Tune-ups, Turnarounds, Transformations, and Take offs

I’ve been accused in print of having the attention span of an infant. I’m not quite that bad, but I have absolutely no patience with introductions to books that are more than a few pages long, and even when they’re relatively brief I tend to skip through them. I’m definitely in a hurry. I want the information that’s on the page, and I want it now!

Assuming that you’re in a hurry too, I’m going to keep this short. Stop Whiningand Start Winning is filled with leadership and management techniques accumulated in the course of twenty-five years—and still counting—in sales, fifteen of which were spent in general manager assignments running operations with roughly $100 million in annual gross revenues.

This book contains no theory. Zero. It’s a road-test report on what works and what doesn’t. I’d describe myself as a fanatic for leadership and process except that “fanaticism” isn’t a strong enough word to describe my passion for the two subjects. And yes, leadership and process are entirely compatible. In fact, without a disciplined business process, leaders doom themselves to failure.

If you quickly thumb through the pages, you’ll see boxes, bulleted lists, and other displays that highlight information to make it as accessible as possible. Be my guest, grab a handful of ideas to help run your business, make deals, close sales, or move your career up to the next level. I’ve also included some slices of real life that don’t normally show up in business books because most books tend to avoid a theme I’m about to pound on—emotion.

You’ve heard of E-commerce? When I use the term the “E” stands for emotion, and the Internet can’t even come close to the profit potential. My mission is to emotionalize your  business, your career, and your life. There’s too much complacency and mediocrity poisoning what could be exhilarating, rewarding, and satisfying professional experiences. And don’t sit there and tell me that some jobs are boring and grubby—that’s baloney. That’s an excuse for lousy leadership. I’m sick of hearing it.

I’m looking for a fight, actually. I’m willing to go toe-to-toe with anyone who believes that people are just another disposable commodity instead of the number one business asset. The stories I share in his book aren’t the usual corporate case histories, but rather close up profiles of people who “won’t take it anymore” people who are determined to make a difference—and you know what?—they have.

One of my specialties is turnarounds. I help losing operations win again. I love my work. If you’re ready for a tune-up, a turnaround, a transformation, or a takeoff you’re reading the right book.

Enough introduction, already. Let’s get busy.

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