Preliminary Design Process Steps


This chapter covers the preliminary steps to a design. These include developing a basis for design, research, drawing and specification resources, taking the physical and operational and security environments into consideration, conducting a door survey, understanding the relevant codes and regulations, coordinating interfaces to other systems, and laying out devices in accordance with the project objectives and budget.



Bidirectional lane

Data format converter

Dry contact

Enterprise security system

Fire egress

Fixed lens


Free mechanical egress


Preliminary design steps include developing a basis for design, research, drawing and specification resources, taking the physical and operational and security environments into consideration, conducting a door survey, understanding the relevant codes and regulations, coordinating interfaces to other systems, and laying out devices in accordance with the project objectives and budget.

Basis for Design

The basis for design is a document that sketches out in simple terms the objectives and proposed methods and budget for the security system. Typically, the basis for design will include a goals statement that outlines the objectives of the electronic security program and how it will interact with the security force to support its operational mission.

The system should be described as a whole system and each of its subsystem components should be described as well; for example, the enterprise security system, the enterprise security system monitoring center, and a typical site, where each site is described for its subsystems (i.e., alarm/access control system, digital video system, security intercom system) and system interfaces to other related systems.

Finally, the budget for the system will be outlined in an attachment so that the cost can be separated from the operational aspects for internal organizational discussion.


Next, the designer will begin researching what products to use for the installation. Research is not specification. That is, research is information gathering about what requirements need to be met. Research may include a variety of areas. For example:

 What access card and access control system technology is appropriate to specify? Is a standard already in use? Is it satisfactory? What about a photo ID system? What requirements are appropriate for its use?

 What digital video and network architecture needs to be specified?

 What existing systems need to be integrated, including existing intercoms, access control systems, video systems, elevators, parking systems, building automation, alarms, and other monitoring locations?

 What are the architectural considerations? Is a lobby desk being designed? What equipment needs to go in it? What are the ergonomic issues?

There are endless possibilities for research. It is important to begin making a list of questions to answer, clearing the list with the client, and getting answers to the questions. This will often involve interviews with key stakeholders within the client’s organization. A separate schedule is appropriate for those meetings to facilitate coordination. Sometimes, outside stakeholders are involved, including community leaders and public agencies.

Drawing and Specification Resources


Once the objectives of the system are defined and agreed on by the client, it will be necessary to survey the property to determine what types of devices to specify and how to coordinate their interface to the environment, the buildings, other systems, and users.

Camera Placements and Fields of View

The security policies and the basis for design will define the objectives for the video system. From that, camera placements will be derived. The designer should walk the property and buildings to look for conditions that comply with the video requirements for the security policies and basis for design and, upon finding them, note the proper locations for the cameras on drawings. It is also important to note what policy the camera serves so if a question arises or budget issues evolve, the position of the camera can be defended or prioritized downward to a later phase.

Each camera placement should be defined in notation as to its type, resolution, color/monochrome, enclosure, lens type, auto/manual iris, infrared supplemental illumination, mounting and aesthetic requirements, and whether it is to be a fixed camera or equipped with a pan/tilt/zoom feature.

Access Control and Alarm Placements

Similarly, locations of proposed access control points should be determined based on compliance to stated security policy and in conformance with the basis for design.

Vehicular Access Control

Access provisions should be considered for visitor and employee/contractor/vendor vehicles and special cases, including close-in parking access for handicapped people and pregnant women. Although traffic flow is a separate discipline and can easily require its own book to describe, access control measures for each class of vehicle should be considered. This will include both card and intercom access control and appropriate barrier types. Additionally, traffic flow may dictate that lanes change direction by time of day (bidirectional lanes). All this will dictate appropriate parking control hardware, signage, directional instruction signage (red/green lights or text), and placement of equipment and signage.

Public Access to the Buildings

The building should be surveyed for access control and alarm points for both appropriate public entrances and back-of-house entrances and exits, including the loading dock and any other similar portals.

Public entrances may be configured for after-hours access and/or to lock automatically after hours. Signage may be necessary to direct the public to an appropriate entrance, and the use of intercoms may be indicated to help visitors find the correct entry.

Access Beyond the Public Lobby

After September 11, 2001, it became commonplace to screen the public at the main lobby of the building rather than to allow the public to roam freely on upper floors without proper vetting at the front lobby. This may require the use of a visitor badging system and possibly electronic turnstiles to control public movement beyond the main lobby. Electronic turnstiles should be coordinated with the placement of the lobby desk to ensure that the lobby desk security officer has a good view of the electronic turnstiles in case anyone needs assistance or attempts to circumvent them. It is common for visitors new to the building not to realize that a visitor badge is required to enter the elevator lobby (Fig. 9.1).

