, 6164, 8081, 12325, 14349, 187n2; as progressive alternative, 4553; project-based learning, 52; promotion ceremonies, 16364; racialized and classed geographies of New York City and, 6064; resilience of techno-idealism and, 16377; sanctioned counterpractices and, 1920; school choice and, 6468; School Leadership Team, 144, 145; School ­Support Organization (SSO), 9899; space, 5660; support for, 3940; use of social media, 4950, 5960, 7879

Duguid, Paul, 13, 28


Eckert, Penelope, 126, 137

Edison, Thomas, 2728

educationalization, 168

edutainment, 190n1

End of College: Creating the Future of ­Learning and the University of Everywhere, The, 28

enframing, 13, 172, 180

entrepreneurial reformers, 1415, 170; from the business world, 14; failure as regenerative force and, 39, 40; moral entrepreneurs as, 14; pedagogic fixations and, 106; role in cycle of disruptive fixations, 15, 55; yearnings and ideals of, 167, 172, 174

epistemic frames, 188n26

ethnography, 8, 17984, 193n12; unraveling fixations in, 18384; use of pseudonyms in, 18283, 185n2

experience design, 9094


Facebook, 49, 124, 193n1

failure: beneficiaries of, 16568; as regenerative force, 3945

fears of imminent collapse, 14958

Ferguson, James, 7, 8, 12, 38, 165, 168, 169, 171, 186n7

figured worlds, 810, 186n10

“Five New Basics,” 42

fixations. See amenable and fixable ­subjects; community fixations; ­disruptive fixations; pedagogic fixations; spatial fixations

Florida, Richard, 32, 187n6

formal versus informal learning, 18990n15

Foucault, Michel, 16, 90, 165


game design, 90, 190n1

Gates Foundation, 43

Gee, James Paul, 50, 90, 117

gendering, 61, 8083, 97, 116, 12327, 13637. See also social division

geography, residential, 6064, 83. See also spatial fixations

Gintis, Herbert, 115

goal-driven problem spaces, 50

Gramsci, Antonio, 14


Hall, Stuart, 7, 14, 28, 34

Hart, Gillian, 9

Hertz, Garnet, 32

high-stakes standardized testing, 43, 187n15

Holland, Dorothy, 810


idealism, 1720, 2829, 34, 5455, 155; experiencing and sustaining, 16876; repairing, 99102

idealizations: and conditions of community involvement, 15861; of institutionalized education, 16768

identities-in-practice, 11419, 191n2

informationalization, 168

Irani, Lilly, 32


jobs of the future, 34, 38

journalists. See media, the


Klein, Joel, 43, 57

knowledge economy, 29, 187n6

Knox, Vicesimus, 28


Lareau, Annette, 77

Lashaw, Amanda, 8990

Latour, Bruno, 39

Lave, Jean, 810, 116, 185, 185n1, 190n15, 191n3

Lessig, Lawrence, 111

less-privileged students, 26, 57, 6164, 8283, 187n2; crossing social boundaries, 12831; parental involvement of, 14749; social worlds of, 12328

Li, Tania Murray, 9, 12, 13, 38, 171, 186n12

Lindtner, Silvia, 32

lived fictions, 1013, 27, 2930, 186n9

local contentious practices, 9

lunch periods, school, 11719


Massively Open Online Courses (MOOCs), 1, 28, 165

McDermott, Ray, 167, 186n5

media, the, 24, 39; on amenable and fixable subjects, 130; on ethnographic fixations, 181; on pedagogic fixations, 1056; on resilience of techno-idealism, 175; sanctioned counterpractices and, 1056, 13031

meritocratic idealization of education, 16768

mimetic isomorphism, 1618, 9899, 172

Mitchell, Timothy, 13, 38

moral entrepreneurs, 14, 4041

moral grounds, 40

moral imperative, 53


National Academies, 33

Nation at Risk: The Imperative for ­Educational Reform, A, 33, 4142, 44

Neff, Gina, 70

networked society, 29

New York Times Magazine, 3, 24

No Child Left Behind Act of 2001, 43, 188n19

nonconformity, sanctioned, 13135

nongovernmental organizations (NGOs), 166, 167, 177

Nye, David, 191n11


Obama, Barack, 34

Open Society Institute, 43


Papert, Seymour, 28

parents, 16, 2021, 2526, 49, 57, 7479, 82; being involved in schooling, 14245, 148, 174; beneficiaries of failure and, 16568; choosing extra-curricular activities, 80, 8384; choosing schools, 4344, 57, 65, 69, 148

Parent-Teacher Association (PTA), 56, 73, 139, 14249

participation gap, 79

participatory cultures, 78

Passeron, Jean-Claude, 115, 186n6

pedagogic fixations, 8790, 10810; clock time and, 9798; curriculum domains and, 92; designing beneficial experiences in, 9094; overflowing and retrofitting, 9499; problematization and, 89; repairing idealism, 99102; sanctioned counterpractices, 1028; school routines and, 9193; social practice theory and, 89

peer groups, student, 11719, 191n1

philanthropic foundations, 2, 3, 24, 39, 4950; moral sensibility and, 18586n3; pedagogic fixations and, 90; powerful influence of, 39; school design and, 166; spatial fixations and, 79; withdrawal of funds from digital media projects, 177

