Chapter 9. Numbering Lists

If you would like to add numbered lists to a result tree, you can use the XSLT instruction element number. The number element allows you to do simple number formatting, generate alphabetical lists, use Roman numerals, insert individual formatted numbers, and number lists at various levels. (Before actually using number, however, you’ll first learn how to do numbering with the position( ) function.)

You can also format numbers with the XSLT function format-number( ), used optionally with the decimal-format instruction element. You can read more about the number element in Section 7.7 of the XSLT specification, and more about format-number( ) and decimal-format in Section 12.3 of the same spec.

Numbering with the number element can be complex and sometimes confusing with the possible combinations of all nine of its optional attributes. I won’t touch on all possible numbering schemes in XSLT in this chapter, as I don’t think it would be reasonable to do so, even in an advanced book. Rest assured, though, that by the time you finish reading this chapter, you’ll understand most of what you need to know to order numbered lists with XSLT.

Numbered Lists

As usual, to illustrate a concept, I’ll begin with a simple example. In the directory examples/ch09, you’ll find the document canada.xml , which contains a list of all the Canadian provinces, in alphabetical order, as shown in Example 9-1.

Example 9-1. An XML list of Canadian provinces and territories
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
 <name>British Columbia</name>
 <name>New Brunswick</name>
 <name>Newfoundland and Labrador</name>
 <name>Northwest Territories</name>
 <name>Nova Scotia</name>
 <name>Prince Edward Island</name>

You can generate numbers manually from the XPath function position( ) to number a list from canada.xml. Example 9-2, position.xsl , shows you one way to do this.

Example 9-2. A stylesheet using node position for numbering
<xsl:stylesheet version="1.0" xmlns:xsl="">
<xsl:output method="text"/>
 <xsl:template match="provinces">
   <xsl:apply-templates select="name"/>
 <xsl:template match="name">
  <xsl:value-of select="position(  )"/>
  <xsl:text>. </xsl:text>
  <xsl:value-of select="."/>

In the first value-of element in the template rule that matches name, the position( ) function returns an integer reflecting the current position in the current node list. The current node list at this point consists of all the name nodes in the source tree. After giving you the position, the template inserts some text, then the text node child of the current name, then a linefeed. When you apply the stylesheet like this:

xalan canada.xml position.xsl

you will get the output shown in Example 9-3.

Example 9-3. A list of numbered provinces, produced by running position.xsl
1. Alberta
2. British Columbia
3. Manitoba
4. New Brunswick
5. Newfoundland and Labrador
6. Northwest Territories
7. Nova Scotia
8. Nunavut
9. Ontario
10. Prince Edward Island
11. Quebec
12. Saskatchewan
13. Yukon

One pitfall of using position( ) is that if you use apply-templates without a select attribute, the whitespace text nodes are numbered as well. position( ) is actually counting nodes—that is, it is counting the nodes in processing order, regardless of where they are in the tree. Don’t be surprised if you get strange numbers in output as a result of position( ) quietly counting whitespace nodes!


If you are producing HTML or XHTML output, remember that you can also generate numbered lists using the ol and li elements.

The number Element

You can get by just using position( ), but XSLT’s number instruction element is far more powerful. Example 9-4, the stylesheet number.xsl , is similar to Example 8-2, sort.xsl in examples/ch08, but with at least one obvious difference—the presence of the number instruction element.

Example 9-4. An XSLT stylesheet using the number element
<xsl:stylesheet version="1.0" xmlns:xsl="">
<xsl:output method="text"/>
 <xsl:template match="provinces">
   <xsl:apply-templates select="name"/>
 <xsl:template match="name">
  <xsl:number format=" 1. "/>
  <xsl:value-of select="."/>

The template that matches name inserts a formatted number into the result tree using number, followed by the string value of each text node child of name that it finds. This is followed by a line break (&#10;). Without using position( ), the number is derived from the position of the node in the source tree, not the current node list. When number is instantiated, it numbers all the name elements in the source document.

The inserted number is formatted according to the contents of the optional format attribute. The format attribute does the job that the first text element in position.xsl did. All of the attributes of number are optional, by the way, but if you don’t use format, you might find that your numbers don’t look very good.

The content of format is a string that describes how you want the number formatted in output. In the case of number.xsl, format contains first a space followed by the digit 1, followed by a period (.), and ending with another space. The digit 1 will be replaced by an incremented number when the transformation takes place.

To see how this looks, transform canada.xml with number.xsl with:

xalan canada.xml number.xsl

and you will get the results shown in Example 9-5.