Figure 9.1 Optical turnstiles with paddle barriers. Image used with permission of Smarter Security Systems.
Access Within Semipublic Spaces

Semipublic spaces include the elevator lobby, if it is beyond the electronic turnstiles, and certainly upper floor public corridors.

Semipublic access can often be controlled by either floor-by-floor elevator control or control of elevator lobby doors. Both methods have their advantages and limitations.

Floor-by-floor elevator control helps ensure that users have access credentials to enter the floor in question from a given elevator. However, this is by no means guaranteed because anyone can get off on any floor when the elevator doors open.

A somewhat more secure means is access control of the doors on the elevator lobby. In nearly every case, this will require a code variance unless there is a fire stairwell within the elevator lobby. This method is still not entirely certain to prevent unauthorized people from entering the floor because they can accompany an authorized user through the door.

Access to High-Security Areas

For buildings with high-value assets to protect, including proprietary information assets, it is often advisable to utilize access control readers, sometimes coupled with a secondary access control credential such as biometric readers or keypads used on doors along semipublic hallways. These are often used on server rooms, research and development labs, and executive office suites. Some organizations make heavy use of access control doors along semipublic corridors to help ensure that unauthorized people do not enter private office areas.

Emergency Egress

At all times and in all areas, fire egress safety must be observed. All fire exit doors must be configured for free mechanical egress, and some of those doors are also appropriate for access control measures. These fall into two broad classes—a fire stairwell is used as an example:

 Access control from the stairwell side is required to prevent entry from one floor to another.

 The stairwell is off-limits except in an emergency to prevent private conversations, such as in a research and development area.

In the first case, it is common to place an access control reader within the stairwell, using a Hi-Tower lock on the stairwell door with a variance from the fire authority. It is common for the authority to require every fifth floor to be unlocked, although most authorities will accept an intercom to a 24-hour staffed desk with a door release and a fire alarm override as a substitute for this requirement. Local authorities have differing opinions on this, and their preferences must be observed.

In the second case, a variance is required. Security policy and architectural design go hand in hand, each one affecting the other. Sometimes it is necessary to reconfigure a space architecturally in order to meet both the security and the egress requirements.

Positive Access Control

Positive access control is a principle of access control in which the desired goal is to ensure that every person must check in and out through an access control portal to enter or leave a space. This can be accomplished by man-traps (not popular with fire authorities), revolving doors, and electronic turnstiles equipped with mechanical paddles. In each case, the user must both check in and check out of the area through an access control portal and cannot “tailgate” through with another user, as can be done through an elevator, a door, or an electronic turnstile not equipped with mechanical paddles.


A lighting survey helps assure that lighting meets the minimum level required for security video cameras. Lighting should be a minimum of 1 foot-candle measured at 1 meter above the ground in all vehicle and pedestrian pathways, and 5 foot-candles at pathway nexus points and building entrance areas. Use an “incident-type” rather than a “reflectance-type” light meter to measure light levels.


Physical Environment

The designer should survey and note the physical environment. Will certain devices require weather resistance? Is lightning a problem in this region? Is power reliable or has it been known to brown-out, create overvoltage conditions, or spike? Are driving wind, rain, salt air, extreme heat, or other harsh conditions a factor? How about space limitations for the server, for the console, or for lobby desk? For each device, it is important to note the ceiling and wall surfaces and determine if any additional ceiling access panels may be required.

Operational Environment

Are there any unique or significant operational conditions found in the survey? What are the hours of operation? Is the security staff employees or are they contract guards? What is their training level? These kinds of factors can affect decisions on software and training requirements in the specifications.

Security Environment

Security environmental factors should have already been outlined in the risk analysis. Where the client does not wish a risk analysis to be performed, or where one is not available to the designer, it is important to get a clear understanding in broad terms as to what assets are being protected, against what threats, and what is the history of security events. A review of crime statistics is usually indicated.

Door Survey

For every door that will receive security hardware and for every perimeter door to the building or to a defined secure area, a survey spreadsheet should include notations as to the door type, frame type, fire rating, and security rating.

For each alarmed or access controlled door, the survey form should include information regarding the type of access control and alarm hardware to be mounted on the door and information about its location, whether there will be an intercom associated with the door, and other relevant factors.

Codes and Regulations

It is obviously imperative for the designer to observe all applicable codes and regulations. These may include NFPA Section 101 (life safety), MARSEC, and ISPS codes for water-based facilities, and Class 1, Division 1 and Class 1, Division 2 requirements for environments with flammable or explosive environments. There may also be numerous other codes and regulations. It is advisable to get to know the local building code enforcement agencies and fire authorities.


Safety of the systems is paramount. NFPA Section 101 is the basic guideline for safety on access control systems. The designer should know it intimately.

Power Locations

The survey should also note where power is required and from where it can be sourced and whether additional power is required over that already available.

