2. Starting Your First Site

Dreamweaver is all about building websites. Sure, it has all of the tools you need to create great webpages. But the basic building block is the site, not the page. You need to define a site in Dreamweaver, which will then be the container for all of the files and folders that will make up your website.

When you build sites, you start by creating and testing the site on your local machine. Then, when the site is ready, you will send it over the Internet to your web server, where it will go live for the world to see. Dreamweaver has all the tools you’ll need to create the site, work with its files and folders, and then transfer it to the web server. That’s what we’ll be covering in this chapter. So let’s get started!

Understanding Local and Remote Sites

Dreamweaver can do a great job of helping you manage all the files and folders that make up your website, but for the best results, you’ll need to use the program’s site management tools to set up and maintain the site. You first need to understand some of the terminology Dreamweaver uses for sites. You’ll want to build and test your website within a single folder on your hard disk, which Dreamweaver calls the local root folder. This folder contains all of the files and folders that make up the site. For example, let’s say that you’re building a company site that has two sections in it, one for contact information (called contact), and the other for information about the company (called about). Each of the two sections gets its own folder. These folders are located inside the local root folder (which is usually the site name; in this example, Homecook.info). The site structure would look something like Image. Because each section shares some of the same graphic images, there is also an images folder in the local root folder. With one main exception, each of the webpages that you build for the site will go into either the about or contact folder or other folders you create for the site (not shown), such as products or reviews. The exception is the main site page (the one that people see when they load your site in their browsers). That’s called the index page, and it usually goes in the local root folder (which is also called the local site).


Image The top folder here is the local root folder, which contains all of the files and folders that make up the website.

After you build the pages for your site, you will use Dreamweaver to copy all of the files and folders (usually over the Internet) to the web server. Dreamweaver replicates the folder structure from your hard disk on the web server, so the site’s structure and all of the links between the pages are preserved. Dreamweaver refers to the copy of the site on the web server as the remote site. The remote site should always be a mirror image of your local site, and Dreamweaver has tools that can synchronize the two sites (you’ll learn more about that later in this chapter and in Chapter 18).


Strictly speaking, you don’t have to create all of your site’s files within the local root folder. But if you do not, Dreamweaver will often put up dialogs complaining that files aren’t in a local site, and you’ll lose access to very useful Dreamweaver features, such as the ability to automatically update all links to a file that has been moved to another location in the site. We strongly recommend that you always build your pages in a local site and keep all of the elements that make up those pages in the local root folder.


If you were using Dreamweaver’s ability to work with sites built using a database, you could have a third copy of your site on a testing or staging server.

Creating the Local Site

Because the process of setting up your local and remote sites has several steps, Dreamweaver provides a handy Site Setup dialog that contains all the settings.

You’ll use the Site Setup dialog to create both the local and remote sites. In this section, however, we’ll just create the local site. See “Defining the Remote Server,” later in this chapter, for instructions on how to tell Dreamweaver about the remote site.

To create the local site

1. In the Dreamweaver Welcome screen, click the Dreamweaver Site link Image.


Image Click the Dreamweaver Site link in the Welcome screen to begin creating your site.


Choose Site > New Site.

The Site Setup dialog appears, set to the Site category Image.


Image In the Site pane of the Site Setup dialog, enter the name and local site folder of your site.

2. In the Site Name field, enter the name you want for your site.

The site name is only for your reference; it won’t be visible to users of the site.

3. Local Site Folder is the location on your computer where you want to store your files. Click the folder icon to the right of the text field, which brings up the Choose Root Folder dialog, and browse to the folder on your hard disk that contains all of the files for your site. If the folder doesn’t already exist, click the New Folder button in the dialog and then name and save the folder. It’s usually a good idea to give the folder a name that’s the same as or similar to the site name.

On Windows, select the folder in the dialog, click Open, and then click the Select button.


On OS X, select the folder in the dialog and click the Choose button.