Example 9-5. The results of using the number.xsl stylesheet
 1. Alberta
 2. British Columbia
 3. Manitoba
 4. New Brunswick
 5. Newfoundland and Labrador
 6. Northwest Territories
 7. Nova Scotia
 8. Nunavut
 9. Ontario
 10. Prince Edward Island
 11. Quebec
 12. Saskatchewan
 13. Yukon

The count Attribute

Without the count attribute, by default, only the nodes of the same name and type as the current node are counted. If the count attribute is present, however, the nodes that match the pattern in count are counted. For example, when applied to canada.xml, the stylesheet count.xsl , in Example 9-6, produces the same result as number.xsl, though the nodes you want to count are made explicit in the count attribute.

Example 9-6. Making the count explicit
<xsl:stylesheet version="1.0" xmlns:xsl="">
<xsl:output method="text"/>
 <xsl:template match="provinces">
   <xsl:apply-templates select="name"/>
 <xsl:template match="name">
  <xsl:number count="name" format=" 1. "/>
  <xsl:value-of select="."/>

More on Formatting

The output from number.xsl and count.xsl looks very similar to what you get with position.xsl, but you can line things up a bit better by adding a tab to the format attribute, as shown in Example 9-7, the stylesheet tab.xsl.

Example 9-7. Modifying number formatting
<xsl:stylesheet version="1.0" xmlns:xsl="">
<xsl:output method="text"/>
 <xsl:template match="provinces">
   <xsl:apply-templates select="name"/>
 <xsl:template match="name">
  <xsl:number format=" 01.&#09;"/>
  <xsl:value-of select="."/>

The value of the format attribute in tab.xsl is a little different than what you saw earlier. Instead of following the period with a space, there is a decimal character reference (&#09;) for a horizontal tab. (You could also write this as a hexadecimal reference, that is, &#x9;.) As you’ll see, the tab will help line up the output.

The digit 1 has also been replaced by 01. This indicates that you want to use at least two places for your numbers instead of one. To see what I mean, transform canada.xml with tab.xsl with this command:

xalan canada.xml tab.xsl

Example 9-8 shows the result.

Example 9-8. The results of explicit formatting using tab.xsl
 01.    Alberta
 02.    British Columbia
 03.    Manitoba
 04.    New Brunswick
 05.    Newfoundland and Labrador
 06.    Northwest Territories
 07.    Nova Scotia
 08.    Nunavut
 09.    Ontario
 10.    Prince Edward Island
 11.    Quebec
 12.    Saskatchewan
 13.    Yukon

Because tab.xsl formats the number with two places, you will get a leading zero for the numbers 1-9. Notice also that, because of the addition of the tab, all the text lines up nicely.

Alphabetical Lists

Instead of decimal numbers, you can also use alphabetical characters in lists generated by the number element. To get this to work, just change the digit in the format attribute value to a single letter—a for lowercase and A for uppercase. For example, alpha.xsl, shown in Example 9-9, uses a lowercase a.

Example 9-9. A stylesheet for alphabetical formatting
<xsl:stylesheet version="1.0" xmlns:xsl="">
<xsl:output method="text"/>
 <xsl:template match="provinces">
   <xsl:apply-templates select="name"/>
 <xsl:template match="name">
  <xsl:number format="&#32;a.&#32;&#32;"/>
  <xsl:value-of select="."/>

Preceding and following the lowercase letter a are spaces defined by decimal character references (&#32;). You also could have used literal characters (just plain spaces) or hexadecimal character references (the hex reference for a space is &#x20;). I use character references here in format because I think it’s easier to see where the whitespaces are rather than the literal spaces, but you’re free to choose which way you want to do it—it’s a matter of personal style.

When you transform canada.xml against alpha.xsl with:

xalan canada.xml alpha.xsl

you get Example 9-10.

Example 9-10. The results of using the number element with alphabetical formatting
 a.  Alberta
 b.  British Columbia
 c.  Manitoba
 d.  New Brunswick
 e.  Newfoundland and Labrador
 f.  Northwest Territories
 g.  Nova Scotia
 h.  Nunavut
 i.  Ontario
 j.  Prince Edward Island
 k.  Quebec
 l.  Saskatchewan
 m.  Yukon

Using Uppercase

If you prefer uppercase characters in your list, use an uppercase A in format instead of a lowercase a, as shown in upper-alpha.xsl, which is not shown here but is in examples/ch09. When you transform canada.xml with upper-alpha.xsl, you will see this generate a list ordered with uppercase letters rather than lowercase.

Longer Alphabetical Lists

What happens when an alphabetical list is longer than the English alphabet, that is, longer than 26 items? XSLT generates repeat characters, that is, lowercase, a, b, c...x, y, z is followed by aa, ab, ac, then followed by ba, bb, bc, then ca, cb, cc, and so on.

In Example 9-11, the document us.xml alphabetically lists all 50 states of the United States of America.

