Chapter 8. Custom Transports

In This Chapter

The Windows Communication Foundation is highly extensible. A particularly important way in which it can be extended is by adding support for transport protocols that are not among the several it already accommodates. A transport protocol is any protocol that provides for the requirements of the Open Systems Interconnection reference model’s Transport layer and all the layers below that one. Extensions to the Windows Communication Foundation to support additional transport protocols are all but invisible to developers using the Windows Communication Foundation to construct applications. They can continue to use the familiar Windows Communication Foundation programming model, yet have their applications communicate via the newly supported transport protocols. This chapter shows how to extend the Windows Communication Foundation by adding support for sending messages via Internet mail protocols.

The Windows Communication Foundation Channel Layer

In the Windows Communication Foundation, protocols are implemented as channels. Data passes through channels, and the channel arranges the data passing through it in accordance with the protocols that the channel implements:

public interface IChannel : ICommunicationObject,
    IChannelManager Manager { get; }

Channels are communication objects. Communication objects provide methods for being opened and closed:

public interface ICommunicationObject : IDisposable
    CommunicationState State { get; }
    event EventHandler Closed;
    event EventHandler Closing;
    event EventHandler Faulted;
    event EventHandler Opened;
    event EventHandler Opening;

    void Abort();
    IAsyncResult BeginClose(
        AsyncCallback callback, object state);
    IAsyncResult BeginClose(
        TimeSpan timeout, AsyncCallback callback, object state);
    IAsyncResult BeginOpen(
        AsyncCallback callback, object state);
    IAsyncResult BeginOpen(
        TimeSpan timeout, AsyncCallback callback, object state);
    void Close();
    void Close(TimeSpan timeout);
    void EndClose(IAsyncResult result);
    void EndOpen(IAsyncResult result);
    void Open();
    void Open(TimeSpan timeout);

The Windows Communication Foundation distinguishes between input channels and output channels. Output channels can send messages:

public interface IOutputChannel : IChannel, ICommunicationObject, IDisposable
    EndpointAddress RemoteAddress { get; }
    Uri Via { get; }

    IAsyncResult BeginSend(
        Message message,
        AsyncCallback callback,
            object state);
    IAsyncResult BeginSend(
        Message message,
        TimeSpan timeout,
        AsyncCallback callback,
        object state);
    void EndSend(IAsyncResult result);
    void Send(Message message);
    void Send(Message message, TimeSpan timeout);

Input channels provide methods for receiving messages from them:

public interface IInputChannel : IChannel, ICommunicationObject, IDisposable
    EndpointAddress LocalAddress { get; }

    IAsyncResult BeginReceive(AsyncCallback callback,
        object state);
    IAsyncResult BeginReceive(TimeSpan timeout,
        AsyncCallback callback,
        object state);
    IAsyncResult BeginTryReceive(TimeSpan timeout,
        AsyncCallback callback,
        object state);
    IAsyncResult BeginWaitForMessage(TimeSpan timeout,
        AsyncCallback callback,
        object state);
    Message EndReceive(IAsyncResult result);
    bool EndTryReceive(IAsyncResult result, out Message message);
    bool EndWaitForMessage(IAsyncResult result);
    Message Receive();
    Message Receive(TimeSpan timeout);
    bool TryReceive(TimeSpan timeout, out Message message);
    bool WaitForMessage(TimeSpan timeout);

Input channels are retrieved from listeners:

public interface IChannelListener<TChannel> :
            where TChannel : class, System.ServiceModel.IChannel
    TChannel AcceptChannel();
    TChannel AcceptChannel(TimeSpan timeout);
    IAsyncResult BeginAcceptChannel(AsyncCallback callback,
        object state);
    IAsyncResult BeginAcceptChannel(TimeSpan timeout,
        AsyncCallback callback, object state);
    TChannel EndAcceptChannel(IAsyncResult result);

Channels are created using channel factories:

public interface IChannelFactory<TChannel> :
    IChannelFactory, IChannelManager, ICommunicationObject, IDisposable
    TChannel CreateChannel(EndpointAddress to);
    TChannel CreateChannel(string address);
    TChannel CreateChannel(Uri address);
    TChannel CreateChannel(EndpointAddress to, Filter filter, int priority);

Channel factories are created by binding elements, which also create listeners:

public abstract class BindingElement
    protected BindingElement();
    protected BindingElement(BindingElement other);

    public virtual IChannelFactory BuildChannelFactory(
        ChannelBuildContext context);
    public virtual IChannelFactory<TChannel> BuildChannelFactory<TChannel>(
        ChannelBuildContext context);
    public virtual IChannelListener<TChannel> BuildChannelListener<TChannel> (
        ChannelBuildContext context
        ) where TChannel : IChannel
    public virtual bool CanBuildChannelFactory<TChannel>(
        ChannelBuildContext context);
    public virtual bool CanBuildChannelListener<TChannel> (
            ChannelBuildContext context
        ) where TChannel : IChannel
    public abstract BindingElement Clone();
    public virtual T GetCapabilities<T>(
        IList<BindingElement> lowerBindingElements
        ) where T : class;
    public abstract ChannelProtectionRequirements GetProtectionRequirements();
    public virtual ChannelProtectionRequirements GetProtectionRequirements(
        CustomBinding context);

Binding elements that can create transport protocol channels and transport protocol listeners are transport binding elements:

public interface ITransportBindingElement
    string Scheme { get; }

Transport protocol listeners use message encoders to assemble the streams of bytes they receive into messages:

public abstract class MessageEncoder
    protected MessageEncoder();

    public abstract string ContentType { get; }
    public abstract string MediaType { get; }
    public abstract MessageVersion MessageVersion { get; }

    public virtual bool IsContentTypeSupported(string contentType);
    public abstract Message ReadMessage(
        ArraySegment<byte> buffer, BufferManager bufferManager);
    public abstract Message ReadMessage(
        Stream stream, int maxSizeOfHeaders);
    public override string ToString();
    public abstract void WriteMessage(Message message, Stream stream);
    public ArraySegment<byte> WriteMessage(
        Message message, int maxMessageSize, BufferManager bufferManager);
    public abstract ArraySegment<byte> WriteMessage(
        Message message,
        int maxMessageSize,
        BufferManager bufferManager,
        int messageOffset);