Gathering Resources

After the survey, it will be obvious that some additional information may be needed. This may include determination as to whether any variances are required and the need for interdiscipline coordination between related construction trades. A list of coordination items should be prepared, along with the names of people with whom coordination should occur and a schedule for completion of coordination.

Coordinating Interfaces to Other Systems

Interdiscipline coordination makes or breaks integrated security systems installations. I recommend preparing a folder for each related trade and placing the coordination materials in each folder for preparation and, finally, presentation at an appropriate meeting. When coordination is presented to other trades, it should include relevant drawings or sketches and a descriptive narrative of the interface and proposed language for inclusion in the specifications of all related trades. If the proposed specification text is presented in third-person language, it can be used verbatim in both affected trades, ensuring that both are working to the same exact language. Along with a requirement in both specifications for acceptance of the interface as a condition for acceptance of either trade, this process motivates contractors who might otherwise view the interface as a last-minute annoyance to view it instead as a path to a final paycheck. This process changes the dynamic of the interface from one of “If it doesn’t work, talk to that guy” to one of “Let’s work together to make this work for the client.” The following interfaces are normal to encounter.

Building Shell and Core and Interiors Architects

This will commonly involve ceiling access panels, aesthetic issues, coordination of lines of sight for video cameras, fire code questions, door finishes, and other aesthetic and code issues. The architects will also have their own preference on when and how to issue addenda and bulletins,1 when and how to “cloud” drawing changes,2 for instance.

Specifications Consultant

The specifications consultant will determine what specification format will be required for the project. Typically, this will be the Construction Specifications Institute format, although others may apply. Another common format in Europe and the Middle East is the FIDIC format.

Door Hardware Consultant/Contractor

Door hardware interfaces are arguably the most difficult and complicated part of any access control system design. The door hardware consultant or contractor will provide information on what door types, frame types, fire rating, and door hardware will be used. The security designer will provide access control requirements to the door hardware consultant or contractor. This may include a sequence of operation for vestibule doors and other security operational requirements. Additionally, aesthetic and electrical considerations will be discussed.

My practice is that the door locks, electric hinges, and door position switches are furnished and installed by the door hardware contractor, and the card readers, request-to-exit devices, and wiring are provided by the security contractor.3 The door hardware contractor will hand over the door hardware to the security contractor, and the whole assembly is warranted by the security contractor.

Electrical Consultant/Contractor

Because electronic security systems work on electricity, it follows that it is a good idea to coordinate their electrical requirements. I am an advocate of low-voltage systems design. I use as few high-voltage connections as possible, so virtually every device is powered by low voltage, and the power supplies for that are centralized in just a few locations. Nonetheless, certain edge devices beg for a high-voltage connection. These may include parapet-mounted or pole-mounted pan/tilt/zoom video cameras, parking gates, and doors with certain types of electrified panic hardware.

The electrical load for these should be calculated along with any uninterruptible power supplies, battery chargers, or other things. When this information is provided to the electrical consultant or contractor, the security designer should request a list of electrical panel and breaker assignments for each circuit so identified.

HVAC/Building Automation Consultant/Contractor

There are a variety of possible coordination factors for the HVAC/building automation consultant or contractor, including (1) coordination of fire stairwell pressurization with the fire alarm system and access control system and (2) lighting systems that are coordinated to light the way into the user’s office suite from the parking structure. Interfacing the irrigation system to the perimeter intrusion detection system is also an effective deterrent for intruders on the property. The list of interfaces with building automation systems can be nearly endless.

Landscape Architect/Contractor

The landscape architect and contractor can assist in the coordination of perimeter intrusion detection systems, irrigation systems, vehicle barriers, underground conduit, and the like.

Parking Consultant/Contractor

The security designer will coordinate parking controls, parking access control system pedestals, underground conduit, and overhead vehicle access control tag readers.

Elevator/Escalator Consultant/Contractors

Coordination with the elevator consultant or contractor involves a variety of factors, including coordination for access control, video, and voice communications.

There are two types of access control systems for elevators, hall call button control, and floor-by-floor access control. Placing a card reader at the hall call buttons in the elevator lobby effectively secures the elevator by prohibiting its use except for people holding an access credential. This method is useful in areas where an elevator is designated for specific individuals only or where it is desirable to limit the use of the elevator during certain hours, such as at night. Also, hall call card readers are generally much less expensive to implement due to the fact that only one contact is required (to enable the hall call buttons, such as to their ground circuit), whereas floor-by-floor control requires a more elaborate interface.

There are a variety of floor-by-floor elevator control systems. The basic objective of floor-by-floor access control is to use a card reader within designated elevator cars to permit credentialed access to only the floors for which that credential is authorized. This involves several elements:

 A card reader in the elevator car.

 Some kind of control interface to the elevator control system that enables and disables the elevator occupant’s ability to select certain floor buttons.

 Optionally, the elevator control system may also record which of several floor buttons the occupant has selected among those several buttons for which he or she may be authorized to select.