Example 9-11. A list of all the United States in XML
<?xml version="1.0"?>
 <state>New Hampshire</state>
 <state>New Jersey</state>
 <state>New Mexico</state>
 <state>New York</state>
 <state>North Carolina</state>
 <state>North Dakota</state>
 <state>Rhode Island</state>
 <state>South Carolina</state>
 <state>South Dakota</state>
 <state>West Virginia</state>

The stylesheet us.xsl uses number to list the states in us.xml using lowercase letters:

<xsl:stylesheet version="1.0" xmlns:xsl="">
<xsl:output method="text"/>
 <xsl:template match="us">
   <xsl:apply-templates select="state"/>
 <xsl:template match="state">
  <xsl:number format="&#x0020;a.&#x0009;"/>
  <xsl:value-of select="."/>

The format attribute in this stylesheet uses two longer hexadecimal character references, one for space (&#x0020;) and another for tab (&#x0009;). The number 32 in decimal is equivalent to 20 in hexadecimal; the numbers 0 through 9 are represented identically in decimal and hexadecimal. You can drop the leading zeros if you want, and write the references as &#x20; and &#x9;.

Apply the stylesheet us.xsl to the document us.xml with:

xalan us.xml us.xsl

and you will see the following results in Example 9-12.

Example 9-12. An alphabetically ordered list of all the U.S. states
 a.     Alabama
 b.     Alaska
 c.     Arizona
 d.     Arkansas
 e.     California
 f.     Colorado
 g.     Connecticut
 h.     Delaware
 i.     Florida
 j.     Georgia
 k.     Hawaii
 l.     Idaho
 m.     Illinois
 n.     Indiana
 o.     Iowa
 p.     Kansas
 q.     Kentucky
 r.     Louisiana
 s.     Maine
 t.     Maryland
 u.     Massachusetts
 v.     Minnesota
 w.     Michigan
 x.     Mississippi
 y.     Missouri
 z.     Montana
 aa.    Nebraska
 ab.    Nevada
 ac.    New Hampshire
 ad.    New Jersey
 ae.    New Mexico
 af.    New York
 ag.    North Carolina
 ah.    North Dakota
 ai.    Oklahoma
 aj.    Oregon
 ak.    Ohio
 al.    Pennsylvania
 am.    Rhode Island
 an.    South Carolina
 ao.    South Dakota
 ap.    Tennessee
 aq.    Texas
 ar.    Utah
 as.    Vermont
 at.    Virginia
 au.    Washington
 av.    West Virginia
 aw.    Wisconsin
 ax.    Wyoming

Roman Numerals

XSLT also supports numbering with Roman numerals in either upper- or lowercase—with I, II, III, IV, or i, ii, iii, iv, and so forth. To get Roman numerals in your output, just supply an upper- or lowercase letter I or i in the format attribute.

The roman.xsl stylesheet, shown in Example 9-13, formats its output with lowercase Roman numerals.

Example 9-13. A stylesheet for numbering with Roman numerals
<xsl:stylesheet version="1.0" xmlns:xsl="">
<xsl:output method="text"/>
 <xsl:template match="us">
   <xsl:apply-templates select="state"/>
 <xsl:template match="state">
  <xsl:number format="i&#x9;"/>
  <xsl:value-of select="."/>

In this example, the lowercase letter i isn’t preceded by any character, and it is followed by a single tab (&#x9;). Apply this stylesheet to us.xml with:

xalan us.xml roman.xsl

and you get the results shown in Example 9-14.

Example 9-14. U.S. states listed with Roman numerals
i       Alabama
ii      Alaska
iii     Arizona
iv      Arkansas
v       California
vi      Colorado
vii     Connecticut
viii    Delaware
ix      Florida
x       Georgia
xi      Hawaii
xii     Idaho
xiii    Illinois
xiv     Indiana
xv      Iowa
xvi     Kansas
xvii    Kentucky
xviii   Louisiana
xix     Maine
xx      Maryland
xxi     Massachusetts
xxii    Minnesota
xxiii   Michigan
xxiv    Mississippi
xxv     Missouri
xxvi    Montana
xxvii   Nebraska
xxviii  Nevada
xxix    New Hampshire
xxx     New Jersey
xxxi    New Mexico
xxxii   New York
xxxiii  North Carolina
xxxiv   North Dakota
xxxv    Oklahoma
xxxvi   Oregon
xxxvii  Ohio
xxxviii Pennsylvania
xxxix   Rhode Island
xl      South Carolina
xli     South Dakota
xlii    Tennessee
xliii   Texas
xliv    Utah
xlv     Vermont
xlvi    Virginia
xlvii   Washington
xlviii  West Virginia
xlix    Wisconsin
l       Wyoming

Uppercase Roman Numerals

For uppercase Roman numerals, do the same thing as you do with alphabetical lists. The stylesheet upper-roman.xsl replaces the lowercase i with an uppercase I, followed by a decimal character reference for a tab (&#9;). (This stylesheet is not shown here but is in examples/ch09.) If you transform us.xml with upper-roman.xsl, it will give you uppercase Roman numerals rather than lowercase.

