Redirecting Input/Output

The Korn shell provides a number of operators that can be used to manipulate command input/output, files, and co-processes.

I/O Redirection Operators

<file redirect standard input from file
>file redirect standard output to file. Create file if non-existent, else overwrite.
>>file append standard output to file. Create file if non-existent.
>|file redirect standard output to file. Create file if non-existent, else overwrite even if noclobber is set.
<>file open file for reading & writing as standard input
<& close standard input
>& close standard output
<&n redirect standard input from file descriptor n
>&n redirect standard output to file descriptor n
n<file redirect file descriptor n from file
n>file redirect file descriptor n to file
n>>file redirect file descriptor n to file. Create file if non-existent, else overwrite.
n>|file redirect file descriptor n to file. Create file if non-existent, else overwrite even if noclobber is set.
n<&m redirect file descriptor n from file descriptor m
n>&m redirect file descriptor n to file descriptor m
n<>file open file for reading & writing as file descriptor n
n<<word redirect to file descriptor n until word is read
n<<word redirect to file descriptor n until word is read; ignore leading tabs
n<& close file descriptor n for standard input
n>& close file descriptor n for standard output
n<&p redirect input from co-process to file descriptor n. If n is not specified, use standard input.
n>&p redirect output of co-process to file descriptor n. If n is not specified, use standard output.

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