Chapter 1. Customizing the User Environment


Users of open source ( Unix operating systems are an interesting breed. They like to poke under the surface of things, to find out how things work, and to figure out new and interesting ways of accomplishing common computing tasks. In short, they like to “hack.”

While this book concentrates on the BSDs, many of the hacks apply to any open source operating system. Each hack is simply a demonstration of how to examine a common problem from a slightly different angle. Feel free to use any of these hacks as a springboard to your own customized solution. If your particular operating system doesn’t contain the tool used in the solution, use a tool that does exist, or invent your own!

This chapter provides many tools for getting the most out of your working environment. You’ll learn how to make friends with your shell and how to perform your most common tasks with just a few keystrokes or mouse clicks. You’ll also uncover tricks that can help prevent command-line disasters. And, above all, you’ll discover that hacking BSD is fun. So, pull your chair up to your operating system of choice and let’s start hacking.

Get the Most Out of the Default Shell

Become a speed daemon at the command line.

For better or for worse, you spend a lot of time at the command line. If you’re used to administering a Linux system, you may be dismayed to learn that bash is not the default shell on a BSD system, for either the superuser or regular user accounts.

Take heart; the FreeBSD superuser’s default tcsh shell is also brimming with shortcuts and little tricks designed to let you breeze through even the most tedious of tasks. Spend a few moments learning these tricks and you’ll feel right at home. If you’re new to the command line or consider yourself a terrible typist, read on. Unix might be a whole lot easier than you think.


NetBSD and OpenBSD also ship with the C shell as their default shell. However, it is not always the same tcsh, but often its simpler variant, csh, which doesn’t support all of the tricks provided in this hack.

However, both NetBSD and OpenBSD provide a tcsh package in their respective package collections.

History and Auto-Completion

I hate to live without three keys: up arrow, down arrow, and Tab. In fact, you can recognize me in a crowd, as I’m the one muttering loudly to myself if I’m on a system that doesn’t treat these keys the way I expect to use them.

tcsh uses the up and down arrow keys to scroll through your command history. If there is a golden rule to computing, it should be: “You should never have to type a command more than once.” When you need to repeat a command, simply press your up arrow until you find the desired command. Then, press Enter and think of all the keystrokes you just saved yourself. If your fingers fly faster than your eyes can read and you whiz past the right command, simply use the down arrow to go in the other direction.

The Tab key was specifically designed for both the lazy typist and the terrible speller. It can be painful watching some people type out a long command only to have it fail because of a typo. It’s even worse if they haven’t heard about history, as they think their only choice is to try typing out the whole thing all over again. No wonder some people hate the command line!

Tab activates auto-completion. This means that if you type enough letters of a recognizable command or file, tcsh will fill in the rest of the word for you. However, if you instead hear a beep when you press the Tab key, it means that your shell isn’t sure what you want. For example, if I want to run sockstat and type:

% so

then press my Tab key, the system will beep because multiple commands start with so. However, if I add one more letter:

% soc

and try again, the system will fill in the command for me:

% sockstat

Editing and Navigating the Command Line

There are many more shortcuts that can save you keystrokes. Suppose I’ve just finished editing a document. If I press my up arrow, my last command will be displayed at the prompt:

% vi mydocs/today/verylongfilename

I’d now like to double-check how many words and lines are in that file by running this command:

% wc mydocs/today/verylongfilename

I could pound on the backspace key until I get to the vi portion of the command, but it would be much easier to hold down the Ctrl key and press a. That would bring me to the very beginning of that command so I could replace the vi with wc. For a mnemonic device, remember that just as a is the first letter of the alphabet, it also represents the first letter of the command at a tcsh prompt.

I don’t have to use my right arrow to go to the end of the command in order to press Enter and execute the command. Once your command looks like it should, you can press Enter. It doesn’t matter where your cursor happens to be.

Sometimes you would like your cursor to go to the end of the command. Let’s say I want to run the word count command on two files, and right now my cursor is at the first c in this command:

% wc mydocs/today/verylongfilename

If I hold down Ctrl and press e, the cursor will jump to the end of the command, so I can type in the rest of the desired command. Remember that e is for end.

Finally, what if you’re in the middle of a long command and decide you’d like to start from scratch, erase what you’ve typed, and just get your prompt back? Simply hold down Ctrl and press u for undo.


If you work in the Cisco or PIX IOS systems, all of the previous tricks work at the IOS command line.

Did you know that the cd command also includes some built-in shortcuts? You may have heard of this one: to return to your home directory quickly, simply type:

% cd

That’s very convenient, but what if you want to change to a different previous directory? Let’s say that you start out in the /usr/share/doc/en_US.ISO8859-1/books/handbook directory, then use cd to change to the /usr/X11R6/etc/X11 directory. Now you want to go back to that first directory. If you’re anything like me, you really don’t want to type out that long directory path again. Sure, you could pick it out of your history, but chances are you originally navigated into that deep directory structure one directory at a time. If that’s the case, it would probably take you longer to pick each piece out of the history than it would be to just type the command manually.

Fortunately, there is a very quick solution. Simply type:

% cd -

Repeat that command and watch as your prompt changes between the first and the second directory. What, your prompt isn’t changing to indicate your current working directory? Don’t worry, [Hack #2] will take care of that.

Learning from Your Command History

Now that you can move around fairly quickly, let’s fine-tune some of these hacks. How many times have you found yourself repeating commands just to alter them slightly? The following scenario is one example.

Remember that document I created? Instead of using the history to bring up my previous command so I could edit it, I might have found it quicker to type this:

% wc !$
  wc mydocs/today/verylongfilename
        19        97        620 mydocs/today/verylongfilename

The !$ tells the shell to take the last parameter from the previous command. Since that command was:

% vi mydocs/today/verylongfilename

it replaced the !$ in my new command with the very long filename from my previous command.

The ! (or bang!) character has several other useful applications for dealing with previously issued commands. Suppose you’ve been extremely busy and have issued several dozen commands in the last hour or so. You now want to repeat something you did half an hour ago. You could keep tapping your up arrow until you come across the command. But why search yourself when ! can search for you?

For example, if I’d like to repeat the command mailstats, I could give ! enough letters to figure out which command to pick out from my history:

$ !ma

! will pick out the most recently issued command that begins with ma. If I had issued a man command sometime after mailstats command, tcsh would find that instead. This would fix it though:

% !mai

If you’re not into trial and error, you can view your history by simply typing:

% history

If you’re really lazy, this command will do the same thing:

% h

Each command in this history will have a number. You can specify a command by giving ! the associated number. In this example, I’ll ask tcsh to reissue the mailstats command:

% h
  165  16:51  mailstats
  166  16:51  sockstat
  167  16:52  telnet localhost 25
  168  16:54  man sendmail

% !165

Silencing Auto-Complete

The last tip I’ll mention is for those of you who find the system bell irritating. Or perhaps you just find it frustrating typing one letter, tabbing, typing another letter, tabbing, and so on until auto-complete works. If I type:

% ls -l b

then hold down the Ctrl key while I press d:

backups/  bin/   book/  boring.jpg
% ls -l b

I’ll be shown all of the b possibilities in my current directory, and then my prompt will return my cursor to what I’ve already typed. In this example, if I want to view the size and permissions of boring.jpg, I’ll need to type up to here:

% ls -l bor

before I press the Tab key. I’ll leave it up to your own imagination to decide what the d stands for.

See Also

  • man tcsh

Useful tcsh Shell Configuration File Options

Make the shell a friendly place to work in.

Now that you’ve had a chance to make friends with the shell, let’s use its configuration file to create an environment you’ll enjoy working in. Your prompt is an excellent place to start.

Making Your Prompt More Useful

The default tcsh prompt displays % when you’re logged in as a regular user and hostname# when you’re logged in as the superuser. That’s a fairly useful way to figure out who you’re logged in as, but we can do much better than that.

Each user on the system, including the superuser, has a .cshrc file in his home directory. Here are my current prompt settings:

dru@~: grep prompt ~/.cshrc
if ($?prompt) then
        set prompt = "%B%n@%~%b: "

That isn’t the default tcsh prompt, as I’ve been using my favorite customized prompt for the past few years. The possible prompt formatting sequences are easy to understand if you have a list of possibilities in front of you. That list is buried deeply within man cshrc, so here’s a quick way to zero in on it:

dru@~: man cshrc
               /prompt may include

Here I’ve used the / to invoke the manpage search utility. The search string prompt may include brings you to the right section, and is intuitive enough that even my rusty old brain can remember it.

If you compare the formatting sequences shown in the manpage to my prompt string, it reads as follows:

set prompt = "%B%n@%~%b: "

That’s a little dense. Table 1-1 dissects the options.

Table 1-1. Prompt characters




Starts the prompt string.


Turns on bold.


Shows the login name in the prompt.


I use this as a separator to make my prompt more visually appealing.


Shows the current working directory. It results in a shorter prompt than %/, as my home directory is shortened from /usr/home/myusername to ~


Turns off bold.


