Appendix C. The Eighty-Five Drivers

#1 Accomplishments—to have accomplishments

#2 Accountability—to be accountable for something

#3 Action—to be “part of the action”

#4 Adventures—to have adventures

#5 Authority—to be an authority figure

#6 Belonging—to have a sense of belonging

#7 Bigger Focus—to focus on something larger than oneself

#8 Boss—to be in charge

#9 Challenges—to be challenged

#10 Competition—to be competitive

#11 Connections—to make connections

#12 Control—to be in control

#13 Creativity—to be creative

#14 Credentials—to get credentials

#15 Current—to be current or “in”

#16 Cutting Edge—to be on the cutting edge

#17 Distraction—to have distractions from everyday life

#18 Ego Boost—to have an ego boost

#19 Energized—to feel energized

#20 Enjoyment—to experience enjoyment

#21 Escape—to escape from reality

#22 Excitement—to have excitement

#23 Experiment—to try things out and explore

#24 Fame—to achieve fame

#25 Financial Independence—to achieve financial independence

#26 Friendship—to develop friendships

#27 Fulfillment—to be fulfilled

#28 Fun—to have fun

#29 Game—to view business as a game

#30 Global—to have global opportunities

#31 Goals—to have and to share goals

#32 Identity—to have an identity or sense of self

#33 Importance—to be important

#34 Influence—to be able to have a position of influence

#35 Inspiration—to be inspired by or to inspire others

#36 Intellectual Stimulation—to be with intellectually stimulating people

#37 Joy—to gain a sense of joy

#38 Leadership—to be a leader

#39 Lifelong Learning—to be constantly learning

#40 Lifestyle—to enhance or support my lifestyle

#41 Making a Difference—to help make the world better

#42 Mentoring—to mentor others

#43 Money—to make money as a means to measure success

#44 Needed—to feel needed

#45 Newness/Novelty—to have new experiences

#46 Obligations—to fulfill obligations

#47 Passion—to pursue a passion

#48 People—to have exposure to people

#49 Perks—to get perks and travel and entertainment

#50 Personal Reward—to feel personally rewarded

#51 Player—to be a player

#52 Power—to wield power

#53 Praise—to get praise, credit, and glory

#54 Prestige—to obtain prestige

#55 Problem-Solving—to be a problem-solver

#56 Professional Gratification—to get professional kudos

#57 Promotions—to get promotions and performance recognition

#58 Reason for Being—to have a reason to get up in the morning

#59 Recognition—to be recognized

#60 Relationships—to develop relationships

#61 Respect—to earn family respect

#62 Respect—to get respect from others

#63 Responsibility—to have responsibility

#64 Ritual—to live according to a ritual

#65 Satisfaction—to get satisfaction

#66 Self-Esteem—to enhance self-esteem

#67 Sense of Self—to have sense of self enhanced

#68 Service—to be of service to others

#69 Skills and Talent—to develop skills and talent

#70 Social Acceptance—to be socially accepted

#71 Social—to be connected to others

#72 Spiritual Growth—to be part of something larger

#73 Stage—to have a stage upon which to perform

#74 Structure—to have structure

#75 Success—to be considered successful according to some measure of success

#76 Support—to have a support system

#77 Take Risks—to take risks

#78 Team Spirit—to have team spirit

#79 Time—to fill time

#80 Title—to have a title

#81 Travel—to travel and be worldly

#82 Upward Mobility—to have upward mobility through promotions

#83 Value—to give value or to be valued

#84 Visibility—to have visibility

#85 Worth—to get self-worth

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