The dialog closes and you will return to the Site Setup dialog. The field next to Local Site Folder now shows the path to the folder you just selected.

That’s all you absolutely need to do to define a site and get started with it in Dreamweaver. You can click Save now and start working. As you build your site and Dreamweaver needs additional information, it will prompt you as needed.

Our recommendation, however, is to go ahead and complete two other items in the Site Setup dialog.

4. Click the Advanced Settings category in the Site Setup dialog.

The Advanced Settings subcategories appear, with the Local Info category selected Image.


Image Next, in the Local Info category, you should tell Dreamweaver where the images folder is and the site’s web URL.

5. Click the folder icon next to the Default Images Folder field. This brings up the Choose Image Folder dialog inside the local root folder.

6. You need to create the Images folder, so click the New Folder button in the dialog to create the folder. Name it images. On Windows, you can create the folder without a naming dialog; on OS X, you’ll have to click Create after you enter the name. You will return to the dialog showing the contents of the root site folder, which will now contain the new images folder. Click Select (Choose).

You will return to the Local Info category of the Site Setup dialog, with the path to the images folder entered in the Default Images Folder field.

7. In the Web URL field, enter the web address of your site, including the leading http:// Image.


Image When you enter the information about the images folder, Dreamweaver displays the path to the folder.

We’ll cover the other items in this panel in other places in the book. For now, you can leave them at their default values.

8. Click Save.

In this case, we are only creating the local site. If you want to continue on and define the remote site, go to step 3 in “Defining the Remote Server,” later in this chapter.

Defining the Remote Server

The remote site lives on your web server, and it is the destination for the files and folders from the local site on your computer’s hard disk. Dreamweaver can connect to your web server in several ways. The most common connection, called FTP, is used when your server resides on the Internet or on your company’s intranet. Another way to connect is called SFTP, for Secure FTP. A third way to connect is via a protocol called WebDAV (see the sidebar “What Are FTP, SFTP, FTPS, and WebDAV?”).

Before you begin creating a connection to the remote site, you need to ask your network administrator for some information about the web server you’re using. You will need the following:

Image The connection type, which will typically be FTP, SFTP, or WebDAV. Dreamweaver CS5.5 added two additional flavors of FTP: FTP over SSL/TLS (implicit encryption) and FTP over SSL/TLS (explicit encryption), both of which, when chosen, add an additional Authentication pop-up menu to the Server Definition dialog; both should be used only at the direction of your site administrator.

Image The FTP, SFTP, or WebDAV address for your server.

Image The login (sometimes called the username) for the server.

Image The password associated with the login.

Image The folder’s path on the server that contains your website.

Once you gather this information, you’re ready to define the remote site in Dreamweaver. You’ll begin by editing the site definition.


Dreamweaver offers another way to connect to remote sites: RDS, which is used for database-backed sites and will not be discussed in this book.

To define the remote site with FTP or SFTP

1. Choose Site > Manage Sites.

The Manage Sites dialog appears Image.


Image Begin adding the remote server to your site definition in the Manage Sites dialog.

2. Select the site you want, and then click the Edit Selected Site icon.

The Site Setup dialog appears.

3. Click the Servers category.

The Servers pane appears Image with no servers defined yet.


Image You’ll use the Servers category in the Site Setup dialog to enter the remote server information.

4. Click the Add New Server button at the bottom of the server list (it looks like a plus sign).

The Server Definition dialog appears Image, set to the Basic tab.


Image Begin adding the remote server information by giving it a name (we suggest “Remote Server” because that’s the name Dreamweaver uses elsewhere in the program).

5. Enter the name of the server in the Server Name field. Dreamweaver uses the name “Remote Server” elsewhere in the program, and that’s what we suggest you do, too.

6. From the pop-up menu labeled “Connect using,” choose FTP, SFTP, FTP over SSL/TLS (implicit encryption), or FTP over SSL/TLS (explicit encryption), depending on which kind of connection you are making.

