
With the general configuration tasks out of the way, we knuckled down to the all important topic of adding functionality and organizing it on the site. This is one of the most important tasks you will undertake during the development phase. Selecting and implementing the right functionality is a subtle task, but hopefully you found that Drupal makes it quite easy to implement once you have made up your mind about what goes where.

As well as this, we got a taste of what it's like to have an entire development community to draw from, when we downloaded and installed a contribution module. Contribution modules are an invaluable resource for extending the functionality of a site. This valuable facility comes with the express warning that you need to safeguard the security of your site by making backups before implementing any changes.

Drupal's power and elegance shone through brightly when we talked about how easy it is to customize the site's menu and navigation. Having a powerful tool, combined with the flexibility of the menu system, is an extraordinary help when it comes to creating a well designed and easy‑to‑use site. Hopefully, the relationship between how menus are created and how they relate to the functionality provided by the modules became clear to you over the course of the latter stages of the chapter.

One of the most important things you hopefully learned from this chapter is that, because Drupal is so flexible and customizable, there are a large number of settings that are held at different places. Keeping track of all of these might seem quite daunting at first, but you will become more familiar with them as you work with Drupal. Eventually, you will be able to find your way around with ease.

For now though, sit back and take a quick break, happy in the knowledge of a task well done. In the following chapter we will begin looking at how to work with users and permissions—another topic crucial for your success as a Drupal administrator.

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