
absolute path

A path specification in which the complete path to a file or folder, including the drive letter and any folders, is included in the path between the drive specification and the target file or folder.

accelerator key

A key that can be used to activate a menu or menu item when pressed in conjunction with another key, such as Alt.


A scripting programming language run on Mac OS X.


Java programs embedded inside web pages that are loaded and executed by a web browser.

application window

A window that can contain interface controls and which supports optional features such as resizing and menus.


A value, literal, or variable which is passed to a subroutine or function for processing.


An index list of values stored and managed as a unit.


A program used to compile assembly language programs, line for line, into machine code.

assembly language

A low-level programming language that uses mnemonic codes to represent specific machine code commands.

BASIC (Beginner’s All-Purpose Symbolic Instruction Code)

A programming language initially created to teach people how to program.

binary file

Afile that is capable of storing text, graphic files, sound files, and so on.

binary operator

An operator that performs a calculation on two values such as addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division.

bmpbutton control

A user interface control similar to the button control but which supports the display of a graphic image in place of a text string.

break point

A designated location within a program that will pause the execution of an application in order to facilitate debugging and the observation of variable values.

button control

A user interface control that displays a graphical representation of a button which users can click on to send a command to a program.

by reference

A state in which the value of an argument passed to a procedure for processing is changed in the event that the corresponding procedure parameter is changed during the execution of the procedure.


An intermediate level of compilation (sometimes referred to as p-code) used by programming languages such as Java to run an application in a virtual machine allowing for greater portability with minimal loss of time and minimal use of resources during runtime compilation.

by value

A state in which the value of an argument passed to a procedure for processing remains unchanged in the event that the corresponding procedure parameter is changed during the execution of the procedure.


A general-purpose programming language developed in the early 1970s at Bell Telephone Laboratories for use on UNIX operating systems.


An object-oriented programming language that views system and key language resources as objects that provide everything needed to access and manipulate them.

checkbox control

A user interface control that gives the user a choice between two options, which when set displays a checkbox inside a square field.

COBOL (Common Business-Oriented Language)

A programming language developed in the 1950s to support the development of business applications.

code editor

A text editor used to enter and save program source code.

combobox control

A user interface control that includes features provided by the listbox and textbox controls that can be used to present users with a list of options from which to select.


A program that translates program language statements into machine code.


The process of joining two or more strings together to create a new string.


A descriptive name assigned to a known value that does not change during program execution.


A variable used to keep count of iterations in a loop.


The ability to run an application on more than one operating system.


The information that your applications collect, store, process, and modify during execution.


An application that is designed to facilitate the storage and retrieval of large amounts of data.


A software program used to locate and analyze errors that occur during the application development process, thus enabling programmers to trace and pause program execution in order to check the status of program variables.


A special popup window designed to collect user information or to notify the user of an event or result.


A programming statement that creates a loop that repeats until a specified condition is true.


A programming statement that creates a loop that repeats as long as a specified condition is true.

endless loop

A loop that never ends.


An occurrence of a predefined activity such as a mouse click or the closing of a window.


A statement that is evaluated and produces a result.


A tool used by programmers to graphically depict the logical flow of all or part of a program.


A state in which a user interface control has been set up to accept any incoming keyboard input.

A programming statement that creates a loop that repeats a set number of times.

Fortran (FORmula TRANslator)

A programming language created in the 1950s for the purpose of performing complex mathematic calculations.


A Just BASIC application that assists Just BASIC programmers in visually designing graphical user interfaces.


A collection of statements that is called and executed as a unit and which has the ability to return a value back to the statement that called upon it.

global variable

A variable that is accessible throughout the program.

graphicbox control

A user interface control that has the ability to display bitmap images and to draw shapes such as squares, circles, and text characters.

graphics window

A window designed to display graphics and sprite animation.

groupbox control

A programming statement that consists of a box with a label that is used to group and organize other controls.

HTML (HyperText Markup Language)

A web development language used to provide and display content on the World Wide Web.

IDE (Integrated Development Environment)

An application or group of applications designed to facilitate application development which usually includes a code editor, compiler, and debugger.


A programming statement that tests a condition and then alters the execution flow of an application based on the result of its analysis.


A program that converts script statements into machine code at runtime.


A cross-platform programming language developed by Sun Microsystems in the early 1990s that is based heavily on C and C++.


A scripting language used to develop scripts embedded within web pages in order to add dynamic content to websites.