Again, this is an extra character I use to separate my prompt from the cursor.


Ends the prompt string.

With this prompt, I always know who I am and where I am. If I also needed to know what machine I was logged into (useful for remote administration), I could also include %M or %m somewhere within the prompt string.

I highly recommend you take some time to experiment with the various formatting sequences and hack a prompt that best meets your needs. You can add other features, including customized time and date strings and command history numbers [Hack #1] , as well as flashing or underlining the prompt.

Setting Shell Variables

Your prompt is an example of a shell variable. There are dozens of other shell variables you can set in .cshrc. My trick for finding the shell variables section in the manpage is:

dru@~: man cshrc
               /variables described

As the name implies, shell variables affect only the commands that are built into the shell itself. Don’t confuse these with environment variables, which affect your entire working environment and every command you invoke.

If you take a look at your ~/.cshrc file, environment variables are the ones written in uppercase and are preceded with the setenv command. Shell variables are written in lowercase and are preceded with the set command.

You can also enable a shell variable by using the set command at your command prompt. (Use unset to disable it.) Since the variable affects only your current login session and its children, you can experiment with setting and unsetting variables to your heart’s content. If you get into trouble, log out of that session and log in again.

If you find a variable you want to keep permanently, add it to your ~/.cshrc file in the section that contains the default set commands. Let’s take a look at some of the most useful ones.

If you enjoyed Ctrl-d from [Hack #1] , you’ll like this even better:

set autolist

Now whenever you use the Tab key and the shell isn’t sure what you want, it won’t beep at you. Instead, the shell will show you the applicable possibilities. You don’t even have to press Ctrl-d first!

The next variable might save you from possible future peril:

set rmstar

I’ll test this variable by quickly making a test directory and some files:

dru@~: mkdir test
dru@~: cd test
dru@~/test: touch a b c d e

Then, I’ll try to remove the files from that test directory:

dru@~/test: rm *
Do you really want to delete all files? [n/y]

Since my prompt tells me what directory I’m in, this trick gives me one last chance to double-check that I really am deleting the files I want to delete.

If you’re prone to typos, consider this one:

set correct=all

This is how the shell will respond to typos at the command line:

dru@~: cd /urs/ports
CORRECT>cd /usr/ports (y|n|e|a)?

Pressing y will correct the spelling and execute the command. Pressing n will execute the misspelled command, resulting in an error message. If I press e, I can edit my command (although, in this case, it would be much quicker for the shell to go with its correct spelling). And if I completely panic at the thought of all of these choices, I can always press a to abort and just get my prompt back.

If you like to save keystrokes, try:

set implicitcd

You’ll never have to type cd again. Instead, simply type the name of the directory and the shell will assume you want to go there.

Create Shell Bindings

Train your shell to run a command for you whenever you press a mapped key.

Have you ever listened to a Windows power user expound on the joys of hotkeys? Perhaps you yourself have been known to gaze wistfully at the extra buttons found on a Microsoft keyboard. Did you know that it’s easy to configure your keyboard to launch your most commonly used applications with a keystroke or two?

One way to do this is with the bindkey command, which is built into the tcsh shell. As the name suggests, this command binds certain actions to certain keys. To see your current mappings, simply type bindkey. The output is several pages long, so I’ve included only a short sample. However, you’ll recognize some of these shortcuts from [Hack #1] .

Standard key bindings
"^A"           ->  beginning-of-line
"^B"           ->  backward-char
"^E"           ->  end-of-line
"^F"           ->  forward-char
"^L"           ->  clear-screen
"^N"           ->  down-history
"^P"           ->  up-history
"^U"           ->  kill-whole-line

Arrow key bindings
down           -> history-search-forward
up             -> history-search-backward
left           -> backward-char
right          -> forward-char
home           -> beginning-of-line
end            -> end-of-line

The ^ means hold down your Ctrl key. For example, press Ctrl and then l, and you’ll clear your screen more quickly than by typing clear. Notice that it doesn’t matter if you use the uppercase or lowercase letter.

Creating a Binding

One of my favorite shortcuts isn’t bound to a key by default: complete-word-fwd. Before I do the actual binding, I’ll first check which keys are available:

dru@~: bindkey | grep undefined

"^G"           ->  is undefined
"305"         ->  is undefined
"307"         ->  is undefined

Although it is possible to bind keys to numerical escape sequences, I don’t find that very convenient. However, I can very easily use that available Ctrl-g. Let’s see what happens when I bind it:

dru@~: bindkey "^G" complete-word-fwd

When I typed in that command, I knew something worked because my prompt returned silently. Here’s what happens if I now type ls -l /etc/, hold down the Ctrl key, and repeatedly press g:

ls -l /etc/COPYRIGHT
ls -l /etc/X11
ls -l /etc/aliases
ls -l /etc/

I now have a quick way of cycling through the files in a directory until I find the exact one I want. Even better, if I know what letter the file starts with, I can specify it. Here I’ll cycle through the files that start with a:

ls -l /etc/a
ls -l /etc/aliases
ls -l /etc/
ls -l /etc/apmd.conf
ls -l /etc/auth.conf
ls -l /etc/a

Once I’ve cycled through, the shell will bring me back to the letter a and beep.

If you prefer to cycle backward, starting with words that begin with z instead of a, bind your key to complete-word-back instead.

When you use bindkey, you can bind any command the shell understands to any understood key binding. Here’s my trick to list the commands that tcsh understands:

dru@~ man csh
               /command is bound

And, of course, use bindkey alone to see the understood key bindings. If you just want to see the binding for a particular key, specify it. Here’s how to see the current binding for Ctrl-g:

dru@~: bindkey "^G"
"^G"   ->    complete-word-fwd

Specifying Strings

What’s really cool is that you’re not limited to just the commands found in man csh. The s switch to bindkey allows you to specify any string. I like to bind the lynx web browser to Ctrl-w:

dru@~: bindkey -s "^W" "lynx

I chose w because it reminds me of the World Wide Web. But why did I put after the lynx? Because that tells the shell to press Enter for me. That means by simply pressing Ctrl-w, I have instant access to the Web.

Note that I overwrite the default binding for Ctrl-w. This permits you to make bindings that are more intuitive and useful for your own purposes. For example, if you never plan on doing whatever ^J does by default, simply bind your desired command to it.

There are many potential key bindings, so scrolling through the output of bindkeys can be tedious. If you only stick with “Ctrl letter” bindings, though, it’s easy to view your customizations with the following command:

dru@~: bindkey | head -n 28

As with all shell modifications, experiment with your bindings first by using bindkey at the command prompt. If you get into real trouble, you can always log out to go back to the defaults. However, if you find some bindings you want to keep, make them permanent by adding your bindkey statements to your .cshrc file. Here is an example:

dru@~: cp ~/.cshrc ~/.cshrc.orig
dru@~: echo 'bindkey "^G" complete-word-fwd' >> ~/.cshrc

Notice that I backed up my original .cshrc file first, just in case my fingers slip on the next part. I then used >> to append the echoed text to the end of .cshrc. If I’d used > instead, it would have replaced my entire .cshrc file with just that one line. I don’t recommend testing this on any file you want to keep.

Along those lines, setting:

set noclobber

will prevent the shell from clobbering an existing file if you forget that extra > in your redirector. You’ll know you just prevented a nasty accident if you get this error message after trying to redirect output to a file:

.cshrc: File exists.

See Also

Use Terminal and X Bindings

Take advantage of your terminal’s capabilities.

It’s not just the tcsh shell that is capable of understanding bindings. Your FreeBSD terminal provides the kbdcontrol command to map commands to your keyboard. Unfortunately, neither NetBSD nor OpenBSD offer this feature. You can, however, remap your keyboard under X, as described later.

Creating Temporary Mappings

Let’s start by experimenting with some temporary mappings. The syntax for mapping a command with kbdcontrol is as follows:

kbdcontrol -f number "command"

Table 1-2 lists the possible numbers, each with its associated key combination.

Table 1-2. Key numbers


Key combination

1, 2, . . . 12

F1, F2, . . . F12

13, 14, . . . 24

Shift+F1, Shift+F2, . . . Shift+F12

25, 26, . . . 36

Ctrl+F1, Ctrl+F2, . . . Ctrl+F12

37, 38, . . . 48

Shift+Ctrl+F1, Shift+Ctrl+F2, . . . Shift+Ctrl+F12




Up arrow


Page Up


Numpad - (Num Lock off)


Left arrow (also works in editor)


Numpad 5 (without Num Lock)


Right arrow


Numpad + (without Num Lock)




Down arrow (affects c history)


Page Down






Left GUI key (Windows icon next to left Ctrl)


Right GUI key (Windows icon next to right Alt)


Menu (menu icon next to right Ctrl)

Those last three key combinations may or may not be present, depending upon your keyboard. My Logitech keyboard has a key with a Windows icon next to the left Ctrl key; that is the left GUI key. There’s another key with a Windows icon next to my right Alt key; this is the right GUI key. The next key to the right has an icon of a cursor pointing at a square containing lines; that is the Menu key.