Message encoders are created by message encoder factories:

public abstract class MessageEncoderFactory
    protected MessageEncoderFactory();

    public abstract MessageEncoder Encoder { get; }
    public abstract MessageVersion MessageVersion { get; }

    public virtual MessageEncoder CreateSessionEncoder();

Message encoder factories are created by binding elements that are message encoding binding elements:

public interface IMessageEncodingBindingElement
    AddressingVersion AddressingVersion { get; }

    MessageEncoderFactory CreateMessageEncoderFactory();

Bindings are composed of a collection of binding elements, exactly one of which must be a transport binding element, and one or more of which must be message encoding binding elements:

public class CustomBinding :
    public CustomBinding();
    public CustomBinding(Binding binding);
    public CustomBinding(IEnumerable<BindingElement> bindingElements);
    public CustomBinding(params BindingElement[] bindingElements);
    public CustomBinding(string configurationName);
    public CustomBinding(
        string name,
        string ns,
        params BindingElement[] bindingElements);
    public BindingElementCollection Elements { get; }
    public override string Scheme { get; }

    public override BindingElementCollection CreateBindingElements();
    protected void Initialize();
    protected override void OnApplyConfiguration(string configurationName);

A service is made available by adding an endpoint for that service to a service host, an endpoint being a unique address, and a service contract together with a binding:

public class ServiceHost : ServiceHostBase
    protected ServiceHost();
    public ServiceHost(object serviceInstance, params Uri[] baseAddresses);
    public ServiceHost(Type serviceType, params Uri[] baseAddresses);

    public ServiceAuthorization Authorization { get; }
    public ServiceCredentials Credentials { get; }
    public virtual ServiceDescription Description { get; }
    public virtual ReflectedContractCollection ReflectedContracts { get; }
    public virtual Type ServiceType { get; }
    public virtual object SingletonInstance { get; }

    public ServiceEndpoint AddServiceEndpoint(
        Type implementedContract, Binding binding, string address);
    public ServiceEndpoint AddServiceEndpoint(
        Type implementedContract, Binding binding, Uri addressUri);
    protected void Initialize();
    protected virtual void OnApplyConfiguration(ServiceElement serviceSection);
    protected override void OnClose(TimeSpan timeout);
    protected virtual void OnCreateDescription();
    protected override void OnCreateListeners();
    protected override void OnEndClose(IAsyncResult result);
    protected void ReleasePerformanceCounters();

Service hosts are communication objects, which, as shown earlier, provide methods for being opened and closed:

public abstract class ServiceHostBase :
    CommunicationObject, IExtensibleObject<ServiceHostBase>
    protected ServiceHostBase(params Uri[] baseAddresses);
    protected ServiceHostBase(UriSchemeKeyedCollection baseAddresses);
    public UriSchemeKeyedCollection BaseAddresses { get; }
    public TimeSpan CloseTimeout { get; set; }
    protected override TimeSpan DefaultCloseTimeout { get; }
    protected override TimeSpan DefaultOpenTimeout { get; }
    public EndpointListenerCollection EndpointListeners { get; }
    public IExtensionCollection<ServiceHostBase> Extensions { get; }
    public TimeSpan OpenTimeout { get; set; }
    public event EventHandler<UnknownMessageReceivedEventArgs>
    protected override void OnAbort();
    protected override IAsyncResult OnBeginClose(
        TimeSpan timeout, AsyncCallback callback, object state);
    protected override IAsyncResult OnBeginOpen(
    TimeSpan timeout, AsyncCallback callback, object state);
    protected override void OnClose(TimeSpan timeout);
    protected abstract void OnCreateListeners();
    protected override void OnEndClose(IAsyncResult result);
    protected override void OnEndOpen(IAsyncResult result);
    protected virtual void OnInitialize();
    protected override void OnOpen(TimeSpan timeout);

When the host of a service is opened, it uses the elements of each service’s binding to create listeners. That process is actually undertaken on behalf of the service host by an element of the Windows Communication Foundation called the ServiceDescription, which creates, in effect, a description of the service from the specifications constituted by the address, the binding, and the contract. During the process, the characteristics of the contract are compared with the capabilities of the binding elements. For example, if the contract describes a message exchange pattern by which the service will be replying directly to requests from its clients, the communication protocols specified in the bindings must accommodate such a pattern. The binding elements’ generic CanBuildChannelListener<TChannel>() method assists the ServiceDescription in comparing the capabilities of the listeners implied by the binding with the definition of the contract.

After the description of the service is complete, the Windows Communication Foundation’s Dispatcher takes over. It calls the methods of the listener created from the first binding element’s listener factory to retrieve an input channel, from which it will read messages that it will pass on to the code of the service. That listener in turn calls the methods of the listener created from the next binding element’s listener factory to retrieve an input channel, and so on, until the request for an input channel reaches a listener that implements a transport protocol. That listener will listen for messages, typically using a socket. When a message arrives, the listener does two things. First, it uses the message encoder that must have been specified among the elements of the service’s binding to assemble the bytes it has received from the socket into a coherent message. Then, it creates an input channel if it has not done so already, adds the message to that channel, and passes the input channel to the listener that requested it.

After some reflection on all of the foregoing, it should become apparent that adding support for an additional transport protocol to the Windows Communication Foundation really means adding a new transport binding element to the Channel Layer. That transport binding element would provide channel factories for creating transport channels that support the protocol. The new binding element would also provide listeners that support the protocol. With the new transport binding element, one could create a binding for a service endpoint that could send and receive messages via the transport protocol.

Adding Support for Additional Transport Protocols

The following steps show how to extend the Windows Communication Foundation by adding a transport binding element for sending and receiving messages via Internet mail protocols. The starting point is a simple application that uses TCP, a protocol that the Windows Communication Foundation already supports. After a binding element for the Internet mail protocols has been added to the Windows Communication Foundation’s Channel Layer, the application will be modified to use those protocols instead.