Inserting an Individual Formatted Value

The value attribute of the number elements can be an individual value that you can format and then insert into the output. As a single value, it will also be a fixed value that isn’t based on the position of the current node in the source document.

However, the value attribute can contain an expression whose result is a number that is not fixed. If, for example, the expression in value consists only of the position( ) function, numbering will be sequential and not fixed. See the stylesheet value.xsl in examples/ch09 for an example of this (not shown here). You can apply this stylesheet to canada.xml if you want to try it. This stylesheet also sorts the content of canada.xml in reverse, or descending, order.

If you want to insert the single number 1,000,000 into a result tree, you could do so with the value attribute on number. Given the little document thanks.xml:

<thank>Thanks a </thanks>

you could insert a single number into it with thanks.xsl , as shown in Example 9-15.

Example 9-15. Inserting a single formatted number
<xsl:stylesheet version="1.0" xmlns:xsl="">
<xsl:output method="text"/>
 <xsl:template match="thanks">
  <xsl:value-of select="."/>
  <xsl:number value="1000000" grouping-size="3" grouping-separator=","/>

The value attribute holds the desired number, 1000000. The grouping-size attribute indicates that you want to group the number at the thousands place. The grouping-separator attribute specifies a separator character (a comma [,]) that will occur at the thousands place. In order to work, the two grouping attributes must be used together.

Process thanks.xml with thanks.xsl for this result:

Thanks a 1,000,000!

Without the two grouping attributes used on number in thanks.xsl, the commas wouldn’t appear in this output.

If you live in a locale that uses a period or dot (.) instead of a comma (,) as a group separator, you will prefer to use the stylesheet in Example 9-16, dot.xsl .

Example 9-16. Formatting the number with a dot separator
<xsl:stylesheet version="1.0" xmlns:xsl="">
<xsl:output method="text"/>
 <xsl:template match="thanks">
  <xsl:value-of select="."/>
  <xsl:number value="1000000" grouping-size="3" grouping-separator="."/>

The only difference between thanks.xsl and dot.xsl is the value of the grouping-separator attribute. When used against thanks.xml, this stylesheet generates:

Thanks a 1.000.000!

The grouping attributes grouping-size and grouping-separator also work with numbers generated in the ordinary way by the number element, not just with a number supplied by the value attribute, as shown in dot.xsl. For example, if you have a document that has several thousand nodes that you want to count, the following instance of the number element with no value attribute would place a comma at the thousands place:

<xsl:number format="&#10;" grouping-size="3" grouping-separator=","/>

If you want to see this in action, generate the numbers 1 through 2,000 by applying generator.xsl to generator.xml, which contains 2,000 num nodes (not shown here but available in examples/ch09). These files—a trivial pair—exist among the examples only to demonstrate how the grouping attributes work with ordinary numbering. As you might have guessed, listing 2,000 nodes is impractical to print in a book!

Numbering Levels

An XSLT processor analyzes a source tree before any processing takes place. This makes it reasonably easy for the processor to determine how many nodes lie along a given axis, and makes it possible to produce different numbering levels when transforming a document. You can control this with number’s level attribute.

The level attribute lets you set the level at which numbering takes place with one of three values: single, multiple, and any. So far, you have only seen numbering single level, which is the default. Here is a brief explanation of the three numbering levels, assuming that you don’t use the from attribute and that the count attribute matches the current node:

  • By default, the value of level is single, meaning that numbering takes place only with regard to sibling nodes on one level. More precisely, nodes on the single (one) level are counted along the preceding-sibling axis, and include all the preceding sibling nodes that match count or the current node.

  • If the value of level is multiple, this means that all nodes on the ancestor-or-self axis, that match count or the current node, are counted.

  • If the level attribute has a value of any, all nodes on the preceding or ancestor axes before the current node, that match count or the current node, are counted as they appear in document order.

That’s the technical explanation. The different numbering levels will be clearer to you after you get a chance to go through a couple of examples.

Counting on Multiple Levels

To start out, take a look at Example 9-17, outline.xml , which lists some information about money in the United States.