Now that we know the possible numbers, let’s map lynx to the Menu key:

% kbdcontrol -f 64 "lynx"

Note that the command must be contained within quotes and be in your path. (You could give an absolute path, but there’s a nasty limitation coming up soon.)

If I now press the Menu key, lynx is typed to the terminal for me. I just need to press Enter to launch the browser. This may seem a bit tedious at first, but it is actually quite handy. It can save you from inadvertently launching the wrong application if you’re anything like me and tend to forget which commands you’ve mapped to which keys.

Let’s see what happens if I modify that original mapping somewhat:

% kbdcontrol -f 64 "lynx"
kbdcontrol: function key string too long (18 > 16)

When doing your own mappings, beware that the command and its arguments can’t exceed 16 characters. Other than that, you can pretty well map any command that strikes your fancy.

Shell Bindings Versus Terminal Bindings

Before going any further, I’d like to pause a bit and compare shell-specific bindings, which we saw in [Hack #3] , and the terminal-specific bindings we’re running across here.

One advantage of using kbdcontrol is that your custom bindings work in any terminal, regardless of the shell you happen to be using. A second advantage is that you can easily map to any key on your keyboard. Shell mappings can be complicated if you want to map them to anything other than “Ctrl letter”.

However, the terminal mappings have some restrictions that don’t apply to the tcsh mappings. For example, shell mappings don’t have a 16 character restriction, allowing for full pathnames. Also, it was relatively easy to ask the shell to press Enter to launch the desired command.

Terminal bindings affect only the current user’s terminal. Any other users who are logged in on different terminals are not affected. However, if the mappings are added to rc.conf (which only the superuser can do), they will affect all terminals. Since bindings are terminal specific, even invoking su won’t change the behavior, as the user is still stuck at the same terminal.

More Mapping Caveats

There are some other caveats to consider when choosing which key to map. If you use the tcsh shell and enjoy viewing your history [Hack #1] , you’ll be disappointed if you remap your up and down arrows. The right and left arrows can also be problematic if you use them for navigation, say, in a text editor. Finally, if you’re physically sitting at your FreeBSD system, F1 through F8 are already mapped to virtual terminals and F9 is mapped to your GUI terminal. By default, F10 to F12 are unmapped.

If you start experimenting with mappings and find you’re stuck with one you don’t like, you can quickly return all of your keys to their default mappings with this command:

% kbdcontrol -F

On the other hand, if you find some new mappings you absolutely can’t live without, make them permanent. If you have superuser privileges on a FreeBSD system you physically sit at, you can carefully add the mappings to /etc/rc.conf. Here, I’ve added two mappings. One maps lynx to the Menu key and the other maps startx to the left GUI key:

keychange="64 lynx"
keychange="62 startx"

Since the superuser will be setting these mappings, the mapped keys will affect all users on that system. If you want to save your own personal mappings, add your specific kbdcontrol commands to the end of your shell configuration file. For example, I’ve added these to the very end of my ~/.cshrc file, just before the last line which says endif:

% kbdcontrol -f 64 "lynx"
% kbdcontrol -f 62 "startx"

Making Mappings Work with X

This is all extremely handy, but what will happen if you try one of your newly mapped keys from an X Window session? You can press that key all you want, but nothing will happen. You won’t even hear the sound of the system bell beeping at you in protest. This is because the X protocol handles all input and output during an X session.

You have a few options if you want to take advantage of keyboard bindings while in an X GUI. One is to read the documentation for your particular window manager. Most of the newer window managers provide a point and click interface to manage keyboard bindings. My favorite alternative is to try the xbindkeys_config application, which is available in the ports collection [Hack #84] :

# cd /usr/ports/x11/xbindkeys_config
# make install clean

This port also requires xbindkeys:

# cd /usr/ports/x11/xbindkeys
# make install clean


Rather than building both ports, you could instead add this line to /usr/ports/x11/xbindkeys_config/Makefile:

BUILD_DEPENDS=  xbindkeys:${PORTSDIR}/x11/xbindkeys

This will ask the xbindkeys_config build to install both ports.

Once your builds are complete, open an xterm and type:

% xbindkeys --defaults > ~/.xbindkeysrc
% xbindkeys_config

The GUI in Figure 1-1 will appear.

The xbindkeys_config program
Figure 1-1. The xbindkeys_config program

Creating a key binding is a simple matter of pressing the New button and typing a useful name into the Name: section. Then, press Get Key and a little window will appear. Press the desired key combination, and voilà, the correct mapping required by X will autofill for you. Associate your desired Action:, then press the Save & Apply & Exit button.

Any keyboard mappings you create using this utility will be saved to a file called ~/.xbindkeysrc.

See Also

Use the Mouse at a Terminal

Use your mouse to copy and paste at a terminal.

If you’re used to a GUI environment, you might feel a bit out of your element while working at the terminal. Sure, you can learn to map hotkeys and to use navigational tricks, but darn it all, sometimes it’s just nice to be able to copy and paste!

Don’t fret; your mouse doesn’t have to go to waste. In fact, depending upon how you have configured your system, the mouse daemon moused may already be enabled. The job of this daemon is to listen for mouse data in order to pass it to your console driver.


Of course, if you’re using screen [Hack #12] , you can also take advantage of its copy and paste mechanism.

If X Is Already Installed

If you installed and configured X when you installed your system, moused is most likely started for you when you boot up. You can check with this:

% grep moused /etc/rc.conf

Very good. moused needs to know three things:

  • The mouse port (in this example, /dev/psm0, the PS/2 port)

  • The type of protocol (in this example, auto)

  • Whether to start at boot time

If you receive similar output, you’re ready to copy and paste.

To copy text, simply select it by clicking the left mouse button and dragging. Then, place the mouse where you’d like to paste the text and click the middle button. That’s it.


To select an entire word, double-click anywhere on that word. To select an entire line, triple-click anywhere on that line.

Configuring a two-button mouse

What if you don’t have three mouse buttons? As the superuser, add the following line to /etc/rc.conf (assuming it’s not already there):

moused_flags="-m 2=3"

This flag tells moused to treat the second, or right, mouse button as if it were the third, or middle, mouse button. Now you can use the right mouse button to paste your copied text.

To apply that change, restart moused:

# /etc/rc.d/moused restart
Stopping moused.
Starting moused:.

Test your change by copying some text with the left mouse button and pasting with the right mouse button.

If X Is Not Installed

You can achieve the same results on a system without X installed. You’ll have to add the lines to /etc/rc.conf manually, though.

The example I’ve given you is for a PS/2 mouse. If you’re using another type of mouse, read the “Configuring Mouse Daemon” section of man moused. It gives explicit details on figuring out what type of mouse you have and what type of protocol it understands. It even includes a section on configuring a laptop system for multiple mice: one for when on the road and one for when the laptop is attached to the docking station.

For example, if you’re using a USB mouse, the only difference is that the port is /dev/usm0 instead of /dev/psm0.

A serial mouse physically plugged into COM1 would be /dev/cuaa0. You may have to experiment with the type, as auto doesn’t work with all serial mice. Again, the manpage is your best reference.

See Also

Get Your Daily Dose of Trivia

Brighten your day with some terminal eye candy.

As the saying goes, all work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. But what’s a poor Jack or Jill to do if your days include spending inordinate amounts of time in front of a computer screen? Well, you could head over to to stock up on cube goodies and caffeine. Or, you could take advantage of some of the entertainments built into your operating system.

A Fortune a Day

Let’s start by configuring some terminal eye candy. Does your system quote you a cheery, witty, or downright strange bit of wisdom every time you log into your terminal? If so, you’re receiving a fortune:

login: dru
Last login: Thu Nov 27 10:10:16 on ttyv7

"You can't have everything. Where would you put it?"
                -- Steven Wright

If you’re not receiving a fortune, as the superuser type /stand/sysinstall. Choose Configure, then Distributions, and select games with your spacebar. Press Tab to select OK, then exit out of sysinstall when it is finished.

Then, look for the line that runs /usr/games/fortune in your ~/.cshrc file:

% grep fortune ~/.cshrc

If for some reason it isn’t there, add it:

% echo '/usr/games/fortune' >> ~/.cshrc

Don’t forget to use both greater-than signs; you don’t want to erase the contents of your .cshrc file! To test your change, use the source shell command, which re-executes the contents of the file. This can come in handy if you’ve updated an alias and want to take advantage of it immediately:

% source ~/.cshrc
Indifference will be the downfall of mankind, but who cares?

If you’d also like to receive a fortune when you log out of your terminal, add this line to the end of your .logout file. If you don’t have one, and there isn’t one by default, you can create it and add this line in one step:

% echo '/usr/games/fortune' > ~/.logout

Note that this time I used only one greater-than sign, as I was creating the file from scratch. If the file already exists, use two greater-than signs to append your new line to the end of the existing file.

Believe it or not, fortune comes with switches, some of which are more amusing than others. I’ll leave it to you to peruse man fortune.