A free BASIC programming language used to create stand-alone Windows applications.

Liberty BASIC

A commercial programming language based on BASIC that provides all the same functionality as Just BASIC plus a number of additional features.

listbox control

A user interface control used to display a list of items from which the user can make a selection.

local variable

A variable that is accessible only within the scope in which it is created.

logical error

An error created when a programmer makes a mistake laying out the logic used to perform a given task.


A set of programming statements that is repeatedly executed as a unit.

machine code

The basic language of a computer, which is made up of binary patterns that can be understood and processed by the CPU.


A text window automatically created as part of every Just BASIC program.


Dropdown lists of commands located at the top of the window, just underneath the window’s title bar.

Microsoft .NET Framework

A collection of resources designed to support the development and execution of Windows applications that run on desktop computers, local area networks, and the Internet.

MIDI (Musical Instrument Digital Interface)

A communications protocol that provides the ability to allow electronic musical instruments and computers to communicate.


An object-oriented programming language based on C, which runs on Mac OS X.


A type of programming language that views resources as objects, which contain methods and properties that can be used to manipulate and configure their behavior.

order of precedence

A set of rules that determines the order in which a programming language evaluates a numeric expression.


A variable defined within a subroutine or function that maps to an argument that the subroutine or function is called on to execute.


An intermediate level of compilation (sometimes referred to as bytecode) used by programming languages such as Java in order to run an application inside a virtual machine, thus allowing for greater application portability.


A virtualized writing instrument that can be used to draw on a graphic window or graphicbox control.


A scripting language originally developed to run on UNIX but later ported over to every major operating system platform.

pixel (Picture Element)

The smallest addressable area that can be written to on the screen or window.


1/72 of an inch.


A collection of programming statements that that can be called upon to execute from different locations within an application.


A file containing code statements that when executed tell the computer to do something.

pseudo code

A term that refers to an English-like outline of all or part of the programming logic that makes up a computer program.


A scripting language similar to Perl which is known for its emphasis on easing programmer development, sometimes at the cost of speed and efficiency.

RAD (Rapid Application Development)

A programming technique in which the programmer begins application development using a drag-and-drop tool that facilitates the creation of graphical user interfaces. Once the interface has been designed, the program code required to finish building the application is added.

radiobutton control

A user interface control that provides users with a choice between two or more mutually exclusive choices.

random access file

A file that can be read from or written to at any location within the file.


A scripting language derived from REALbasic.


An object-oriented programming language that supports cross-platform application development on Windows, Linux, and Mac OS X.

relative path

A path specification that identifies the location of a file or folder relative to the location of the current working directory (folder).

reserved word

A programming language keyword that has been defined as having a special purpose.

Rexx (Restructured eXtended eXecution)

A scripting language developed by IBM and later ported over to every major computing platform.


An object-oriented scripting language similar to Perl.

runtime error

An error that occurs when an application performs an illegal action.

SQL (Structured Query Language)

A specialized programming language designed to support the creation, modification, and retrieval of data stored in a database.

scripting language

A computer language that is interpreted into machine code at execution time.

A programming statement used to set up a series of conditional tests, each of which is compared to a single value.

sequential file

A file that contains plain text and which is processed sequentially from beginning to end.

source code

The statements that make up a program.

special variables

A collection of variables created and managed by a programming language that provides access to commonly used information.


An image that is integrated into a larger background scene and forms the basis of computer animation.


The instructions that make up a computer program.

statictext control

A user interface control used to display a text string on a window.


A collection of one or more code statements that can be called upon to execute.

syntax error

An error that occurs when you do not write a code statement according to the rules of the programming language.

textbox control

A user interface control that provides a single-line input field that can be used to display or to collect small amounts of text input provided by the user.

texteditor control

A user interface control that provides a multi-line text field that can be used to display text or to collect text input by the user.

text window

A window designed specifically for the purpose of displaying text, which always includes a menu bar containing File and Edit menus.

token file

A file used as the basis for creating Just BASIC applications that can run as standalone applications.


A pointer to a location in memory (address) where a value is stored.

VBA (Visual Basic for Applications)

A Microsoft programming language based on BASIC that can be used to automate the execution of an application.


A scripting language based on BASIC.


A digital audio file with a .wav file extension that stores uncompressed raw audio data.


A programming statement that creates a loop that repeats for as long as a specified condition is true.

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