Chapter 8. Data Handlers

Data handlers allow you to define custom handling for copy-and-paste operations involving files of a given type. Normally, when you select a file and press Ctrl-C or select Copy from the Explorer menu, the shell copies the name of the file using the CF_HDROP format. This is evident in the clsDropFiles class that we used to implement the IShellExtInit::Initialize and IDropTarget::Drop methods in Chapter 7. But what if we want to change this behavior for our file type? Take a bitmap file for instance. What if, instead of copying the file, we want to copy the actual image contained within the file? Then you would be able to highlight the file in Explorer and make it available to any program that knows how to handle CF_BITMAP information (Microsoft Paint, Adobe Photoshop, etc.). Or what if we want to copy information from the file, say in CF_TEXT format, to the clipboard? We might want to copy its dimensions, for example, or the color depth of the file. This would allow us to select a file in the shell, press Ctrl-C, and copy pertinent information directly from the file into other programs like Microsoft Word or Excel.

Data handlers are required to implement two interfaces. These interfaces are IPersistFile and IDataObject. The IPersistFile implementation serves the same purpose it did for our icon handler and drop handler. We will just implement Load to get the name of the file in question.

We have used IDataObject before, but we have never implemented it. Admittedly, when IDataObject was last discussed (see Chapter 4), all you got was a really glossed overview of the interface. In this chapter, we will talk more about this interface and get a little better idea of how it works. But by no means will the discussion be complete. To write a data handler, we need to implement only three of nine available methods. But after we implement these methods, you should be able to explore the rest of IDataObject with better understanding.

Our data handler will be fairly simple, although the implementation is somewhat involved. When a .rad file is copied in the shell, the data handler will determine the type of animal represented by the file and build the string “The (animal name) is on the clipboard.” This string is then made available to any program that allows for text transfers (CF_TEXT format) over the clipboard via the Paste command. Figure 8.1, for example, shows a string generated by the data handler for .rad files that has been pasted into Notepad.

Accessing the .rad file data handler from Notepad

Figure 8-1. Accessing the .rad file data handler from Notepad

How Data Handlers Work

Data handlers are activated when a file is copied in the shell. Selecting Copy from Explorer’s File menu, selecting Copy from the context menu of the file object itself, pressing Ctrl-C, or pressing Ctrl-Insert will all initiate a registered data handler if one exists. To do this, the shell looks under the following key:

    {application identifier}

Once loaded, the shell passes the name of the file being copied to the data handler via the IPersistFile::Load method. We’ve seen this functionality a few times already (icon handlers and drop handlers). Nothing’s different here. Like before, the filename can be stored in a private class member until it is needed at a later time.

The shell then calls IDataObject::QueryGetData repeatedly in an attempt to figure out all of the formats a data handler can use. Each time QueryGetData is called, a pointer to a FORMATETC structure is passed in by the shell. The FORMATETC structure describes the format of the data that will be involved in the data transfer: text, bitmaps, metafiles, etc. We’ll talk about this structure later.

Every time the shell calls QueryGetData, it is saying, “If I call GetData with this format, will the call be successful?” In other words, will GetData be able to provide me the data described by this FORMATETC structure? The QueryGetData method is provided by data objects (objects that implement IDataObject) as a way for the caller to determine what formats the data object can provide. However, the fact that the shell calls this method seems a little odd, because IDataObject has another method called EnumFormatEtc.

EnumFormatEtc provides a way for the shell to retrieve all of the formats that are supported by the data handler. In fact, it is this method that the shell calls right after QueryGetData. This is strange behavior because, rather than ask what formats a data object supports, the shell could just ask for the formats.

After the shell has received all of the valid formats that the data object supports, it will then call IDataObject::GetData to retrieve the data. Whatever this “data” happens to be is completely arbitrary. The data handler can provide whatever it wants when GetData is called. For instance, the example for the chapter will retrieve the name of the animal inside of a .rad file and create a string that says “The (animal name) is on the clipboard.” We could have just as easily provided a bitmap of the animal or a short biography of the animal’s life thus far. The point is that whatever you want to provide is up to you, and GetData is where the work gets done.

So after GetData has been called, the handler is out of the picture. But the show is not over . . .

At this point (with regard to our chapter example), the Paste menu of any program supporting text (CF_TEXT) clipboard transfers will be active. Programs supporting CF_TEXT include Notepad and Microsoft Word. When Paste is selected from the menu of one of these programs or a similar program, the contents of the clipboard are transferred to the application.

Programs supporting formats other than CF_TEXT, such as Microsoft Paint, would display a grayed out Paste menu.

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