Pursuing Trivia

I’m a trivia buff, so I love using the calendar command. Contrary to logic, typing calendar won’t show me this month’s calendar (that’s the job of cal). However, I will get an instant dose of trivia, related to the current date:

% calendar
Nov 27         Alfred Nobel establishes Nobel Prize, 1895
Nov 27         Friction match invented, England, 1826
Nov 27         Hoosac Railroad Tunnel completed, 1873, in NW Massachusetts
Nov 28         Independence Day in Albania and Mauritania
Nov 28         Independence from Spain in Panama
Nov 28         Proclamation of the Republic in Chad
Nov 27         Jimi Hendrix (Johnny Allen Hendrix) is born in Seattle, 1942

Cool. I had forgotten it was the anniversary of the Hoosac tunnel, an event that put my hometown on the map.

It’s an easy matter to automate the output provided by calendar. If you want to see your trivia when you log in or log out, simply add a line to your .cshrc or .logout file. Because the line you add is really just a path to the program, use the output of the which command to add that line for you:

% echo `which calendar` >> .cshrc

Again, don’t forget to append with >>, or have noclobber set in your .cshrc file [Hack #2] .

Sundry Amusements

Of course, there are several other date and time related mini-hacks at your disposal. Here are two you might enjoy.

The current time

Ever wonder what time it is while you’re working on the terminal? Sure, you could use date, but the output is so small and boring. Try this the next time you want to know what time it is:

% grdc

Whoa, you can see that one from across the room. That’s not a bad idea if you want to send your cubicle buddy a hint.

I’ve been known to add /usr/games/grdc to my ~/.logout. When I log out, my terminal displays the time until I press Ctrl-c and log in again. That’s sort of a built-in password protected screen saver for the terminal.

The phase of the moon

Have you ever read man pom? It has one of the more useful descriptions I’ve seen:

The pom utility displays the current phase of the moon. Useful for selecting software completion target dates and predicting managerial behavior.

Sounds like Dilbert had a hand in that one. If I add the line /usr/games/pom to my ~/.cshrc, I’ll learn a bit about astronomy when I log in:

% pom
The Moon is Waxing Gibbous (53% of Full)

There’s a one-liner to promote water cooler conversation.

Adding Some Color to Your Terminal

Have you ever tried this command?

% vidcontrol show         

0                  8 grey               
1 blue             9 lightblue
2 green           10 lightgreen
3 cyan            11 lightcyan
4 red             12 lightred
5 magenta         13 lightmagenta
6 brown           14 yellow
7 white           15 lightwhite

Gee, that reminds me of my old DOS days when I discovered ansi.sys. Yes, your terminal is capable of color and you’re looking at your possible color schemes! (It likely looks much more exciting on your terminal, since it’s not in color in this book.)

If you see some colors that appeal to you, add them to your terminal. For example, this command will set the foreground color to yellow and the background color as blue:

% vidcontrol yellow blue

Note that you can use only colors 1 through 7 as background colors; you’ll receive a syntax error if you try to use colors 8-15 in your background. Try out the various combinations until you find one that appeals to your sense of taste. You can even add a border if you like:

% vidcontrol -b red

These settings affect only your own terminal. If you want, add the desired vidcontrol lines to your ~/.cshrc file so your settings are available when you log into your terminal.

If you have problems finding your cursor, try:

% vidcontrol -c blink


% vidcontrol -c destructive

Changing the cursor affects all virtual terminals on the system. If other users complain about your improvement, this will bring things back to normal:

% vidcontrol -c normal

See Also

  • man fortune

  • man calendar

  • man vidcontrol

  • The games packages, in NetBSD and OpenBSD

Lock the Screen

Secure your unattended terminal from prying eyes.

If you work in a networked environment, the importance of locking your screen before leaving your workstation has probably been stressed to you. After all, your brilliant password becomes moot if anyone can walk up to your logged in station and start poking about the contents of your home directory.

If you use a GUI on your workstation, your Window Manager probably includes a locking feature. However, if you use a terminal, you may not be aware of the mechanisms available for locking your terminal.

As an administrator, you may want to automate these mechanisms as part of your security policy. Fortunately, FreeBSD’s screen locking mechanism is customizable.

Using lock

FreeBSD comes with lock (and it’s available for NetBSD and OpenBSD). Its default invocation is simple:

% lock
Key: 1234
Again: 1234
lock /dev/ttyv6 on genisis. timeout in 15 minutes.
time now is Fri Jan 2 12:45:02 EST 2004

Without any switches, lock will request that the user input a key which will be used to unlock the terminal. This is a good thing, as it gives the user an opportunity to use something other than her login password. If the user tries to be smart and presses Enter (for an empty password), the lock program will abort.

Once a key is set, it is required to unlock the screen. If a user instead types Ctrl-c, she won’t terminate the program. Instead, she’ll receive this message:

Key: lock: type in the unlock key. timeout in 10:59 minutes

Did you notice that timeout value of 15 minutes? At that time, the screen will unlock itself, which sorta diminishes the usefulness of locking your screen. After all, if you run into your boss in the hall, your 5-minute coffee break might turn into a 25-minute impromptu brainstorming session.

To lock the terminal forever, or at least until someone types the correct key, use the -n switch. If the system is a personal workstation, -v is also handy; this locks all of the virtual terminals on the system, meaning a passerby can’t use Alt-Fn to switch to another terminal.

As an administrator, you can assist users in using the desired switches by adding an alias to /usr/share/skel/dot.cshrc [Hack #9] . This alias removes the timeout and locks all terminals:

alias lock   /usr/bin/lock -nv

Using autologout

If you use the tcsh shell, you also have the ability either to lock your session or to be logged out of your session automatically after a set period of inactivity. As an administrator, you can set your policy by adding a line to /usr/share/skel/dot.cshrc.


Do be aware, though, that a user can edit her own ~/.cshrc file, which will negate your customized setting.

The autologout variable can accept two numbers. The first number represents the number of minutes of inactivity before logging out the user. The second number represents the number of minutes of inactivity before locking the user’s screen. Once the screen is locked, the user must input the password to unlock it. If the screen is not unlocked in time, the user will be logged out once the shell has been idle for the logout period of minutes.

The manpage is pretty vague on how to set those two numbers. For example, if you try:

set autologout = 30 15

users will receive this error message when they try to log in:

set: Variable name must begin with a letter.

That’s a deceptive error message, as this variable does accept numerals. The correct invocation is to enclose the two numbers between parentheses:

set autologout = (30 15)

This particular setting will lock the screen after 15 minutes of inactivity. The user will know this happened as the terminal will resemble:


After 30 minutes of inactivity (or 15 minutes after the screen was locked), the user will be logged out and see this:



Consider whether or not your users tend to run background jobs before globally implementing autologout. Also see [Hack #11] , which allows users to reattach to their terminals.

Enforcing Logout

What if you do want to enforce a logout policy that users can’t change in their shell configuration files? Consider using idled, which can be installed from /usr/ports/sysutils/idled or built from source. This utility was designed to log out users either after a configured period of inactivity or after they’ve been logged in for a certain amount of time.

Once you’ve installed idled, copy the template configuration file:

# cd /usr/local/etc/
# cp

Open /usr/local/etc/ using your favorite editor. You’ll find this file to be well commented and quite straightforward. You’ll be able to configure the time before logout as well as when the user will receive a warning message. In addition, you can refuse logins, set session timeouts, and provide for exemptions.

See Also

Create a Trash Directory

Save “deleted” files until you’re really ready to send them to the bit bucket.

One of the first things Unix users learn is that deleted files are really, really gone. This is especially true at the command line where there isn’t any Windows-style recycling bin to rummage through should you have a change of heart regarding the fate of a removed file. It’s off to the backups! (You do have backups, don’t you?)

Fortunately, it is very simple to hack a small script that will send removed files to a custom trash directory. If you’ve never written a script before, this is an excellent exercise in how easy and useful scripting can be.

Shell Scripting for the Impatient

Since a script is an executable file, you should place your scripts in a directory that is in your path. Remember, your path is just a list of directories where the shell will look for commands if you don’t give them full pathnames. To see your path:

% echo $PATH

In this output, the shell will look for executables in the bin subdirectory of dru’s home directory. However, it won’t look for executables placed directly in my home directory, or /home/dru. Since bin isn’t created by default, I should do that first:

% cd
% mkdir bin

As I create scripts, I’ll store them in /home/dru/bin, since I don’t have permission to store them anywhere else. Fortunately, no one else has permission to store them in my bin directory, so it’s a good match.

The scripts themselves contain at least three lines:

# a comment explaining what the script does
the command to be executed

The first line indicates the type of script by specifying the program to use to execute the script. I’ve chosen to use a Bourne script because that shell is available on all Unix systems.

Your script should also have comments, which start with the # character. It’s surprising how forgetful you can be six months down the road, especially if you create a lot of scripts. For this reason, you should also give the script a name that reminds you of what it does.

