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Accountability: and Pacetta’s parents, 142; and People Czar, 140; and performance contracts, 134; and poor performance, 223-24; and process, 227; and recruiting, 190; and teamwork, 233, 237, 238, 239; for training, 205; and vision/mission, 152

Action: and barriers, 42; and bumping up activity rate, 152; and employee satisfaction, 262; fast, 151; and first impressions, 90-91; and process, 213, 217-20, 221, 222; and TAN, 148-49; and trust, 31-34, 80, 85-94; and vision/mission, 97-99, 100, 109, 10—11; and winning, 125

Activity targets, 217-19, 221

Alexander Group, 267-68

Allaire, Paul, 164

America West Airlines, 106, 257-58, 261

Attrition, 169-71,236

Awards for mediocre managers, 118—19


Bad news, 80-81, 84-85, 114

Barriers: cutting down, 89-91,149, 151, 152-56, 175, 234, 239, 240, 263; to employee satisfaction, 263; and first impressions, 89-91; and People Czar, 140-42; and PQ, 51; to productivity, 37-38, 39-46; to purpose of business, 46; and recruiting, 187; and retention, 175; and teamwork, 234, 239, 240; training and development as, 46, 200, 202; and trust, 89-91; unresolved problems as, 85; and using weed whacker, 152-56; to vision/mission, 109

Best: being the, 98-100, 142, 150, 282;

recruiting the, 39, 40, 166-73, 183-87, 188; as training template, 206-8. See also Perfection

Bidding wars, 172, 186

Bill, Tom, 123

Bird, Al, 23-25, 26, 27, 44

Black hat lesson, 101-3

Blame: ducking, 141

Bosses. See Managers

Buckingham, Marcus, 260, 261

Bull sessions, 130, 200

Bullshit detectors, 80, 81

Butler University, 246


Caring: and bias against emotions, 57; and depersonalization, 20; and expectations, 216; and first impressions, 87; and going from good to great, 29; and hell with ho-hum, 8-9, 16, 17; and high five, 39; importance of, 148, 155-56; and indifference from management, 51-52; as Italian characteristic, 147; and knowing about people, 29; and losing to competition, 62; and organizations as families, 17; and retention, 171-72; and trust, 87; and vision/mission, 105

Carlson, Richard, 66

Carville, James, 122

Caspar Award, 118, 120

CC leadership. See “Clearly Clueless”

CEOs: as hammer for change, 274; and People Czar, 141

Challenges, 39, 92

Change: constant, 272-75; of jobs, 279

Cheating, 17, 21, 50, 100, 141, 197, 200, 234, 235,240

Circuit City, 105-6

Clark, Jaci, 213

Clark, Perry, 184

“Clearly Clueless” (CC), 76, 130-31, 197

Clinton, Bill, 85, 122

Coca-Cola, 84

Coffman, Curt, 260, 261

Commitment, 16, 50, 81, 176-77,187,192-94

Communication: backbone of effective, 124; and competition, 136; and conflict/dissent, 116, 124-31; and consensus, 125; and cop-outs, 118; and credibility, 126; with customers, 114-15, 136,152; depersonalization of, 115; and different standards for organization levels, 117-18; and ending calls or discussions, 115-16; and establishing a presence, 118-21; and expectations, 136, 152; and explanations, 125-26; face-to-face, 114, 117; full-disclosure, 81-83, 107, 152, 240; hide-and-seek, 114; and hiding places, 118; and high five, 41; and ho-hum, 122; importance of, 113, 137, 152; and information sharing, 125; and leadership, 246; and listening, 121-22, 136; at meetings, 122, 127-31; and motivation, 125-26; and personal career development plan, 264; and process, 222, 226; and productivity, 119, 136; and recruiting, 191; repetition in, 121; and retention, 173-75; and sincerity, 115; and teamwork, 117,240; technology as substitute for direct, 114, 115, 116, 136; three Rs of, 119, 121; and trust, 80, 81-83, 94, 136; and vision/mission, 99, 107, 117, 132; written, 113, 114, 131-36, 152. See also Bad news; E-mail; Feedback; First impressions; Voicemail

