

Once again, with gratitude to all who helped me bring this book to you:

Steve Krug for updating the Foreword with his wonderful, kind words

Kristina Halvorson and Jared Spool for the kind quotes on the back cover

Duane Degler, Natalia Matveeva, Penny Lane, Chris Frederick Willis, Katey Simetra, Carol Barnum, and Caroline Jarrett for adding their praise

Kristina Halvorson, Caroline Jarrett, Ahava Leibtag, and Natalia Matveeva for reviewing drafts and offering excellent suggestions

Jeff Rum for helping with Chapter 3

Elaine Brofford for once again pointing me to so many great examples (examples desperately in need of letting go of the words and examples that shine by already applying the principles in this book)

Caroline Jarrett for sharing so much – a detailed review of every page of the book, ideas, examples, case studies, and her time and shoulder when it all got to be too much

Many others who graciously allowed me to use their material or their photograph, including Carolyn Boccella Bagin, Sarah Bauer, Tom Brinck, Robert Ciconte, Ken Davis, Sarah Horton, Allan Frewin Jones, Dian Lawhon, Mike Lee, Staci Lewis, Cullen McCarty, Suranjan Mukherjee, Jakob Nielsen, Yuna Park, Gina Pearson, Judi Pfancuff, Whitney Quesenbery, Ian Roddis, Jared Spool, and Kathryn Summers.

The team at Morgan Kaufmann/Elsevier who shepherded the book from proposal to what you hold in your hands:

Steve Elliot, Publisher

Meg Dunkerley, Acquisitions Editor

Heather Scherer, Editorial Project Manager

Jessica Vaughan, Associate Project Manager (Production)

All my clients, colleagues, conference attendees, and workshop participants who have helped me hone my key messages so I can share them with you clearly and concisely

And, as always, Joe Redish for being there for me

Thanks to all of you (and myriad others who have helped me grow throughout my career) for your encouragement, examples, and support.

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