The dialog changes to show fields you need to fill in for the FTP and SFTP connection types Image. Depending on your choice, one of the fields will be named FTP Address or SFTP Address.


Image You’ll need to enter the FTP information in the Server Definition screen. We’ve blurred some private information here.

7. In the FTP or SFTP Address field, enter the hostname or FTP/SFTP address of your web server.

The hostname could be a name like www.peachpit.com or ftp.dori.com. It will usually be the name you would enter into a web browser without the http://. It must begin with www or ftp and cannot be just the domain name, such as dori.com. The name should not contain directories or slashes, such as www.negrino.com/books/. You can also enter a numeric IP address in this field, such as

8. In the Username field, enter the FTP/SFTP login name.

9. Enter the FTP/SFTP password.

Don’t forget that FTP/SFTP logins and passwords are case sensitive on many servers.

10. If you want Dreamweaver to remember the FTP/SFTP login and password (recommended), make sure the Save check box is selected.

11. In the next field, enter the name of the folder on the website that contains your site’s files and will serve as the root folder for your site.

This folder is also called the host directory and is usually a path from the FTP folder to the root folder. Depending on your web hosting company, this path could be named many different things. Typical host directory names are htdocs, public_html, and www/public/docs/. If you’re unsure of the exact name of the host directory, check with your web hosting company. Sometimes, the FTP host connects to the correct directory automatically, and you can leave the field blank.

12. If you were directed by your site admin to choose FTP over SSL/TLS (implicit encryption) or FTP over SSL/TLS (explicit encryption) in step 6, an Authentication pop-up menu appears in the dialog. For either method, choose either None (encryption only) or Trusted Server from the pop-up menu—again, as directed by the admin.

13. Click the Test button to make sure that Dreamweaver can connect successfully to your web server.

If Dreamweaver reports an error, check the information you entered.

14. Click Save.

You are returned to the Site Setup dialog. The server you just added now appears in the Server list.

15. Click Save to close the dialog.

To define the remote site with WebDAV

1. Choose Site > Manage Sites.

The Manage Sites dialog appears.

2. Select the site you want, and then click the Edit Selected Site icon.

The Site Setup dialog appears.

3. Click the Servers category.

The Servers pane appears with no servers defined yet.

4. Click the Add New Server button at the bottom of the server list (it looks like a plus sign).

The Server Definition dialog appears, set to the Basic tab.

5. Enter the name of the server in the Server Name field. Dreamweaver uses the name “Remote Server” elsewhere in the program, and that’s what we suggest you do, too.

6. From the pop-up menu labeled “Connect using,” choose WebDAV.

The dialog changes to show fields you need to fill in for the WebDAV connection type Image.


Image If you connect to your web server via WebDAV, you’ll need to enter the connection information.

7. Enter the URL of your WebDAV server.

8. In the Username field, enter the WebDAV login name.

9. Enter the WebDAV password.

If you want Dreamweaver to remember the WebDAV login and password (recommended), make sure the Save check box is selected.

10. Click the Test button to make sure that Dreamweaver can connect successfully to your web server.

If Dreamweaver reports an error, check the information you entered.

11. Click Save.

You are returned to the Site Setup dialog. The server you just added now appears in the Server list.

12. Click Save to close the dialog.

Editing Site Definitions

Once you have created your site definitions, you might need to change them. For example, you might want to change the location of the local root folder, or you may change the path on the remote server. You’ll use the Site Setup dialog.

To change a site definition

1. Choose Site > Manage Sites.

The Manage Sites dialog appears.

2. Select the site you want, and then click the Edit Selected Site icon.

The Site Setup dialog appears.

3. Choose the category on the left side of the dialog for the kind of change you want to make.

The right side of the dialog changes to show the options for the category you chose.

4. Make the changes you need to make.

5. Click Save.

Working with the Files Panel

To work with the files and folders that make up your websites, you’ll use the Files panel. This panel allows you to add and delete files and folders; view and change the local or remote sites; and do other maintenance tasks for your sites.