Compaq, 106

Compensation, 99, 109, 172, 175, 185,190,191-92, 267-70

Competition: and communication, 136; and credibility, 62; direct assault on, 63; and downsizing, 279; and emotions, 59-64; and first impressions, 92; importance of, 150-51; and importance of rewards, 63; as internal rivalry, 63-64; offers from, 175; and red towel-black hat lesson, 102-3; respecting the, 62; and success, 73; talking about, 63; value of, 60-64

Concern: sample letter of, 224-26

Conference calls, 117

Conflict, 84-85,116, 226-27, 246

Consensus, 125, 246

Consequences: awareness of, 77-78, 89, 142, 151

Consultants, 267-68

Contracts: performance, 132-36, 140, 152, 174, 175, 217-19, 220, 222-23, 227, 264

Corrective action letter, 224-26

Credibility, 44, 62, 83, 85, 126, 149, 195, 204, 239

Criticism, 66

Culture: and attitudes about emotions, 57; clashes in, 239-40; creation of, 23, 58; and emotions, 58; and employee satisfaction, 260; and fun, 73; and gender, 281-82; and leadership, 249; and recruiting, 179-80; and retention, 172; and teamwork, 234-35, 237, 238, 239-40; and vision/mission, 106

Customers: abuse of sales reps by, 146-47; communication with, 114-15, 136, 152; contacts with, 42, 43, 149, 200, 215-16, 221, 261; and employee satisfaction, 267-70; and first impressions, 93, 215; and high five, 42,43; and Hirsch interview, 160; internal, 89; and losing to competition, 62; meetings about, 130; needs of, 233; pestering, 115; and process, 214, 215-16, 221, 222; satisfaction of, 99, 106, 114-15, 123-24, 150, 214, 222, 233, 257-58, 260-62, 267-70; and teamwork, 233; and training, 200; and vision/mission, 99, 105, 106, 107, 108, 109


Danka America, 5, 12, 20, 43, 47-48, 60, 65-66, 86, 118, 121,199-200, 217

Davis, Keith, 71

Death of a Salesman (Miller), 155-56

Depersonalization, 19-20, 37-38, 115

Devil’s advocate, 124

Different/difference: daring to be and making a, 19-20; leadership as making, 244-56

Dirty, getting, 9-11,153-54

Discipline: enforcing, 223-24; progressive, 222-24

Diversity, 248-49, 251-52

“Do now” list, 33

Doad (friend/tailor), 215-16

Donnolo, Mark, 268, 269, 270, 274

Dorsey, David, 282-84

Downsizing, 26-27, 34, 41, 73, 80-81, 169, 276-80, 281

Dreams, 17, 182-87, 194, 195-96, 220, 245. See also Vision/mission

Duffy, Bill, 101-3,265-66, 272


E-mail, 114, 116, 118-21, 131-32, 136

Eastman-Kodak Corporation, 43, 47-48, 60, 199-200

Egoscue, Pete, 124, 126

The Elements of Style (S trunk and White), 131

Emotions: business bias against, 57-58; and competition, 59-64; and fear, 74-78; and first impressions, 89; and going from good to great, 18-21, 24-27, 148; and hell with ho-hum, 16; and high five, 41, 54—55; importance of, 54-55; inventory of, 59; as Italian characteristic, 147; and leadership, 27; managing of, 59; and music, 70-74; of Perot, 166; as powerful tool, 57; productive use of, 58; and recognition, 64-68, 69-70; and red towel-black hat lesson, 103; revealing, 29; rewards of, 56-78; role models for, 59; and teamwork, 231; and trust, 27, 57; unloading of, 59-60; and vision/mission, 110, 111

Employees: cost-benefit analysis on, 172; measuring worth of, 173; personal career development plan for, 264-65; satisfaction of, 14, 29, 83, 99, 107, 150, 176, 256-60,261-63, 267-71, 281-82. See also Performance contracts; “What a Great Place to Work!”

