Route Instabilities on the Internet

The central symptom of route instability is the disappearance of a route that previously existed in the routing table. This route might disappear and reappear intermittently, a condition sometimes referred to as flapping. What occurs at the routing protocol level is that BGP sends a routing update and then quickly withdraws it. A router that receives UPDATE or WITHDRAWN messages must propagate those messages to its peers. These messages are visible to all Border Gateway Protocol (BGP) networks connected to the global Internet. If this behavior continues to cascade, routing performance suffers.

Here are some factors that affect route instabilities on the Internet:

  • Interior Gateway Protocol (IGP) instability

  • Faulty hardware

  • Software problems

  • Insufficient CPU power

  • Insufficient memory

  • Network upgrades and routine maintenance

  • Human error

  • Link congestion

IGP Instability

Dynamically injecting IGPs into BGP can cause unnecessary route flapping. Problems that occur inside a domain can translate into problems outside the domain. As already discussed in Chapter 6, "Tuning BGP Capabilities," static injection of routing into BGP can alleviate this problem.

Route aggregation at border or core routers can also reduce the potential unpleasant side effects associated with IGP injection into BGP. With aggregation, multiple route entries are injected into BGP as a summary aggregate. Single route instability in any single element of the aggregate does not affect the stability of the aggregate itself.

Still, some network designers are forced to rely on dynamic routing for valid reasons:

  • BGP implementations can handle only a fixed number of network entries to be advertised statically. The number of static routes permitted varies from vendor to vendor. Whatever that limit is, networks that want to go beyond this limit require that administrators inject the IGP into BGP.

  • Some administrators are not comfortable with the fact that the networks they are statically advertising might become unreachable by the router advertising them. This is understandable, especially in cases where routes are advertised from different points of the AS. Advertising a route that is not reachable can create black holes.

Faulty Hardware

Faulty interfaces, faulty systems, or faulty lines can affect route stability. An interface that is intermittently available might cause routing information to transition. Hardware failures are, to a certain degree, beyond the control of service users. System and link redundancy are important tools for reducing connectivity loss due to failures, but when a physical failure occurs, routing is interrupted, and any interruption initiates some kind of cascade effect down the routing path.

Software Problems

Software problems (bugs) can cause system failures and network instability. Routing protocol development teams try their best to catch these problems before the software is released to customers. Nevertheless, it is almost impossible to foresee every situation that might occur in live networks. Administrators should experiment with new software or new features in test labs and low-impact portions of their networks in order to get some level of confidence before the software is deployed in a production environment.

Insufficient CPU Power

The more routing updates and peering sessions the router handles, the more CPU power that is required. Think of the router as your basic 4×4 truck, and think of the routing and traffic overhead as the load you carry. Would you be surprised if the truck had trouble moving while carrying a 20-ton load? Picking the correct system with the correct CPU power is very important to satisfy your particular routing needs.

At the initial stages of building BGP tables after the BGP sessions are established, a system's processor can spend more than 90 percent of its time processing updates. When links become unstable and overloaded, the router might end up in a race condition: the CPU is too busy handling updates, which causes BGP sessions to drop, which in turn triggers more instability.

Insufficient Memory

In addition to the memory needed by a router to run its own operating system, a router must store routing tables, cache tables, databases, and other bits of software to permit operation. A router that reaches its memory limit might stop functioning, which causes all routes it knows of or advertises to be lost.

In BGP terms, a routing entry consists of the entry in the IP forwarding table and whatever corresponding information is available in the BGP routing table. Today, the Internet routing tables include more than 75,000 routes, and this number increases every month. Systems that take full routes from the Internet from one or more providers are barely keeping up (if they are keeping up at all) with 32 MB of memory (for storing BGP and other routing information). Most providers have upgraded their systems to 96, 128, and even 256 MB of routing table memory. Insufficient memory itself often results in instability, because when a router runs out of memory once, it often can't collect the heap of fragmented memory back and becomes a permanent (until rebooted) source of route flaps.

Network Upgrades and Routine Maintenance

Networks are dynamic. Performance improvement, site consolidation, and support expansion all require changes and adaptations. Changes might include upgrades to new versions of software or hardware, additions of more links, additions of more bandwidth, or reconfiguration of a network's layout.

For obvious reasons, administrators prefer to bring a system down for upgrading during a period when it usually experiences minimal usage. The downtime for some networks cannot exceed an hour, even at night, because of time zone differences. Despite these difficulties, the upgrade period itself is not usually the time when errors are most significant, because administrators usually develop a backup plan and can revert to the old setup if the new setup does not work. In case of configuration or software/hardware problems, network instability will take effect the next day when everybody is back online. At that point, reverting to the old setup is not likely to be a viable option. Unfortunately, to rectify the situation, administrators sometimes start adding or changing the configuration on the fly, potentially making the situation even worse.

To reduce the likelihood of causing disruptions, network changes should first be simulated in nonproduction environments if possible. In addition, multiple major changes should not be deployed at the same time. For example, it is unwise for a provider to perform major router software upgrades, switch hardware, and change cabling all at the same time. Good planning and network simulation are the keys to successful network upgrades.

Human Error

Most of the network instabilities caused by human error occur because an administrator circumvents an administration policy or makes a change without knowledge of possible effects. It is easy to make mistakes in complex network configurations. One wrong filter, and an entire AS can be isolated. Administrators should anticipate problems before they occur.

Here's an example of the kinds of errors that can happen: Any router can send the default via BGP to its neighbors. If you are not careful, traffic will take the wrong route. As much as it is somebody else's responsibility to send appropriate default routes, it is your responsibility to protect yourself by making sure that you filter any unwanted routes, default or otherwise, that come your way. The list of possible human errors is long: someone might advertise somebody else's networks, a provider might stop advertising your networks, or somebody summarizes the wrong networks. The point is, don't expect everyone else to play by your rules. Other administrators can (usually inadvertently) deploy rules that directly conflict with your rules, which can lead to serious performance and connectivity degradation.

Link Congestion

In some cases, a link failure causes another link to be overloaded with traffic. This occurs because the link is handling all the additional traffic that is now being routed its way on top of its normal traffic. Even if the link can support the throughput, a router might not be able to handle the additional load, depending on its horsepower. This can result in major performance degradation for the end user.

In the process of trying to get a handle on network instability, BGP implementations have introduced several helpful features. Although these features do not provide a complete solution, they are significant preventative measures of route instability.

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