The third and subsequent lines contain the meat of the script: the actual command(s) to execute. This can range from a simple one-liner to a more complex set of commands, variables, and conditions. Fortunately, we can make a trash script in a simple one-liner.

The Code

Let’s start with this variant, which I found as the result of a Google search:

% more ~/bin/trash
# script to send removed files to trash directory
mv $1 ~/.trash/

You should recognize the path to the Bourne shell, the comment, and the mv command. Let’s take a look at that $1. This is known as a positional parameter and specifically refers to the first parameter of the trash command. Since the mv commands takes filenames as parameters, the command:

mv $1 ~/.trash/

is really saying, mv the first filename, whatever it happens to be, to a directory called .trash in the user’s home directory (represented by the shell shortcut of ~). This move operation is our custom “recycle.”

Before this script can do anything, it must be set as executable:

% chmod +x ~/bin/trash

And I must create that trash directory for it to use:

% mkdir ~/.trash

Note that I’ve chosen to create a hidden trash directory; any file or directory that begins with the . character is hidden from normal listings. This really only reduces clutter, though, as you can see these files by passing the -a switch to ls. If you also include the F switch, directory names will end with a /:

% ls -aF ~
.cshrc    .history    .trash/
bin/      images/     myfile

Replacing rm with ~/bin/trash

Now comes the neat part of the hack. I want this script to kick in every time I use rm. Since it is the shell that executes commands, I simply need to make my shell use the trash command instead. I do that by adding this line to ~/.cshrc:

alias rm        trash

That line basically says: when I type rm, execute trash instead. It doesn’t matter which directory I am in. As long as I stay in my shell, it will mv any files I try to rm to my hidden trash directory.

Running the Code Safely

Whenever you create a script, always test it first. I’ll start by telling my shell to reread its configuration file:

% source ~/.cshrc

Then, I’ll make some test files to remove:

% cd
% mkdir test
% cd test
% touch test1
% rm test1

% ls ~/.trash

Looks like the script is working. However, it has a flaw. Have you spotted it yet? If not, try this:

% touch a aa aaa aaaa
% rm a*

% ls ~/.trash
test1         a

% ls test
aa         aaa         aaaa

What happened here? I passed the shell more than one parameter. The a* was expanded to a, aa, aaa, and aaaa before trash could execute. Those four parameters were then passed on to the mv command in my script. However, trash passes only the first parameter to the mv command, ignoring the remaining parameters. Fortunately, they weren’t removed, but the script still didn’t achieve what I wanted.

You can actually have up to nine parameters, named $1 to $9. However, our goal is to catch all parameters, regardless of the amount. To do that, we use $@:

mv $@ ~/.trash/

Make that change to your script, then test it by removing multiple files. You should now have a script that works every time.

Taking Out the Trash

You should occasionally go through your trash directory and really remove the files you no longer want. If you’re really on your toes you may be thinking, “But how do I empty the trash directory?” If you do this:

% rm ~/.trash/*

your trash directory won’t lose any files! This time you really do want to use rm, not trash. To tell your shell to use the real rm command, simply put a in front of it like so:

m ~/.trash/*

Voila, empty recycling bin.

Hacking the Hack

One obvious extension is to keep versioned backups. Use the date command to find the time of deletion and append that to the name of the file in the trash command. You could get infinitely more complicated by storing a limited number of versions or deleting all versions older than a week or a month. Of course, you could also keep your important files under version control and leave the complexity to someone else!

Customize User Configurations

Now that you know how to set up a useful environment for yourself, it’s time to share the wealth.

It’s very easy for a system administrator to ensure that each newly created user starts out with the same configuration files. For example, every user can receive the same customized prompt, shell variables, or hotkeys.

Whenever you create a new user, several default (and hidden, or dot, files) are copied into the new user’s home directory. In FreeBSD, the source of these files is /usr/share/skel/. Any customizations you make to these files will be seen by all subsequently created users. Do note that you’ll have to manually copy over any modified files to existing users.

It’s useful to understand these files, as they apply to every user you create. Depending upon your needs, you’ll probably end up removing some of the defaults, customizing others, and even adding a few of your own.

Default Files

Let’s take a quick tour of the default files:

% ls -l /usr/share/skel
total 24
drwxr-xr-x   2 root  wheel  512 Jul 28 16:09 ./
drwxr-xr-x  27 root  wheel  512 Jul 28 16:06 ../
-rw-r--r--   1 root  wheel  921 Jul 28 16:09 dot.cshrc
-rw-r--r--   1 root  wheel  248 Jul 28 16:09 dot.login
-rw-r--r--   1 root  wheel  158 Jul 28 16:09 dot.login_conf
-rw-------   1 root  wheel  371 Jul 28 16:09 dot.mail_aliases
-rw-r--r--   1 root  wheel  331 Jul 28 16:09 dot.mailrc
-rw-r--r--   1 root  wheel  797 Jul 28 16:09 dot.profile
-rw-------   1 root  wheel  276 Jul 28 16:09 dot.rhosts
-rw-r--r--   1 root  wheel  975 Jul 28 16:09 dot.shrc

Note that each starts with the word dot. However, when the files are copied into a user’s home directory, the dots turn into literal dots (.). Also, the files in this directory are owned by root, but when a new user is created, the copied over files will change ownership as they are placed in that user’s home directory.


Let’s examine each default file, starting with dot.cshrc. ( [Hack #2] introduced several .cshrc hacks.) If you’d like new users to receive your customizations, simply replace /usr/share/skel/dot.cshrc with your hacked version of .cshrc. Don’t forget to rename the file as you copy it:

# cp /root/.cshrc /usr/share/skel/dot.cshrc

Here, I overwrote the default dot.cshrc by copying over the superuser’s customized version of .cshrc. Although you could edit /usr/share/skel/dot.cshrc directly, you may find it more convenient to have a customized copy stored elsewhere.

All isn’t lost if you already have existing users whom you’d like to receive this file. First, find out what users already exist and have home directories. This is a quick way to do so:

# ls /usr/home
dru    test

Since this system has only two existing users, it’s an easy matter to copy over my customized .cshrc. I’m also a lazy typist, so I use ~ instead of typing out /usr/home. Also note that I have to remember to manually change ownership:

# cp /root/.cshrc ~dru/
# chown dru ~dru/.cshrc
# cp /root/.cshrc ~test/
# chown test ~test/.cshrc

If your system already contains many users, you’ll probably prefer to write a script. Here is an example:

#!/usr/bin/perl -w

#    - copy default files to user directories
#    - change ownership of those files
# You may wish to change these constants for your system:

use constant HOMEDIR => '/usr/home';
use constant SKELDIR => '/usr/share/skel';
use constant PREFIX  => 'dot';

use strict;

use File::Copy;
use File::Spec::Functions;

die "Usage: $0 <files> <to> <copy>
" unless @ARGV;

for my $user ( get_users( ) )
    for my $dotfile (@ARGV)
        my $source = catfile( SKELDIR( ),         PREFIX( ) . $dotfile );
        my $dest   = catfile( $user->{homedir},              $dotfile );

        if (-e $dest)
            warn "Skipping existing dotfile $dest...

        copy(  $source,      $dest )
            or die "Cannot copy $source to $dest: $!
        chown( $user->{uid}, $dest );

sub get_users
    local *DIRHANDLE;
    opendir( DIRHANDLE, HOMEDIR( ) )
        or die "Cannot open home directory: $!

    my @users;

    while (my $directory = readdir( DIRHANDLE ))
        next if $directory =~ /^./;

        my $path = File::Spec->catdir( HOMEDIR( ), $directory );
        my $uid  = getpwnam( $directory );

        next unless -d $path;
        next unless $uid;

        push @users, { homedir => $path, uid => $uid };

    return @users;

This script first examines all of the users with home directories, returning a list of those directories and the user IDs. It loops through that list, copying each dot file you provided on the command line to that user’s home directory and changing the ownership to the user.

If you run it as:

# .cshrc

all users will receive a new .cshrc file, unless one already exists.


The next file, dot.login, is used only by the csh and tcsh shells. If your users don’t plan on using these shells, you can safely remove this file from /usr/share/skel. If your users do use those shells, consider whether there are any commands you would like to run when users log in. Note that this file is read after .cshrc.

By default, the only uncommented line in this file is:

% grep -v '#' /usr/share/skel/dot.login

[ -x /usr/games/fortune ] && /usr/games/fortune freebsd-tips

Here, I used the reverse filter switch -v to the grep search utility to look for all the lines that do not begin with the # comment symbol.

The resulting line tells the shell to run the fortune program. If you chose to install the games distribution when you installed FreeBSD, your fortune appears just before the MOTD whenever you login. Have you ever noticed that you don’t receive a fortune when you use su? That’s because .login is only read when you log in, and the default invocation of su does not actually log you in.

Instead, it opens what is known as a nonlogin shell. You also get one of those every time you open an xterm. Basically, the only time you get a real login shell is when you type in your username and password at a login prompt.