Evaluation: of leaders, 252-55; and process, 219-20, 221, 222-23, 227; of training, 200-202, 203, 205, 209

Execution. See Action

Executive recruitment firms, 177-78

Exit interviews, 169-72

Expectations: and communication, 136, 152; cost of, 217; and employee satisfaction, 262, 263; and first impressions, 87, 89; and hell with ho-hum, 16; and new leaders, 91; in Pacetta family, 142; and performance contracts, 134, 152, 174; and process, 213, 214-17, 219-20, 221, 222, 226; and profits, 216-17; and teamwork, 233, 234; and trust, 87, 91; writing about, 226

Explanations, 125-26


Fagan, Al, 88

Failure, 17, 23, 34, 74, 76, 205-8, 276-77

Family: business organizations as, 17, 146-47, 282-84; and cutting down barriers, 90; don’t mess with, 146—47; and hell with ho-hum, 15-16; and high five, 54; as important to Italians, 147; and Joey story, 25-27; and Perot-Pacetta meeting, 162; poem about, 282-84; and recruiting, 188-89, 193; and red towel-black hat lesson, 103; and success, 15-16; teams as, 237

“Family is Forever” (poem), 283-84

Fear, 74-78, 92

Feedback: as communication, 122-31, 136, 152; about customer satisfaction, 258; about employee satisfaction, 262, 263; and teamwork, 240; about training, 199, 200-202, 204-5, 209. See also Evaluation

Fichem, Jane, 262

Fidelity Fund, 229

First impressions, 85-94, 151, 186-87, 215

Fitz, Brother, 182, 183, 185, 195

Four Seasons Hotel (New York City), 88

Full disclosure, 81-83, 107, 152, 240

Fun, 39, 69-73, 88, 92, 141, 151, 154, 156, 176,237


Gap Evaluator, 252-56

Gender: and attitudes about emotions, 57; and culture, 281-82

Getting dirty to clean up, 9-11, 153-54

Gittines, Jane, 66-67, 208

Gittines, Roger, 105, 106, 124, 208, 260

Goals, 46, 101-3, 149, 209, 214-15

Going from good to great: and eliminating question marks, 27—30, 35; and emotions, 18-21, 24—27, 148; and making it personal, 23-25, 34-35; and Pacetta’s family, 18-20, 25-27; and TAN, 31-35

Goleman, Daniel, 50, 59, 73

Gonzaga University, 192-93

Greenleaf, Robert K., 60, 246, 247-48

Grove, Andy, 148


Hammer analogy, 274-75

Help, asking for, 87, 108, 151

“The Herb,” 259

Heroes, 191, 193,281

High five: importance of, 52-55, 149; and red notebooks, 43-46. See also People; Perfection; Preparation; Pride; Simplicity Hiring. See Recruiting

Hirsch, Jim, 160-61

Ho-hum: awards for mediocre managers, 118-19, 120; and caring, 8-9; and communication, 122; and employee satisfaction, 263; and getting dirty to clean up, 9-11; hell with, 3-17, 21; and high five, 55; meetings as, 130-31; and people-ology, 11-12, 14-15; recruiting, 182, 187; and retention, 176; training, 200; vision/mission as, 100-101, 104, 105

Hole, Lou, 230, 231,233

Hudepohl, Gary, 168, 176, 177-78, 179-80


“I Give a Damn” motto, 9

Incentives. See Compensation; Motivation Information: denying access to, 82-83; sharing of, 125. See also Communication

Innis, Paula, 98-99

Inspection, 213, 217, 219-20, 221, 227

Intel, 215-16

Internal rivalry, 63-64

Italians: characteristics of, 147


Jane (sister-in-law), 64-65 Joey stories, 25-27, 144-45, 146 “Just Do It” (Nike slogan), 35


Kearns, David, 274

Kelleher, Herb, 259

Kinko’s, 104-5, 106, 107

Kissell, Deanna, 185

Kissell, Katie, 186-87

Kissell, Sarah, 186-87

Kissell, Ted, 182-87, 188, 189, 195-96


L.A. shrug, 106, 182,275

Lamey, Neil, 232-33,236, 240, 242, 249,251

Layoffs. See Downsizing

Leaders: recruiting of, 179, 183-87

Leadership: basics of, 39-43; “CC,” 76, 130-31, 197; as cutting down barriers, 40-46; death of, 155; as dirty business, 153-54; and diversity, 248-49, 251-52; as enrichment, 37; and evaluating leaders, 252-56; and going from good to great, 27-30; and growth of people, 54; as hands-on skill, 247-48; and high five, 37, 39, 40-46; iceberg analogy of, 92; and knowing about people, 27—30; and leaders as managers, 39, 256; learning/teaching about, 149, 245-49; as making difference, 244-56; mental model of, 246; no leader approach to, 246-47; officer candidate school notes about, 126; purpose of, 36-37; red towel-black hat lesson in, 101-3; role models of, 143; styles of, 16, 20; systematic training for, 249-51; as teaching and servant role, 60,199; and terrible twenty list, 86. See also specific person or topic