Adding support for additional transports to the Windows Communication Foundation is made considerably easier by a sample that does just that, which is among the samples in the Microsoft Windows SDK referred to in the introduction. The sample adds support for the User Datagram Protocol (UDP).

See the Initial Solution Work

To see the solution work using one of the built-in transports, do the following:

  1. Download the code for this book, and copy the code associated with this chapter to the folder C:WCFHandsOn. The code is all in a folder called CustomTransport and contains a single Visual Studio solution with the same name. After the code has been copied, there should be a folder that looks like the one shown in Figure 8.1.

    Custom transport solution folder.

    Figure 8.1. Custom transport solution folder.

  2. Open the solution C:WCFHandsOnCustomTransportCustomTransport.sln in Visual Studio 2005. The solution incorporates three projects. One project is for building a Greeting Service, which receives and displays a greeting from a client. A second project is for building a client of the Greeting Service. The third project, the MailTransportLibrary project, is currently empty. The Windows Communication Foundation extensions for communicating via Internet mail protocols will be added to that project.

  3. Confirm that the startup project property of the solution is configured as shown in Figure 8.2.

    Custom transport solution startup project property.

    Figure 8.2. Custom transport solution startup project property.

  4. Start debugging the solution. The console application of the Greeting Service should appear, followed by the console application of its client. When the console of the Greeting Service shows some activity, enter a keystroke into the console for the client. A message should appear in the console of the service, as shown in Figure 8.3.

    The Greeting Service.

    Figure 8.3. The Greeting Service.

  5. Stop debugging the solution.

Understand the Initial Solution

See how the initial solution works:

  1. Open the file IGreeting.cs in the GreetingService project. It contains this simple service contract:

    using System;
    using System.Collections.Generic;
    using System.ServiceModel;
    using System.Text;
    namespace CustomTransport
        public interface IGreeting
            void Greeting(
                string greeting);
  2. Look in the file GreetingService.cs in the GreetingService project. It contains a service type that implements that contract:

    using System;
    using System.Collections.Generic;
    using System.Text;
    namespace CustomTransport
        public class GreetingServiceType: IGreeting
            #region IGreeting Members
            void IGreeting.Greeting(
                string greeting)
  3. Open the file Program.cs in the GreetingService project, which has code for hosting the service within an application domain. That code is shown Listing 8.1. In that code, the sole endpoint of the service is configured in the code using the AddServiceEndpoint() method of the ServiceHost class, rather than being configured via a configuration file.

    Example 8.1. The Service Host

    using System;
    using System.Collections.Generic;
    using System.Configuration;
    using System.ServiceModel;
    using System.Text;
    namespace CustomTransport
        public class Program
            public static void Main(string[] args)
                Type serviceType = typeof(GreetingServiceType);
                string tcpBaseAddress =
                Uri tcpBaseAddressURI = new Uri(tcpBaseAddress);
                Uri[] baseAdresses = new Uri[] {
                using(ServiceHost host = new ServiceHost(
                         new NetTcpBinding(),
                        "The derivatives calculator service is available."
  4. Look at the code for the client in the Program.cs file of the Client project. That code is reproduced in Listing 8.2. Here, too, the properties of the endpoint of the service are specified in code, rather than in a configuration file.

Example 8.2. The Client

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Configuration;
using System.ServiceModel;
using System.Text;

namespace CustomTransport
    public class Program
        public static void Main(string[] args)
            Console.WriteLine("Press any key when the service is ready.");

            IGreeting proxy = new ChannelFactory<IGreeting>(
                new NetTcpBinding(),
                new EndpointAddress(
             "Hello, world.");

            Console.WriteLine("Press any key to exit.");


The Internet Mail Protocols

The Internet mail protocols are the Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP), which is for sending mail, and the Post Office Protocol Version 3 (POP3) (Official Internet Protocol Standards 2006). Therefore, to proceed through the instructions that follow for adding support for the Internet mail protocols to the Windows Communication Foundation, and to see the results, one needs to have access to an SMTP server and a POP3 server. Most Internet service providers offer access to an SMTP server and a POP3 server to their subscribers. Readers who are using a Windows server operating system may choose to install and configure the POP3 service provided with their operating system. Installing the POP3 service also provides support for SMTP.

Building an Internet Mail Transport Binding Element

Recall that adding support for an additional transport protocol to the Windows Communication Foundation really means adding a new transport binding element to the Channel Layer. Add a transport binding element for Internet mail to the solution now.

Getting Started

In adding support for additional transport protocols to the Windows Communication Foundation, one is advised to begin from a working sample. In this case, the aforementioned sample for UDP provided in the Windows SDK for use with the Windows Communication Foundation will be adapted to accommodate SMTP and POP3:

  1. By default, the SDK installer places the UDP sample in the folder C:Program FilesMicrosoft SDKsWindowsv1.0samplesAllsamplesWindowsCommunicationFoundationTechnologySamplesExtensibilityTransportUdp. The parts of that sample that will be required in the following steps are in the subfolder CSUdpTransport. Copy all the files in that subfolder with the extension .cs to the folder C: C:WCFHandsOnCustomTransportMailTransportLibrary, except the file UdpListenerFactory.cs, which is not required. Add those files to the MailTransportLibrary project of the CustomTransport solution.

  2. Build the MailTransportLibrary project to ensure that nothing has gone missing.

  3. Rename each of the modules in the project that have Udp in their names, replacing Udp with Mail.

  4. Open each of the modules that now has Mail in its name, and look for the name of each class in the class definitions contained in the module. Right-click on that name and choose Refactor and Rename from the context menu. Substitute Mail for Udp in the name of the class in the Rename dialog shown in Figure 8.4, clear the Preview Reference Changes option, and click OK. With the refactoring facility in Visual Studio 2005, it should take less than 5 minutes to change the names of all the classes and all the references to them. When the task is complete, build the project to confirm that no errors have been made.

    The Visual Studio Rename dialog.

