
For More Information – A Bibliography

Some useful articles, blog posts, and books

1. Adlin T, Pruitt J. The Essential Persona Lifecycle Morgan Kaufmann 2010.

2. Ash T. Landing Page Optimization Sybex 2008.

3. Asprey M. Plain Language for Lawyers 4th edition Australia: Federation Press; 2010.

4. Barnum CM. Usability Testing Essentials – Ready, Set…Test! Morgan Kaufmann 2011.

5. Bauer S. It Works for “You”: A User-Centric Guideline to Product Pages. Smashing Magazine 2012;In: http://uxdesign.smashingmagazine.com/2012/01/10/it-works-for-you-a-user-centric-guideline-to-product-pages/; 2012.

6. Bloomstein M. Content Strategy at Work Morgan Kaufmann 2012.

7. Brinck T, Gergle D, Wood S. Usability for the Web Morgan Kaufmann 2002.

8. Chadwick-Dias A, McNulty, Tullis T. Web usability and age: How design changes can improve performance. ACM Conference on Universal Usability 2003.

9. Coney M, Steehouder M. Role playing on the web: Guidelines for designing and evaluating personas online. Technical Communication. 2000;47(3, August):327–340.

10. Cooper A, Reimann R, Cronin D. About Face 3 – The Essentials of Interaction Design Wiley 2007.

11. Courage C, Baxter K. Understanding Your Users Morgan Kaufmann 2005.

12. Dillman D, Smyth J, Christian L. Internet, Mail, and Mixed-Mode Surveys: The Tailored Design Method Wiley 2008.

13. Dray S, Siegel D. Sunday in Shanghai, Monday in Madrid?!. In: Aykin N, ed. Usability and Internationalization of Information Technology. Erlbaum 2005;189–212.

14. Druin A. Mobile Technology for Children Morgan Kaufmann 2009.

15. Dumas J, Loring B. Moderating Usability Tests Morgan Kaufmann 2008.

16. Dumas J, Redish J. A Practical Guide to Usability Testing revised edition Intellect 1999.

17. Gazzaley A. The aging brain. User Experience. 2009;8(1):10–13In: www.usabilityprofessionals.org/upa_publications/user_experience/past_issues/2009-1.html; 2009.

18. Hackos J, Redish J. User and Task Analysis for Interface Design Wiley 1998.

19. Halligan B, Shah D. Inbound Marking – Getting Found Using Google, Social Media, and Blogs Wiley 2009.

20. Halvorson K, Rach M. Content Strategy 2nd edition New Riders 2012.

21. Handley A, Chapman C. Content Rules Wiley 2011.

22. Hayes JR, Bayzek D. Understanding and Reducing the Knowledge Effect: Implications for Writers. Written Communication. 2008;25:104–118.

23. Henry Shawn Lawton. Just Ask! Integrating Accessibility Throughout Design 2007;In: http://uiaccess.com; 2007.

24. Hinman R. The Mobile Frontier Rosenfeld Media 2012.

25. Holtzblatt K, Wendell J, Wood S. Rapid Contextual Design Morgan Kaufmann 2004.

26. Jarrett C, Gaffney G. Forms that Work – Designing Web Forms for Usability Morgan Kaufmann 2009.

27. Jarrett C, Minott C. Making a better web form. Proceedings of the Usability Professionals’ Association Annual Conference 2004;In: http://www.editingthatworks.com/making%20a%20better%20web%20form.pdf; 2004.

28. Johnson J. Designing with the Mind in Mind Morgan Kaufmann 2010.

29. Jones C. Clout – The Art and Science of Influential Web Content New Riders 2011.

30. Kaushik A. Web Analytics 2.0: The Art of Online Accountability and Science of Customer Centricity Sybex 2009.

31. Kissane E. The Elements of Content Strategy A Book Apart 2011.

32. Koyani S, Bailey R, Nall J. Research-Based Web Design & Usability Guidelines 2nd edition U.S. Department of Health & Human Services 2006;In: www.usability.gov; 2006.

33. Krug S. Rocket Surgery Made Easy New Riders 2010.

34. Krug S. Don’t Make Me Think! 2nd edition New Riders 2005.

35. Larson K. The Science of Word Recognition. In: www.microsoft.com/typography/ctfonts/WordRecognition.aspx; 2004.

36. Lindgaard G, Fernandes G, Dudek C, Brown J. Attention web designers: You have 50 milliseconds to make a good first impression!. Behaviour & Information Technology. 2006;25(2, March–April):115–126.

37. Lupton E. Thinking with Type 2nd edition Princeton Architectural Press 2010.

38. Mathewson J, Donatone F, Fishel C. Audience, Relevance, and Search IBM Press 2010.

39. Morville P, Rosenfeld L. Information Architecture for the World Wide Web: Designing Large-Scale Web Sites 3rd edition O’reilly 2006.

40. Mulder S, Yaar Z. The User Is Always Right – A Practical Guide to Creating and Using Personas on the Web New Riders 2007.