Example 9-17. An XML document about U.S. currency
<?xml version="1.0"?>
 <section title="US coin denominations">
  <item>half dollar</item>
 <section title="Persons on US coins">
  <item>Abraham Lincoln (cent)</item>
  <item>Thomas Jefferson (nickel)</item>
  <item>Franklin Roosevelt (dime)</item>
  <item>George Washington (quarter)</item>
  <item>John Kennedy (half dollar)</item>
  <item>Sacagawea (dollar)</item>
 <section title="US currency in bills">
  <item>$1 dollar bill</item>
  <item>$2 dollar bill</item>
  <item>$5 dollar bill</item>
  <item>$10 dollar bill</item>
  <item>$20 dollar bill</item>
  <item>$50 dollar bill</item>
  <item>$100 dollar bill</item>
 <section title="Persons on US bills">
  <item>George Washington ($1)</item>
  <item>Thomas Jefferson ($2)</item>
  <item>Abraham Lincoln ($5)</item>
  <item>Alexander Hamilton $10</item>
  <item>Andrew Jackson ($20)</item>
  <item>Ulysses Grant ($50)</item>
  <item>Benjamin Franklin ($100)</item>

There are two levels to count in outline.xml, namely, section and item nodes. The following stylesheet, outline.xsl , counts on both levels because it uses multiple as the value of the level attribute on number.

This stylesheet also introduces the for-each instruction element. As stated earlier, the for-each element works like a template within a template, and it is instantiated each time the node in the required select attribute is matched.

Example 9-18 shows outline.xsl.

Example 9-18. Using for-each for numbering
<xsl:stylesheet version="1.0" xmlns:xsl="">
<xsl:output method="text"/>
<xsl:template match="outline">
 <xsl:for-each select="section|//item">
                  <xsl:number level="multiple" count="section | item" format="i. a. "/>
  <xsl:value-of select="@title | text(  )"/>
 <xsl:text>&#10; see and;</xsl:text>

The select attribute of for-each can contain an expression. In outline.xsl, the select attribute instructs the processor to iterate through the section elements and (signified by |) all item elements in outline.xml. The two slashes (// ) preceding item in the select attribute refer to all item elements that are descendants of the root node—in other words, all item elements in the entire source document.

The number element specifies a multilevel count for section and item elements by using the value of multiple for level, meaning that all ancestors will be counted. number also formats the numbers with lowercase Roman numerals on one level and with lowercase letters on another. After the appropriate number is inserted, a value-of grabs title attributes and text nodes. When for-each is done iterating through the nodes, the template adds a couple of URLs on to the end of the result to show where the information came from.

The result of applying outline.xsl to outline.xml with:

xalan outline.xml outline.xsl

is shown in Example 9-19.

Example 9-19. The results of using the stylesheet on multiple levels
i. US coin denominations
i. a. cent
i. b. nickel
i. c. dime
i. d. quarter
i. e. half dollar
i. f. dollar
ii. Persons on US coins
ii. a. Abraham Lincoln (cent)
ii. b. Thomas Jefferson (nickel)
ii. c. Franklin Roosevelt (dime)
ii. d. George Washington (quarter)
ii. e. John Kennedy (half dollar)
ii. f. Sacagawea (dollar)
iii. US currency in bills
iii. a. $1 dollar bill
iii. b. $2 dollar bill
iii. c. $5 dollar bill
iii. d. $10 dollar bill
iii. e. $20 dollar bill
iii. f. $50 dollar bill
iii. g. $100 dollar bill
iv. Persons on US bills
iv. a. George Washington ($1)
iv. b. Thomas Jefferson ($2)
iv. c. Abraham Lincoln ($5)
iv. d. Alexander Hamilton $10
iv. e. Andrew Jackson ($20)
iv. f. Ulysses Grant ($50)
iv. g. Benjamin Franklin ($100)
see and

As a result of using level="multiple“, the section nodes are counted at one level with Roman numerals, and the item nodes are counted at another level, alphabetically.

Now I’ll clean up the Roman numerals that repeat in the previous example. I want to see the Roman numerals only on the section nodes, and the alphabetical numbering only on the item nodes. The way to make this happen is to number each node-set differently, in separate templates that don’t use level="multiple“, which is what is done in Example 9-20, better.xsl .

Example 9-20. A cleaner method for numbering on multiple levels manually
<xsl:stylesheet version="1.0" xmlns:xsl="">
<xsl:output method="text"/>
<xsl:template match="outline">
 <xsl:apply-templates select="section"/>
 <xsl:text>see and</xsl:text>
<xsl:template match="section">
 <xsl:number format="I. "/>
 <xsl:value-of select="@title"/>
 <xsl:apply-templates select="item"/>
<xsl:template match="item">
 <xsl:number format=" a. "/>
 <xsl:value-of select="text(  )"/>

The template that matches the outline node applies templates to section nodes, and the template that matches section nodes applies templates to item nodes, in that order. The template that matches section nodes numbers the section nodes on the single level (the default) using one format, and the template that matches item nodes numbers item nodes also on the single level using a different format. I think the result is more attractive than the previous, multilevel example. When applied to outline.xml, using:

xalan outline.xml better.xsl

better.xsl creates the output shown in Example 9-21.

