Chapter 11. Debugging Tools

In the previous chapters, we’ve discussed how to set up, configure, and use various preexisting free and open source software components. Now that you are ready to work with your system, you’ll need some powerful debugging tools.

In this chapter, we discuss the installation and use of the main software debugging tools used in the development of embedded Linux systems. This discussion covers debugging applications with gdb, tracing applications and system behavior, performance analysis, and memory debugging. In addition, I briefly review some of the hardware tools often used in developing embedded Linux systems. Because the particular operating system on the target makes little difference in the way the hardware debugging tools are used, we do not discuss how to use them. I will, nevertheless, suggest ways that you can use hardware tools to facilitate debugging the software running in your embedded Linux system.

To best use the tools discussed in this chapter, I strongly recommend the use of an NFS-mounted root filesystem for your target. Among other things, this enables you to rapidly update your software once you’ve identified and corrected a bug. In turn, this speeds up debugging, because you can continue debugging the updated software much sooner than if you had to transfer the updated binary manually to your target first. In essence, an NFS-mounted root filesystem simplifies the updating and debugging process and, therefore, reduces development time. In addition, NFS allows for performance data generated on the target to be available immediately on the host.

Though I cover the most important free and open source debugging tools in this chapter, I do not cover all the debugging tools available in Linux. The material covered in this chapter should, nevertheless, help you make the best use of any additional Linux debugging tools you may find on the Web or in your distribution. Among the debugging tools I do not discuss are all the tools used for kernel debugging. If you need to debug a kernel, have a look at Chapter 4 of Linux Device Drivers.

Debugging Applications with gdb

The GNU debugger (gdb) is the symbolic debugger of the GNU project and is arguably the most important debugging tool for any Linux system. It has been around for over 10 years, and many non-Linux embedded systems already use it in conjunction with what is known as gdb stubs to debug a target remotely.[1] Because the Linux kernel implements the ptrace( ) system call, however, you don’t need gdb stubs to debug embedded applications remotely. Instead, a gdb server is provided with the gdb package. This server is a very small application that runs on the target and executes the commands it receives from the gdb debugger running on the host. Hence, any application can be debugged on the target without having the gdb debugger actually running on the target. This is very important, because as we shall see, the actual gdb binary is fairly large.

This section discusses the installation and use of gdb in a host/target configuration, not the actual use of gdb to debug an application. To learn how to set breakpoints, view variables, and view backtraces, for example, read one of the various books or manuals that discuss the use of gdb. In particular, have a look at Chapter 14 of Running Linux (O’Reilly) and the gdb manual available both within the gdb package and online at

Building and Installing gdb Components

The gdb package is available from under the terms of the GPL. Download and extract the gdb package in your ${PRJROOT}/debug directory. For my control module, for example, I used gdb Version 5.2.1. As with the other GNU toolset components I described in Chapter 4, it is preferable not to use the package’s directory to build the actual debugger. Instead, create a build directory, move to it, and build gdb:

$ mkdir ${PRJROOT}/debug/build-gdb
$ cd ${PRJROOT}/debug/build-gdb
$ ../gdb-5.2.1/configure --target=$TARGET --prefix=${PREFIX}
$ make
$ make install

These commands build the gdb debugger for handling target applications. As with other GNU toolset components, the name of the binary depends on the target. For my control module, for example, the debugger is powerpc-linux-gdb. This binary and the other debugger files are installed within the $PREFIX directory. The build process proper takes from 5 to 10 minutes on my hardware, and the binary generated is fairly large. For a PPC target, for example, the stripped binary is 4 MB in size when linked dynamically. This is why the gdb binary can’t be used as-is on the target and the gdb server is used instead.


At the time of this writing, the gdb built for the target cannot handle target core files. Instead, the faulty program must be run on the target using the gdb server to catch the error as it happens natively. There has been discussion regarding adding cross-platform core file reading capabilities to gdb on the gdb mailing lists, and a few patches are already available. Support for reading cross-platform core files in gdb may therefore be available by the time your read this.

The gdb server wasn’t built earlier because it has to be cross-compiled for the target using the appropriate tools. To do so, create a directory to build the gdb server, move to it, and build the gdb server:

$ mkdir ${PRJROOT}/debug/build-gdbserver
$ cd ${PRJROOT}/debug/build-gdbserver
$ chmod +x ../gdb-5.2.1/gdb/gdbserver/configure
$ CC=powerpc-linux-gcc ../gdb-5.2.1/gdb/gdbserver/configure 
               > --host=$TARGET --prefix=${TARGET_PREFIX}
$ make
$ make install

The gdb server binary, gdbserver, has now been installed in your ${TARGET_PREFIX}/bin directory. The dynamically linked gdbserver is 25 KB in size when stripped. Compared to gdb, the size of gdbserver is much more palatable.

Once built, copy gdbserver to your target’s root filesystem:

$ cp ${TARGET_PREFIX}/bin/gdbserver ${PRJROOT}/rootfs/usr/bin

There are no additional steps required to configure the use of the gdb server on your target. I will cover its use in the next section.

Using the gdb Components to Debug Target Applications

Before you can debug an application using gdb, you need to compile your application using the appropriate flags. Mainly, you need to add the -g option to the gcc command line. This option adds the debugging information to the object files generated by the compiler. To add even more debugging information, use the -ggdb option. The information added by both debugging options is thereafter found in the application’s binary. Though this addition results in a larger binary, you can still use a stripped binary on your target, granted you have the original unstripped version with the debugging information on your host. To do so, build your application on your host with complete debugging symbols. Copy the resulting binary to your target’s root filesystem and use strip to reduce the size of the binary you just copied by removing all symbolic information, including debugging information. On the target, use the stripped binary with gdbserver. On the host, use the original unstripped binary with gdb. Though the two gdb components are using different binary images, the target gdb running on the host is able to find and use the appropriate debug symbols for your application, because it has access to the unstripped binary.

Here are the relevant portions of my command daemon’s Makefile that changed (see Chapter 4 for the original Makefile):

DEBUG         = -g
CFLAGS        = -O2 -Wall $(DEBUG)

Though gcc allows us to use both the -g and -O options in the same time, it is often preferable not to use the -O option when generating a binary for debugging, because the optimized binary may contain some subtle differences when compared to your application’s original source code. For instance, some unused variables may not be incorporated into the binary, and the sequence of instructions actually executed in the binary may differ in order from those contained in your original source code.

There are two ways for the gdb server running on the target to communicate with the gdb debugger running on the host: using a crossover serial link or a TCP/IP connection. Though these communication interfaces differ in many respects, the syntax of the commands you need to issue is very similar. Starting a debug session using a gdb server involves two steps: starting the gdb server on the target and connecting to it from the gdb debugger on the host.

