
* (operator), mathematical convention for, 115

+ (plus sign), mathematical convention for, 115

α. See Aliquot sum

ϕ. See Euler totient function

σ (sum of divisors) formula, 31


Abelian group, 86, 108, 153

Abstract algebra

birth of, 85, 140145

Euclidean domains, 150151, 153

fields, 151153

groups, 8588, 9295, 108, 152

ideals, 226228

modules, 151, 154

monoids, 89, 108109, 152, 154

and programming, 2, 141, 249

principal ideals, 227228

rings, 142145, 153

semigroups, 9091, 108109, 152

semirings, 145149, 153

vector spaces, 152, 154


Aristotle, 177, 180, 196

in mathematics, 84, 85109

and programming, 2, 5, 249

Academy (Plato’s), 4144, 178


associativity of, 9, 156, 174

commutativity of, 155156, 174175

definition, 173

Addition chains, 11

Additive groups, 86

Additive monoids, 89, 109

Additive semigroups, 90, 109

Address, 181

Adleman, Len, 239

advance, 190

Agrawal, Manindra, 244

Ahmes, 89, 57

Ahmes algorithm. See Egyptian multiplication, Egyptian division

AKS primality test, 244245

Alexander the Great, 43, 178179

Alexandria, 4344

Algebraic integers, 140

Algebraic structures, 85. See also Abstract algebra


in ancient Egypt, 711

definition, 7

domain or setting, 150

first recorded, 8

generalizing, 111, 119123, 126127, 151

history of, 711

in-place, 215216

memory adaptive, 216217

polylog space, 215216

space complexity, 215216

performance in practice, 211

Aliases, 272

Aliquot sum, 31

Amicable numbers, 6364

Analytical Mechanics, 99

APL, 124

Apology, 43


on acquiring mathematical knowledge, 176

axiom of, 47

place in history, 50

Aristophanes, 42

Aristotle, 17, 177180

Aristoxenus, 17

Arithmétique, 132

The Art of Computer Programming, 9

Aryabhata, 51

Aryabhatiya, 51

Assertions, 269

Associative binary operation (Image), 108

in groups, 8586

in monoids, 89

in semigroups, 90

Associativity axiom, semigroups, 91

Associativity of addition, 9, 113

definition, 174

visual proof, 156

Associativity of multiplication, visual proof, 157

Asymmetric keys, 238

Athens, 4143

Automorphism, 104

Averroes. See Ibn Rushd

Axiom of Archimedes, 47

Axiomatic method, 161162


definition, 163

Euclid’s, 162163

Hilbert’s, 167

Peano’s, 170171


Bachet de Méziriac, Claude Gaspar, 67, 235

profile, 225226

Backus, John, 124

Bacon, Roger, 1, 249

Bartels, Martin, 165

Bernoulli, Johann, 69

Bézout’s identity, 225229

Bidirectional iterators, 185

Binary search, 191196. See also Partition points

Binary search lemma, 194195

Bletchley Park, 238

Bolyai, Farkas, 166

Bolyai, János, 166

Bolzano-Cauchy Theorem. See IVT (Intermediate Value Theorem)