In the simplest kind of access control interface, the access control reader is located on the surface of the elevator’s swing return panel (the panel on which the elevator floor select switches are located). Care should be taken to ensure that handicapped users can reach both the card reader and the floor select buttons. The card reader may also be mounted behind the swing return or side panel. This is a more aesthetic installation, concealing the card reader. In such installations, it is desirable to provide a visual indicator to knowledgeable users as to where to present their access card (where the access card reader is located). This is often achieved by placing an icon of the building or organization in that location or sometimes simply a dot or location marked by a pattern or color change from the background surface. If the concealed card reader is to be located behind the elevator’s swing return, then a glass or Plexiglas™ panel should be installed in the surface of the swing return in order to provide a radio frequency (RF)-friendly path between the card reader and the credential. It is common to mark this panel with the building or organization’s logo as an indicator of where to present the credential.

The other end of the elevator connection is the circuitry or interface that provides the actual floor-by-floor control. There are three common methods for this. By far the most common today is a software interface between the alarm/access control system and the elevator controller. This can be accommodated in a variety of ways, most typically with a RS-232 or Ethernet interface between the two systems. Commonly, the interface may occur between the elevator controller and the alarm/access control system elevator control system panel, but the connection may also be between the elevator controller and the alarm/access control system host computer or host server. Some systems can accommodate Ethernet interfaces. The software interface may be a database exchange, such as SQL, the passing of an ASCII string from the alarm/access control panel/server to the elevator controller, or an XML or API interface. Usually, choices exist, and the dialog between the security system designer and the elevator consultant/contractor will establish the options and preferences.

Another interface that works with older elevator controllers establishes a dry contact connection between the elevator controller and the alarm/access control system controller. This will typically require one dry contact for each floor for each elevator controlled, plus usually an extra contact to place the system in free or access control mode. The additional contact can be eliminated on some systems if the floor control contacts are used for both purposes; that is, free access is enabled simply by energizing all contacts to all floors. This interface facilitates placing the elevator on free access during daytime business hours and on access control mode after hours, weekends, and holidays. For both of these cases, the relays are typically placed in or near the elevator control room, which can be in the penthouse upstairs or in the basement depending on whether the elevator is a traction type (controls upstairs) or a hydraulic type (controls downstairs). A recommended practice is to place the alarm/access control electronics in a room near but not in the elevator control room and an interface terminal cabinet inside the elevator control room. This ensures that maintenance on the alarm/access control panel can be accommodated without necessitating an untrained person to enter the dangerous elevator control room, where an errant tie or pants cuff can be lethal.

A very old method of interface that is rarely used today is to use dry contacts directly in the circuit of the floor select buttons on the elevator car. This requires that an alarm/access control system controller or relay board must be on the elevator car, not in or near the elevator control room.

Communication between the elevator devices and the alarm/access control system is typically over the elevator traveling cable. This may be either a ribbon or a bundled cable, depending on the elevator’s manufacturer and model. Another method is to use a wireless transmitter or laser in the elevator hoistway. This may be a good solution if no extra traveling cables exist. There are a few manufacturers that make appropriate wireless devices. A data format converter may be required.

One common problem with elevator access control systems is that elevator power is notoriously dirty, with lots of voltage fluctuations, spikes, and inductive surges. A separate uninterruptible power supply (UPS) for the elevator access control electronics (both on the car and in or near the elevator control room) is often a good idea in order to ensure a reliable system. Alternatively, very good AC surge suppression and DC power filtering is appropriate.

Elevator Video Cameras

Increasingly, it is common to place a video camera within the elevator. This presents both aesthetic and technical issues. Aesthetically, there are three common approaches to elevator video cameras: corner-mount cameras, mini-dome cameras, and concealed cameras. Whereas corner-mount and mini-dome camera mounting is straightforward, concealed cameras can be a challenge. There are no hard and fast rules for concealing cameras. The environment and elevator car design dictate the installation. Keep in mind that camera location is typically dictated by a desire to view the face of the person entering the car, and it is also helpful to view what floor button has been pressed or, if available, a display of what floor the user departs. This can often be done by ensuring that the camera can view the floor label when the door opens. Typical concealed camera mounting locations include the rear ceiling corner, the rear wall near the ceiling, and the swing return, which can view the face of the person pressing a floor button, although this will not ensure a good view of the person if he or she asks someone near the buttons to press the desired floor.

Connection to the camera may be by coax, twisted pair using the traveling cable, or RF or laser. If the camera is digital or uses a codec, 802.11 is a very good choice. Again, clean power is very important.

Elevator intercoms are dictated by law in virtually every municipality. However, the elevator intercom can be either a direct ring-down phone or an intercom, and either can be interfaced to the main security intercom, especially a digital intercom.