    Figure 8.4. The Visual Studio Rename dialog.

Specifying a Scheme for the Internet Mail Transport Protocols

The initial part of a URI is called the scheme. In the URI http://localhost:8000/Derivatives/Calculator the scheme is http.

In the Windows Communication Foundation, schemes provide the link between the addresses and the bindings of endpoints. Thus, in

ServiceHost host = new ServiceHost(
    new Uri[]{
        new Uri("http://localhost:8000/Service/"),
        new Uri("net.tcp://localhost:8010/Service/")

    new NetTcpBinding(),

the base address of the Greeting endpoint is the second of the two base addresses of the service, net.tcp://localhost:8010/Service/, because the scheme of that base address is the scheme associated with the TCP transport protocol of the endpoint’s NetTcpBinding.

So, in adding support for the Internet mail transport protocols to the Windows Communication Foundation, it is necessary to specify the scheme for the base addresses of any endpoints with Internet mail transport protocol bindings. The choice of the scheme is arbitrary. The scheme that will be used is smtp.pop3:

  1. Open the module that should now be named MailChannelHelpers and modify the Scheme constant in the MailConstants class, replacing soap.udp with smtp.pop3, like so:

    static class MailConstants
        internal const string EventLogSourceName
            = "Microsoft.ServiceModel.Samples";
        internal const string Scheme = "smtp.pop3";
        internal const string UdpBindingSectionName
            = "system.serviceModel/bindings/sampleProfileUdpBinding";
        internal const string UdpTransportSectionName = "udpTransport";
        internal const int WSAETIMEDOUT = 10060;
  2. Use Visual Studio 2005’s Find in Files command, which one accesses by choosing Edit, Find and Replace, Find in Files from the menus, and find all instances of the expression soap.udp in the solution. That process should turn up this line of code in the MailPolicyStrings class,

    public const string TransportAssertion = "soap.udp";

    as well as this line in the SampleProfileMailBinding class, which represents a small imperfection in the sample:

    public override string Scheme { get { return "soap.udp"; } }
  3. Change them both like this:

    public const string TransportAssertion = MailConstants.Scheme;
    public override string Scheme { get { return MailConstants.Scheme; } }

The Listener

Recall, from the foregoing description of how protocols are implemented in the Windows Communication Foundation, that a listener typically does its work of listening for messages by listening on a socket. That should certainly be true of a UDP listener. What needs to be accomplished next in providing support for the Internet mail protocols is to modify the code in the UDP transport protocol sample by which the listener listens on a socket for messages conveyed via the UDP protocol, in such a way that the listener instead uses the socket to retrieve mail messages from a POP3 server.

If one was to search the code in the MailTransportLibrary project for references to the .NET Framework’s Socket class, one would find that an instance of that class is instantiated in the MailChannelListener class, and that the work of listening for UDP messages on that socket gets underway in that class’ StartReceiving() method, which is shown in Listing 8.3.

Example 8.3. The StartReceiving() Method

void StartReceiving(object state)
    Socket listenSocket = (Socket)state;
    IAsyncResult result = null;
        lock (ThisLock)
            if (base.State == CommunicationState.Opened)
                EndPoint dummy =
                byte[] buffer =
                result =
                    ref dummy,
                    new SocketReceiveState(listenSocket, buffer));
        if (result != null && result.CompletedSynchronously)
            ContinueReceiving(result, listenSocket);
    catch (Exception e)
        Debug.WriteLine("Error in receiving from the socket.");

Modify the method to receive messages via the POP3 Internet mail protocol:

  1. Comment out the StartReceiving() method, and insert the alternative version in Listing 8.4, which is also provided in the file C:WCFHandsOnCustomTransportStartReceiving.txt.

    Example 8.4. The Revised StartReceiving() Method

    private void StartReceiving(object state)
            while (base.State == CommunicationState.Opened)
                lock (ThisLock)
                    if (this.listenSockets.Count == 0)
                        IPHostEntry host = Dns.GetHostEntry(uri.Host);
                        IPAddress address = host.AddressList[0];
                        this.CreateListenSocket(address, this.uri.Port);
            catch (Exception exception)
                Debug.WriteLine("Error in receiving from the socket.");
    private void POP3Reception()
        const string LineTerminator = "
        const string MessageTerminator = ".";
        StringBuilder messageBuffer = null;
        Regex regularExpression = new Regex(@"(^+OKs)(d*)([s])(d*)");
        Match match = null;
        int messageCount;
        int mailDropSize;
        string mailMessage = null;
        Message message = null;
        byte[] buffer = null;
        string response = null;
        response = this.Transmit("STAT", null);
        if (this.ErrorResponse(response))
            throw new Exception("Error retrieving count of new messages.");
        if (!(regularExpression.IsMatch(response)))
            throw new Exception("Error parsing count of new messages.");
        match = regularExpression.Match(response);
        messageCount = int.Parse(match.Groups[2].Value); 
        mailDropSize = int.Parse(match.Groups[4].Value);
        for (int messageIndex = 1;
            messageIndex <= messageCount;
            messageBuffer = new StringBuilder();
            while (true)
                response = this.Transmit(
                    string.Format("RETR {0}", messageIndex),
                if (this.ErrorResponse(response))
                    throw new Exception("Error retrieving message.");
                if (response.StartsWith(MessageTerminator))
                    if (!(response.EndsWith(
                        MessageTerminator + LineTerminator)))
                        response = response.Substring(1);
                if (response.EndsWith(MessageTerminator + LineTerminator))
                            response.Length - LineTerminator.Length));
            mailMessage = messageBuffer.ToString();
            response = this.Transmit(
                string.Format("DELE {0}", messageIndex),
            if (this.ErrorResponse(response))
                throw new Exception("Error deleting message.");
            buffer = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(mailMessage);
            message = messageEncoderFactory.Encoder.ReadMessage(
                new ArraySegment<byte>(buffer, 0, buffer.Length),
            if (message != null)
                    new WaitCallback(DispatchCallback), message);
    "A message was dropped because it was not in the expected format.",
        response = this.Transmit("QUIT", null);
        if (this.ErrorResponse(response))
            throw new Exception("Error updating mailbox.");
    private bool ErrorResponse(string response)
        if (response.StartsWith("-ERR"))
            return true;
        return false;
    private void LogIn()
        if (this.ErrorResponse(
            this.Transmit(string.Format("USER {0}", this.userName), null)))
            throw new Exception("Username rejected.");
        if (this.ErrorResponse(
            this.Transmit(string.Format("PASS {0}", this.password), null)))
            throw new Exception("Password rejected.");
    private string Transmit(string message, int? bufferSize)
        if (message != null)
                Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(string.Concat(message, "
        byte[] buffer = new byte[
            bufferSize != null ? bufferSize.Value + 512 : 512];
        int bytesRead = this.listenSockets[0].Receive(buffer);
        StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder();
        builder.Append(Encoding.ASCII.GetChars(buffer), 0, bytesRead);
        return builder.ToString();
  2. Add these C# using statements to those already in the module to incorporate the namespaces of some familiar .NET Framework classes to which we refer in our new StartReceiving() method:

    using System.Text;
    using System.Text.RegularExpressions;

    The new StartReceiving() method works in the same way that Internet mail reader applications typically do. It connects to a POP3 server that it knows, logging in with credentials associated with an account that it knows. Then it queries the server for the number of new messages that have been received that were sent to the account, and retreives each of those messages, instructing the server to delete each message after it has been retrieved. It then disconnects from the server, and goes to sleep for a time, after which it repeats the process.

Each message that is received gets sent on to the input channel that the Dispatcher is waiting for with this line of code:

ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem(new WaitCallback(DispatchCallback), message);

That line was simply taken from one of the methods that the original StartReceiving() process invoked, namely the ContinueReceiving() method, which is no longer used.

Reflecting on this process that is encoded in the new StartReceiving() method, one can identify all the other changes that have to be made in constructing the Internet mail protocol listenter. There are three such changes.

To begin with, the new code connects to the POP3 server and then disconnects on each cycle. Although that is characteristic of what Internet mail readers do, it is different from what the original code for the UDP listener did, which was to open a socket and simply wait for data to arrive. So one thing that has to be done is change how the connection is managed.

Also, credentials have to be provided to log on to the POP3 server. Hence, properties will need to be added to an Internet mail transport binding element by which users can supply credentials that the code can access and use to connect to the POP3 server. Providing custom properties is a common task when one is adding custom binding elements to the Windows Communication Foundation.

The third change that needs to be made concerns the format of the data retrieved from the POP3 server. The intention is for the messages that will be exchanged via Internet mail to be SOAP documents embedded in the bodies of Internet mail messages. Consequently, from among the bytes that are retrieved from the POP3 server representing each message, it will be necessary to extract the SOAP document and use that to yield a message, a message that will then be added to the input channel for the Dispatcher to retrieve and dispatch. Recall that, in the architecture of the Windows Communication Foundation’s Channel Layer, transport protocol listeners use message encoders to assemble the streams of bytes they receive into messages. So it will be necessary to provide a message encoder that is familiar with the format of Internet mail messages and able to extract SOAP documents from within them.

Managing the Connection to the Server

The original code for opening the UDP socket was invoked in the code shown in Listing 8.5.

Example 8.5. Opening the UDP Socket

protected override void OnOpen(TimeSpan timeout)
    if (uri == null)
        throw new InvalidOperationException(
            "Uri must be set before ChannelListener is opened.");

    if (this.listenSockets.Count == 0)
        if (uri.HostNameType == UriHostNameType.IPv6 ¦¦
            uri.HostNameType == UriHostNameType.IPv4)

                    IPAddress.Parse(uri.Host), uri.Port));
                CreateListenSocket(IPAddress.Any, uri.Port));
            if (Socket.OSSupportsIPv6)
                    CreateListenSocket(IPAddress.IPv6Any, uri.Port));

Modify the original code in this way:

  1. Comment out the code by which the UDP socket is opened, as shown in Listing 8.6.

    Example 8.6. Removing the Code for Opening a UDP Socket

    protected override void OnOpen(TimeSpan timeout)
        if (uri == null)
            throw new InvalidOperationException(
                "Uri must be set before ChannelListener is opened.");
        if (this.listenSockets.Count == 0)
            if (uri.HostNameType == UriHostNameType.IPv6 ¦ ¦
                uri.HostNameType == UriHostNameType.IPv4)
                        IPAddress.Parse(uri.Host), uri.Port));
                    CreateListenSocket(IPAddress.Any, uri.Port));
            if (Socket.OSSupportsIPv6)
                    CreateListenSocket(IPAddress.IPv6Any, uri.Port));
  2. Next, replace the original, lengthy CreateListenSocket() method with this simpler one that serves the more modest requirements of the new StartReceiving() method:

    Socket CreateListenSocket(IPAddress address, int port)
        Socket listenSocket = new Socket(
            address.AddressFamily, SocketType.Stream, ProtocolType.Tcp);
        listenSocket.Connect(this.uri.Host, this.uri.Port);
        if (this.ErrorResponse(this.Transmit(null, null)))
            throw new Exception("Failure to connect.");
        return listenSocket;
  3. Finally, modify the OnOpened() method, omitting some statements that assumed that a socket would be kept open:

    protected override void OnOpened()
        Socket[] socketsSnapshot = listenSockets.ToArray();
        WaitCallback startReceivingCallback = new WaitCallback(StartReceiving);

Providing the Account Credentials

To provide credentials for logging on to the POP3 server, do as follows:

  1. Look again at the LogIn() method that was added earlier, and that is used by the new version of the StartReceiving() method:

    private void LogIn()
        if (this.ErrorResponse(
            this.Transmit(string.Format("USER {0}", this.userName), null)))
           throw new Exception("Username rejected.");
        if (this.ErrorResponse(
            this.Transmit(string.Format("PASS {0}", this.password), null)))
            throw new Exception("Password rejected.");

    In supplying credentials to the POP3 server, the LogIn() method refers to the userName and password fields of the MailListenerFactory, which are, as yet, undeclared.