Once you are ready to debug your application, start the gdb server on your target with the means of communication and your application name as parameters. If your target has a configured TCP/IP interface available, you can start the gdb server and configure it to run over TCP/IP:

# gdbserver command-daemon

In this example, the host’s IP address[2] is and the port number used locally to listen to gdb connections is 2345. Note that the protocol used by gdb to communicate between the host and the target doesn’t include any form of authentication or security. Hence, I don’t recommend that you debug applications in this way over the public Internet. If you need to debug applications in this way, you may want to consider using SSH port forwarding to encrypt the gdb session. The book SSH, The Secure Shell: The Definitive Guide (O’Reilly) explains how to implement SSH port forwarding.

As I said earlier, the command-daemon being passed to gdbserver can be a stripped copy of the original command-daemon built on the host.

If you are using a serial link to debug your target, use the following command line on your target:

# gdbserver /dev/ttyS0 command-daemon

In this example, the target’s serial link to the host is the first serial port, /dev/ttyS0.

Once the gdb server is started on the target, you can connect to it from the gdb debugger on the host using the target remote command. If you are connected to the target using a TCP/IP network, use the following command:

$ powerpc-linux-gdb command-daemon
(gdb) target remote
Remote debugging using
0x10000074 in _start (  )

In this case, the target is located at IP and the port number specified is the same one we used above to start the gdb server on the target. Unlike the gdb server on the target, the command-daemon used here has to be the unstripped copy of the binary. Otherwise, gdb will be of little use to try debugging the application.

If the program exits on the target or is restarted, you do not need to restart gdb on the host. Instead, you need to issue the target remote command anew once gdbserver is restarted on the target.

If your host is connected to your target through a serial link, use the following command:

$ powerpc-linux-gdb progname
(gdb) target remote /dev/ttyS0
Remote debugging using /dev/ttyS0
0x10000074 in _start (  )

Though both the target and the host are using /dev/ttyS0 to link to each other in this example, this is only a coincidence. The target and the host can use different serial ports to link to each other. The device being specified for each is the local serial port where the serial cable is connected.

With the target and the host connected, you can now set breakpoints and do anything you would normally do in a symbolic debugger.

There are a few gdb commands that are you are likely to find particularly useful when debugging an embedded target such as we are doing here. Here are some of these commands and summaries of their purposes:


Sets the filename of the binary being debugged. Debug symbols are loaded from that file.


Adds a directory to the search path for the application’s source code files.


Sets the parameters for connecting to the remote target, as we did earlier. This is actually not a single command but rather a complete set of commands. Use help target for more details.

set remotebaud

Sets the speed of the serial port when debugging remote applications through a serial cable.

set solib-absolute-prefix

Sets the path for finding the shared libraries used with the binary being debugged.

The last command is likely to be the most useful when your binaries are linked dynamically. Whereas the binary running on your target finds its shared libraries starting from / (the root directory), the gdb running on the host doesn’t know how to locate these shared libraries. You need to use the following command to tell gdb where to find the correct target libraries on the host:

(gdb) set solib-absolute-prefix ../../tools/powerpc-linux/

Unlike the normal shell, the gdb command line doesn’t recognize environment variables such as ${TARGET_PREFIX}. Hence, the complete path must be provided. In this case, the path is provided relative to the directory where gdb is running, but we could use an absolute path, too.

If you want to have gdb execute a number of commands each time it starts, you may want to use a .gdbinit file. For an explanation on the use of such files, have a look at the “Command files” subsection in the “Canned Sequences of Commands” section of the gdb manual.

To get information regarding the use of the various debugger commands, you can use the help command within the gdb environment, or look in the gdb manual.

Interfacing with a Graphical Frontend

Many developers find it difficult or counter-intuitive to debug using the plain gdb command line. Fortunately for these developers, there are quite a few graphical interfaces that hide much of gdb’s complexity by providing user-friendly mechanisms for setting breakpoints, viewing variables, and tending to other common debugging tasks. Examples include DDD (, KDevelop and other IDEs we discussed in Chapter 4. Much like your host’s debugger, the cross-platform gdb we built earlier for your target can very likely be used by your favorite debugging interface. Each frontend has its own way for allowing the name of the debugger binary to be specified. Have a look at your frontend’s documentation for this information. In the case of my control module, I would need to configure the frontend to use the powerpc-linux-gdb debugger.


Symbolic debugging is fine for finding and correcting program errors. However, symbolic debugging offers little help in finding any sort of problem that involves an application’s interaction with other applications or with the kernel. These sorts of behavioral problems necessitate the tracing of the actual interactions between your application and other software components.

The simplest form of tracing involves monitoring the interactions between a single application and the Linux kernel. This allows you to easily observe any problems that result from the passing of parameters or the wrong sequence of system calls.

Observing a single process in isolation is, however, not sufficient in all circumstances. If you are attempting to debug interprocess synchronization problems or time-sensitive issues, for example, you will need a system-wide tracing mechanism that provides you with the exact sequence and timing of events that occur throughout the system. For instance, in trying to understand why the Mars Pathfinder constantly rebooted while on Mars, the Jet Propulsion Laboratory engineers resorted to a system tracing tool for the VxWorks operating system.[3]

Fortunately, both single-process tracing and system tracing are available in Linux. The following sections discuss each one.

Single Process Tracing

The main tool for tracing a single process is strace. strace uses the ptrace( ) system call to intercept all system calls made by an application. Hence, it can extract all the system call information and display it in a human-readable format for you to analyze. Because strace is a widely used Linux tool, I do not explain how to use it, but just explain how to install it for your target. If you would like to have more details on the usage of strace, see Chapter 14 of Running Linux.

strace is available from under a BSD license. For my control module I used strace Version 4.4. Download the package and extract it in your ${PRJROOT}/debug directory. Move to the package’s directory, then configure and build strace:

$ cd ${PRJROOT}/debug/strace-4.4
$ CC=powerpc-linux-gcc ./configure --host=$TARGET
$ make

If you wish to statically link against uClibc, add LDFLAGS="-static" to the make command line. Given that strace uses NSS, you need to use a special command line if you wish to link it statically to glibc, as we did for other packages in Chapter 10:

$ make 
               > LDLIBS="-static -Wl --start-group -lc -lnss_files -lnss_dns 
               > -lresolv -Wl --end-group"

When linked against glibc and stripped, strace is 145 KB in size if linked dynamically and 605 KB if linked statically. When linked against uClibc and stripped, strace is 140 KB in size if linked dynamically and 170 KB when linked statically.