Boolean semirings, 148

Bounded ranges, 189, 203204

bsearch, 192


C++, 3, 265273

C++11, 57, 187, 195, 265, 272273

The C++ Programming Language, 265, 270

C++ Standard Template Library. See STL

Caesar cipher, 237


Cancellation Law, 7475

definition, 7273

inverse numbers, 73

and modular arithmetic, 7276

Self-Canceling Law, 7576

Cancellation Law, 7475

Carmichael numbers, 242

Cartesian coordinates, 131, 138

Cataldi, Peter, 64

Categorical theories

vs. STL, 104

definition, 104

examples of, 104106

Category dispatch, 188, 190, 196, 213

Cayley’s Theorem, 198

Chinese mathematics, 51

Chrystal, George, 34

Cicero, 50

Ciphertext, 238

Closed ranges, 188

Clouds, 42

Cocks, Clifford, 240

Codes, definition, 237

Cogitata Physico Mathematica, 64

Colossus machine, 238

Common Lisp, 116, 124, 190

Common measure of segments, 33

Common notions, Euclid’s axiomatic method, 162

Commutative algebra, rings, 143144

Commutativity of addition, 155156, 174175

Commutativity of multiplication, visual proof, 156

Commutativity of powers, semigroups, 91

Compile-time dispatch. See Category dispatch

Completeness, law of, 203204

Completeness, theories, 102

Complex numbers, 137138

Composite numbers. See also Prime numbers

definition, 21

distinguishing from prime, 240245


and abstract algebra, 141

definition, 181

choosing, 250

examples, 116117, 181

naming conventions, 183

overview, 181184, 266267

Regular, 183184

requirements on types, 24, 182

Semiregular, 184

type attributes, 182183

type functions, 182183

Consistency, theories, 102, 104

Constructivists, 229

Contradiction, proof by, 35, 261262

Contrapositive, 259

Coprime, 31, 78, 8081, 246247

Cosets, 97. See also Lagrange’s Theorem

Counted ranges, 189, 203204

Cryptanalysis, 237238

Cryptography, 233234, 237


asymmetric keys, 238

Bletchley Park, 238

Caesar cipher, 237

ciphertext, 238

codes, definition, 237

Colossus machine, 238

cryptanalysis, 237238

cryptography, 237

cryptosystems, 238

Enigma machine, 238

keys, 238

Lorenz machine, 238

plaintext, 238

public-key cryptosystems, 239240

RSA algorithm, 239240, 245247

symmetric keys, 238

trapdoor one-way functions, 239

Cryptosystems, 238

Cycles, of permutations, 200, 207211

Cyclic groups, 96, 109

generator, 96

Cyclic subgroups, 96


Datum, 180

Decimal fractions, 129131

Declaration syntax, 267

Dedekind, Richard, 140, 171

Degree of polynomials, 133

Dereferencing, iterators, 184185

Descartes, René, 64, 131

Difference of powers formula, 30

Difference type, iterators, 187

difference_type iterator trait, 187

Differential Calculus, 70

Diffie, Whitfield, 239

Diophantus, 67, 225

Dirichlet, Peter Gustav Lejeune, 41, 139140, 156

Dirichlet principle. See Pigeonhole principle

Disme: The Art of Tenths, 129131

Disquisitiones Arithmeticae (“Investigations of Arithmetic”), 136137

distance, 186-188

divides, 240

Dividing polynomials, 133

Domain of algorithm, 150

Domain of definition, 113

Doubly linked lists, 185


Egyptian division, 57

Egyptian multiplication, 811

requirements, 111118

generalizing to power, 120

Elements (of Euclid), 2, 21, 4345, 161163

Proposition [VII, 30], 70

Proposition [VII, 32], 21

Proposition [IX, 36], 29, 3132

Proposition [X, 2], 45

Proposition [X, 3], 4546

Proposition [X, 117], 37

Elements of Programming, 3, 113114, 183, 185, 208

Enigma machine, 238

Equational reasoning, 114

Equivalence, 114

Eratosthenes, 22

Euclid. See also Elements

the axiomatic method, 161163

GCM (greatest common measure) algorithm, 4549

incommensurable quantities, 4549

on number theory, 21

profile, 4445

Euclidean domains (ED), 150151, 153

Euclidean geometry

alternatives to, 164167

fifth postulate, 163164

vs. hyperbolic geometry, 164167

vs. non-Euclidean, 166167

Euclidean rings. See Euclidean domains (ED)

