Combining Columns to Construct Composite Values


You want to display values that are constructed from multiple table columns.


One way to do this is to use CONCAT(). You can also give the column a nicer name by using an alias.


Column values can be combined to produce composite output values. For example, this expression concatenates srcuser and srchost values into email address format:


Such expressions tend to produce ugly column names, but you can use column aliases to provide better ones. The following statement uses the aliases sender and recipient to name output columns that are constructed by combining usernames and hostnames into email addresses:

    -> DATE_FORMAT(t,'%M %e, %Y') AS date_sent,
    -> CONCAT(srcuser,'@',srchost) AS sender,
    -> CONCAT(dstuser,'@',dsthost) AS recipient,
    -> size FROM mail;
| date_sent    | sender        | recipient     | size    |
| May 11, 2006 | barb@saturn   | tricia@mars   |   58274 |
| May 12, 2006 | tricia@mars   | gene@venus    |  194925 |
| May 12, 2006 | phil@mars     | phil@saturn   |    1048 |
| May 13, 2006 | barb@saturn   | tricia@venus  |     271 |
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