Java is one of the world’s most important and widely used computer languages. Furthermore, it has held that distinction for many years. Unlike some other computer languages whose influence has waned with the passage of time, Java’s has grown stronger. Java leapt to the forefront of Internet programming with its first release. Each subsequent version has solidified that position. Today, it is still the first and best choice for developing web-based applications. Simply put: much of the modern world runs on Java code. Java really is that important.
A key reason for Java’s success is its agility. Since its original 1.0 release, Java has continually adapted to changes in the programming environment and to changes in the way that programmers program. Most importantly, it has not just followed the trends, it has helped create them. Java’s ability to accommodate the fast rate of change in the computing world is a crucial part of why it has been and continues to be so successful.
Since this book was first published in 1996, it has gone through several editions, each reflecting the ongoing evolution of Java. This is the Ninth edition, and it has been updated for Java SE 8 (JDK 8). As a result, this edition of the book contains a substantial amount of new material because Java SE 8 adds several new features to the Java language. The most important is the lambda expression, which introduces an entirely new syntax element and fundamentally increases the expressive power of the language. Because the impact of lambda expressions is so significant, an entire chapter is devoted to them. Furthermore, examples of their use are found elsewhere in the book. The lambda expression was also the catalyst for other new features. One is the stream library in, which supports pipeline operations on data. It too has an entire chapter devoted to it. Another is the default method, which makes it possible to add default functionality to an interface. Features such as repeating and type annotations further expand the power of Java. Java SE 8 also makes significant enhancements to the Java API library, several of which are described in this book.
Another important addition to this edition of the book is coverage of JavaFX, Java’s new GUI framework. Because of the significant role that JavaFX is expected to play in the way Java applications are designed, three new chapters are devoted to it. Simply put, experience with JavaFX is something that Java programmers need. An additional chapter about Swing has also been included that discusses menus. Although Swing may ultimately be replaced by JavaFX, it is (at the time of this writing) still the most widely used Java GUI framework. Thus, expanded coverage was warranted. Finally, many small updates have been made throughout the book.
A Book for All Programmers
This book is for all programmers, whether you are a novice or an experienced pro. The beginner will find its carefully paced discussions and many examples especially helpful. Its in-depth coverage of Java’s more advanced features and libraries will appeal to the pro. For both, it offers a lasting resource and handy reference.
What’s Inside
This book is a comprehensive guide to the Java language, describing its syntax, keywords, and fundamental programming principles. Significant portions of the Java API library are also examined. The book is divided into five parts, each focusing on a different aspect of the Java programming environment.
Part I presents an in-depth tutorial of the Java language. It begins with the basics, including such things as data types, operators, control statements, and classes. It then moves on to inheritance, packages, interfaces, exception handling, and multithreading. Next, it describes annotations, enumerations, autoboxing, and generics. I/O and applets are also introduced. The final chapter in Part I covers lambda expressions. As mentioned, the lambda expression is the single most important new feature in Java SE 8.
Part II examines key aspects of Java’s standard API library. Topics include strings, I/O, networking, the standard utilities, the Collections Framework, applets, the AWT, event handling, imaging, concurrency (including the Fork/Join Framework), regular expressions, and the new stream library.
Part III offers three chapters that introduce Swing.
Part IV presents three chapters that introduce JavaFX.
Part V contains two chapters that show examples of Java in action. The first discusses Java Beans. The second presents an introduction to servlets.
Don’t Forget: Code on the Web
Remember, the source code for all of the examples in this book is available free-of-charge on the Web at
Special Thanks
I want to give special thanks to Patrick Naughton, Joe O’Neil, and Danny Coward.
Patrick Naughton was one of the creators of the Java language. He also helped write the first edition of this book. For example, among many other contributions, much of the material in Chapters 20, 22, and 27 was initially provided by Patrick. His insights, expertise, and energy contributed greatly to the success of that book.
During the preparation of the second and third editions of this book, Joe O’Neil provided initial drafts for the material now found in Chapters 30, 32, 37, and 38 of this edition. Joe helped on several of my books and his input has always been top-notch.
Danny Coward is the technical editor for this edition of the book. Danny has worked on several of my books and his advice, insights, and suggestions have always been of great value and much appreciated.
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