Herein lies the difference between .cshrc and .login. Place what you would like to happen only when you log in into .login, and place what you would like to happen whenever you use the csh shell, even if it isn’t a login shell, into .cshrc. If you don’t see the need for a difference, you don’t need /usr/share/skel/dot.login.


Reading the default contents of dot.login_conf will give you an idea of its purpose and where to go for additional information:

% more /usr/share/skel/dot.login_conf
# $FreeBSD: src/share/skel/dot.login_conf,v 1.3 2001/06/10 17:08:53 ache Exp $
# see login.conf(5)
#        :charset=iso-8859-1:
#        :lang=de_DE.ISO8859-1:

Note that this file is commented by default, but shows the syntax a user can use to create a customized .login.conf. Usually such settings are set in the globally administrated /etc/login.conf file, and individual users can override only some of those settings. If your users don’t have a need or the know-how to configure those settings, you can safely remove this file from /usr/share/skel.

dot.mail_aliases and dot.mailrc

The next two files work hand in hand and customize the behavior of mail. Since it is quite rare to find users who still rely on the original mail program, you can safely remove those files.


The dot.profile file is read by the Bourne, bash, and Korn shells. It is the only file read when a user logs into a Bourne shell, the first file read when a user logs into the Korn shell, and is optional for bash users.

If your users don’t use the Bourne or Korn shells, there’s not much sense populating their home directories with this file. Depending upon your slant, you may wish to keep this file in order to place path statements and environment variables for use with Bourne shell scripts. However, most users tend to place those directly into the script itself to allow for portability.

If your users wish to use the bash shell, which isn’t installed by default, keep in mind that .profile allows a user to override the settings found in the global /etc/profile file. You may find it easier to make your edits to the global file and then remove /usr/share/skel/dot.profile. More sophisticated users can always create their own ~/.profile. However, most bash users tend to make their modifications to ~/.bash_profile.


Did you happen to notice in the earlier long listing that this file has different permissions from most of the other files? If you read man rhosts, you’ll see that this file is ignored if it is writable by any user other than the owner of the file.

So, when is this file used? It’s used when a user types one of the r* commands: rsh, rcp, or rlogin. I won’t show you how to set up this file or use those commands, as they were designed for use back in the days when networks were considered trusted. They’ve pretty well been replaced by ssh and scp, which provide a much safer way to log into remote systems and to transfer files. For this reason, I always remove /usr/share/skel/dot.rhosts from my systems.


The last default file is dot.shrc. As you may have guessed, it is the rc file for sh, the Bourne shell. Again, if your users don’t log into that shell, they won’t miss this file.

Missing (but Useful) Dot Files

Now that we’ve had the opportunity to look at the default files, it’s time to consider any useful missing files.


We’ve already seen that ~/.login is read when a user logs into the csh or tcsh shells. Not surprisingly, ~/.logout is read when a user logs out of their login shell. This is an excellent place to put commands you would like to execute as a user logs out. It could be something as simple as:

# more dot.logout
# this line clears your screen when you logout
# add your own commands or scripts, one line at a time, 
# which you would like to execute
# whenever you logout and leave your terminal

This dot.logout will clear the user’s terminal, making it much neater for the next person who logs in. Notice that I commented this file, so the user is aware of its use. When creating your own dot files, use lots of comments. If you intend for your users to customize their own dot files, use comments that explain the syntax they can use when they do their modifications.

dot.logout can run any command or script that suits a user’s needs. Here are some ideas to get your imagination rolling:

  • A script that backs up the user’s home directory

  • A script that shows how much time the user spent online

  • A script that displays other statistics, such as available disk space


I also find it very useful to create a custom dot.xinitrc. By default, users receive the extremely lightweight twm window manager. Since I usually install KDE, this line ensures that each user will receive that window manager instead:

# more dot.xinitrc
exec startkde

You can also specify which programs you would like to launch when a user types startx and their ~/.xinitrc file kicks in. For example, this is a popular line to add:

# more dot.xinitrc 
exec xterm &
exec startkde

This starts an xterm in the background. Notice the & at the end of its line—this is to ensure that once xterm loads, it doesn’t interfere with any other programs that are still loading. When you’re creating your own dot.xinitrc, you can start any program you like. However, start your window manager last. Start your other programs, one line at a time, putting an & at the end of each line. The only line that does not have an & will be the very last line, the one that loads your window manager.

Since I prefer to start my browser instead of an xterm, here is my customized dot.xinitrc:

#to start another program when you "startx", type:
#exec path_to_program &
#before these lines
exec /usr/X11R6/bin/mozilla &
exec startkde

There are dozens of possibilities for customized dot files. Take stock of your own systems, and ask yourself: “What programs do my users use?” For example, if your users use bash, vim, screen, procmail, or fetchmail, why not start them off with a customized configuration file that contains comments on how to add their own customizations and URLs of where to go for further ideas? A little homework and creativity on your part can help your users get the most out of the utilities they use on a daily basis.

Editing /usr/src/share/skel/Makefile

Let’s end this hack by examining where the default dot files in /usr/share/skel came from in the first place. You’ll find the answer here:

% ls /usr/src/share/skel
./            dot.login           dot.profile
../           dot.login_conf      dot.rhosts
Makefile      dot.mail_aliases    dot.shrc
dot.cshrc     dot.mailrc

That Makefile controls the installation of those files:

# more /usr/src/share/skel/Makefile

#        @(#)Makefile        8.1 (Berkeley) 6/8/93
# $FreeBSD: src/share/skel/Makefile,v 1.8 2002/07/29 09:40:13 ru Exp $

FILES1= dot.cshrc dot.login dot.login_conf dot.mailrc dot.profile dot.shrc
FILES2=        dot.mail_aliases dot.rhosts 
MODE1=        0644
MODE2=        0600

NOOBJ=        noobj

all clean cleandir depend lint tags:

        ${INSTALL} -o ${BINOWN} -g ${BINGRP} -m ${MODE1} ${FILES1} 
        ${INSTALL} -o ${BINOWN} -g ${BINGRP} -m ${MODE2} ${FILES2} 

.include <>

Even if you’ve never read a Makefile before, you’ll find it’s not too hard to figure out what’s going on if you already know which results to expect. In this Makefile, FILES1 is simply a list of files to install. Take a look at MODE1; it tells the chmod command what permissions to set on those files.

Similarly, FILES2 is another list of files. Those two files had different permissions, which were defined by MODE2.

Move down to the install section. Don’t worry so much about the syntax; rather, notice the pattern. The first set of files are installed and their mode is applied. Then the second set of files are installed with their mode.

It’s an easy matter to customize this file to reflect the dot files you’d like to see installed. In this example, I only want to install my custom versions of dot.cshrc, dot.login, and dot.xinitrc. Since they all require the first mode, I’ll remove any references to the second set of files:

# cd /usr/src/share/skel
# cp Makefile Makefile.orig
# vi Makefile

#        @(#)Makefile        8.1 (Berkeley) 6/8/93
# my customized dot files to be installed into /usr/share/skel

FILES1= dot.cshrc dot.login dot.xinitrc
MODE1=        0644

NOOBJ=        noobj

all clean cleandir depend lint tags:

        ${INSTALL} -o ${BINOWN} -g ${BINGRP} -m ${MODE1} ${FILES1} 

.include <>

Now let’s try a test run. I’ll replace the default dot files found in /usr/src/share/skel with my customized versions. I’ll then remove the contents of /usr/share/skel and see what happens when I run my customized Makefile:

# cd /usr/src/share/skel
# rm dot.*
# cp ~/mystuff/dot.* .

# rm /usr/share/skel/*
# ls /usr/share/skel

# make install
install -o root -g wheel -m 0644 dot.cshrc dot.login dot.xinitrc 
# ls /usr/share/skel
dot.cshrc    dot.login    dot.xinitrc

I find it very handy to keep a copy of my customized Makefile and dot files in a separate directory, in this case ~/mystuff. This ensures they are backed up. It’s easy for me to grab those files whenever I want to customize a particular system.

It’s especially important to use a separate location if you use cvsup to keep your system up-to-date. Otherwise, your next update will notice your modified src and happily replace those missing original source files. But don’t worry; it won’t touch your new /usr/share/skel.

Of course, sometimes this is a very useful trick in itself. If you ever mess up a file located somewhere within /usr/src, a quick cvsup will put everything back the way it was. See [Hack #80] for details on automating cvsup.

The Other BSDs

The preceding discussion is based on FreeBSD, but it also applies to NetBSD and OpenBSD systems, save for a few tiny differences outlined here.


NetBSD administrators will find the skeleton home directory in /etc/skel. Specify a different location by passing the -k option to useradd.


OpenBSD systems store the skeleton home directory in /etc/skel. Specify a different skeleton directory location by passing the -dotdir option to adduser.

See Also

  • man adduser

  • The manpages returned by apropos user

Maintain Your Environment on Multiple Systems

The sign of a true Unix guru is the ability to perform a task quickly when confronted with an unfamiliar shell, keyboard, terminal, window manager, or operating system.