Once the binary is compiled, copy it to your target’s root filesystem:

$ cp strace ${PRJROOT}/rootfs/usr/sbin

There are no additional steps required to configure strace for use on the target. In addition, the use of strace on the target is identical to that of its use on a normal Linux workstation. See the web page listed earlier or the manpage included with the package if you need more information regarding the use of strace.

System Tracing

The main system tracing utility for Linux is the Linux Trace Toolkit (LTT), which was introduced and continues to be maintained by this book’s author. In contrast with other tracing utilities such as strace, LTT does not use the ptrace( ) mechanism to intercept applications’ behavior. Instead, a kernel patch is provided with LTT that instruments key kernel subsystems. The data generated by this instrumentation is then collected by the trace subsystem and forwarded to a trace daemon to be written to disk. The entire process has very little impact on the system’s behavior and performance. Extensive tests have shown that the tracing infrastructure has marginal impact when not in use and an impact lower than 2.5% under some of the most stressful conditions.

In addition to reconstructing the system’s behavior using the data generated during a trace run, the user utilities provided with LTT allow you to extract performance data regarding the system’s behavior during the trace interval. Here’s a summary of some of the tasks LTT can be used for:

  • Debugging interprocess synchronization problems

  • Understanding the interaction between your application, the other applications in the system, and the kernel

  • Measuring the time it takes for the kernel to service your application’s requests

  • Measuring the time your application spent waiting because other processes had a higher priority

  • Measuring the time it takes for an interrupt’s effects to propagate throughout the system

  • Understanding the exact reaction the system has to outside input

To achieve this, LTT’s operation is subdivided into four software components:

  • The kernel instrumentation that generates the events being traced

  • The tracing subsystem that collects the data generated by the kernel instrumentation into a single buffer

  • The trace daemon that writes the tracing subsystem’s buffers to disk

  • The visualization tool that post-processes the system trace and displays it in a human-readable form

The first two software components are implemented as a kernel patch and the last two are separate user-space tools. While the first three software components must run on the target, the last one, the visualization tool, can run on the host. In LTT Versions 0.9.5a and earlier, the tracing subsystem was accessed from user space as a device through the appropriate /dev entries. Starting in the development series leading to 0.9.6, however, this abstraction has been dropped following the recommendations of the kernel developers. Hence, though the following refers to the tracing subsystem as a device, newer versions of LTT will not use this abstraction and therefore will not require the creation of any /dev entries on your target’s root filesystem.

Given that LTT can detect and handle traces that have different byte ordering, traces can be generated and read on entirely different systems. The traces generated on my PPC-based control module, for example, can be read transparently on an x86 host.

In addition to tracing a predefined set of events, LTT enables you to create and log your own custom events from both user space and kernel space. Have a look at the Examples directory included in the package for practical examples of such custom events. Also, if your target is an x86-or PPC-based system, you can use the DProbes package provided by IBM to add trace points to binaries, including the kernel, without recompiling. DProbes is available under the terms of the GPL from IBM’s web site at

LTT is available under the terms of the GPL from Opersys’s web site at The project’s web site includes links to in-depth documentation and a mailing list for LTT users. The current stable release is 0.9.5a, which supports the i386, PPC, and SH architectures. The 0.9.6 release currently in development adds support for the MIPS and the ARM architectures.

Preliminary manipulations

Download the LTT package, extract it in your ${PRJROOT}/debug directory, and move to the package’s directory for the rest of the installation:

$ cd ${PRJROOT}/debug
$ tar xvzf TraceToolkit-0.9.5a.tgz
$ cd ${PRJROOT}/debug/TraceToolkit-0.9.5

The same online manual that provides detailed instructions on the use of LTT is included with the package under the Help directory.

Patching the kernel

For the kernel to generate the tracing information, it needs to be patched. There are kernel patches included with every LTT package in the Patches directory. Since the kernel changes with time, however, it is often necessary to update the kernel patches. The patches for the latest kernels are usually available from For my control module, for example, I used patch-ltt-linux-2.4.19-vanilla-020916-1.14. If you are using a different kernel, try adapting this patch to your kernel version. Unfortunately, it isn’t feasible to create a patch for all kernel versions every time a new version of LTT is released. The task of using LTT would be much simpler if the patch was included as part of the main kernel tree, something your author has been trying to convince the kernel developers of doing for some time now. In the case of my control module, I had to fix the patched kernel because of failed hunks.

Given that the binary format of the traces changes over time, LTT versions cannot read data generated by any random trace patch version. The -1.14 version appended to the patch name identifies the trace format version generated by this patch. LTT 0.9.5a can read trace data written by patches that use format Version 1.14. It cannot, however, read any another format. If you try opening a trace of a format that is incompatible with the visualization tool, it will display an error and exit. In the future, the LTT developers plan to modify the tools and the trace format to avoid this limitation.

Once you’ve downloaded the selected patch, move it to the kernel’s directory and patch the kernel:

$ mv patch-ltt-linux-2.4.19-vanilla-020916-1.14 
                  > ${PRJROOT}/kernel/linux-2.4.18
$ cd ${PRJROOT}/kernel/linux-2.4.18
$ patch -p1 < patch-ltt-linux-2.4.19-vanilla-020916-1.14

You can then configure your kernel as you did earlier. In the main configuration menu, go in the “Kernel tracing” submenu and select the “Kernel events tracing support” as built-in. In the patches released prior to LTT 0.9.6pre2, such as the one I am using for my control module, you could also select tracing as a module and load the trace driver dynamically. However, this option has disappeared following the recommendations of the kernel developers to make the tracing infrastructure a kernel subsystem instead of a device.

Proceed on to building and installing the kernel on your target using the techniques covered in earlier chapters.

Though you may be tempted to return to a kernel without LTT once you’re done developing the system, I suggest you keep the traceable kernel, since you never know when a bug may occur in the field. The Mars Pathfinder example I provided earlier is a case in point. For the Pathfinder, the JPL engineers applied the test what you fly and fly what you test philosophy, as explained in the paper I mentioned in the earlier footnote about the Mars Pathfinder problem. Note that the overall maximum system performance cost of tracing is lower than 0.5% when the trace daemon isn’t running.

Building the trace daemon

As I explained earlier, the trace daemon is responsible for writing the trace data to permanent storage. Though this is a disk on most workstations, it is preferable to use an NFS-mounted filesystem to dump the trace data. You could certainly dump it to your target’s MTD device, if it has one, but this will almost certainly result in increased wear, given that traces tend to be fairly large.