A direct ring-down phone is a telephone that is connected directly to a central office telephone line (this may be shared with other elevator phones in the building) and rings a dedicated telephone number when the receiver is lifted or a call/help button is pressed. Depending on the specifications, it may be possible to have the phone provide either a digital or a voice announcement of its location by building and car number upon initiating the call and before connecting the calling party to the answering party. There are two ways to interface these phones. One method is to have it ring directly into a dedicated phone in the security command center. Another is to convert the ring-down signal into a digital call (VOIP) that rings into the digital intercom.

An intercom approach usually requires the use of an approved intercom system. The elevator manufacturer will have already received Underwriters Laboratories (UL) approval on an intercom for its elevators. It is costly and time-consuming to get approval for another system, and the elevator manufacturers will not welcome this option. The security system designer will have to determine how to adapt the approved elevator intercom to one being designed for the security control room. Here is a tip: Make the interface from the elevator intercom master station, not to the car. Typically, the elevator intercom master station has some provision for remote monitoring (the local elevator installer will probably not be aware of this; you may have to talk to the factory to get this information). That is often the best place to affect the interface.

Another option is to leave the approved system in the car and add a second system that is actuated in parallel to the main system. This allows for the security office to use a single system throughout the facility and leave the officially approved elevator intercom master station in the corner of the security command center, unused but available. This is the least desirable option.

All these decisions must be made in consultation with the client, the elevator consultant/contractor, and, sometimes, a code official.

Elevator Alarms

We do not normally think of alarms in elevators, but in certain circumstances it is advisable to do so, such as for public housing or in areas where damage has occurred.

Any elevator alarm may result in one or both of the following actions:

 Open a hands-free talk channel between the elevator and the guard.

 Allow the guard to return the elevator to the lobby, where the offender can be apprehended.

In an elevator that was suffering vandalism by knife to a fabric rear wall, I designed a thin foam insert with foil on the front and rear, connected to the inputs of an alarm board. This was placed just behind the replacement fabric. When a knife slit the elevator wall fabric, it also made a contact on the foil of the foam fabric backing, recording the video for posterity, causing an alarm at the lobby desk, and sending the perpetrator to the lobby for arrest.

Remote Elevator Control

Remote elevator control is recommended for any elevator over which close control is required, such as in an apartment building, corporate penthouse, or freight elevator. An elevator control panel should be provided for a lobby desk security guard for such cases, along with floor-by-floor control for tenants and authorized users. This allows the guard to direct the visitor to a specific elevator and then select the correct floor for the visitor, sending him or her to the selected floor without any control by the visitor.

Telecommunications Consultant/Contractor

Telephones may be located at the security command center, lobby console, guard station, security manager’s office, and parking security office, and hands-free stations may be located at parking entries and remote doors. The security force may use its own internal telephone system in lieu of an intercom system, or it may use a system that is a subset of the larger facility telephone system.

The security system designer should make a spreadsheet identifying what type of telephone receiver is required at each location; the number of outside lines available; the number of station sets; and whether they are to be handset, headphone equipped, hands-free, or some other option. Some may have direct access to outside lines, and in some locations a direct central office line may be required in case of power failure affecting the private automatic branch exchange (PABX). Certain phones may have direct inward dialing, whereas others may go through the PABX or automated attendant. It is best not to leave these details to the telecommunications consultant or contractor, even in consultation with the client, because they may not be sensitive to or aware of any special operational needs of the security force that may affect the design of the telephone system.

Additionally, on enterprise security systems, the telephone system may be integrated with the two-way radios, intercoms, or cell phones using specialized software with which the telephone vendor or consultant may not be familiar. Such software is generally not off-the-shelf but may require the assistance of a specialized communications integration consultant to develop it or to customize an off-the-shelf package. Customizable, off-the-shelf packages have been offered by Motorola, Plantronics, and others.

Information Technology Consultant/Contractor/Information Technology Department Director/Manager

Increasingly, security systems are themselves information technology (IT) systems, making a high-level of knowledge of IT systems a fundamental requirement for a security designer. In any event, the IT department and the organization’s IT consultant and vendor will be very interested in the issues that the security designer is addressing.

Is the security system using any part of the organization’s existing or planned IT infrastructure? How are those interfaces defined? What data are being exchanged or what data paths, switches, routers, or servers are being shared? Will the security system server be housed within the organization’s existing or planned server room? Who will maintain the servers, mass storage, the operating systems, the connections to other systems, and the security system software? Does the organization have any specific standards as to brand/models of servers, workstations, switches, routers, or other devices? Does the organization have standards about system scalability, and how is that addressed in the selection of switches, servers, mass storage, or other items?