The Files panel appears at the right side of the Dreamweaver window, docked with other panels. By default, the Files panel is at the top of the group of panels. If it isn’t visible, choose Window > Files. The panel consists of a couple of pop-up menus, a toolbar, and the files area below Image.


Image The Files panel is your command center for working with files in Dreamweaver.

Navigating Disks and Sites

The Browse pop-up menu at the top of the Files panel allows you to browse through your hard disk and easily switch between sites that you have defined. The menu looks a bit different on Windows and OS X, reflecting the differences between the operating systems Image. On both platforms, sites you have defined appear in the menu as folders.


Image The Browse menu in the Files panel reflects the differences in the Windows (left) and OS X (right) operating systems.

To browse your hard disk

1. In the Files panel, choose the disk you want from the Browse pop-up menu.

The disk’s contents appear in the files area Image.


Image If you choose your hard disk from the Browse pop-up menu, you can then navigate to any file or folder on the disk.

2. Navigate to the folder and file that you want.

To switch between defined sites

In the Files panel, choose the site from the Browse pop-up menu.

Switching Between Local View and the Remote Server

The File view pop-up menu, next to the Browse pop-up menu, allows you to switch the view in the Files panel between the local and remote sites.

To switch between local and remote views

1. Choose a site you have defined from the Browse pop-up menu.

The site’s local files appear in the files area, and the File view pop-up menu switches to Local view.

2. From the File view pop-up menu, choose Remote server Image.


Image To see the files on the remote site, choose Remote server from the File view pop-up menu.

Dreamweaver connects to the site (you can tell because the Connect/Disconnect button in the Files panel toolbar will highlight), and the remote files appear in the files area.


The File view pop-up menu has two other choices: Testing server and Repository view. We talk about using testing servers in Chapter 15; we won’t be discussing Repository view in this book.

Refreshing Views

When you switch to the local or remote views of a site, Dreamweaver scans the contents of your local or remote site folders and displays the current contents. On occasion, the view you’re looking at in the Files panel may become out of date. For example, if you happen to upload or delete items on the remote site with a program other than Dreamweaver, those changes won’t be shown in the Files panel. Similarly, if you move files into the local root folder by working on the Windows or OS X desktop, you may need to tell Dreamweaver to rescan and refresh its display of the local site.

To refresh the local or remote view

1. Choose the site you want to refresh from the Browse pop-up menu.

2. Choose the view (Local view or Remote server) you want from the File view pop-up menu.

3. Click the Refresh button in the Files panel toolbar.

Dreamweaver rescans the site you selected and updates the files area.

Working with Files and Folders

The Files panel is great for organizing all of the files on your site and creating new files and folders. You should do most of your file creation and management in the Files panel, because it can often save you quite a bit of time compared to using another method in Dreamweaver.

For example, you can create a new page by choosing File > New, choosing the kind of page you want from the New Document dialog, and then editing the page. When you save the page, you must navigate to the correct folder in the local site folder, name the page, and then save it. In contrast, to create a new page in a particular folder using the Files panel, you select the folder that you want to contain the page and then choose the New File command, as described next.


Just because the Dreamweaver files area is reminiscent of the Windows Explorer or OS X Finder, don’t be fooled into thinking that it is the same and that you could do your local file management on your computer’s desktop. Dreamweaver is designed for working with webpages, and it can do incredibly useful things—like updating the links on a page to work correctly, even if you move the page that contains the links to a different folder on the site.

To create a new file or folder

1. Use the File view pop-up menu to select the local or remote site. You will usually create files or folders in the local site.

2. Right-click a file or folder in the files area.

A context menu appears that gives you many options Image.


Image The context menu in the Files panel is the fastest way to create a new file or new folder.

3. From the context menu, choose New File or New Folder.

The new file or folder appears in the files area. If you selected a folder in step 2, the new file or folder will be created inside the selected folder.

