Full Figure Male

Understanding the human form is integral to becoming a manga artist, as human bodies are featured prominently in this character-driven art form. Below is a brief overview of a standard male form. While there are many types of male bodies—thin, overweight, or bulky—I generally like to draw relatively fit males with broad shoulders and slim waists. I also use angular lines, sharp muscle definition, and geometric shapes to convey strength and firmness. The guidelines below show how to use a character’s head as a measuring unit. A standard figure’s height is equal to seven of its heads. These proportions apply to the four major full-figure views—front, three-quarter, side, and back. Another general observation is that the male’s upper body tends to be broader and wider than the lower body.



Foreshortened Male When viewed from above, this male figure is fore-shortened. The top of the head and shoulders are large, with the rest of the body drawn with increasingly shorter lines to convey depth and distance.


Sitting Male While you can draw the body in an infinite amount of poses, the actual length and size of any given body part never changes. This is where basic shapes and lines of action help guide you through complex proportions and poses.

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