Importing XML into MySQL


You want to import an XML document into a MySQL table.


Set up an XML parser to read the document. Then use the records in the document to construct and execute INSERT statements.


Importing an XML document depends on being able to parse the document and extract record contents from it. The way that you do this depends on how the document is written. For example, one format might represent column names and values as attributes of <column> elements:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
   <column name="subject" value="Jane" />
   <column name="test" value="A" />
   <column name="score" value="47" />
   <column name="subject" value="Jane" />
   <column name="test" value="B />
   <column name="score" value="50" />

Another format uses column names as element names and column values as the contents of those elements:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

Due to the various structuring possibilities, it’s necessary to make some assumptions about the format you expect the XML document to have. For the example here, I’ll assume the second format just shown. One way to process this kind of document is to use the XML::XPath module, which enables you to refer to elements within the document using path expressions. For example, the path //row selects all the <row> elements under the document root, and the path * selects all child elements of a given element. You can use these paths with XML::XPath to obtain first a list of all the <row> elements, and then for each row a list of all its columns.

The following script,, takes three arguments: 
               db_name tbl_name xml_file

The filename argument indicates which document to import, and the database and table name arguments indicate which table to import it into. processes the command-line arguments, connects to MySQL, and then processes the document:

# - read XML file into MySQL

use strict;
use warnings;
use DBI;
use XML::XPath;

#... process command-line options (not shown) ...

# ... connect to database (not shown) ...

# Open file for reading
my $xp = XML::XPath->new (filename => $file_name);
my $row_list = $xp->find ("//row");     # find set of <row> elements
print "Number of records: " . $row_list->size () . "
foreach my $row ($row_list->get_nodelist ())    # loop through rows
  my @name; # array for column names
  my @val;  # array for column values
  my $col_list = $row->find ("*");              # child columns of row
  foreach my $col ($col_list->get_nodelist ())  # loop through columns
    # save column name and value
    push (@name, $col->getName ());
    push (@val, $col->string_value ());
  # construct INSERT statement, and then execute it
  my $stmt = "INSERT INTO $tbl_name ("
        . join (",", @name)
        . ") VALUES ("
        . join (",", ("?") x scalar (@val))
        . ")";
  $dbh->do ($stmt, undef, @val);

$dbh->disconnect ();

The script creates an XML::XPath object, which opens and parses the document. Then the object is queried for the set of <row> elements, using the path //row. The size of this set indicates how many records the document contains.

To process each row, the script uses the path * to ask for all the child elements of the row object. Each child corresponds to a column within the row; using * as the path for get_nodelist() this way is convenient because you don’t need to know in advance which columns to expect. obtains the name and value from each column and saves them in the @name and @value arrays. After all the columns have been processed, the arrays are used to construct an INSERT statement that names those columns that were found to be present in the row and that includes a placeholder for each data value. (Handling Special Characters and NULL Values in Statements discusses placeholder list construction.) Then the script issues the statement, passing the column values to do() to bind them to the placeholders.

In the previous section, we used to export the contents of the expt table as an XML document. can perform the converse operation of importing the document back into MySQL: cookbook expt expt.xml

As it processes the document, the script generates and executes the following set of statements:

INSERT INTO expt (subject,test,score) VALUES ('Jane','A','47')
INSERT INTO expt (subject,test,score) VALUES ('Jane','B','50')
INSERT INTO expt (subject,test) VALUES ('Jane','C')
INSERT INTO expt (subject,test) VALUES ('Jane','D')
INSERT INTO expt (subject,test,score) VALUES ('Marvin','A','52')
INSERT INTO expt (subject,test,score) VALUES ('Marvin','B','45')
INSERT INTO expt (subject,test,score) VALUES ('Marvin','C','53')
INSERT INTO expt (subject,test) VALUES ('Marvin','D')

Note that these statements do not all insert the same number of columns. MySQL will set the missing columns to their default values.

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