23.2. An Example of a Simple Type Mapping to a Database Schema

Listing 23.1 shows the simple type partNameType, first seen in Listing 10.1.

Listing 23.1. A Simple Type Derived from a Token (catalog.xsd)
<xsd:simpleType name="partNameType" 
        <xsd:documentation xml:lang="en"> 
            A part name can be almost anything. 
            The name is a short description. 
    <xsd:restriction base="xsd:token" 
        <xsd:minLength value="1"/> 
        <xsd:maxLength value="40"/> 

Mapping this to a database schema involves creating a database column of type token, entering a description of the column, and enforcing the minLength and maxLength constraining facets. Listing 23.2 creates the PartNameTypeExample table, using a check constraint.

Listing 23.2. Mapping a Simple Type Derived from a Token to a Database Representation (catalog.xsd)
CREATE TABLE PartNameTypeExample ( 
partNameType VARCHAR2(40) NOT NULL 
       CHECK (INSTR(partNameType, UNISTR('00D')) = 0 AND 
              INSTR(partNameType, UNISTR('00A')) = 0 AND   
              INSTR(partNameType, UNISTR('009')) = 0 AND 
              LENGTH(partNameType) = 
                LENGTH(TRIM(partNameType)) AND 
              INSTR(partNameType, ' ') = 0 AND 
              LENGTH(partNameType) >= 1) 

--Add a column comment to match the annotation. 
COMMENT ON COLUMN PartNameTypeExample.partNameType IS 
' A part name can be almost anything. 
The name is a short description.'; 

Given the preceding table declaration, the following is a valid insert statement:

INSERT INTO PartNameTypeExample 
('Short Description of Unit 1'), 

Listing 23.3 iterates Listings 10.2 and 10.3 and shows the XML schema document representation of partNumberType and an assemblyPartNumberType.

Listing 23.3. Restricting a Custom Simple Type (catalog.xsd)
<xsd:simpleType name="partNumberType" 
        <xsd:documentation xml:lang="en"> 
            Declaration of a part number. 
            Each part number consists of one to 
            three alphabetic characters followed by 
            one to eight digits. The following part 
            numbers, for example, are valid: 
        <xsd:restriction base="xsd:token"> 
            <xsd:pattern value="[A-Z]{1,3}d{1,8}"/> 

<xsd:simpleType name="assemblyPartNumberType" 
        <xsd:documentation xml:lang="en">  
            An "assembly" represents a pre-built 
            collection of unit items. The 
            part number for an assembly 
            always starts with "ASM." 
    <xsd:restriction base="partNumberType"> 
        <xsd:pattern value="ASMd{1,8}"/> 

Mapping assemblyPartNumberType to a database schema involves creating a database column of type token, entering a description of the column, enforcing the minLength and maxLength constraining facets, and enforcing the pattern facet. Listing 23.4 creates an AssemblyPartNumberTypeExample table, using a check constraint.

Listing 23.4. Mapping a Pattern Simple Type Derived from a Token to a Database Representation (catalog.xsd)
CREATE TABLE AssemblyPartNumberTypeExample ( 
assemblyPartNumberType VARCHAR2(40) NOT NULL 
 CHECK (INSTR(assemblyPartNumberType, UNISTR('00D')) = 0 AND 
        INSTR(assemblyPartNumberType, UNISTR('00A')) = 0 AND 
        INSTR(assemblyPartNumberType, UNISTR('009')) = 0 AND 
        LENGTH(assemblyPartNumberType) = 
          LENGTH(TRIM(assemblyPartNumberType)) AND 
        INSTR(assemblyPartNumberType, ' ') = 0 AND 
        LENGTH(assemblyPartNumberType) BETWEEN 4 AND 11 AND 
    SUBSTR(assemblyPartNumberType, 1, 3) = 'ASM' AND 
        -- If the value is not a number, then an 
        -- error will be thrown. IS NOT NULL makes 
        -- this valid SQL, but is meaningless. 
        CAST(SUBSTR(assemblyPartNumberType, 4, 8) AS NUMBER) 
          IS NOT NULL) 

AssemblyPartNumberTypeExample.assemblyPartNumberType IS 
'An "assembly" represents a pre-built collection of unit items.[ccc] 
The part number for an assembly always starts with "ASM."'; 

Given the preceding table declaration, the following is a valid insert statement:

INSERT INTO AssemblyPartNumberTypeExample 

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