Example 9-21. A cleaner result
I. US coin denominations
 a. cent
 b. nickel
 c. dime
 d. quarter
 e. half dollar
 f. dollar
II. Persons on US coins
 a. Abraham Lincoln (cent)
 b. Thomas Jefferson (nickel)
 c. Franklin Roosevelt (dime)
 d. George Washington (quarter)
 e. John Kennedy (half dollar)
 f. Sacagawea (dollar)
III. US currency in bills
 a. $1 dollar bill
 b. $2 dollar bill
 c. $5 dollar bill
 d. $10 dollar bill
 e. $20 dollar bill
 f. $50 dollar bill
 g. $100 dollar bill
IV. Persons on US bills
 a. George Washington ($1)
 b. Thomas Jefferson ($2)
 c. Abraham Lincoln ($5)
 d. Alexander Hamilton $10
 e. Andrew Jackson ($20)
 f. Ulysses Grant ($50)
 g. Benjamin Franklin ($100)
see and

That looks better. If you increased the depth of the outline by adding child elements to item elements, you could add another template to better.xsl that numbers the new level of nodes and is invoked from the template that processes nodes just above this new level.

More Depth

Now, let’s look at a document that has a little more depth, where you can see a varied hierarchy in the elements. Example 9-22, the document data.xml , contains some contact information for several standards organizations headquartered in the United States.

Example 9-22. Information about standards organizations
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="US-ASCII"?>
<data locale="us">
   <full>Internet Assigned Numbers Authority</full>
   <street>4676 Admiralty Way, Suite 330</street>
   <city>Marina del Rey</city>
   <phone>+1 310 823 9358</phone>
   <fax>+1 310 823 8649</fax>
   <email>[email protected]</email>
   <full>Internet Society</full>
   <street>1775 Wiehle Ave., Suite 102</street>
   <phone>+1 703 326 9880</phone>
   <fax>+1 703 326 9881</fax>
   <email>[email protected]</email>
   <full>Organization for the Advancement of Structured Information Standards</full>
   <street>630 Boston Rd.</street>
   <phone>+1 978 667 5115</phone>
   <fax>+1 978 667 5114</fax>
   <email>[email protected]</email>

The stylesheet shown in Example 9-23, data.xsl , counts all elements on the multiple level from the data element.

Example 9-23. A stylesheet numbering with the from element
<xsl:stylesheet version="1.0" xmlns:xsl="">
<xsl:output method="text"/>
<xsl:strip-space elements="*"/>
<xsl:template match="/">
 <xsl:apply-templates select="data//*"/>
<xsl:template match="data//*">
 <xsl:number level="multiple" count="*" from="data" format="1.1.1 "/>
 <xsl:value-of select="name(  )"/>
 <xsl:text>: </xsl:text>
 <xsl:value-of select="text(  )"/>

I’ll discuss the from attribute in a moment. data.xsl prints each element’s name with its immediate text node children, with each name preceded by a formatted section number and interspersed with a colon and whitespace. The result of processing data.xml with data.xsl with:

xalan data.xml data.xsl

is shown in Example 9-24.

Example 9-24. Results with section numbering
1 record:
1.1 name:
1.1.1 full:    Internet Assigned Numbers Authority
1.1.2 brief:   IANA
1.2 address:
1.2.1 street:  4676 Admiralty Way, Suite 330
1.2.2 city:    Marina del Rey
1.2.3 state:   CA
1.2.4 code:    90292
1.2.5 nation:  USA
1.3 tel:
1.3.1 phone:   +1 310 823 9358
1.3.2 fax:     +1 310 823 8649
1.3.3 email:   [email protected]
2 record:
2.1 name:
2.1.1 full:    Internet Society
2.1.2 brief:   ISOC
2.2 address:
2.2.1 street:  1775 Wiehle Ave., Suite 102
2.2.2 city:    Reston
2.2.3 state:   VA
2.2.4 code:    20190
2.2.5 nation:  USA
2.3 tel:
2.3.1 phone:   +1 703 326 9880
2.3.2 fax:     +1 703 326 9881
2.3.3 email:   [email protected]
3 record:
3.1 name:
3.1.1 full:    Organization for the Advancement of Structured Information Standards
3.1.2 brief:   OASIS
3.2 address:
3.2.1 street:  630 Boston Rd.
3.2.2 city:    Billerica
3.2.3 state:   MA
3.2.4 code:    01821
3.2.5 nation:  USA
3.3 tel:
3.3.1 phone:   +1 978 667 5115
3.3.2 fax:     +1 978 667 5114
3.3.3 email:   [email protected]

The numbering in Example 9-24 shows the structure of the elements and the hierarchical relationship of these elements to each other. It also shows how markup can be structured into numbered sections that technical or legal documents sometimes require.

