Getting ready

WeasyPrint depends on several libraries that you need to install on your computer. On macOS, you can install them with Homebrew using this command:

$ brew install python3 cairo pango gdk-pixbuf libffi

Then, you can install WeasyPrint itself in the virtual environment of your project. Also, include it in requirements/_base.txt:

(env)$ pip install WeasyPrint==48

For other operating systems, check the installation instructions at

Also, we'll be using django-qr-code to generate a QR code linking back to the website for quick access. Let's also install it in the virtual environment (and include it in requirements/_base.txt):

(env)$ pip install django-qr-code==1.0.0

Add "qr_code" to INSTALLED_APPS in the settings:

# myproject/settings/

# Django apps…
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