  2. So add declarations of those fields to the MailListener factory now:

    class MailChannelListener : ChannelListenerBase<IInputChannel>
        #region member_variables
        BufferManager bufferManager;
        //The UDP network sockets.
        List<Socket> listenSockets;
        int maxMessageSize;
        MessageEncoderFactory messageEncoderFactory;
        bool multicast;
        AsyncCallback onReceive;
        Uri uri;
        InputQueue<IInputChannel> channelQueue;
        //The channel associated with this listener.
        MailInputChannel currentChannel;
        object currentChannelLock;
        string userName = null;
        string password = null;
  3. To see how values might be assigned to those fields, examine the constructor of the MailListenerFactory, which is shown in Listing 8.7.

    Example 8.7. Original MailListenerFactory Constructor

    internal MailChannelListener(
        MailTransportBindingElement bindingElement,
        ChannelBuildContext context)
                : base(context.Binding)
        #region populate_members_from_binding_element
        this.maxMessageSize = bindingElement.MaxMessageSize;
        this.multicast = bindingElement.Multicast;
        this.bufferManager = BufferManager.CreateBufferManager(
            bindingElement.MaxBufferPoolSize, bindingElement.MaxMessageSize);
        IMessageEncodingBindingElement messageEncoderBindingElement =
        if (messageEncoderBindingElement != null)
            this.messageEncoderFactory =
            this.messageEncoderFactory =
        this.channelQueue = new InputQueue<IInputChannel>();
        this.currentChannelLock = new object();
        this.listenSockets = new List<Socket>(2);

    The constructor receives, as a parameter, an instance of the binding element. If properties can be added to the binding element by which a user can provide a username and password for the POP3 server, those properties could be used to assign values to the userName and password fields of the MailListenerFactory.

  4. Therefore, make the necessary amendments to the MailListenerFactory constructor, as shown in Listing 8.8.

    Example 8.8. Revised MailListenerFactory Constructor

    class MailChannelListener : ChannelListenerBase<IInputChannel>
        #region member_variables
        BufferManager bufferManager;
        //The UDP network sockets.
        List<Socket> listenSockets;
        int maxMessageSize;
        MessageEncoderFactory messageEncoderFactory;
        bool multicast;
        AsyncCallback onReceive;
        Uri uri;
        InputQueue<IInputChannel> channelQueue;
        //The channel associated with this listener.
        MailInputChannel currentChannel;
        object currentChannelLock;
        string userName = null;
        string password = null;
  5. Then add the necessary properties to the MailTransportBindingElement class in the MailTransportBindingElement.cs module, as shown in Listing 8.9.

    Example 8.9. MailTransportBindingElement Account Properties

    #region CONFIGURATION_Properties
    private string userName = null;
    private string password = null;
    public string UserName
            return this.userName;
            this.userName = value;
    public string Password
            return this.password;
            this.password = value;
  6. Finally, modify the copy constructors of the MailTransportBindingElement class to ensure that when one instance of the class is constructed from another, the values of the newly added properties propagate properly:

    protected MailTransportBindingElement(MailTransportBindingElement other)
        : base(other)
        this.maxBufferPoolSize = other.maxBufferPoolSize;
        this.maxMessageSize = other.maxMessageSize;
        this.multicast = other.multicast;
        this.userName = other.userName;
        this.password = other.password;
  7. Compile the MailTransportLibrary project to ensure that no mistakes have been made up to this point.

Providing an Internet Mail Encoder

The new code for the listener has mail messages that are retrieved from the POP3 server transformed into Windows Communication Foundation messages by an Internet mail encoder. That is done with this line of code in the POP3Reception() method that is invoked by the new version of the StartReceiving() method:

message = messageEncoderFactory.Encoder.ReadMessage(
            new ArraySegment<byte>(buffer, 0, buffer.Length),

The next task is to develop that encoder. Developing an encoder for the Windows Communication Foundation is another task that is accelerated considerably by starting from a sample. The aforementioned SDK provided for use with the Windows Communication Foundation also has a sample of a custom encoder. It is an encoder for translating messages in and out of a compression format.The compression encoder uses the standard Windows Communication Foundation text encoder internally, because the messages that are being compressed and decompressed are SOAP text messages. Specifically, incoming messages are translated out of the compression format into the SOAP text format, and then passed to the text encoder, which understands the SOAP text format, and translates the SOAP text into Windows Communication Foundation messages. Outgoing messages are translated into the SOAP text format by the standard text encoder, and then translated into the compression format.

This sample is perfectly suited for adaptation to the current task of working with Internet mail messages. Messages received in Internet mail format will have SOAP text messages incorporated within them. The Internet mail encoder can extract the SOAP text messages from the Internet mail messages, and pass the SOAP text message on to the standard Windows Communication Foundation text encoder to be made into Windows Communication Foundation messages. Conversely, for outgoing Windows Communication Foundation messages, the text encoder can be used to translate them into SOAP text documents, which the Internet mail encoder can then insert into the bodies of Internet mail messages:

  1. The code for a sample compression encoder is provided in C:WCFHandsOnCustomTransportGZipEncoder.cs. Add that module to the MailTransportLibrary project of the CustomTransport solution.

  2. Change the name of the module to MailEncoder.cs.

  3. Change the sole namespace declaration in the module to look like this:

    namespace Microsoft.ServiceModel.Samples
  4. Use Visual Studio 2005’s refactoring facility as before to replace any occurrence of compression in the name of a class in that module with mail, being careful to preserve the case of the original. Thus, the classes originally named Compression MessageEncoderFactory, CompressionMessageEncoder, CompressionMessageEncodingBindingElement, and CompressionMessageEncodingSection will be renamed MailMessageEncoderFactory, MailMessageEncoder, MailMessageEncodingBindingElement, and MailMessageEncodingSection.

