Appendix C. This Book’s Website

As much as I’d like to think otherwise, there are undoubtedly some things you’re not clear about after completing the 24 hours of this book.

Programming is a specialized technical field that throws strange concepts and jargon at you, such as “instantiation,” “ternary operators,” and “big and little-endian byte order.”

If you’re unclear about any of the topics covered in the book, or if I was unclear about a topic (sigh), visit the book’s website at for assistance (see Figure C.1).

Figure C.1. The website for this book.


The website offers the following:

• Error corrections and clarifications—When errors are brought to my attention, they are described on the site with the corrected text and any other material that could help.

• Answers to reader questions—If readers have questions that aren’t covered in this book’s Q&A sections, many are presented on the site.

• The source code, class files, and resources required for all programs you create during the 24 hours of this book.

• Sample Java programs—Working versions of some programs featured in this book are available on the site.

• Solutions, including source code, for activities suggested at the end of each hour.

• Updated links to the sites mentioned in this book: If sites mentioned in the book have changed addresses and I know about the new link, I’ll offer it on the website.

You also can send me email by visiting the book’s site. Click the Feedback link, and you are taken to a page where you can send email directly from the Web.

Feel free to voice all opinions positive, negative, indifferent, undecided, enraged, enthused, peeved, amused, irked, intrigued, bored, captivated, enchanted, disenchanted, flummoxed, and flabbergasted.

—Rogers Cadenhead

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