MetaLink Integration with Oracle Database 10g

Starting with Oracle Database 10g, Enterprise Manager (EM) has integrated the Oracle MetaLink support vehicle for up-to-date patch advisories and notifications. From the EM home page, under the Critical Patch Advisories subheading, you can access and configure the Oracle MetaLink Credentials link to register your environment for this service. In order to register your environment, you will need a valid CSI (customer support identifier) with MetaLink. Log in as SYSDBA to perform the registration. When you click the Not Configured link, you will be directed to the Patching Setup screen, shown in Figure 21.1, to enter your MetaLink user ID and password.

Figure 21.1. Configuring MetaLink credentials via 10g EM.

The patch search URL is already predefined as, which is a redirect to, so there is no need for any change. You can optionally change the size of your patch cache (described later in this chapter). After you properly register, you can access the Refresh from MetaLink link under Critical Patch Advisory to download the latest patch advisories and patch sets for your environment. You will notice when you click this link that a job called REFRESH_FROM_METALINK_JOB is executed from the EM job scheduler. This is a predefined job and should never be removed from your system.

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