  5. Locate these lines of code in what should now be called the MailMessageEncoder class:

    public override string ContentType
        get { return compressionContentType; }
    public override string MediaType
        get { return compressionContentType; }
  6. Modify those lines of code so they read like this:

    public override string ContentType
        get { return this.innerEncoder.ContentType; }
    public override string MediaType
        get { return this.innerEncoder.MediaType; }

    The core of a Windows Communication Foundation message encoder is its overrides of the abstract base MessageEncoder class’ abstract ReadMessage() and WriteMessage() methods. In the next two steps, those overrides will be modified to produce Windows Communication Foundation messages from SOAP text messages extracted from incoming Internet mail messages, and to create SOAP text messages to be embedded in Internet mail messages from outgoing Windows Communication Foundation messages.

  7. Change the override of the ReadMessage() method so that it looks like the code in Listing 8.10.

    Example 8.10. The MessageEncoder’s ReadMessage() Method

    public override Message ReadMessage(ArraySegment<byte> buffer,
        BufferManager bufferManager)
        string mailMessage =
            new StringBuilder().Append(
        int position = mailMessage.IndexOf(@"<s:Envelope");
        if (position >= 0)
        string body = mailMessage.Substring(position);
        position = body.LastIndexOf("</s:Envelope>");
        if (position >= 0)
            body = body.Substring(0, (position + "</s:Envelope>".Length));
        byte[] soapBuffer = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(body);
        Message message =
                new ArraySegment<byte>(
        message.Properties.Encoder = this;
        return message;
       return null;

    That code extracts the portion of an incoming Internet mail message that contains a SOAP text document. It passes that to the standard text encoder, which yields a Windows Communication Foundation message from it.

  8. Now change the override of the WriteMessage() method so that it looks like this:

    public override ArraySegment<byte> WriteMessage(
        Message message,
        int maxMessageSize,
        BufferManager bufferManager,
        int messageOffset)
        ArraySegment<byte> buffer =
        return buffer;

    This code takes an outgoing Windows Communication Foundation message and uses the standard text encoder to translate that into a SOAP text document ready to be incorporated into the body of an Internet mail message.

  9. Build the MailLibraryProject of the CustomTransport solution to ensure that there are no errors.

    The work on the Internet mail listener is now complete. There is now a custom Windows Communication Foundation listener that knows how to receive Internet mail messages. Thanks to the sample provided with the SDK, everything that had to be written had to do with communicating with a POP3 server and decoding the data retrieved from it, which is precisely what one would expect to have to do in adding support for Internet mail to the Windows Communication Foundation. It was not necessary to write any Windows Communication Foundation plumbing, and all that was required to write the code was some knowledge of the POP3 protocol. So, if one is a .NET developer, and has expertise, for instance, in developing solutions with International Business Machine’s WebSphere MQ products, then one can expect, in extending the Windows Communication Foundation to support communicating via those products, that one’s existing expertise will suffice for that task.

The Output Channel

All that remains to be done in adding support for Internet mail communications to the Windows Communication Foundation is to provide for the sending of messages via Internet mail. Recall from the explanation of how the Windows Communication Foundation implements protocols that messages are sent via the methods of output channels:

  1. Locate the Send() method of the MailOutputChannel class in the MailOutputChannel.cs module of the MailTransportLibrary project. It is shown in Listing 8.11.

    Example 8.11. The MailOutputChannel’s Send() Method

    public void Send(Message message)
        ArraySegment<byte> messageBuffer = EncodeMessage(message);
            int bytesSent = this.socket.SendTo(
            if (bytesSent != messageBuffer.Count)
                    throw new CommunicationException(
                            "A Udp error occurred sending a message to {0}.",
        catch (SocketException socketException)
           throw MailChannelHelpers.ConvertTransferException(socketException);
           // we need to make sure buffers
           // are always returned to the BufferManager
  2. Replace the code of that method with this code:

    public void Send(Message message)
        ArraySegment<byte> messageBuffer = EncodeMessage(message);
            MailMessage mailMessage = new MailMessage();
            mailMessage.To =
                this.remoteAddress.Uri.LocalPath.TrimStart(new char[] { '/'});
            mailMessage.From = this.fromAddress;
            mailMessage.Subject = string.Empty;
            mailMessage.Priority = MailPriority.High;
            mailMessage.Body = new StringBuilder().Append(
            SmtpMail.SmtpServer = this.remoteAddress.Uri.Host;
  3. Add a reference to the System.Web .NET assembly to the MailTransportLibrary project of the CustomTransportSolution.

  4. Add this using clause to those already in the MailOutputChannel.cs module of that project to incorporate the classes in the System.Web namespace:

    using System.Web.Mail;

    The code added in the precediing few steps is a straightforward application of the familiar classes of the System.Web.Mail namespace to transmit an outgoing message via Internet mail. The only outstanding issue is that, in this line of code in the revised Send() method,

    mailMessage.From = this.fromAddress;

    it is assumed that the output channel has been supplied with an address to provide as the address from which the outgoing mail message originated. As in the case of the credentials that were needed to access the POP3 server to retrieve incoming messages, it would be desirable to retrieve that address from a property of the binding element that the user can configure. Getting the values of user-configurable properties of binding elements down to output channels is a common task in adding support for additional transport protocols to the Windows Communication Foundation.