Euclid’s algorithm, 4547

Euler, Leonhard, 84, 85

Euler’s theorem, 7983

and Lagrange, 99

perfect numbers, 32, 6364

prime numbers, 63, 68

profile, 6970

Euler totient function, 80, 245

Euler’s Theorem, 7983, 246

proof using Lagrange’s Theorem, 101

Even and odd numbers, 910, 117

in GCD, 219220, 224, 234

Existence of zero axiom, 172

Extended GCD algorithm, 229235, 245, 247

extended_gcd, 233


Fast-multiplication algorithm. See Egyptian multiplication

Fermat, Pierre de, 63, 6569

profile of, 6768

proofs, 6566, 68

Fermat primes, 6368, 137

Fermat’s Last Theorem, 67

Fermat’s Little Theorem

converse of, 7779

description, 69

non-invertibility lemma, 79

proof by Lagrange’s Theorem, 101

proof, 77

testing for prime numbers, 241242

restatement using modular arithmetic, 84

Fermat test, 241242

fermat_test, 242

Fibonacci. See Leonardo Pisano

Fibonacci numbers, computing, 124127

Fibonacci sequence, 5859


characteristic of, 151

definition, 151, 153

extensions, 151

prime, 151, 154

Fifth postulate of Euclidean geometry, 163164

Figurate numbers

gnomons, 20

oblong numbers, 19

overview, 17, 1920

triangular numbers, 19

square numbers, 20

find_if, 190191

find_if_n, 191

Finite axiomatizability of theories, 102

Flowers, Tommy, 238

Floyd, Robert, 58

Formalist philosophy of mathematics, 167169

Formulario Mathematico, 170172

Forward iterators, 185

FP, 124

Function objects, 123124, 268, 270

Functors. See Function objects


Galois, Évariste

discovery of groups, 8588

profile of, 8889

Gauss, Carl Friedrich, 31, 72, 136140, 166, 240

profile of, 136137

Gaussian integers, 138139, 224

GCD (greatest common divisor)

applications of, 234

of polynomials, 134

description, 59

computing, 59

Euclid’s algorithm, 4546

extended GCD, 229235, 245, 247

historical milestones, 222

and rational arithmetic, 234

and ring structures, 225229

rotation algorithms, 234

Stein’s algorithm, 219225

symbolic integration, 234

validating, 5960

gcd, 150, 230

GCM (greatest common measure) 33, 41

Euclid’s algorithm, 4549

properties, 33

Generator elements in subgroups, 96

Generic programming

in C++, 265266, 270

concepts, 181

essence, 127, 249250

history, 124, 134, 141, 180

and mathematics, 84

overview, 12, 5

get_temporary_buffer, 217

Gnomons, 20

Gödel, Kurt, 169

Göttingen, University of

Carl Gauss, 136140

David Hilbert, 168169

Emmy Noether, 140145

profile, 135136

Granville, Andrew, 244

Grassman, Hermann, 171

Greatest common divisor (GCD). See GCD (greatest common divisor)

Greatest common measure (GCM). See GCM (greatest common measure)