Counting on Any Level

I’ll now show you the difference between counting with multiple levels compared to counting on any level. The stylesheet any.xsl is a little different than outline.xsl: the value of level is any instead of multiple, and the value of format is also changed (i. a. becomes 1.). When you process outline.xml with any.xsl:

xalan outline.xml any.xsl

you get the result shown in Example 9-25.

Example 9-25. Results of numbering using the any level
1. US coin denominations
2. cent
3. nickel
4. dime
5. quarter
6. half dollar
7. dollar
8. Persons on US coins
9. Abraham Lincoln (cent)
10. Thomas Jefferson (nickel)
11. Franklin Roosevelt (dime)
12. George Washington (quarter)
13. John Kennedy (half dollar)
14. Sacagawea (dollar)
15. US currency in bills
16. $1 dollar bill
17. $2 dollar bill
18. $5 dollar bill
19. $10 dollar bill
20. $20 dollar bill
21. $50 dollar bill
22. $100 dollar bill
23. Persons on US bills
24. George Washington ($1)
25. Thomas Jefferson ($2)
26. Abraham Lincoln ($5)
27. Alexander Hamilton $10
28. Andrew Jackson ($20)
29. Ulysses Grant ($50)
30. Benjamin Franklin ($100)
see and

Using the any level produces a sequential numbering of all nodes—no matter what level they are on. This could be useful, for example, when numbering diagrams in a document.

The from Attribute

The from attribute was shown earlier in data.xsl. This attribute tells the XSLT processor the node where you want the counting to start from. Example 9-26, the stylesheet from.xsl, uses the from attribute.

Example 9-26. A stylesheet using from
<xsl:stylesheet version="1.0" xmlns:xsl="">
<xsl:output method="text"/>
<xsl:template match="outline">
 <xsl:for-each select="section|//item">
  <xsl:number from="section" level="multiple" count="section | item" format=" a "/>
  <xsl:value-of select="@title | text(  )"/>
 <xsl:text>&#10; see and;</xsl:text>

When you count using from="section“, the processor counts the nodes after the section nodes in the source tree, that is, all the item nodes. The result of this is that item nodes are counted, but the section nodes are not, as Example 9-27 shows.

Example 9-27. A stylesheet for counting from section elements
US coin denominations
 a cent
 b nickel
 c dime
 d quarter
 e half dollar
 f dollar
Persons on US coins
 a Abraham Lincoln (cent)
 b Thomas Jefferson (nickel)
 c Franklin Roosevelt (dime)
 d George Washington (quarter)
 e John Kennedy (half dollar)
 f Sacagawea (dollar)
US currency in bills
 a $1 dollar bill
 b $2 dollar bill
 c $5 dollar bill
 d $10 dollar bill
 e $20 dollar bill
 f $50 dollar bill
 g $100 dollar bill
Persons on US bills
 a George Washington ($1)
 b Thomas Jefferson ($2)
 c Abraham Lincoln ($5)
 d Alexander Hamilton $10
 e Andrew Jackson ($20)
 f Ulysses Grant ($50)
 g Benjamin Franklin ($100)
 see and

Notice that no number precedes the section text (U.S. coin denominations and so forth). Now that you’ve seen several examples of multilevel numbering, I hope you can find at least one of them that meets your needs.

The lang and letter-value Attributes

I’ll mention a pair of attributes from number that I haven’t yet discussed, but without concrete examples. These attributes have to do with the different way numbering is handled in different human languages. Speakers of English and other European languages are accustomed to numbering with so-called Arabic numerals, that is, with the ten digits 0-9. Some languages, such as Hebrew and Greek, use letters from their alphabets as numbers.

The lang attribute, like xml:lang, takes a language token as a value, such as en, fr, de, or es. This language token is supposed to signal to the XSLT processor what language is in use with regard to numbering. Another attribute, letter-value, takes the values alphabetic or traditional. These values are there to help distinguish between language-specific numbering systems that assign numerical values to alphabetical sequences or assign numerical values to letters in a traditional way. Unless you are familiar with a given language, such as Hebrew or Greek, some of these numbering schemes can be elusive.


The specification is somewhat loose in regard to this aspect of numbering, probably because the variations and ambiguities of numbering could make implementing number an overwhelming task. If you need to use traditional numbering, check the documentation provided with your XSLT processor of choice to find out how the processor handles these cases.

More Help with Formatted Numbers

The format attribute of the number element isn’t the only place to turn for help with formatting numbers in XSLT. You can also use the format-number( ) function coupled optionally with the decimal-format element. The top-level decimal-format element has 10 attributes that define number characteristics, such as the decimal separator and percent sign used when formatting a number. Table 9-1 lists these 10 attributes with their default values.


The default values of decimal-format are assumed if the element is not present; if decimal-format is present, the default values are assumed if a given attribute is not used.