A large part of using Unix systems effectively involves configuring a comfortable environment using familiar tools available from the Unix shell prompt. It’s much easier to perform a task quickly when all of the shortcuts your fingers have learned work on the first try.

Even something as simple as setting up your prompt the way you like it can steal significant time from your productivity if you need to do it on several hosts. If you’re going to spend significant time in a Unix shell, it’s worth getting organized. A bit of onetime effort will reward you later, every time you sit down at the keyboard.

Enter unison

unison is a tool for maintaining synchronized copies of directories. I’ve used it to maintain a central repository of all of my dot files, shell scripts, signatures file, SpamAssassin configuration—basically any file I’d like to have available, regardless of which host I happen to be logged into.

You can install unison from the NetBSD pkgsrc collection:

# cd /usr/pkgsrc/net/unison
# make install clean

FreeBSD and OpenBSD ports also include net/unison.

Even better, this utility is available for most Unix and Windows platforms. See the main unison web site for details.

Using unison

Whenever I configure a new Unix host or get a shell on another system, I install unison. Then, I create a directory to receive the files I’ve stored in the /usr/work/sync directory at I call the local directory ~/sync.

To synchronize those two directories:

% unison ~/sync ssh://[email protected]://usr/work/sync
p = /home/david/.unison; bn = .unison
Contacting server...
p = /home/david/sync; bn = sync
[email protected]'s password:

After ssh prompts for a password or pass phrase, the unison exchange begins. On a first-time synchronization, unison will ask only one question: whether you wish to copy the remote directory to the local host.

Looking for changes
Warning: No archive files were found for these roots.  This can happen 
either because this is the first time you have synchronized these roots, 
or because you have upgraded Unison to a new version with a different
archive format.

Update detection may take a while on this run if the replicas are large.

unison will assume that the last synchronized state of both replicas was completely empty. This means that any files that are different will be reported as conflicts, and any files that exist only on one replica will be judged as new and propagated to the other replica. If the two replicas are identical, then unison will report no changes:

Press return to continue.
Waiting for changes from server
Reconciling changes

         <---- dir        /  [f] 

Proceed with propagating updates? [  ] y
Propagating updates

UNISON started propagating changes at 11:44:39 on 02 Feb 2004
[BGN] Copying 
from //
to /home/david/sync
[END] Copying 
UNISON finished propagating changes at 11:44:41 on 02 Feb 2004
Saving synchronizer state
Synchronization complete

I now have a populated ~/sync directory on the new system, organized into subdirectories. Each subdirectory contains the files I find useful to carry around with my various accounts on multiple Unix machines.

Notice also that although my preferred shell is tcsh, I maintain a .cshrc and .profile for use on systems where tcsh is not available.

Automating the Process

I’ve automated the process with a simple shell script called sy in my bin directory. sy runs the unison command to synchronize the ~/sync directory.

unison ~/sync ssh://[email protected]://usr/work/sync

Creating Portable Files

Making good use of the sync directory requires some discipline. It’s one thing to be able to copy files easily; it’s another thing to be able to use them without modification on several hosts.

To take advantage of this hack, when you copy the dot files to your home directory and notice that something doesn’t work exactly the way you like it to, make sure you don’t simply change it for the local host.

Instead, update the dot files so that they use conditional if statements, shell backticks (e.g., `hostname`), or environment variables, to make them behave correctly on the new hosts without breaking them on the systems where you already use them. Then, copy the dot file back into your ~/sync directory and run the sy script. unison will prompt for a password or passphrase for the ssh connection, then ask you to verify that you want to update your files back to the main server.

The first few times you do this, you may introduce breakage when the new dot file is used on another host. With a bit of practice you’ll learn how to avoid that. The most important trick is to test. Open a shell to the host and update the dot file, and then open a second shell to the host without closing the first one. If you broke anything that affects your ability to log in, you can fix it with the first shell and test again.

There’s no need to resynchronize every other host you use for each file you change. I generally wait until I’m logged onto a given host and need a newer script, or need to make some additional changes to the local copy of the dot file. Then I synchronize, make the changes in the sync directory, test them locally, and resync them back to the main host.

Using this approach means that I don’t have to reinvent the wheel every time I want to perform a procedure I’ve done before. Any process useful enough to be done a couple of times becomes a script in my toolkit, and is conveniently available anywhere I have a shell. With unison, I don’t have to keep track of which files were modified on which end of the connection since my last update.

Keep in mind that using a tool like unison can provide a mechanism for someone to attempt to feed updates into your central file repository. When you log into a host and run the update, be conscious of whether unison asks for approval to send back changes. If you don’t remember making those changes, you might be helping an attacker feed a Trojan horse into your .login, which could end up giving the attacker access to every system you use that script on. unison will ask for confirmation for every file change. Presumably, your central host is secure, but you need to be particularly conscious when permitting file uploads.

See Also

Use an Interactive Shell

Save and share an entire login session.

How many times have you either struggled with or tried to troubleshoot another user through a thorny problem? Didn’t you wish you had another set of eyes behind you so you could simply type your command set, point at the troublesome output, and say, “That’s the problem.” Well, if you can’t bring another user to your output, you can still share that real-time output using an interactive shell.

Recording All Shell Input and Output

There are actually several ways to share what is happening on your screen. Let’s start by recording all of your input and output to a file. Then we’ll see how we can also allow another user to view that output from another terminal.

Your BSD system comes with the script command which, not surprisingly, allows you to script your session. This command is extremely simple to use. Simply type script:

% script
Script started, output file is typescript

By default, script will create an output file named typescript in your current directory. If you prefer, you can specify a more descriptive name for your script file:

% script configure.firewall.nov.11.2003
Script started, output file is configure.firewall.nov.11.2003

Regardless of how you invoke the command, a new shell will be created. This means that you will see the MOTD and possibly a fortune, and your .cshrc will be reread.

You can now carry on as usual and all input and output will be written to your script file. When you are finished, simply press Ctrl-d. You will see this message:

Script done, output file is configure.firewall.nov.11.2003

If you’ve ended a script and decide later to append some more work to a previous session, remember the -a (append) switch:

% script -a configure.firewall.nov.11.2003

This will append your current scripting session to the named file.

I find script extremely useful, especially when I’m learning how to configure something for the first time. I can easily create a written record of which commands I used, which commands were successful, and which commands caused which error messages. It also comes in handy when I need to send an error message to a mailing list or a program’s maintainer. I can simply copy or attach my script file into an email.

Cleaning Up script Files

The script utility is a very quick and dirty way to record a session, and it does have its limitations. One of its biggest is that it records everything, including escape characters. For example, here is the first line from one of my script files:

[1mdru@~ [m: cd /s  [K/ysr/  [K  [K  [K  [K  [Kusr/ports/security/sn o rt

It’s a bit hard to tell, but this is what script was recording:

cd /usr/ports/security/snort

This isn’t really script’s fault; it’s ugly for several reasons. One, my customized prompt contains control characters. Those display as [1m and [m around my username. Second, I had problems typing that day. Instead of /usr, I typed /s and had to backspace a character. Then I typed /ysr and had to backspace three characters. Finally, I used tab completion. You can see that I tried to tab at sn but received a beep; I then tried to tab at sno and had my input completed to snort.

Granted, if I had first used the file utility on my script file, I would have received a warning about this behavior:

% file configure.firewall.nov.11.2003
configure.firewall.nov.11.2003: ASCII English text, with CRLF, CR, LF line
terminators, with escape sequences

All is not lost, though. This command will get rid of most of the garbage characters:

% more configure.firewall.nov.11.2003 | 
               col -b > configure.firewall.nov.11.2003.clean

col is an interesting little utility. It silently filters out what it doesn’t understand. Here’s an example where this actually works to our advantage. col doesn’t understand control characters and escape sequences, which is exactly what we wish to get rid of. Including -b also asks col to remove backspaces.

The result is much more readable:

1mdlavigne6@~m: cd /usr/ports/security/snort

% file configure.firewall.nov.11.2003.clean
configure.firewall.nov.11.2003.clean: ASCII English text

I’ve found that using an editor during a script session also produces very messy output into my script file. The preceding col -b command will clean up most of the mess, but I still won’t have a very good idea of exactly what I typed while I was in that editor. For this reason, I use the echo command to send little comments to myself:

% echo # once you open up /etc/rc.conf
% echo # change this line: linux_enable="NO"
% echo # to this: linux_enable="YES"
% echo # and add this line: sshd_enable="YES"


If you really want to get fancy, map one key to “start echo” and another to “end echo” as in [Hack #4] .

Recording an Interactive Shell Session

Let’s look at an alternate way of recording a session. This time I’ll use the -i (or interactive) switch of my shell:

% csh -i | & tee test_session.nov.12.2003


tcsh is linked to csh in FreeBSD. It doesn’t matter which one I type; I’ll still end up with the tcsh shell.