41. Nielsen J. Designing Web Usability New Riders 2000.

42. Nielsen J, Loranger H. Prioritizing Web Usability New Riders 2006.

43. Nielsen J, Pernice K. Eyetracking Web Usability New Riders 2010;In: www.useit.com/eyetracking; 2010.

44. O’Flahavan L. The Bite, The Snack, And The Meal: How To Feed Content-Hungry Site Visitors. In: http://ewriteonline.com/articles/2011/11/bite-snack-and-meal-how-to-feed-content-hungry-site-visitors/; 2019;Flahavan, 2011.

45. O’Grady J, O’Grady K. The Information Design Handbook F+W Media 2019;Grady and O’Grady, 2008.

46. Pirolli P. Exploring and finding information. In: Carroll J, ed. HCI Models, Theories, and Frameworks: Toward a Multidisciplinary Science. Morgan Kaufmann 2003;157–192. [Pirolli’s work is also at www.parc.com; 2003; ].

47. Pruitt J, Adlin T. The Persona Lifecycle: A Field Guide for Interaction Designers Morgan Kaufmann 2006.

48. Pulizzi J, Barrett N. Get Content, Get Customers McGraw Hill 2009.

49. Quesenbery W, Brooks K. Storytelling for User Experience – Crafting Stories for Better Design Rosenfeld Media 2010.

50. Quesenbery W, Szuc D. Global UX – Design and Research in a Connected World Morgan Kaufmann 2012.

51. Rockley A. Managing Enterprise Content: A Unified Content Strategy 2nd edition New Riders 2012.

52. Rosenfeld L. Search Analytics for Your Site Rosenfeld Media 2011.

53. Rubin J, Chisnell D. Handbook of Usability Testing 2nd edition Wiley 2008.

54. Scanlan Chip. Writing from the top down: Pros and cons of the inverted pyramid. In: Poynter.org; 2011;In: www.poynter.org/how-tos/newsgathering-storytelling/chip-on-your-shoulder/12754/writing-from-the-top-down-pros-and-cons-of-the-inverted-pyramid/; 2011.

55. Soucy K. Unmoderated, remote usability testing: Good or evil?. UX Matters 2010;In: www.uxmatters.com/mt/archives/2010/01/unmoderated-remote-usability-testing-good-or-evil.php; 2010.

56. Spencer D. Card Sorting Rosenfeld Media 2009.

57. Spool J. Galleries: The hardest working page on your site. In: www.uie.com/articles/galleries; 2005.

58. Spool J, Perfetti C, Brittan D. Designing for the Scent of Information North Andover, MA: User Interface Engineering; 2004;In: www.uie.com; 2004.

59. Stone D, Jarrett C, Woodroffe M, Minocha S. User Interface Design and Evaluation Morgan Kaufmann 2005.

60. Summers K, Summers M. Reading and navigational strategies of web users with lower literacy skills. Proceedings from ASIS&T 2005 2005;In: http://iat.ubalt.edu/summers/papers/Summers_ASIST2005.pdf; 2005.

61. Theofanos MF, Quesenbery W. Towards the design of effective formative test reports. Journal of Usability Studies. 2005;1(1, November):28–46In: www.usabilityprofessionals.org/upa_publications/jus/2005_november/formative.html; 2005.

62. Theofanos MF, Redish JC. Helping low-vision and other users with web sites that meet their needs: Is one site for all feasible. Technical Communication. 2005;52(1, February):9–20 [Available at http://www.ingentaconnect.com/content/stc/tc; 2005; ].

63. Theofanos MF, Redish JC. Guidelines for accessible and usable web sites: Observing users who work with screen readers. Interactions. 2003;X(6, November–December):38–51 [This paper is also available at http://www.redish.net/content/papers.html; 2003; ].

64. Tidwell J. Designing Interfaces 2nd edition O’reilly 2010.

65. Walter A. Designing for Emotion A Book Apart 2011.

66. Walter A. Building Findable Websites – Web Standards, SEO, and Beyond New Riders 2008.

67. Wroblewski L. Mobile First A Book Apart 2011.

68. Wroblewski L. Web Form Design Rosenfeld Media 2008.

A few of many useful web sites

1. A/B testing and conversion rates: www.whichtestwon.com.

2. Accessibility: www.w3.org/WAI; www.section508.com; for links to information on accessibility for specific countries: www.w3.org/wai/policy.

3. Nielsen, J., many important columns dating from 1996 to the present: www.useit.com.

4. Older adults as web users: www.redish.net/articles-slides/articles-slides-older-adults.

5. Plain language: www.plainlanguage.gov; www.centerforplainlanguage.org.

6. SEO: www.searchengineland.com.

7. Spool, J., many useful articles at www.uie.com.

8. Usability: www.usability.gov; www.usabilitybok.org/methods.

9. Usability Professionals’ Association: www.upassoc.org.

Some older research that’s still valuable

1. Clark H, Haviland S. Comprehension and the given-new contract. In: Freedle R, ed. Discourse production and comprehension. Erlbaum 1975;1–40.

2. Dixon P. The processing of organizational and component step information in written directions. Journal of Memory and Language. 1987;26:24–35.

3. Flower L, Hayes JR, Swarts H. Revising function documents: The scenario principle. In: Anderson P, Brockmann J, Miller C, eds. New Essays in Technical and Scientific Communication: Research, Theory, and Practice. Baywood 1983;41–58.

4. Simon H. Administrative Behavior 4th edition Free Press 1997.

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