  5. To accomplish the task, begin by declaring the field that is being used to store the source address in the MailOutputChannel class:

    class MailOutputChannel : ChannelBase, IOutputChannel
        #region member_variables
        EndpointAddress remoteAddress;
        Uri via;
        EndPoint remoteEndPoint;
        Socket socket;
        MessageEncoder encoder;
        MailChannelFactory parent;
        string fromAddress = null;
  6. Modify the constructor of the MailOutputChannel class to initialize the field from a property of the channel factory:

    internal MailOutputChannel(MailChannelFactory factory,
        EndpointAddress remoteAddress, Uri via, MessageEncoder encoder)
        : base(factory)
        #region ADDRESSING_validate_arguments
        this.fromAddress = factory.FromAddress;
  7. Add the definition of the property to the MailChannelFactory class in MailChannelFactory.cs:

    #region simple_property_accessors
    string fromAddress = null;
    public string FromAddress
            return this.fromAddress;
           this.fromAddress = value;
  8. Modify the constructor of the MailChannelFactory class so that the value of the property is retrieved from a property of the binding element that is passed to the MailChannelFactory constructor:

    internal MailChannelFactory(
        MailTransportBindingElement bindingElement,
        ChannelBuildContext context)
        : base(context.Binding)
        #region populate_members_from_binding_element
        this.fromAddress = bindingElement.FromAddress;
  9. Add the property to the properties of the MailTransportBindingElement class:

    #region CONFIGURATION_Properties
    private string userName = null;
    private string password = null;
    private string fromAddress = null;
    public string FromAddress
           return this.fromAddress;
           this.fromAddress = value;
  10. Modify the copy constructor of the MailTransportBindingElement as before to ensure that the value of the new property propagates correctly:

    protected MailTransportBindingElement(MailTransportBindingElement other)
                 : base(other)
        this.maxBufferPoolSize = other.maxBufferPoolSize;
        this.maxMessageSize = other.maxMessageSize;
        this.multicast = other.multicast;
       this.fromAddress = other.fromAddress;
       this.userName = other.userName;
       this.password = other.password;

    The chain of information that needed to be constructed is now complete. The value that was required in the output channel is now retrieved from a property of the channel factory, that, in turn, is set by a property of the binding element that a user can configure.

  11. Compile the MailTransportLibrary to ensure that no errors have been made.

Testing the New Internet Mail Protocol Binding Element

To test the new Internet mail protocol binding, modify the client and service applications of the initial solution to use the new binding. Follow these steps:

  1. For the original code of the Greeting Service, in the Program.cs module of the GreetingService project, substitute the code in Listing 8.12. That code constructs a binding from the MailMessageEncodingBindingElement and the MailTransportBindingElement. The base address provided for the service is the URI of a POP3 server, with the scheme that was selected for the Internet mail protocol, smtp.pop3, as the prefix. The address of the endpoint that uses the Internet mail binding is an Internet mail account on the POP3 server.

    Example 8.12. Internet Mail Service

    using System;
    using System.Collections.Generic;
    using System.Configuration;
    using System.ServiceModel;
    using System.Text;
    using Microsoft.ServiceModel.Samples;
    namespace CustomTransport
        public class Program
            public static void Main(string[] args)
                Type serviceType = typeof(GreetingServiceType);
                string mailBaseAddress = "smtp.pop3://localhost:110/";
                Uri mailBaseAdressURI = new Uri(mailBaseAddress);
                Uri[] baseAdresses = new Uri[] {
                MailTransportBindingElement transportBindingElement
                    = new MailTransportBindingElement();
                    = "[email protected]";
                    = "pass@word1";
                MailMessageEncodingBindingElement encodingBindingElement
                    = new MailMessageEncodingBindingElement();
                CustomBinding binding
                    = new CustomBinding(new BindingElement[] {
                        transportBindingElement });
                using(ServiceHost host = new ServiceHost(
                        "[email protected]");
                            "The derivatives calculator service is available."

    The value one should use in the server name portion of the URI provided as the base address of the service should be the name of the POP3 server of the reader’s own Internet mail account. Similarly, the Internet mail account used as the address of the service’s endpoint should also be the reader’s own. Also, the values provided for the UserName and Password properties of the MailTransportBindingElement object should be the reader’s credentials for the POP3 server of the reader’s Internet mail account.

  2. Replace the original code of the client application, in the Program.cs module of the Client project, with the code in Listing 8.13. Again, the values supplied for the UserName and Password properties of the MailTransportBindingElement object should be the reader’s credentials for the reader’s own Internet mail account. The value of the FromAddress should be the name of that account. The address of the service is given as smtp.pop3://localhost:110/[email protected] in Listing 8.12. For localhost, the reader should substitute the name of the POP3 server of the reader’s Internet mail account, and for [email protected], the reader should substitute the name of the reader’s Internet mail account.

    Example 8.13. Internet Mail Client

    using System.Configuration;
    using System.ServiceModel;
    using System.Text;
    using Microsoft.ServiceModel.Samples;
    namespace CustomTransport
        public class Program
            public static void Main(string[] args)
            Console.WriteLine("Press any key when the service is ready.");
            MailTransportBindingElement transportBindingElement
                = new MailTransportBindingElement();
                = "[email protected]";
                = "pass@word1";
                = "[email protected]";
            MailMessageEncodingBindingElement encodingBindingElement
                = new MailMessageEncodingBindingElement();
            CustomBinding binding = new CustomBinding(new BindingElement[] {
                encodingBindingElement, transportBindingElement });
            IGreeting proxy = new ChannelFactory<IGreeting>(
                new EndpointAddress
    "smtp.pop3://localhost:110/[email protected]"))
                    "Hello, world.");
                Console.WriteLine("Press any key to exit.");
  3. Start debugging the solution. The console application of the Greeting Service should appear, followed by the console application of its client. When the console of the Greeting Service shows some activity, enter a keystroke into the console for the client. After a short time, mostly depending on the speed at which messages are relayed by the SMTP and POP3 servers used, a message should appear in the console of the service, as it did in the original solution, as shown in Figure 8.3 earlier. However, in this case, the message will have been transmitted via the Internet mail protocols, rather than via TCP, as it had been before.

The custom Internet mail binding element is selected and configured in code in Listings 8.12 and 8.13, rather than being selected and configured using an application configuration file. Custom binding elements can be selected and configured using configuration files, though. How to provide for that option is covered in Chapter 13, “Representational State Transfer and Plain XML Services.”


The Windows Communication Foundation can be extended to support additional transport protocols with remarkably little effort. A good approach is to start with the sample custom transport binding elements and message encoding binding elements provided with the SDK, and to modify those to use the transport and encoding protocols one would like to support. However the binding elements to support additional transport protocols are constructed, the genius of the Windows Communication Foundation is in hiding the implementation details away from programmers who use those binding elements to construct applications.


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