Leadership House, 246-47, 248

Letter: corrective action, 224-26

Lina (sales rep), 159

Listening, 29, 90-91, 121-22, 125, 136, 262

Locander, William “Bill,” 28,44,81,214,245-46

Loft, 266

Lone wolves, 242—43

Loyalty, 16, 125, 171

Lying, 83-85, 143, 149


McCallister, Megan, 194-96, 281-82

MacKinnon, Paul, 69-70, 110, 161-62, 190-91

McKinsey and Company, 53, 54, 181

Major suspect list review (MSLR) technique, 48-49

Management: indifference from, 51-52

Managers: awards for mediocre, 118-19, 120; fear of, 76-77; isolation of, 29; and knowing about people, 27-30; leaders as distinct from, 39, 256

Martinez, Pedro, 57

Meetings, 40, 122, 127-31. See also First impressions

Mentoring, 64, 202, 234, 237, 249, 265-66

Miller, Kristen, 67-68, 126

Minding the gap, 252-55

Mistakes: admitting, 44—46, 152

Motivation: and barriers, 42; and communication, 125-26; and depersonalization, 20; and evaluation of leaders, 252; and going from good to great, 20, 34; and high five, 42; and “Needle,” 266; and pride, 51-52; and recognition, 65; and retention, 171; and sincerity, 34; and teamwork, 234; and terror tactics, 92; and training, 202

MSLR. See Major suspect list review (MSLR) technique

Music, 70-74, 75, 111, 151


Names: knowing, 88

“Needle,” 265-66

Nelson, Ron, 85-86, 266

New ideas, 203

New leaders: first impressions of, 85-94, 151

New York nod, 53-54, 106, 182, 204, 205

New York Yankees, 18-19, 20-21

Nike, 35

No leader approach, 246-47

Nortel Network, 111-12


OFTS (Old Fogey Training Sabotage), 203-5 Olsen, John A., 126

Opportunities: limitless, 262-63, 281-82 Organization chart: people-ology, 139


P-words, 36

PA/PE Ratio, 173

Pacetta, Alle (daughter), 54, 165, 245, 270-71

Pacetta, Carm (sister), 25, 84, 85, 142, 144

Pacetta, Frank: career of, 12; childhood/ youth of, 16, 84, 85, 142-47; education of, 31, 79, 100; farewell party for, 282-84; first impression as district manager of, 89-91; parents of, 23, 25-27, 31, 39, 98, 100, 142-47, 161,250; Wall Street Journal article about, 13, 159-62; worst day in life of, 276-80; at Yankees game, 18-19, 20-21

Pacetta, Frankie (son), 18-19, 20-21, 77-78, 165, 245

Pacetta, Joey (brother), 25-27, 144-45, 146

Pacetta, Julie (wife), 105-6, 162-63, 165, 176, 197, 282

Pacetta people-ology ratio, 173

Partying, 69-70, 151

Passion, 23, 50, 54, 148, 149, 150, 187, 188, 193,216,237,260

People: and high five, 49-52; and keeping things simple, 149

People Czar, 140-2, 227, 249, 259

People juice, 35

People-ology: feedback as report card for, 122, 152; and going from good to great, 27-30, 35; and hell with ho-hum, 11-12, 14-15; and high five, 54; importance of, 137, 138, 280-81; Italian, 147; and knowing people, 27-30, 35; organization chart about, 139; payoffs for, 272-84; power of, 14-15; and process, 213; and spaghetti and meatballs for soul, 142-47; what it is and isn’t, 138-39. See also specific topic

Perception, 252, 254

Perfection, 49-52, 54, 150. See also Best: being the Performance: and compensation, 190; and cutting down barriers, 151; and dreams, 195-96; evaluation of, 64; and full disclosure, 83; and keeping things simple, 149; poor, 223-24; and pride, 150; and recruiting, 190; and retention, 173-74, 176; and teamwork, 234, 239; and training, 203, 208-9; and trust, 83; and vision/mission, 100, 108, 136; writing about, 222-26. See also Performance contracts

Performance contracts, 132-36, 152, 174, 175, 217-19, 220, 222-23, 227, 264 Performers: high achievement, 232; identification of top, 93, 151, 175; mediocre and poor, 235-36; and teamwork, 232, 235-36; as training templates, 206-8