Be assured that the organization’s IT department or vendor will have something to say about some or all of these issues. Be advised that it may be difficult to arrange for a meeting early on in the project. IT departments and especially vendors are well known for having disruptive last-minute input on such subjects. Best practices indicate an early discussion of these items. If none can be arranged, it is highly recommended to publish a memo to the client’s project manager requesting the meeting and, failing that occurrence, to publish a memo outlining the direction of the IT-related decisions so that it can be circulated, reviewed, and approved. The memo should include a date by which review must occur and language stating that cost increases and schedule changes could result if review occurs later. If a last-minute meeting then occurs, the designer should come prepared with the request for the meeting and the memo outlining the decisions requesting review. When the IT department or vendor inserts its last-minute dictates, the security system designer will not be placed “on the spot” to make the changes on an impossible schedule, and the client will understand any extra costs related to the changes.

Layout Devices in Response to Electronic Security System Objectives and Budget

As stated previously, every electronic security device location should be defendable by a reference to a published security policy. I recommend that the spreadsheet defining device locations and attributes should also have a column referring to specific security policies. If budget cuts are imposed, it will be easier to cut equipment based on the priority of the policy it serves. Budget cuts should be placed on those countermeasures that address the lowest risks first.

Access Control System Placements

Card readers should be placed in a manner that easily facilitates travel through the door or portal—that is, typically on the side of the door with the handle and near the door handle. Where the door serves many users with carts, and where such doors are operated by automatic operators such as in a hospital or maintenance corridor, the card reader may be placed far enough back from the door to conveniently present the access credential while the user is behind the cart.

Push-to-exit buttons should be placed on the exit side of the door in a location that is intuitive to users for its purpose. Signage lettering should be of a contrasting color to its background and of a size dictated by local code or 3/4 in. high if there is no relevant code.

Keypads should be placed similar to card readers and in a manner that, if possible, obscures the key code being entered.

Biometric readers should be placed similar to card readers and in a manner suitable for their environment. For example, voice recognition systems are not appropriate for high-noise environments, facial recognition systems require certain lighting conditions in order to work reliably, and fingerprint systems and hand geometry may work less well in high dust and dirt environments.

Alarm/access control controllers should be placed in a clean, dry environment (avoid janitor closets) and should be powered from a dedicated circuit, not from a plug pack into an electrical outlet. Such placements permit interruption of the power, whereas power within a conduit is more difficult to interrupt. Ideally, the alarm/access control electronics should be installed in a larger custom-fabricated “security terminal cabinet” that would also house the power supply, terminals, and other sensitive electronics. This method is always appropriate in outdoor environments.

For outdoor equipment, the selection should include sensitivity to weather and extremes of heat or cold. Where appropriate, include heaters and air-conditioning or ventilation in the design. Best practices indicate the use of an uninterruptible power supply in outdoor enclosures to help ensure power continuity.

Camera Placements

Cameras should always be placed where they will have an unobstructed field of view of the desired scene and where they will not be subject to vandalism or environmental damage.

The security system designer should carefully consider what level of detail is desired in the view and what additional surrounding activity is desirable to view or record. Sometimes, this creates a conflict that dictates the use of more than one camera for a particular view. For example, if a proprietor wants to see the details of the face of a person entering a building but also wants to see the type of car that the person parked in front of the building, this may require two separate cameras.

It is common for security system designers to exhibit a preference for either pan/tilt/zoom or fixed cameras. However, each has its distinct advantages and limitations. Pan/tilt/zoom cameras can provide precise close-up views or wide-angle views in virtually any direction, whereas a fixed camera has a set field of view at all times. However, pan/tilt/zoom cameras cannot view areas opposite where they are pointed, so activity can occur outside the field of view that could be important but unavailable later. Pan/tilt/zoom cameras are more expensive than fixed cameras and often require additional high-voltage power, complicating and adding cost to their installation. Sometimes, it is better to apply several fixed cameras in lieu of a single pan/tilt/zoom camera, and sometimes it is better to have the pan/tilt/zoom camera due to its flexibility of view.

There is also a camera that has unique attributes of both pan/tilt/zoom and fixed cameras. It is a single-megapixel camera equipped with a fish-eye lens that is pointed into a specially formed mirror that, when coupled with appropriate software, results in an infinite number of possible views, even from the recorded image. This can provide the security manager or director with the ability to pan, tilt, and zoom in history, which pan/tilt/zoom cameras cannot do. The trade-off, however, is that megapixel cameras consume much digital storage space, making storage of their images somewhat costly.

Another application of megapixel cameras is on towers on large sites, coupled with a very long zoom lens and a pan/tilt mount. Because of the stunning resolution of megapixel cameras, a single camera can often be used to view a large area from a single very high tower with a commanding view of the entire site that would normally require up to seven lower resolution cameras from several towers. This approach can result in considerable cost savings in towers, cameras, power connections, and RF transmitting equipment, making the additional cost of storage quite attractive.