Table 9-1. Decimal format attributes







Symbol that acts as a decimal point




Symbol that represents any digit in number patterns




Symbol that separates groups of digits




Symbol that represents infinity

&#x221E; (∞)



Symbol that represents a minus sign

&#x2212; (-)


Name for a decimal format




Symbol for Not a Number




Symbol for separating pattern definitions





Symbol for percent sign



Symbol for per mille sign


The number characteristics defined by decimal-format are used with the format-number( ) function. The decimal-format element has no effect unless used with the format-number( ) function.

Example 9-28, the document format.xml, provides a list of eight positive integers that will be formatted in this example.

Example 9-28. Integers for formatting
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<?xml-stylesheet href="format.xsl" type="text/xsl"?>

The XML stylesheet PI references the format.xsl stylesheet shown in Example 9-29.

Example 9-29. A stylesheet with named formats for numbers
<xsl:stylesheet version="1.0" xmlns:xsl="">
<xsl:output method="html"/>
<xsl:decimal-format name="de" decimal-separator=","
               <xsl:decimal-format name="fr" decimal-separator=","
    grouping-separator=" "/>
               <xsl:decimal-format name="ru" decimal-separator=","
    grouping-separator=" "/>
               <xsl:decimal-format name="uk" decimal-separator="."
               <xsl:decimal-format name="us" decimal-separator="."
<xsl:template match="convert">
 <title>Number Formatter</title>
 <style type="text/css">
 table {margin-left:auto;margin-right:auto}
 td {text-align:right;padding: 5px 5px 5px 5px}
 h3 {text-align:center}
 <h3>Number Formatter</h3>
 <table rules="all">
  <th>&#x420;&#x43E;&#x441;&#x441;&#x438;&#x44f;</th> <!— Russia —>
  <th>United Kingdom</th>
  <th>United States</th>
 <xsl:apply-templates select="number"/>
<xsl:template match="number">
 <td><xsl:value-of select="format-number(.,'.###,00&#x20AC;','de')"/></td>
               <td><xsl:value-of select="format-number(.,' ###,00&#x20AC;','fr')"/></td>
               <td><xsl:value-of select="format-number(.,' ###,00p.','ru')"/></td>
               <td><xsl:value-of select="format-number(.,'&#xA3;,###.00','uk')"/></td>
               <td><xsl:value-of select="format-number(.,'&#x24;,###.00','us')"/></td>

Each of the five instances of the decimal-format element at the top of the stylesheet define a number format, each with its own name. These formats define currency patterns for Germany (Deutschland), France, Р о с с и я (Russia), the United Kingdom, and the United States. The currency patterns identify the decimal and grouping separators that are formally used when describing currency in those countries.

The stylesheet creates some HTML and CSS for the result tree. The headings (th) include the name Russia spelled in Cyrillic Р о с с и я using character references. As the table rows are formed with the second template, each number element in format.xml is processed with each of the five named number formats by calling the format-number( ) function. I’ll pick apart the first function call so you can better understand what’s going on with all five:


The format-number( ) function can take three arguments (as this call does), but only two arguments are required. The first argument in this call is a period (.). This is a synonym for the current node (current( ) and self::node( ) also work here). The current node is a node from the node list containing all the number nodes in the source tree.

The second argument is a number pattern for formatting the number, as follows:

  • The period (.) represents a grouping separator.

  • The three hashes, or pound signs (###), each represent digits. (You could change this to some other symbol with the digit attribute in decimal-format; the default is #.)

  • The comma (,) after the ### represents a decimal point or separator.

  • The character reference (&#x20AC;) is for the Euro currency symbol .

  • This pattern can produce a formatted number such as 1.000,00 .

The third and final argument for format-number( ) references a named number format (as in de) that is defined by a decimal-format element.

The result of formatting format.xml with format.xsl is shown in Figure 9-1 in Mozilla Firebird. One reason I did this example in HTML is so that I could show the Cyrillic characters and currency symbols. They don’t show well in a command prompt window!

Displaying format.xml in Mozilla Firebird
Figure 9-1. Displaying format.xml in Mozilla Firebird

I researched the currency formats using IBM’s open source International Components for Unicode (ICU) project. ICU provides libraries of services that use the latest versions of Unicode, including international number formats (see For information on these currency patterns discussed here, check out the ICU LocaleExplorer at


Though it is well-researched, ICU might not always reflect the common street practice of native speakers or users of a given language.


In this chapter, you learned how to create numbered lists for a result tree. You learned how to format numbers, create alphabetical and Roman numeral lists, insert single, formatted numbers into the result, and number lists at different levels. You also learned how to format numbers with the format-number( ) function coupled with the decimal-format element.

You can put numbering behind you for now—it’s time to learn more about templates.

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