Perot, Ross, 160, 162-66, 167, 182, 184

Personal career development plan, 264-65

Personal conversations, 28-29

Plan for getting better, 195

Power, 125, 238, 243

PQ (pride quotient), 51-52, 150

Preparation: for first impressions, 85-86, 88-89, 90, 92; and high five, 43-46, 149; for meetings, 129. See also Training and development

Pride, 49-52, 54, 87, 147, 150, 183, 216, 237, 248, 270

Pride Quotient Test, 263

Process: and action, 213, 217-20, 221, 222; basic questions about, 213-14, 219-20; as break down of complex agglomeration, 213; and communication, 222, 226; components of, 213; and evaluation, 213, 219-20, 221, 222-23, 227; and expectations, 213, 214-17, 219-20, 221, 222, 226; and inspection, 213, 217, 219-20, 221, 227; leadership as dependent on, 212-13; and people-ology, 213; for recruiting, 163-64, 167, 190-91; as tool box, 222; and x-raying the business, 227-29. See also specific topic

Productivity: barriers to, 37-38, 39-46, 151; and clearing out trivial matters, 90-91; and communication, 119, 136; and downsizing, 41, 277; and first impressions, 91; and full-disclosure policy, 83; and high five, 36-46, 54; and keeping things simple, 149; and knowing people, 29; and People Czar, 141; personal, 37; and training, 203; and trust, 83; and vision/mission, 108

Products, 208, 216

Profits, 29, 69-70, 99, 141, 216-17

Progressive discipline, 222-24

Promises, 32-33, 39, 42, 91, 105, 142, 149, 154, 195, 239

Purnell, Lindsay, 186-87

Purnell, Oliver, 184-87, 188, 189-90, 193-94, 195, 211, 233, 273

Purnell, Olivia, 186-87


Question marks: elimination of, 27-30, 148

Quid pro quo, 153-55


R2/D2, 229

Racial prejudice, 98-99

Recognition, 64-68, 69-70, 89, 109, 174, 234, 242. See also Rewards; Thanking people Recruiting: and accountability, 190; and becoming a recruiting company, 192-94, 211; the best, 39, 40, 166-73, 183-87, 188; and commitment, 187; and communication, 191; and compensation, 185, 190, 191-92; constant, 192-94; and credibility, 195; and culture, 179-80; direct involvement in, 163-66, 177-78, 182, 184, 187, 190-91, 194; and dreams, 194, 195-96; and family, 188-89, 193; and high five, 39, 40, 41; ho-hum, 182, 187; as honest and engaged, 189-92; Hudepohl’s checklist for, 179-80; and interviewing, 191-92; of leaders, 179; as number one priority, 150, 182; and passion, 187, 188, 193; and people-ology, 182; and performance, 190; Perot’s lesson about, 160, 163-66, 167; process for, 163-64, 167, 190-91; and promises, 195; and relationships, 185, 187-89; and rerecruiting, 175-77, 185-86, 237, 279; selling versus, 193-94; and sincerity, 188; in sports, 182-90; and teamwork, 235, 237; and trust, 188; and vision/mission, 109

Red notebook: and action, 100; and attrition, 169; and bad news, 84; and being the best, 98; and CC leadership, 76; and change, 273, 275; and communication, 116, 126, 128, 134; and competition, 62; on criticism, 66; about customers, 130; and dreams, 195; and

employee satisfaction, 262; and first impressions, 93; and Herb Award, 259; importance and function of, 43-46; and listening, 122; about meetings, 130; and motivation, 2; MSLR technique, 48; and music, 70; and performance contracts, 134; Perot’s comments in, 163, 164; and plan for getting better, 195; and pride, 52; and process, 219, 221; purpose of, 149; and recruiting, 164, 178, 179, 183, 184, 191, 192, 193, 194; and role models, 143; and teamwork, 242; and training, 202, 203, 206, 210; and vision/mission, 97, 99, 101, 110; and zero tolerance, 49

Red towel-black hat lesson, 101-3

Relationships: building, 187-89, 215-16; and customer contacts, 42, 215; depersonalization of, 19-20, 37-38, 115; and high five, 39, 42, 44; personalization of, 23-25; and recruiting, 185, 187-89