philanthropism versus humanitarianism, 18586n3

political-economic issues in educational reform, 3039

Powell, Walter W., 16, 18, 98, 172

privileged students, 2526, 6164, 8081, 187n2; crossing social boundaries, 12831; parental involvement of, 14349; social worlds of, 12328

problematization process, 1317, 4042, 4647, 89, 11214, 11617, 141, 169, 172, 180. See also fixations; rendering technical process

problem spaces, 50, 90

progressive alternatives, 4553, 187n13

project-based learning, 52


racialization, 16, 57, 6064, 66, 71, 72, 76, 119, 137, 140, 151, 160. See also social division

racialized and classed geographies of New York City, 6064, 93, 187n2

racism, 153, 160

reductive idealizations, 13

reform, educational: beneficiaries of failure and, 16568; cynics and optimists about, 57, 17071; designing progressive alternative in, 4553; experts, 1315, 55; failure as regenerative force in, 3945; high-stakes testing in, 43, 187n15; historical views on innovation and, 3233; idealism and, 1720, 2829, 5455; maintaining idealism in, 1720; political-economic issues in, 3039; progressive, 4553, 187n13; role of techno-scientific innovations in, 67; sanctioned counterpractices in, 1820; small school movement, 4344; stalemated debates around, 6; STEM (science, technology, engineering, and math), 30, 34, 41, 44; techno-philanthropism and, 4, 811; ­tunnel vision in, 55; will to improve and, 12; yearning for, 4, 5, 13, 27, 16465. See also disruptive fixation

“Remix Culture,” 111

rendering technical process, 1317, 20, 21, 30, 38, 58, 169, 172; amenable and fixable subjects and, 112, 114, 117, 118, 120; community fixations and, 140, 141, 145; defined, 13; designing as progressive alternative and, 4647, 53; failure as regenerative force and, 39, 41; A Nation at Risk and, 41; pedagogic fixations and, 89, 110; Rising Above the Gathering Storm and, 44; school-based games, 51; spatial fixations and, 76, 80, 85

repairing idealism, 99102

richly designed problems spaces, 50

Rising above the Gathering Storm: ­Energizing and Employing America for a Brighter Economic Future, 33, 44

Rose, Nikolas, 13, 14142

Ross, Andrew, 70


safe corridor, 57

sanctioned counterpractices, 1820, 13238, 157, 17576; pedagogic fixations and, 1028

Scott, James, 13, 55, 171

semiautonomous worlds, 11516

Shaffer, David, 50, 188n26

small school movement, 4344

social class, 26, 6065, 119, 136, 152, 160. See also less-privileged students; parents; privileged students; social division; spatial fixations

social division, 14, 61, 64, 66; gender and, 61, 81, 97, 136; racialized social class and, 6064, 93; school reform as solution for, 12, 13, 17, 157; spatialization of, 18, 6066, 7376, 8182, 8485, 101, 16061, 17475; technology as solution for, 78, 84, 165, 169. See also spatial fixations

social media, 4950, 5960, 7879, 124; safety and civility with, 131

social practice theory, 8, 89, 116

social reproduction theory, 6, 115, 186n6

social worlds: assembling affinities and divisions in, 11928; conditions of sanctioned nonconformity in, 13135; crossing boundaries of, 12831; peer groups in, 11719

spatial fixations, 5660, 8486, 8889; choosing a cutting-edge alternative and, 6877; and imagining and producing connected space, 7784; racialized and classed geographies of New York City and, 6064; school choice and, 6468

spatial routines, 9293

state simplifications, 13

STEM (science, technology, engineering, and math) education, 30, 34, 41, 44

students. See amenable and fixable subjects

subject fixations. See amenable and fixable subjects

Suchman, Lucy, 13

systems thinking, 51


Takhteyev, Yuri, 32

techno-idealism, 16365; beneficiaries of failure and, 16568; experience and sustaining idealism, 16876

technology: creative class and, 30, 32; design (see problematization process; rendering technical process); engendering feelings of awe and belonging, 191n11; historical views on education and, 3233; imagining and producing connected space using, 7784; participation gap, 79; political-economic issues and, 3039; social media, 4950, 5960, 7879, 124, 131; STEM (science, technology, engineering, and math) education and, 30, 34, 41, 44; systems and design thinking and, 51; transformative power of, 4748; video game, 28, 5051, 92, 12022

techno-philanthropism, 4, 811; beneficiaries of failed interventions and, 16568; crisis of authority and, 1415, 28, 34; failure as regenerative force in, 3945; fears of imminent collapse in, 14958; figured worlds and, 810; fixable subjects and, 11314; idealizations and conditions of community involvement in, 15861; lived fictions and, 1011; local contentious practices and, 9; moral entrepreneurs in, 14; sustaining idealism for, 16876

TED talks, 111

testing, high-stakes standardized, 43, 187n15

Thorne, Barrie, 130

“Tiger Moms,” 31, 7172

Tsing, Anna, 9

Turner, Fred, 187n6, 190n9

Twitter, 124

Tyack, David, 27, 33, 94, 171


unraveling of fixations, 18384


Varenne, Hervé, 167, 186n5

video games, 28, 5051, 92, 12022, 190n17192n5

virtual reality, 28


Wajcman, Judy, 137

Weber, Max, 172

Wikipedia, 59

Willis, Paul, 7, 8, 20, 115, 117, 186n7

will to improve, 12


YouTube, 31, 49, 59, 8788, 193n1


zero-tolerance policies, 57, 15052

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