In that command, I used -i to start an interactive tcsh shell. I then piped (|) both stdout and stderr (&) to the tee command. If you’ve ever looked at physical pipe plumbing, you’ll recognize the job of a “tee” in a pipe: whatever is flowing will start going in both directions when it hits the “tee.” In my case, all stdout and stderr generated by my shell will flow to both my monitor and to the test_session.nov.12.2003 file. When I’m finished recording my session, I can type Ctrl-c, Ctrl-d, or exit to quit.

Like the previous script command, an interactive csh shell will present me with a new shell. However, this method does not record escape characters, meaning I won’t need to use the col -b command to clean up the resulting file.

But if I try to use vi during my session, the shell will refuse to open the editor and will instead present me with this interesting error message:

ex/vi: Vi's standard input and output must be a terminal.

If I try to use ee, it will open, but none of the commands will work. pico works nicely but still throws garbage into the session file. So, if I need to use an editor during my session, I’ll still echo some comments to myself so I can remember what I did while I was in there.

Appending works almost exactly like it does for script, again with the -a (append) switch:

% csh -i | & tee -a test_session.nov.12.2003

Letting Other People Watch Your Live Shell Sessions

Regardless of which method you choose to record a session, another user can watch your session as it occurs. In order for this to work, that user must:

  • Be logged into the same system

  • Know the name and location of your script file

For example, I’ve created a test account on my system and configured sshd. I’ll now see if I can ssh into my system as the user test and watch the results of dru’s test_session.nov.12.2003.

% ssh -l test

Once I successfully log in, my customized prompt indicates I’m the test user. I can now use the tail command to watch what is happening in dru’s session:

% tail -f ~dru/test_session.nov.12.2003

My prompt will appear to change to indicate I am the user dru. However, I’m not. I’m simply viewing dru’s session. In fact, I can see everything that the user dru is seeing on her terminal. This includes all of her input, output, and any error messages she is receiving.

While tail is running, I won’t be able to use my prompt. If I try typing anything, nothing will happen. I also can’t interact with the user or change what is happening on her terminal. However, I do have a bird’s eye view of what that user is experiencing on her terminal. When I’m ready to return to my own prompt, which will also end my view of the session, I simply need to press Ctrl-c.

See Also

  • man script

  • man file

  • man col

  • man tee

  • man tail

Use Multiple Screens on One Terminal

Running a graphical environment is great. You can have numerous applications and utilities running, and you can interact with all of them at the same time. Many people who have grown up with a GUI environment look down upon those poor souls who continue to work in a terminal console environment. “After all,” they say, “you can only do one thing at a time and don’t get the same information and control that you have in a desktop environment.”

It’s true; they do say those things. (I am curious to know who they are, however.)

It’s also true that the utility of a graphical environment diminishes when you need to administer machines remotely. Do you really want to squander network bandwidth just to maintain a GUI session?

Here are some more questions to ask yourself regarding remote administration:

  • Are you worried about making your services vulnerable just so you can administer them across the Internet?

  • Do you want a secure connection?

  • Do you want to run multiple terminal sessions from a single login?

  • Do you want to be able to password protect your session to prevent unauthorized access?

  • Do you want multiple windows with labels and of different sizes?

  • Do you want to copy and paste between the windows?

  • Are you prepared to lose a connection to your remote machine in the middle of a critical operation?

  • Would you like to be able keep the session active even after you’ve lost it or you’ve logged off the remote server?

  • Do you want to take over a session that you launched from another machine?

  • Would you like to keep a hardcopy log of your sessions?

You are indeed a poor soul if you’ve reconciled yourself to the standard ssh login without any hope of resolving these questions. But all is not lost—the solution is screen.

What Is screen?

screen is a terminal screen window manager. That means you can use a console and run multiple terminals at the same time. The fancy term for this ability is multiplexing.

Getting and installing screen is straightforward using the ports facility:

# cd /usr/ports/misc/screen
# make install clean

I’m working with Version 4.00.01 (FAU) 18-Sep-03.

Getting Started

screen has many options, settings, and commands. Although we’ll attempt to address the major features, the definitive reference is, of course, the manpage.

There are three methods of command-line invocation:

screen [ - options ] [ cmd [ args ] ]

For invoking screen for the first time and running specific options and commands

screen -r [[ pid .]tty[.host ]]

For attaching to and detaching from running sessions

screen -r sessionowner /[[ pid .]tty[.host ]]

For attaching to and detaching from existing sessions being run by other users

Multitasking with screen

The best way to understand screen’s power is to give you an example of how you can take advantage of it.

Suppose you are sitting at workstation alpha. You want to access your machine, bravo, to download and compile the latest PostgreSQL source code. Log into host bravo as user charlie using SSH:

% ssh -l charlie bravo

Invoke screen. If you give it a session name, with the -S flag, you can address this session by name. This will pay off shortly.

% screen -S A

Go ahead and download the source code now:

% ftp

Using windows with screen

So far, this has no advantage over a normal SSH login. Yet suppose you need to send some email while you’re downloading. Instead of putting the download into the background, create another screen window with the key sequence C-a c. This symbolizes that the Ctrl key is pressed with the lowercase letter a and then, after releasing them, you press a second key, in this case c.

At this point the console will go blank. You’ll be presented with a second window. Use your favorite email client to compose your message.

Switching between windows

You’ll probably want to switch between the download and mailer windows. Cycle forward in the window list with C-a n. Cycle backward with C-a p, although you’ll likely see no difference with two windows.

Splitting windows

Being the efficient person that you are, you’d like to compile the source code as soon as it has downloaded. Even though you haven’t completed your email, go back to the original window and extract the tarball:

% tar -xzpvf  postgresql-7.4.tar.gz

Wise administrators read the INSTALL file to make sure all the correct options are invoked. It’d be very handy to be able to read the instructions as you compose the configure command in the same console. screen comes to the rescue here, too: split the window horizontally, running configure in the top half and reading the documentation in the bottom half.

Type C-a S to split the screen, where the S is uppercase. You should see a wide horizontal bar in the middle of the screen. The top window will show whatever existed when you split the window. You’ll also see the window’s ID on the left side of the middle bar, along with the name of the shell.

The bottom window doesn’t yet have a shell running. Set the focus to the other window with C-a Tab. Create a new window with C-a c, as usual. Notice that the window has the ID of 2 (shown in the bottom lefthand corner); that’s because the email window that you created after starting the download has the ID of 1.

Better window switching

To list all windows associated with this session, use the command C-a “.

If cycling through windows is onerous, you can also switch between windows by ID. For example, C-a ' 1 will go to window 1.

Be prepared for a little confusion because the screen remains split and now shows the window of your choice in the currently focused window. You can quite easily show the same window in both the top and bottom halves.

Enter window 0 with C-a ' 0, and extract the tarball into its own directory. Enter window 2 with C-a ' 2, and navigate to the uppermost directory of the source code to read the INSTALL file.

Naming windows

ID numbers identify windows pretty well, but I prefer to use names of my own choosing. Change a window’s name with the command C-a A. For example, C-a A email, C-a A source, and C-a A doc seem like a big improvement for the currently active windows.

Now, listing the active windows with C-a " will show the following:

0   source
1   email
2   doc

At this point, you have one screen session with three windows. Your terminal is split such that it shows two windows at the same time.

Attaching and Deattaching

Suppose you are called away from the workstation in the middle of a sensitive operation (that is, you haven’t yet sent your email). Type C-a x to protect your session. Depending on your configuration, you will either input a password for the screen or use the default account password.

Now suppose you don’t return to your workstation. What do you do? You can ssh into bravo from a new location and attach to your existing screen session with screen -dr A. Remember, A was the name of the screen session.

After finishing and sending your email, kill off that screen. Type the command C-a k in the email window.

With that business finished, scroll back through the INSTALL text file to find interesting configuration switches. You could retype them, but screen has a perfectly capable copy mode. Type C-a ESC.

Use the cursor keys to navigate to the portions of the document you want to copy. Hit the space bar to mark the beginning of the text to copy. Scroll around to the end of the text with the cursor keys. The current selection will display in reverse video. When you’re satisfied, hit the space bar to copy the current selection into the buffer.

Switch to the source window and use C-a ] to paste the copied text.

You don’t need the doc window anymore, so switch into it and either exit the shell or use the key sequence C-a k to kill it. You could also merge the split screens together with the key sequence C-a X.

Once you’ve started compiling, you can close the terminal but leave the session active by detaching it; just type C-a d. One of the nice features about detaching the screen is that it is done automatically if you lose connection with the server, so you won’t lose your session. You can reattach to the session later from the same location or from another workstation altogether.

Additional Features

These are only the basics of what screen can do. Here’s a quick listing of other features you might enjoy:

  • Since the key bindings are not cast in stone, you change them as you see fit in the .screenrc resource file.

  • It’s possible to authorize other users access to your screen session via an access control list.

  • More than one user can access the same screen session.

  • You can create any number of windows in a given screen session.

  • It’s possible to hardcopy all activity in a screen session to a buffer and even a file.

  • An extensive system of copy and paste features exist within the screen session.

You can control all of these features with the .screenrc resource file. See man screen for details.

See Also

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