4. The name of the newly created file or folder (“untitled.html” for a file, or “untitled” for a folder) is selected in the Files panel. Type the name you want.


You could also use the panel options button at the upper-right corner of the Files panel, which gives you a different menu, but it’s easier to use the right-click context menu.

To move files or folders

1. Select a file or folder in the files area. To move multiple items, Ctrl-click (Cmd-click) to select each of the items you want to move.

2. Drag the selected item or items to the new location.

The Update Files dialog appears Image.


Image If you move files that are the target of links, Dreamweaver asks to update the pages that link to the file you moved.

3. Click Update.

Dreamweaver updates all of the links in the site that are affected by the move.

To rename files or folders

1. Select a file or folder in the files area.

2. Click the name of the file or folder.


Press F2.

The name becomes highlighted.

3. Type the new name. Don’t forget to add the correct file extension for the file that you’re renaming. For example, most webpages have the file extension .html.

4. Press Enter (Return).

The Update Files dialog appears.

5. Click Update.

Dreamweaver updates all of the files in the site that are affected by the renamed file.

To edit files or folders

1. Right-click a file or folder in the files area.

2. From the resulting context menu, choose Edit Image.


Image The Edit submenu in the Files panel context menu gives you several options for working with files or folders.

3. Choose one of the items in the Edit submenu.

You can Cut, Copy, Paste, Delete, Duplicate, or Rename the file or folder. If a file operation will affect other files, Dreamweaver may display an “Are you sure?” dialog or the Update Files dialog.


Note the shortcut keys listed next to each of the items in the Edit menu. As you become more comfortable working with files in Dreamweaver, using the shortcut keys can save you time.

Putting and Getting Files

You can copy selected files or folders (or the entire site) between the local and remote sites using the Files panel. Dreamweaver calls moving an item from the local to the remote site putting the item; moving the item from the remote to the local site is getting the item. If a put or get operation will overwrite a file, Dreamweaver warns you. If you select a folder, Dreamweaver moves the folder and all of the items that it contains. So if you select the local root folder, you can put the entire site up on the remote server in just a couple of clicks. Sometimes, however, you’ll want to use Dreamweaver’s site synchronization feature rather than putting or getting individual items. See “Synchronizing the Local and Remote Sites,” later in this chapter.

To put or get a file or folder

1. In the Files panel, choose Local view or Remote server from the File view pop-up menu.

The local or remote view is displayed in the files area.

2. Select the file or folder you want to move.

3. Click the Get file or Put file button in the Files panel toolbar.

4. If any of the files that you’re transferring are open and have unsaved changes, Dreamweaver asks if you want to save the files before they are sent. Click Yes; if there are multiple files, click Yes to All.

5. Dreamweaver may also display a dialog asking if you want to transfer any dependent files. An example of dependent files would be the graphics on the pages that you are uploading. If the dependent files have already been uploaded to the server, click No; there’s no reason to reupload files that haven’t changed. If you want to transfer dependent files that have changed, click Yes.

Expanding the Files Panel

Normally, the Files panel will only show either the local site or the remote site. But if you would like to compare the list of files and folders on both sites, you can do that by expanding the Files panel. This feature works slightly differently on Windows and OS X. On Windows, expanding the Files panel causes it to grow to take over the entire screen, replacing the rest of the Dreamweaver interface. On OS X, expanding the Files panel opens the panel in a new window that allows you to see the remote site on the left and the local site on the right Image.


Image On OS X, when you expand the Files panel, it opens in a new window with the remote site on the left and the local site on the right.

To expand the Files panel

Click the Expand/Collapse button in the Files panel toolbar.


To collapse the Files panel, click the Expand/Collapse button again.