Intercom Field Station Placements

Field intercom stations should be placed where they are accessible to the user and where the user can clearly hear the console security officer and vice versa. Factors for consideration include the height of the intercom station. For example, handicapped-accessible stations should be mounted at 30 in. above grade or above the finished floor, whereas intercoms intended for use by drivers in vehicles should be mounted at a height that accommodates the intended vehicles and their occupants. That could mean that two intercoms are needed if the range includes sports cars and four-wheel-drive SUVs. Certain environments absolutely dictate two intercoms, such as entries accommodating both cars and semi-tractor/trailers.

There are two types of intercom systems, half-duplex and full-duplex. Half-duplex intercoms allow the console guard to control the conversation by pressing a push-to-talk switch, whereas full-duplex intercoms allow for free communications from both sides continuously. A variation on the half-duplex model is a Vox (voice-activated) function, in which the half-duplex control is yielded to whoever is talking, typically with preference to the calling party (the person at the field intercom station). Outdoor intercoms should almost always be configured for half-duplex, push-to-talk operation, where the console operator controls the conversation. This will prevent a high noise level at the field intercom station from locking the conversation in the Vox circuit of the intercom system, which will try to keep the field intercom channel open in response to the background noise.

Note that in areas where people have a right to expect privacy, it is unwise for the designer to configure the system for open-microphone operations. The designer should know that there is legal precedent for this.

Select Required Devices

Define Functional Needs

Following the selection of device locations, attention should be paid to functional needs and environmental needs. For each device in the security system, a list of desirable and undesirable functions can be defined. It is often useful to spreadsheet these issues, particularly where a novice designer is involved, in order to have more intuitive insight into the process of selection not only of the appropriate devices but also of their configuration. For every selection, both intended and unintended functions result. It is highly useful to have insight into the unintended (and sometimes undesirable) functions as well as those that are intended.

Define Environmental Needs

For each device, it is also useful to spreadsheet the environmental requirements that the device should meet—outdoor, cold, heat, chemical, salt air, inconsistent power, for example. After using this exercise for a few to a dozen projects, the process may become intuitive, and the spreadsheet approach can be discontinued.

From the spreadsheet, a clear picture will emerge that may reduce the types and numbers of different devices for each application. Often, it is possible to find a single device that can meet the needs of several to many applications. The client will often appreciate that there are fewer types of equipment used, even if there is a slight cost delta to achieve this. The cost delta will be paid for many times over as the system ages and it requires only a few rather than many different types of components to replace parts.

Define Communications Means

Each system element communicates as part of the larger security system. Increasingly, security systems are being digitized, and a single communications infrastructure is emerging. Soon, virtually every component may communicate via TCP/IP. In the interim, various systems may have their own communications needs, which may include RS-485, RS-232, analog, POTS (“plain old telephone system”), proprietary cabling and protocol schemes, and dry contact.

It is important to remember that for many installations, the system wired infrastructure can represent up to 40% of the cost of the entire system. In outdoor systems, that percentage increases to nearly 80%. So it pays to shop around for alternatives to wired infrastructures, especially where several different wiring schemes and thus cabling types are required to accommodate the systems.

In typical systems, it is likely that there will be one scheme for the alarm/access control system, a second for the video system, and a third for voice communications. Thus, this would result in three separate sets of cables or fibers in the ground or in the conduit of the building. Reducing that to a single TCP/IP infrastructure can save tens of thousands of dollars.

Analog Versus Digital Video and Audio Systems

For very large systems the choice is simple. Analog system design for any multisite system is no longer the best choice for the client. For any single-site system, there are several key decision factors.

The Decision Tree


Will the system ever likely need to connect with any other systems in any other buildings? If so, a digital system is quite possibly the better choice. Even if the connection will only be to another building on the same campus, a digital infrastructure makes a lot of sense.

Digital infrastructures for video and intercom facilitate connections across vast spaces, literally worldwide, almost as easily as within a single building. Unlike analog systems, a digital infrastructure can easily scale up to a larger system, often without additional infrastructure costs. Digital system infrastructure is typically in increments of a factor of 10 (100, 1000, and 10,000 Mbps). By observing the 45% capacity rule, systems can normally be expanded considerably without the need for additional infrastructure wiring.

When necessary, additional cascading switches can be added to accommodate additional cameras and intercoms. Best practices indicate that the system should be designed with considerable additional capacity within the primary switches, in terms of both port counts and throughput availability. The additional cost for such capacity is modest, and the additional capacity provides years of expansion capability.


The entire security industry is moving toward digital video and intercom systems, some manufacturers more quickly than others. With each major step forward in technology, there is a phasing of introduction to certain kinds of users:

 Product introduction: The new product development is innovative and is tried by early adopters—people who are eager to try anything new in technology. These people are the test bed for the refining of new technology. Often during this stage, product quality and sophistication are spotty. During this stage, the product is often “not ready for prime-time.”

