
A named data object consisting of a specific number of columns and some number of unordered rows.

See also [base table]
See also [temporary table]
table-controlled partitioning

A type of partitioning in which partition boundaries for a partitioned table are controlled by values that are defined in the CREATE TABLE statement. Partition limits are saved in the LIMITKEY_INTERNAL column of the SYSIBM.SYSTABLEPART catalog table.

table function

A function that receives a set of arguments and returns a table to the SQL statement that references the function. A table function can be referenced only in the FROM clause of a subselect.

table locator

A mechanism that allows access to trigger transition tables in the FROM clause of SELECT statements, in the subselect of INSERT statements, or from within user-defined functions. A table locator is a fullword integer value that represents a transition table.

table space

A page set that stores the records in one or more tables.

table space set

A set of table spaces and partitions that should be recovered together for one of these reasons:

  • Each of them contains a table that is a parent or descendent of a table in one of the others.

  • The set contains a base table and associated auxiliary tables.

    A table space set can contain both types of relationships.


Terabyte (1,099,511,627,776 bytes).


A network communication protocol that computer systems use to exchange information across telecommunication links.

temporary table

A table that holds temporary data. Temporary tables are useful for holding or sorting intermediate results from queries that contain a large number of rows. The two types of temporary table, which are created by different SQL statements, are the created temporary table and the declared temporary table. Contrast with result table.

See also [created temporary table]
See also [declared temporary table]
Terminal Monitor Program (TMP)

A program that provides an interface between terminal users and command processors and has access to many system services (in z/OS).


The DB2 structure that describes an application's connection, traces its progress, processes resource functions, and delimits its accessibility to DB2 resources and services. Most DB2 functions execute under a thread structure.

three-part name

The full name of a table, view, or alias. It consists of a location name, authorization ID, and an object name, separated by a period.


A three-part value that designates a time of day in hours, minutes, and seconds.

time duration

A decimal integer that represents a number of hours, minutes, and seconds.


Abnormal termination of either the DB2 subsystem or of an application because the resources are unavailabile. Installation specifications are set to determine both the amount of time DB2 is to wait for IRLM services after starting and the amount of time IRLM is to wait if a resource that an application requests is unavailable. If either of these time specifications is exceeded, a timeout is declared.

Time-Sharing Option (TSO)

An option in MVS that provides interactive time sharing from remote terminals.


A seven-part value that consists of a date and time. The timestamp is expressed in years, months, days, hours, minutes, seconds, and microseconds.


Terminal Monitor Program.


A DB2 facility that provides the ability to monitor and collect DB2 monitoring, auditing, performance, accounting, statistics, and serviceability (global) data.

transaction lock

A lock that controls concurrent execution of SQL statements.

tree structure

A data structure that represents entities in nodes, with at most one parent node for each node and with only one root node.


A set of SQL statements that are stored in a DB2 database and executed when a certain event occurs in a DB2 table.

trigger activation

The process that occurs when the trigger event that is defined in a trigger definition is executed. Trigger activation consists of the evaluation of the triggered action condition and conditional execution of the triggered SQL statements.

trigger activation time

An indication in the trigger definition of whether the trigger should be activated before or after the triggered event.

triggered action

The SQL logic that is performed when a trigger is activated. The triggered action consists of an optional triggered action condition and a set of triggered SQL statements that are executed only if the condition evaluates to true.

triggered SQL statements

The set of SQL statements that is executed when a trigger is activated and its triggered action condition evaluates to true. Triggered SQL statements are also called the “trigger body”.

triggering event

The specified operation in a trigger definition that causes the activation of that trigger. The triggering event comprises a triggering operation (INSERT, UPDATE, or DELETE) and a subject table on which the operation is performed.

triggering SQL operation

The SQL operation that causes a trigger to be activated when performed on the subject table.

trigger package

A package that is created when a CREATE TRIGGER statement is executed. The package is executed when the trigger is activated.


Time-Sharing Option.

TSO attachment facility

A DB2 facility consisting of the DSN command processor and DB2I. Applications that are not written for the CICS or IMS environments can run under the TSO attachment facility.

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