Religion, 72-73

Respect, 20, 82-83, 87, 147, 151, 248, 270

Retention, 168-78

Rewards: and assaults on competition, 63; and downsizing, 276; of emotions, 77; and fear, 77; and first impressions, 89, 92; importance of, 63, 64, 151; in Pacetta family, 142; and People Czar, 140; and quid pro quo, 155-56; and retention, 175, 176; and teamwork, 232, 234, 237, 242. See also Compensation; Recognition

Robot Manager Award “Robo,” 120, 126

Roch, John, 111

Rogers, Peter, 32-33, 197, 262

Role models, 59, 64, 99, 143

Rome, Jim, 195

Rowland, Laureen, 34


Sandy (administrative assistant), 65-66

Sarcom Corporation, 262

Self-assessment, 252-54

Selling: recruiting versus, 193-94

Sennett, Richard, 238

Sessoms, Neil, 203-4, 208, 209, 210

Simplicity, 38-3, 81, 149

Sincerity: and communication, 115; and credibility, 149; and first impressions, 87, 90; and full disclosure, 81-83; and going from good to great, 27, 34; and leadership, 27; and lying, 85; and motivation, 34; and promises, 149; in recognition, 66-67; and recruiting, 188; and retention, 176; and trust, 34, 80, 81-83, 85, 87; and vision/mission, 151-52

SinglesourceIT, 5, 12

“Situation room” concept, 209-11, 249-50

Southwest Airlines, 192, 258-59, 261, 270

Spaghetti and meatballs for soul, 142-7

Sports: analogies about, 46; and employee satisfaction, 281-82; and leadership, 247, 248—49; recruiting in, 182-90; and rewards of emotion, 56-57; and teamwork, 233, 237

Spouses, 69, 175, 176

Staples, 105, 106

Success: any price for, 183; and change, 273, 274; and competition, 73; as cutting down barriers, 40—41; and family, 15-16; and happiness, 22; and hell with ho-hum, 13-14, 15-16; and high five, 39; as mixed blessing, 73; as not a refuge, 13-14; as simple, 149. See also Winning

“Surprise attacks,” 44

Sypod, Bruce, 128


Take Action Now (TAN), 31-34, 148-49 Talent crunch, 52-54, 150, 181-82. See also

Recruiting; Retention Teams/teamwork: and accountability, 233, 237, 238, 239; advantages and disadvantages of, 231, 232; and barriers, 234, 239, 240; and communication, 117, 240; and courage, 239—40; and culture, 234-35, 237, 238, 239-40; and customers, 233; and diversity, 251-52; and downsizing, 277; and emotions, 231; evaluating leaders of, 255-56; and expectations, 233, 234; and family, 237; and feedback, 240; and fun, 237; as hiding places, 235-36, 238-39; and individual, 230-31, 234, 242-43; leadership of, 234, 247, 248, 255-56; and lone wolves, 242—43; and motivation, 234; and passion, 237; and people-ology, 243; and performance, 234, 239; and pride, 237; as priority, 232-33; protecting, 239-40; recognition/rewarding of, 232, 234, 237, 242; recruiting, 235, 237; in sports, 233, 237; as stale, 242; talking about, 240-42; as threat, 243; from top down, 236-38; and training and development, 234, 237; and trust, 231, 239; truth about, 233-35; and vision/mission, 240;

younger members of, 236 Technology, 114, 115, 116, 136, 148,221

“Terrible twenty” list, 44-46, 86

Thanking people, 64, 66, 103, 107, 108, 151, 175, 176, 242-43

Thomas, Fred, 194

Tool box: effective process as, 222

Top performers: identification of, 93, 151, 175; and teamwork, 232, 235-36; as training templates, 206-8

“Top stops,” 270

Total Quality Movement (TQM), 121, 277

Tracking: importance of, 149-50; of vision/ mission statement, 109

Training and development: accountability for, 205; asking about needed, 197, 202; as barrier, 202; best performers as template for, 206-8; and busyness of failure, 205-8; and communication, 126; content of, 199-200; and credibility, 204; and customers, 200; developing an effective, 197-205; dos and don’ts about, 210; evaluation of, 200-202, 203, 205, 209; feedback about, 199, 200-202, 204-5, 209; and goals, 209; and high five, 39, 40, 41, 46, 47-49; ho-hum, 200; importance of, 150; for leadership, 244-51; and mentoring, 202; on-the-job, 249-50; one-size-fits-all, 197, 206; as panacea, 208-9; and people-ology, 201; and performance, 203, 208-9; and product problems, 208; and productivity, 203; as reality check, 251; relevance of, 199; sabotaging, 203-5; and teamwork, 234, 237; and vision/mission, 99, 109