Synchronizing the Local and Remote Sites

Having two copies of a website—one on your local machine and the other on a web server—can potentially lead to trouble. It’s possible, for example, for you to update several pages on your local site and lose track of just which files you changed. In that case, it might be difficult for you to determine which copy of the site (local or remote) has the latest version of the files. Dreamweaver’s Synchronize command compares the local and remote sites and transfers the newer files in either direction.

To synchronize local and remote sites

1. Click the Synchronize button in the Files panel.


Choose Site > Synchronize Sitewide.

The Synchronize with Remote Server dialog appears Image.


Image In the Synchronize with Remote Server dialog, you’ll need to select the synchronization method you want to use.

2. From the Synchronize pop-up menu, choose the files you want to update.

Your choices are to synchronize all the files in the site, or just files or folders that you selected in the Local view.

3. From the Direction pop-up menu, choose how you would like to copy newer files:

Image Put newer files to remote sends newer files from your local site folder to the web server.

Image Get newer files from remote finds newer files on the web server and copies them to your local site folder. This option also copies completely new files that are on the web server (ones, for example, that may have been placed there by a coworker) to your local site folder.

Image Get and Put newer files synchronizes files both ways. New files on the local site will be transferred to the remote site and vice versa.

4. (Optional) If you want, select the “Delete remote files not on local drive” check box.

This is a good option to choose when you’ve made substantial deletions in the local site (perhaps because you did a big site cleanup). The wording of this option changes depending on what you chose in step 3. If you chose to transfer newer files from the remote site, the wording changes to “Delete local files not on remote server.” If you chose to get and put files, this option becomes inactive.

5. Click Preview.

Dreamweaver connects to the remote site, compares the files you chose to synchronize, and then displays the Synchronize dialog Image. This allows you to preview the changes that will be made on the site. The Action column in the dialog tells you what Dreamweaver proposes to do to each file.


Image You can select actions in the Synchronize dialog that will determine how the files are affected as they are synchronized.

6. If desired, select one or more files in the Synchronize dialog and choose one of the action buttons at the bottom of the dialog. You have the following choices:

Image Get marks the selected files to be retrieved from the remote site.

Image Put marks the selected files to be sent to the remote site.

Image Delete marks the selected files for deletion.

Image Ignore tells Dreamweaver to ignore the selected files for this synchronization.

Image Mark as synchronized tells Dreamweaver to consider the selected files as already synchronized, so no action will be taken.

Image Compare opens the local and remote versions of the file so you can compare their differences.

7. Click OK.

Dreamweaver performs the synchronization.

Cloaking Files and Folders

Not every file or folder in your local site needs to be uploaded to the remote site on the web server. Dreamweaver allows files and folders to be cloaked, which means that they will be exempt from synchronization. This can save you a lot of time. Imagine that you’re working on a site that contains large movie files. Cloaking the folder that contains the movie files means that while you’re working on other parts of the site, Dreamweaver won’t take the time to scan through the folders when synchronizing and won’t upload any of the files. When you’re ready to upload the files, uncloak the movies folder and synchronize the local and remote sites.

To cloak a file or folder

1. Right-click a file or folder in the Files panel.

2. From the resulting context menu, choose Cloaking, and then from the submenu, choose Cloak Image.


Image Choosing Cloak from the Files panel context menu keeps a file or a folder and its contents from being affected during synchronization operations. In the Files list, the folders with red slashes over them are cloaked.

In the Files panel, Dreamweaver displays the file or folder with a red slash through it, indicating that it is cloaked.

To uncloak a file or folder

1. Right-click a cloaked file or folder in the Files panel.

2. From the resulting context menu, choose either Cloaking > Uncloak or Cloaking > Uncloak All.


You can cloak all files of a particular type. Choose Site > Manage Sites, and then select the site you’re working on. Click the Advanced Settings category of the Site Setup dialog, and then choose the Cloaking category. Select the “Cloak files ending with” check box, and then enter the file extensions of the kinds of files you want to cloak Image.


Image The Cloaking category in the Site Setup dialog allows you to set particular kinds of files to always be cloaked.

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