Return to the package’s directory within the ${PRJROOT}/debug directory, and build the trace daemon:

$ cd ${PRJROOT}/debug/TraceToolkit-0.9.5
$ ./configure --prefix=${PREFIX}
$ make -C LibUserTrace CC=powerpc-linux-gcc UserTrace.o
$ make -C LibUserTrace CC=powerpc-linux-gcc LDFLAGS="-static"
$ make -C Daemon CC=powerpc-linux-gcc LDFLAGS="-static"

By setting the value of LDFLAGS to -static, we are generating a binary that is statically linked with LibUserTrace. This won’t weigh down the target, since this library is very small. In addition, this will avoid us the trouble of having to keep track of an extra library for the target. The trace daemon binary we generated is, nevertheless, still dynamically linked to the C library. If you want it statically linked with the C library, use the following command instead:

$ make -C Daemon CC=powerpc-linux-gcc LDFLAGS="-all-static"

The binary generated is fairly small. When linked against glibc and stripped, the trace daemon is 18 KB in size when linked dynamically and 350 KB when linked statically. When linked against uClibc and stripped, the trace daemon is 16 KB in size when linked dynamically and 37 KB when linked statically.

Once built, copy the daemon and the basic trace helper scripts to the target’s root filesystem:

$ cp tracedaemon Scripts/trace Scripts/tracecore Scripts/traceu 
                  > ${PRJROOT}/rootfs/usr/sbin

The trace helper scripts simplify the use of the trace daemon binary, which usually requires a fairly long command line to use adequately. Look at the LTT documentation for an explanation of the use of each helper script. My experience is that the trace script is the easiest way to start the trace daemon.

At the time of this writing, you need to create the appropriate device entries for the trace device on the target’s root filesystem for the trace daemon to interface properly with the kernel’s tracing components. Because the device obtains its major number at load time, make sure the major number you use for creating the device is accurate. The simplest way of doing this is to load all drivers in the exact order they will usually be loaded in and then cat the /proc/devices file to get the list of device major numbers. See Linux Device Drivers for complete details about major number allocation. Alternatively, you can try using the script included in the LTT package. For my control module, the major number allocated to the trace device is 254:[4]

$ su -m
# mknod ${PRJROOT}/rootfs/dev/tracer c 254 0
# mknod ${PRJROOT}/rootfs/dev/tracerU c 254 1
# exit

As I said earlier, if you are using a version of LTT that is newer that 0.9.5a, you may not need to create these entries. Refer to your package’s documentation for more information.

Installing the visualization tool

The visualization tool runs on the host and is responsible for displaying the trace data in an intuitive way. It can operate both as a command-line utility, dumping the binary trace data in a textual format, or as a GTK-based graphical utility, displaying the trace as a trace graph, as a set of statistics, and as a raw text dump of the trace. The graphical interface is most certainly the simplest way to analyze a trace, though you may want to use the command-line textual dump if you want to run a script to analyze the textual output. If you plan to use the graphical interface, GTK must be installed on your system. Most distributions install GTK by default. If it isn’t installed, use your distribution’s package manager to install it.

We’ve already moved to the LTT package’s directory and have configured it in the previous section. All that is left is to build and install the host components:

$ make -C LibLTT install
$ make -C Visualizer install

The visualizer binary, tracevisualizer, has been installed in the ${PREFIX}/bin directory, while helper scripts have been installed in ${PREFIX}/sbin. As with the trace daemon, the helper scripts let you avoid typing long command lines to start the trace visualizer.

Tracing the target and visualizing its behavior

You are now ready to trace your target. As I said earlier, to reduce wear, avoid using your target’s solid-state storage device for recording the traces. Instead, either write the traces to an NFS-mounted filesystem or, if you would prefer to reduce polluting the traces with NFS-generated network traffic, use a TMPFS mounted directory to store the traces and copy them to your host after tracing is over.

Here is a simple command for tracing the target for 30 seconds:

# trace 30 outt

The outt name specified here is the prefix the command should use for the names of the output files. This command will generate two files: outt.trace, which contains the raw binary trace, and outt.proc, which contains a snapshot of the system’s state at trace start. Both these files are necessary for reconstructing the system’s behavior on the host using the visualization tool. If those files are stored locally on your target, copy them to your host using your favorite protocol.

It is possible that your system may be generating more events than the trace infrastructure can handle. In that case, the daemon will inform you upon exit that it lost events. You can then change the size of the buffers being used or the event set being traced to obtain all the data you need. Look at the documentation included in the package for more information on the parameters accepted by the trace daemon.

Once you’ve copied the files containing the trace to the host, you can view the trace using:

$ traceview outt

This command opens a window that looks like Figure 11-1.

Example LTT trace graph
Figure 11-1. Example LTT trace graph

In this case, the graph shows the interaction between the BusyBox shell and another BusyBox child. On the left side of the visualizer display, you see a list of all the processes that were active during the trace. The Linux kernel is always the bottom entry in that list. On the right side of the display, you see a graph that characterizes the behavior of the system. In that graph, horizontal lines illustrate the passage of time, while vertical lines illustrate a state transition. The graph portion displayed here shows that the system is running kernel code in the beginning. Near the start, the kernel returns control to the sh application, which continues running for a short period of time before making the wait4( ) system call. At that point, control is transferred back to the kernel, which runs for a while before initiating a scheduling change to the task with PID 21. This task starts executing, but an exception occurs, which results in a control transfer to the kernel again.

The graph continues in both directions, and you can scroll left or right to see what happened before or after this trace segment. You can also zoom in and out, depending on your needs.

Using this sort of graph, you can easily identify your applications’ interaction with the rest of the system, as I explained earlier. You can also view the same set of events in their raw form by selecting the “Raw Trace” thumbnail, as seen in Figure 11-2.

Example LTT raw event list
Figure 11-2. Example LTT raw event list

If you would prefer not to use the graphic tool at all, you can use the tracevisualizer on the command line. In that case, the tracevisualizer command takes the two input files and generates a text file containing the raw event list. This list is the same as the one displayed in the “Raw Trace” thumbnail of the graphic interface. To dump the content of the trace in text, type:

$ tracevisualizer outt.trace outt.proc

The first two parameters of this command, outt.trace and outt.proc, are the input files I described earlier, and the last parameter,, is the output file to where the trace’s content is dumped in text. You can also use one of the facilitating scripts such as tracedump or traceanalyze. We discuss LTT’s analysis capabilities and the “Process analysis” thumbnail later in this chapter.

Performance Analysis

Obtaining in-depth data regarding various aspects of your target’s performance is crucial for making the best use out of the target’s capabilities. Though I can’t cover all aspects of performance analysis, I will cover the most important ones. In the following sections, we will discuss process profiling, code coverage, system profiling, kernel profiling, and measuring interrupt latency.

