Job Control

Job control is a process manipulation feature found in the Korn shell. It allows programs to be stopped and restarted, moved between the foreground and background, their processing status to be displayed, and more. To enable job control, the monitor option must be enabled. By default, this is enabled on systems that support the job control feature. When a program is run in the background, a job number and process id are returned.

Job Control Commands

bg put current stopped job in the background
bg %n put stopped job n in the background
fg move current background job into the foreground
fg %n move background job n into the foreground
jobs display status of all jobs
jobs –l display status of all jobs along with process ids
jobs –p display process ids of all jobs
kill –l list all valid signal names
kill [signal] %n send specified signal to job n (default 9)
set –m, set –o monitor enable job control
stty [–]tostop allow/prevent background jobs from generating output
wait wait for all background jobs to complete
wait %n wait for background job n to complete
Ctl-z stop the current job

Job Name Format

%n job n
%+, %% current job
%– previous job
%string job whose name begins with string
%?string job that matches part or all of string

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