 Growth stage: The product is promoted to a mass market. Quality and sophistication improve, and the product moves into general acceptance. The product client base begins to see distinct advantages over the product category it may be replacing.

 Product maturity: The product is generally accepted, the product it replaces is becoming more difficult to find and maintain, and the older technology is not well regarded.

 Product decline: The product is now older, and newer technologies are vying to replace it.

Currently, digital video systems have moved from product introduction to the growth stage. Major manufacturers begin to introduce the product line to fight off competition from the companies that pioneered the product.

Digital intercom systems are still in the product introduction stage, although at least one digital video system has a viable digital intercom system integrated into its product line partly in response to the author’s project specifications and the specifications of other forward-looking consultants. Other manufacturers are following.

As clients are awakening to the advantages of digital video and intercom systems, analog video and intercom systems are moving into decline. This decline will accelerate, and consultants and contractors who do not understand or install digital video and intercom systems will be at a distinct disadvantage in the marketplace as clients begin to ask for them more often. Within the next few years, digital video and intercom systems will most likely be the prevalent form of security technology.


As with each new technology, cost is a consideration. Digital video and intercom systems were somewhat pricy in the beginning, but the cost will decline as more competitors enter the marketplace, vying for each client’s dollar. Obvious cost benefits to digital systems include the ability to scale its infrastructure for growth.


Digital systems evolve primarily with software and firmware upgrades. The nature of digital systems is that legacy components are virtually always supported for many years after their introduction. Regarding edge devices (cameras, intercoms, and codecs), these will likely always be supported because they connect by Ethernet, transport their signals by TCP/IP, and use standard compression protocols.

There is a historical precedence toward making products proprietary rather than truly open architecture. This is an outgrowth of what I call the “metal-bending mentality.” In the early days of the industry, all functions were contained in hardware, and manufacturers could ensure a continuous flow of income from their client base by designing their systems specifically not to interface with other equipment. Although the digital world is inherently one of standardized interfaces and protocols, the security industry has characteristically attempted to customize digital hardware and protocols. Some manufacturers’ standard protocol offering is for an interface to a slightly modified protocol; for example, instead of using a pure MPEG signal, the manufacturer might modify the MPEG packet slightly, making codecs offered by them compatible only with their software and thus ensuring that the client will be loyal in scaling the system. This is probably not a good practice for the industry to adapt because it inhibits the growth of the industry over the long term and arguably creates more animosity than genuine loyalty over a period of years.

Questions and Answers

1. The basis for design is a document that sketches out in simple terms:

a. The objectives for the security system

b. The objectives and proposed methods and budget for the security system

c. The budget for the security system

d. None of the above

2. Drawing and specification resources may include:

a. Surveys

b. Research

c. Codes and regulations

d. All of the above

3. Interdiscipline coordination ________ integrated security system installations.

a. Makes

b. Breaks

c. Makes or Breaks

d. None of the above

4. Door hardware interfaces are arguably _______ part of any access control system design.

a. The easiest

b. The most difficult and complicated

c. The most logical

d. None of the above

5. Coordination with the elevator consultant or contractor involves a variety of factors, including coordination for:

a. Access control and video

b. Access control, video, and voice communications

c. Video and voice communications

d. Voice communications and access control

6. If budget cuts are imposed, it will be easier to cut equipment based on the priority of the:

a. Policy it serves

b. Security procedures

c. Budget guidelines

d. None of the above

7. Cameras should always be placed where they will have ______________ and (continued in Question 8).

a. An unobstructed field of view of the desired scene

b. An unobstructed view of the entire surrounding environment

c. A close-up view of subjects for identification in all cases

d. None of the above

8. Cameras should always be placed where they will have (answer from question 7) and where they will not be:

a. Subject to cleaning

b. Subject to ridicule for the color of the enclosure

c. Subject to moisture or smog

d. Subject to vandalism or environmental damage

9. Field intercom stations should be placed where they are _________ and where (continued in question 10).

a. Accessible to guards

b. Accessible to the user

c. Easy to notice in the environment

d. None of the above

10. Field intercom stations should be placed where they are (answer from question 9) and where:

a. The user can push the call button easily.

b. The user can clearly hear the console security officer.

c. The environment is quiet.

d. They can be found at every vehicle and pedestrian gate.

Answers: 1: b, 2: d, 3: c, 4: b, 5: b, 6: a, 7: b, 8: d, 9: b, 10: b

1 Addenda are changes to the specifications and drawings that are issued after the package is issued for bid but generally before the award of a contract. Bulletins are changes to the drawings and specifications that are issued after the contract is awarded.

2 Changes in drawings are often identified by placing a “cloud” or “balloon” around the area containing the change to draw the attention of the contractor(s) to the change. It helps quicken the process because the contractor does not have to review the entire drawing set looking for changes.

3 In my specification, the word “provide” means to furnish, install, place into operation, test, and warrant the device.

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