Process Profiling

Process profiling is a mechanism that helps understanding the intricate behavior of a process. Among other things, this involves obtaining information regarding the time spent in each function and how much of that time the function spent on behalf of each of its callers, and how much time it spent in each of the children it called.

A single process in Linux is usually profiled using a combination of special compiler options and the gprof utility. Basically, source files are compiled with a compiler option that results in profiling data to be collected at runtime and written to file upon the application’s exit. The data generated is then analyzed by gprof, which displays the call graph profile data. Though I will not cover the actual use of gprof and the interpretation of its output, since it is already covered in the GNU gprof manual, I will cover its cross-platform usage specifics.

First, you must modify your applications’ Makefiles to add the appropriate compiler and linker options. Here are the portions of the Makefile provided in Chapter 4 that must be changed to build a program that will generate profiling data:

CFLAGS        = -Wall -pg
LDFLAGS       = -pg

Note that the -pg option is used both for the compiler flags and for the linker flags. The -pg compiler option tells the compiler to include the code for generating the performance data. The -pg linker option tells the linker to link the binary with gcrt1.o instead of crt1.o. The former is a special version of the latter that is necessary for profiling. Note also that we aren’t using the -O2 compiler optimization option. This is to make sure that the application generated executes in exactly the same way as we specified in the source file. We can then measure the performance of our own algorithms instead of measuring those optimized by the compiler.

Once your application has been recompiled, copy it to your target and run it. The program must run for quite a while to generate meaningful results. Provide your application with as wide a range of input as possible to exercise as much of its code as possible. Upon the application’s exit, a gmon.out output file is generated with the profiling data. This file is cross-platform readable and you can therefore use your host’s gprof to analyze it. After having copied the gmon.out file back to your application’s source directory, use gprof to retrieve the call graph profile data:

$ gprof command-daemon

This command prints the call graph profile data to the standard output. Redirect this output using the > operator to a file if you like. You don’t need to specify the gmon.out file specifically, it is automatically loaded. For more information regarding the use of gprof, see the GNU gprof manual.

Code Coverage

In addition to identifying the time spent in the different parts of your application, it is interesting to count how many times each statement in your application is being executed. This sort of coverage analysis can bring to light code that is never called or code that is called so often that it merits special attention.

The most common way to perform coverage analysis is to use a combination of compiler options and the gcov utility. This functionality relies on the gcc library, libgcc, which is compiled at the same time as the gcc compiler.

Unfortunately, however, gcc versions earlier than 3.0 don’t allow the coverage functions to be compiled into libgcc when they detect that a cross-compiler is being built. In the case of the compiler built in Chapter 4, for example, the libgcc doesn’t include the appropriate code to generate data about code coverage. It is therefore impossible to analyze the coverage of a program built against unmodified gcc sources.

To build the code needed for coverage analysis in versions of gcc later than 3.0, just configure them with the - -with-headers= option.

To circumvent the same problem in gcc versions earlier than 3.0, edit the gcc-2.95.3/gcc/libgcc2.c file, or the equivalent file for your compiler version, and disable the following definition:

/* In a cross-compilation situation, default to inhibiting compilation
   of routines that use libc.  */

#if defined(CROSS_COMPILE) && !defined(inhibit_libc)
#define inhibit_libc

To disable the definition, add #if 0 and #endif around the code so that it looks like this:

/* gcc makes the assumption that we don't have glibc for the target,
   which is wrong in the case of embedded Linux. */
#if 0

/* In a cross-compilation situation, default to inhibiting compilation
   of routines that use libc.  */

#if defined(CROSS_COMPILE) && !defined(inhibit_libc)
#define inhibit_libc

#endif /* #if 0 */

Now recompile and reinstall gcc as we did in Chapter 4. You don’t need to rebuild the bootstrap compiler, since we’ve already built and installed glibc. Build only the final compiler.

Next, modify your applications’ Makefiles to use the appropriate compiler options. Here are the portions of the Makefile provided in Chapter 4 that must be changed to build a program that will generate code coverage data:

CFLAGS        = -Wall -fprofile-arcs -ftest-coverage

As we did before when compiling the application to generate profiling data, omit the -O optimization options to obtain the code coverage data that corresponds exactly to your source code.

For each source file compiled, you should now have a .bb and .bbg file in the source directory. Copy the program to your target and run it as you would normally. When you run the program, a .da file will be generated for each source file. Unfortunately, however, the .da files are generated using the absolute path to the original source files. Hence, you must create a copy of this path on your target’s root filesystem. Though you may not run the binary from that directory, this is where the .da files for your application will be placed. My command daemon, for example, is located in /home/karim/control-project/control-module/project/command-daemon on my host. I had to create that complete path on my target’s root filesystem so that the daemon’s .da files would be properly created. The -p option of mkdir was quite useful in this case.

Once the program is done executing, copy the .da files back to your host and run gcov:

$ gcov daemon.c
 71.08% of 837 source lines executed in file daemon.c
Creating daemon.c.gcov.

The .gcov file generated contains the coverage information in a human-readable form. The .da files are architecture-independent, so there’s no problem in using the host’s gcov to process them. For more information regarding the use of gcov or the output it generates, look at the gcov section of the gcc manual.

System Profiling

Every Linux system has many processes competing for system resources. Being able to quantify the impact each process has on the system’s load is important in trying to build a balanced and responsive system. There are a few basic ways in Linux to quantify the effect the processes have on the system. This section discusses two of these: extracting information from /proc and using LTT.

Basic /proc figures

The /proc filesystem contains virtual entries where the kernel provides information regarding its own internal data structures and the system in general. Some of this information, such as process times, is based on samples collected by the kernel at each clock tick. The traditional package for extracting information from the /proc directory is procps, which includes utilities like ps and top. There are currently two procps packages maintained independently. The first is maintained by Rik van Riel and is available from The second is maintained by Albert Cahalan and is available from Though there is an ongoing debate as to which is the “official” procps, both packages contain Makefiles that are not cross-platform development friendly, and neither is therefore fit for use in embedded systems. Instead, use the ps replacement found in BusyBox. Though it doesn’t output process statistics as the ps in procps does, it does provide you with basic information regarding the software running on your target:

# ps
  PID  Uid     VmSize Stat Command
    1 0            820 S    init
    2 0                S    [keventd]
    3 0                S    [kswapd]
    4 0                S    [kreclaimd]
    5 0                S    [bdflush]
    6 0                S    [kupdated]
    7 0                S    [mtdblockd]
    8 0                S    [rpciod]
   16 0            816 S    -sh
   17 0            816 R    ps aux

If you find this information insufficient, you can browse /proc manually to retrieve the information you need regarding each process.