Trust: and action, 31-34, 80, 85-94; and bad news, 80-81; and barriers, 89-91; building, 80-81, 85-94; and bullshit detectors, 80, 81; and caring, 87; and change, 275; and commitment, 81; and communication, 80, 81-83, 94, 136; and credibility, 85; earning, 31-34; and emotions, 27, 57; and employee satisfaction, 83; and expectations, 91; as faith, 79; and first impressions, 85-94, 151; and going from good to great, 26, 27, 29, 31-34; and hell with ho-hum, 16; and high five, 41; and knowing people, 29; and leadership, 27; and listening, 90-91; and lying, 83-85; and new leaders, 85-94; one-way aspect of, 79; and performance, 83; and pride, 87; and process, 220, 221; and productivity, 83; and promises, 33, 91, 149; and recruiting, 188; and respect, 82-83; and simplicity, 81; and sincerity, 34, 80, 81-83, 85, 87; and teamwork, 231, 239; and vision/mission statements, 91, 96


University of Dayton, 31, 100, 182-88, 193-96, 211, 237, 262. See also specific person

University of South Florida; Leadership Center at, 81,245-46, 247

U.S. Postal Service, 7


Video conferencing, 117

Vision/mission: and accountability, 152; and action, 97-99, 100, 109, 110-11; barriers to, 109; breakers of, 105-6; and caring, 105; and communication, 99, 107, 117, 132, 136; and compensation, 109; creating hard-core, 99-100, 107-9; cross checking, 152; and culture, 106; and customers, 105, 106, 107,108, 109; Declaration of Independence as, 96-97; “doing,” 111; and emotions, 110, 111; and first impressions, 89; five-day track for, 10710; as hell, 95-96, 101; and high five, 41; and Hirsch interview, 160; and ho-hum, 100-101, 104, 105; implementing, 108-9; importance of, 137, 151-52; kinks in, 104-5; of new leaders, 91; no versus phony, 96; at Nortel, 111-12; and performance, 100, 108, 136; philosophy of, 100; and productivity, 108; as promise, 105; reality check on, 100-101; and red towel-black hat lesson, 101-3; renewal of, 107-11; and sincerity, 151-52; and teamwork, 240; as time-consuming, agonizing process, 96; tracking mechanism for, 109; and trust, 91,96; and “What a Great Place to Work!,” 107. See also Dreams

Voice of America, 67 Voicemail, 114, 115, 116, 136


Wall Street Journal: article

about Pacetta in, 13, 159-60

Weed whacker: using the, 152-56

“What a Great Place to Work!, 14, 107, 150, 176, 214, 215,216, 262, 280, 281

Whining, 125, 146

Whole Foods Market, Inc., 82-83

Willpower, 165

Winning, 125, 146, 150-51. See also Success Won’t power, 165


X-raying the business, 227-29

Xerox Corporation: barriers at, 37-38, 40, 43, 89-91, 155-56; CC at, 76; change at, 274; and competition, 60, 63; culture at, 238, 280-81; as customer, 280-81; and don’t mess with my family, 146—47; downsizing at, 80-81, 276-77, 280-81; feedback at, 123-24; and hell with ho-hum, 5, 12, 13, 15, 16; leadership at, 249-51, 252, 254; meetings at, 130-31; and Pacetta article in Wall Street Journal, 159-62; Pacetta’s first impression as district manager with, 89-91; Pacetta’s leaving of, 170, 282-84; perfection at, 50; and personalization of relationships, 23-25; recognition/rewards at, 67-68, 155-56, 251; recruiting at, 188-89, 190-91, 192, 194; and red towel-black hat lesson, 101-3; “The Rescue” at, 146-47; teamwork at, 232-33, 235-36, 238, 277; TQM at, 121, 277; training at, 197, 204-5, 206, 249-51; trust at, 80-81; and Virgin Island trip, 155-56; vision/mission of, 280 Zero tolerance, 49-52, 54, 150

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