Complete profile using LTT

Because LTT records crucial system information, it can extract very detailed information regarding the system’s behavior. Unlike the information found in /proc, the statistics generated by LTT are not sampled. Rather, they are based on an exact accounting of the time spent by processes inside the kernel. LTT provides two types of statistics: per-process statistics and system statistics. Both are provided in the “Process analysis” thumbnail.

The per-process statistics are display by LTT when you select a process in the process tree displayed in the “Process analysis” thumbnail. Figure 11-3 illustrates the data that can be extracted for a single process.

Single process statistics
Figure 11-3. Single process statistics

Among other things, the data tells you how much time your task was scheduled by the kernel (“Time running”) versus how much time was spent running actual application code (“Time executing process code”). In this case, the task wasn’t waiting for any I/O. But if it did, the “Time waiting for I/O” line would give you a measure of how much time was spent waiting. The times and percentages given depend on the time spent tracing. In this case, tracing lasted 10 seconds.

LTT also provides information regarding the system calls made by an application. In particular, it gives you the number of times each system call was made and the total time the kernel took to service all these calls.

The system-wide statistics are displayed by LTT when you select the topmost process entry in the process tree, which is called “The All Mighty (0).” Figure 11-4 illustrates the system data extracted by LTT.

Overall system statistics
Figure 11-4. Overall system statistics

The system statistics start with a few numbers regarding the trace itself. In this case, the trace lasted almost 10 seconds and the system was idle for over 98% of that time. Next, the number of times a few key events have happened are provided. On 7467 events, LTT says that 1180 were traps and 96 were interrupts (with 96 IRQ entries and 96 IRQ exits.) This sort of information can help you pinpoint actual problems with the system’s overall behavior. The screen also displays a cumulative summary of the system calls made by the various applications running on the system.

As with the actual trace information, the statistics displayed in the “Process analysis” thumbnail can be dumped in text form to file from the command line. Look at the LTT documentation for more information on how this is done.

Kernel Profiling

Sometimes the applications are not the root of performance degradation, but are rather suffering from the kernel’s own performance problems. In that case, it is necessary to use the right tools to identify the reasons for the kernel’s behavior.

There are quite a few tools for measuring the kernel’s performance. The most famous is probably LMbench ( LMbench, however, requires a C compiler and the Perl interpreter. It is therefore not well adapted for use in embedded systems. Another tool for measuring kernel performance is kernprof ( Though it can generate output that can be fed to gprof, it involves the use of a kernel patch and works only for x86, ia64, sparc64, and mips64. As you can see, most embedded architectures are not supported by kernprof.

There remains the sample-based profiling functionality built into the kernel. This profiling system works by sampling the instruction pointer on every timer interrupt. It then increments a counter according to the instruction pointer. Over a long period of time, it is expected that the functions where the kernel spends the greatest amount of time will have a higher number of hits than other functions. Though this is a crude kernel profiling method, it is the best one available at this time for most embedded Linux systems.

To activate kernel profiling, you must use the profile= boot parameter. The number you provide as a parameter sets the number of bits by which the instruction pointer is shifted to the right before being used as an index into the sample table. The smaller the number, the higher the precision of the samples, but the more memory is necessary for the sample table. The value most often used is 2.

The sampling activity itself doesn’t slow the kernel down, because it only occurs at each clock tick and because the counter to increment is easily obtained from the value of the instruction pointer at the time of the timer interrupt.

Once you’ve booted a kernel to which you passed the profile= parameter, you will find a new entry in your target’s /proc directory, /proc/profile. The kernel’s sample table is exported to this /proc entry.

To read the profile samples available from /proc/profile, you must use the readprofile utility available as an independent package from or as part of the util-linux package from In the following explanations, I will cover the independent package only since util-linux includes a lot more utilities than just readprofile. Download the readprofile package and extract it in your ${PRJROOT}/debug directory. Move to the package’s directory and compile the utility:

$ cd ${PRJROOT}/debug/readprofile-3.0
$ make CC=powerpc-uclibc-gcc

To compile the utility statically, add LDFLAGS="-static" to the make command line. The binary generated is fairly small. When statically linked with uClibc and stripped, for example, it is 30 KB in size.

Once readprofile is built, copy it to your target’s /usr/bin:

$ cp readprofile ${PRJROOT}/rootfs/usr/bin

For readprofile to operate adequately, you must also copy the appropriate kernel map file to your target’s root filesystem:

$ cp ${PRJROOT}/images/ ${PRJROOT}/rootfs/etc

With your target root filesystem ready, change the kernel boot parameters and add the profile=2 boot parameter. After the system boots, you can run readprofile:

# readprofile -m /etc/ > profile.out

The profile.out file now contains the profiling information in text form. At any time, you can erase the sample table collected on your target by writing to your target’s /proc/profile:[5]

# echo > /proc/profile

When done profiling, copy the profile.out file back to your host and have a look at its contents:

$ cat profile.out
    30 _ _save_flags_ptr_end             0.3000
    10 _ _sti                            0.1250
     8 _ _flush_page_to_ram              0.1053
     7 clear_page                       0.1750
     3 copy_page                        0.0500
     1 m8xx_mask_and_ack                0.0179
     2 iopa                             0.0263
     1 map_page                         0.0089
     1 do_xprt_transmit                 0.0010
     1 rpc_add_wait_queue               0.0035
     1 _ _rpc_sleep_on                   0.0016
     1 rpc_wake_up_next                 0.0068
     1 _ _rpc_execute                    0.0013
     2 rpciod_down                      0.0043
    15 exit_devpts_fs                   0.2885
 73678 total                            0.0618 0.04%

The left column indicates the number of samples taken at that location, followed by the name of the function where the sample was taken. The third column is a number that provides an approximation of the function’s load, which is calculated as a ratio between the number of ticks that occurred in the function and the function’s length. See the readprofile manpage included with the package for in-depth details about the utility’s output.

Measuring Interrupt Latency

One of the most important metrics for real-time embedded systems is the time it takes for them to respond to outside events. Such systems, as I explained in Chapter 1, can cause catastrophic results if they do not respond in time.

There are a few known ad-hoc techniques for measuring a system’s response time to interrupts (more commonly known as interrupt latency). These measurement techniques can be roughly divided into two categories:


In this case, the system itself triggers the interrupts. To use this technique, you must connect one of your system’s output pins to an interrupt-generating input pin. In the case of a PC-based system, this is easily achieved by connecting the appropriate parallel port pins together, as is detailed in the Linux Device Drivers book. For other types of systems, this may involve using more elaborate setups.


Using this technique, the interrupts are triggered by an outside source, such as a frequency generator, by connecting it to an interrupt-generating input pin on the target.

In the case of the self-contained method, you must write a small software driver that initiates and handles the interrupt. To initiate the interrupt, the driver does two things:

  1. Record the current time. This is often done using the do_gettimeofday( ) kernel function, which provides microsecond resolution. Alternatively, to obtain greater accuracy, you can also read the machine’s hardware cycles using the get_cycles( ) function. On Pentium-class x86 systems, for example, this function will return the content of the TSC register. On the ARM, however, it will always return 0.

  2. Toggle the output bit to trigger the interrupt. In the case of a PC-based system, for example, this is just a matter of writing the appropriate byte to the parallel port’s data register.

The driver’s interrupt handler, on the other hand, must do the following:

  1. Record the current time.

  2. Toggle the output pin.

By subtracting the time at which the interrupt was triggered from the time at which the interrupt handler is invoked, you get a figure that is very close to the actual interrupt latency. The reason this figure is not the actual interrupt latency is that you are partly measuring the time it takes for do_gettimeofday( ) and other software to run. Have your driver repeat the operation a number of times to quantify the variations in interrupt latency.

To get a better measure of the interrupt latency using the self-contained method, plug an oscilloscope on the output pin toggled by your driver and observe the time it takes for it to be toggled. This number should be slightly smaller than that obtained using do_gettimeofday( ), because the execution of the first call to this function is not included in the oscilloscope output. To get an even better measure of the interrupt latency, remove the calls to do_gettimeofday( ) completely and use only the oscilloscope to measure the time between bit toggles.

Though the self-contained method is fine for simple measurements on systems that can actually trigger and handle interrupts simultaneously in this fashion, the induced method is usually the most trusted way to measure interrupt latency, and is closest to the way in which interrupts are actually delivered to the system. If you have a driver that has high latency and contains code that changes the interrupt mask, for example, the interrupt driver for the self-contained method may have to wait until the high latency driver finishes before it can even trigger interrupts. Since the delay for triggering interrupts isn’t measured, the self-contained method may fail to measure the worst-case impact of the high latency driver. The induced method, however, would not fail, since the interrupt’s trigger source does not depend on the system being measured.

The software driver for the induced method is much simpler to write than that for the self-contained method. Basically, your driver has to implement an interrupt handler to toggle the state of one of the system’s output pins. By plotting the system’s response along with the square wave generated by the frequency generator, you can measure the exact time it takes for the system to respond to interrupts. Instead of an oscilloscope, you could use a simple counter circuit that counts the difference between the interrupt trigger and the target’s response. The circuit would be reset by the interrupt trigger and would stop counting when receiving the target’s response. You could also use another system whose only task is to measure the time difference between the interrupt trigger and the target’s response.

However efficient the self-contained and the induced methods or any of their variants may be, Linux is not a real-time operating system. Hence, though you may observe steady interrupt latencies when the system is idle, Linux’s response time will vary greatly whenever its processing load increases. Simply increase your target’s processing load by typing ls -R / on your target while conducting interrupt latency tests and look at the flickering oscilloscope output to observe this effect.

One approach you may want to try is to measure interrupt latency while the system is at its peak load. This yields the maximum interrupt latency on your target. This latency may, however, be unacceptable for your application. If you need to have absolute bare-minimum bounded interrupt latency, you may want to consider using one of the real-time derivatives mentioned in Chapter 1.

Memory Debugging

Unlike desktop Linux systems, embedded Linux systems cannot afford to let applications eat up memory as they go or generate dumps because of illegal memory references. Among other things, there is no user to stop the offending applications and restart them. In developing applications for your embedded Linux system, you can employ special debugging libraries to ensure their correct behavior in terms of memory use. The following sections discuss two such libraries, Electric Fence and MEMWATCH.

Though both libraries are worth linking to your applications during development, production systems should not include either library. First, both libraries substitute the C library’s memory allocation functions with their own versions of these functions, which are optimized for debugging, not performance. Secondly, both libraries are distributed under the terms of the GPL. Hence, though you can use MEMWATCH and Electric Fence internally to test your applications, you cannot distribute them as part of your applications outside your organization if your applications aren’t also distributed under the terms of the GPL.

Electric Fence

Electric Fence is a library that replaces the C library’s memory allocation functions, such as malloc( ) and free( ), with equivalent functions that implement limit testing. It is, therefore, very effective at detecting out-of-bounds memory references. In essence, linking with the Electric Fence library will cause your applications to fault and dump core upon any out-of-bounds reference. By running your application within gdb, you can identify the faulty instruction immediately.

Electric Fence was written and continues to be maintained by Bruce Perens. It is available from Download the package and extract it in your ${PRJROOT}/debug directory. For my control module, for example, I used Electric Fence 2.1.

Move to the package’s directory for the rest of the installation:

$ cd ${PRJROOT}/debug/ElectricFence-2.1

Before you can compile Electric Fence for your target, you must edit the page.c source file and comment out the following code segment by adding #if 0 and #endif around it:

#if ( !defined(sgi) && !defined(_AIX) )
extern int           sys_nerr;
extern char *        sys_errlist[  ];

If you do not modify the code in this way, Electric Fence fails to compile. With the code changed, compile and install Electric Fence for your target:

$ make CC=powerpc-linux-gcc AR=powerpc-linux-ar
               > MAN_INSTALL_DIR=${TARGET_PREFIX}/man install

The Electric Fence library, libefence.a, which contains the memory allocation replacement functions, has now been installed in ${TARGET_PREFIX}/lib. To link your applications with Electric Fence, you must add the -lefence option to your linker’s command line. Here are the modifications I made to my command module’s Makefile:

CFLAGS        = -g -Wall
LDFLAGS       = -lefence

The -g option is necessary if you want gdb to be able to print out the line causing the problem. The Electric Fence library adds about 30 KB to your binary when compiled in and stripped. Once built, copy the binary to your target for execution as you would usually.

By running the program on the target, you get something similar to:

# command-daemon
  Electric Fence 2.0.5 Copyright (C) 1987-1998 Bruce Perens.
Segmentation fault (core dumped)

Since you can’t copy the core file back to the host for analysis, because it was generated on a system of a different architecture, start the gdb server on the target and connect to it from the host using the target gdb. As an example, here’s how I start my command daemon on the target for Electric Fence debugging:

# gdbserver command-daemon

And on the host I do:

$ powerpc-linux-gcc command-daemon
(gdb) target remote
Remote debugging using
0x10000074 in _start (  )
(gdb) continue
Program received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault.
0x10000384 in main (argc=2, argv=0x7ffff794) at daemon.c:126
126             input_buf[input_index] = value_read;

In this case, the illegal reference was caused by an out-of-bounds write to an array at line 126 of file daemon.c. For more information on the use of Electric Fence, look at the ample manpage included in the package.


MEMWATCH replaces the usual memory allocation functions, such as malloc( ) and free( ), with versions that keep track of allocations. It is very effective at detecting memory leaks such as when you forget to free a memory region or when you try to free a memory region more than once. This is especially important in embedded systems, since there is no one to monitor the device to check that the various applications aren’t using up all the memory over time. MEMWATCH isn’t as efficient as Electric Fence, however, to detect pointers that go astray. It was unable, for example, to detect the faulty array write presented in the previous section.

MEMWATCH is available from its project site at Download the package and extract it in your ${PRJROOT}/debug directory. MEMWATCH consists of a header and a C file, which must be compiled with your application. To use MEMWATCH, start by copying both files to your application’s source directory:

$ cd ${PRJROOT}/debug/memwatch-2.69
$ cp memwatch.c memwatch.h ${PRJROOT}/project/command-daemon

Modify the Makefile to add the new C file as part of the objects to compile and link. For my command daemon, for example, I used the following Makefile modifications:

OBJS          = daemon.o memwatch.o

You must also add the MEMWATCH header to your source files:

#include "memwatch.h"
#endif /* #ifdef MEMWATCH */

You can now cross-compile as you would usually. There are no special installation instructions for MEMWATCH. The memwatch.c and memwatch.h files add about 30 KB to your binary once built and stripped.

When the program runs, it generates a report on the behavior of the program, which it puts in the memwatch.log file in the directory where the binary runs. Here’s an excerpt of the memwatch.log generated by running my command daemon:

=  ==  ==  ==  ==  ==  == MEMWATCH 2.69 Copyright (C) 1992-1999 Johan Lindh =  ==  ==...
unfreed: <3> daemon.c(220), 60 bytes at 0x10023fe4          {FE FE FE ...
Memory usage statistics (global):
 N)umber of allocations made: 12
 L)argest memory usage      : 1600
 T)otal of all alloc(  ) calls: 4570
 U)nfreed bytes totals      : 60

The unfreed: line tells you which line in your source code allocated memory that was never freed later. In this case, 60 bytes are allocated at line 220 of daemon.c and are never freed. The T)otal of all alloc( ) calls: line indicates the total quantity of memory allocated throughout your program’s execution. In this case, the program allocated 4570 bytes in total.

Look at the FAQ, README, and USING files included in the package for more information on the use of MEMWATCH and the output it provides.

A Word on Hardware Tools

Throughout this chapter we have mainly concentrated on software tools for debugging embedded Linux software. In addition to these, there are a slew of hardware tools and helpers for debugging embedded software. As I said earlier in this chapter, the use of a particular operating system for the target makes little difference to the way you would normally use such hardware tools. Though hardware tools are sometimes more effective than software tools to debug software problems, one caveat of hardware tools is that they are almost always expensive. A good 100 Mhz oscilloscope, for example, costs no less than a thousand dollars. Let us, nevertheless, review some of the hardware tools you may use in debugging an embedded target running Linux.


Although brand-new hardware tools tend to be expensive, renting your tools or buying secondhand ones can save you a lot of money. There are actually companies that specialize in renting and refurbishing hardware tools.

The most basic tool that can assist you in your development is most likely an oscilloscope. As we saw in Section 11.3.5, it can be used to measure interrupt latency. It can, however, be put to many other uses both for observing your target’s interaction with the outside world and for monitoring internal signals on your board’s circuitry.

Though an oscilloscope is quite effective at monitoring a relatively short number of signals, it is not adapted for analyzing the type of transfers that occur on many wires simultaneously, such as on a system’s memory or I/O bus. To analyze such traffic, you must use a logic analyzer. This allows you to view the various values being transmitted over a bus. On an address bus, for example, the logic analyzer will enable you to see the actual addresses transiting on the wires. This tool will also enable you to identify glitches and anomalies.

If the problem isn’t at a signal level, but is rather caused by faulty or immature operating system software, you need to use either an In-Circuit Emulator (ICE), or a BDM or JTAG debugger. The former relies on intercepting the processor’s interaction with the rest of the system, while the latter rely on functionality encoded in the processor’s silicon and exported via a few special pins, as described in Chapter 2. For many reasons, ICEs have been gradually replaced by BDM or JTAG debuggers. Both, however, allow you to debug the operating system kernel using hardware-enforced capabilities. You can, for instance, debug a crashing Linux kernel using such tools. As a matter of fact, the Linux kernel is usually ported to new architectures with the help of BDM and JTAG debuggers. If you are building your embedded system from scratch, you should seriously consider having a BDM or JTAG interface available for developers so that they can attach a BDM or JTAG debugger, even though it may be expensive. Most commercial embedded boards are already equipped with the appropriate connectors.

There is at least one open source BDM debugger available complete with gdb patches and hardware schematics. The project is called BDM4GDB and its web site is located at This project supports only the MPC 860, 850, and 823 PowerPC processors, however. Though this is quite a feat in itself, BDM4GDB is not a universal BDM debugger.

The LART project ( provides a JTAG dongle for programming the flash of its StrongARM-based system. This dongle’s schematics and the required software are available from Though this dongle can be used to reprogram the flash device, it cannot be used to debug the system. For that, you still need a real JTAG debugger.

If you are not familiar with the subject of debugging embedded systems with hardware tools, I encourage you to look at Arnold Berger’s Embedded Systems Design (CMP Books), and Jack Ganssle’s The Art of Designing Embedded Systems (Newnes). If you are actively involved in designing or changing your target’s hardware, you are likely to be interested by John Catsoulis’ Designing Embedded Hardware (O’Reilly).

[1] gdb stubs are a set of hooks and handlers placed in a target’s firmware or operating system kernel in order to allow interaction with a remote debugger. The gdb manual explains the use of gdb stubs.

[2] At the time of this writing, this field is actually ignored by gdbserver.

[3] For a very informative and entertaining account on what happened to the Mars Pathfinder on Mars, read Glenn Reeves’ account at Glenn was the lead developer for the Mars Pathfinder software.

[4] I obtain this number by looking at the /proc/devices file on my target after having loaded the trace driver.

[5] There is nothing in particular that needs to be part of that write. Just the action of writing erases the profiling information.

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