Gries, David, 205

Gries-Mills algorithm, 204208


abelian, 86, 108, 153

additive, 86

binary operations, 86

cyclic, 96, 109

definition, 85

discovery of, 85

examples of, 8688

identity elements, 86

inverse operations, 86

Klein group, 106

order of elements, 94

summary description, 108, 152

symmetric, 198

theorems about, 9295


half, 118

Heath, Thomas, 9, 45

Hegel, G.W.F., 111

Hellman, Martin, 239

Hilbert, David, 141, 167169, 229

profile, 168169

Hilbert spaces, 168169

Hilbert’s problems, 169

Hilbert’s program, 169

History of Algebra, 129

Horner’s rule, 132

Hyperbolic geometry, 164167


Ibn Rushd, 180

Ideals. See also Rings

definition, 226

ideals in Euclidean domains lemma, 227

linear combination ideal lemma, 227

PID (principal ideal domains), 228

principal ideals, 227228

principal elements, 227

Ideals in Euclidean domains lemma, 227

Identity element, 108109, 121

in groups, 86

in monoids, 89

in rings, 143

identity_element, 123, 241

Immutable objects, 181

Impossibility of infinite descent, 21

Inclusion-exclusion principle, 8283

Incommensurable quantities, 4549

Independence, theories, 102

Indian mathematics, 51

Induction, proof by, 262263

Induction axiom, 21, 170, 172173

Inman, Bobby Ray, 240

Inner product of two vectors, 145146

In-place algorithms, 215216

Input iterators, 185

Integral Calculus, 70

Integral domains, 145, 153

Interface refinement, law of, 215

Interfaces, designing, 215

Interlingua, 171

Intermediate Value Theorem (IVT), 131, 192

Introduction to Analysis of the Infinite, 70

Introduction to Arithmetic, 10, 19

Intuitionist philosophy of mathematics, 229

Inverse numbers, 73

inverse_operation, 123

Inverse operation, 86, 119, 121

in groups, 86

Invertibility lemma, 229

Invertibility of successor axiom, 173

Invertible elements. See Units

Irrational numbers, 3839

is_prime, 241

Isomorphism, models, 103104

Iterator categories

bidirectional, 185

forward, 185

input, 185

output, 186

random-access, 185

Iterator traits, 187

iterator_category iterator trait, 187


in arrays, 185

bidirectional, 185

definition, 184

dereferencing, 184185

difference type, 187

finding the distance between, 186187

forward, 185

input, 185

in noncontiguous data segments, 186

linked, 186

output, 186

overview, 184185

random access, 185

segmented, 186

successors, 184

Iverson, Kenneth, 124

IVT (Intermediate Value Theorem), 131, 192


Jefferson, Thomas, 44, 130


Kapur, Deepak, 124

Kayal, Neeraj, 244

Keys, cryptography, 238

Khayyam, Omar, 164

Kleene, Stephen, 115116

Klein, Felix, 106107, 141

Klein group, 106107

Knuth, Donald E., 9, 58, 197

Kovalevskaya, Sofia, 141


Lagrange, Joseph-Louis, 99100, 192

Lagrange’s Theorem, 9799, 100101

Lambda expressions, 195, 272273

Laplace, Pierre-Simon, 70

largest_doubling, 54

Latine sine Flexione, 171

Law of completeness, 203204

Law of interface refinement, 215

Law of separating types, 202203

Law of useful return, 5758, 201202, 213

Lectures on Number Theory (Vorlesungen über Zahlentheorie), 140

Legendre, Adrien-Marie, 155

Lehmer, D. H., 192

Leonardo Pisano

Fibonacci sequence, 5859

introduction of zero, 52

profile, 5253

Letters to a German Princess, 70

Liber Abaci, 52

Liber Quadratorum, 52

Library of Alexandra, 43

Lincoln, Abraham, 44

Linear algebra

inner product, 145146

matrix-matrix product, 146

matrix-vector product, 146

review, 145147

Linear combination ideal lemma, 227

Linear recurrence functions, 127

Linear recurrence sequences, 127

Linear search, 190191

Linked iterators, 186

Liu, Hui, 51

Lobachevsky, Nikolai, 164166

Lorenz machine, 238

lower_bound, 195196

Lyceum, 179


Magmas, 91, 108

mark_sieve, 24

Math notation in this book, 257259

Matrix multiplication, 145147

Matrix-matrix product, 146

Matrix-vector product, 146

Mauchly, John, 192

McJones, Paul, 3

Measure of a segment, 33

Memory-adaptive algorithms, 216217

Meno, 43

Mersenne, Marin, 6465

Mersenne primes, 6368

Metaphysics, 179

Miller-Rabin test, 243245

miller_rabin_test, 243

Mills, Harlan, 205

Models. See also Theories

definition, 103

isomorphism, 103104

Modern Algebra, 142

Modular arithmetic, 7274, 8384

Fermat’s Little Theorem, 8384

Wilson’s Theorem, 83

Modules, definition, 151, 154

modulo_multiply, 241

Monoids. See also Groups

additive, 89, 109, 154

definition, 89

examples of, 89

multiplicative, 89, 154

summary description, 108, 152

Mouseion, 43


definition, 8, 173174

Egyptian, 811

Russian Peasant Algorithm. 9

Multiplicative functions, 31

multiplicative_inverse, 121, 247

multiplicative_inverse_fermat, 241

Multiplicative monoids, 89

Multiplicative semigroups, 90

Multiply-accumulate function, 1114

Musser, David R., 124

Mutable objects, 181


Naming conventions, concepts, 183

Naming principle, 115116

Natural numbers, 147, 170, 172, 175, 258

Nicomachean Ethics, 179

Nicomachus of Gerasa, 10, 19

Nine Chapters on the Mathematical Art, 51

Noether, Emmy, 129, 140145

profile, 141142

Non-categorical theories, 106107

Noncommutative additive monoids, 119

Noncommutative additive semigroups, 115

Noncommutative algebra, rings, 143144

Nonconstructive proofs, 229

Noncontiguous data segments, iterators, 186

Non-Euclidean geometry, 164167

Non-invertibility lemma, 79

Notation in this book, 257259

Number line, 131

Number of assignments theorem, 200201

Number systems, ancient Egypt, 8

Number theory 2, 41, 43

in ancient Greece, 1739

Bezout’s identity, 225229

Euler’s Theorem, 7983, 101

Fermat’s Little Theorem 6978, 101

figurate numbers, 1720, 33

Gauss, 136137

and GCD, 140

Liber Quadratorum, 53

modular arithmetic, 7274

perfect numbers, 2832

primality testing 240245

prime numbers, 2128

17th and 18th century, 6372, 7484

sieve of Eratosthenes, 2223

Wilson’s Theorem, 76, 83


Object types, definition, 181


definition, 180

immutable, 181

mutable, 181

remote parts, 181

unrestricted, 181

Oblong numbers, 19

Octonions, 151

odd, 118

Odd numbers. See Even and odd numbers

One-to-one correspondence, 92

Open ranges, 188

“Operators and Algebraic Structures,” 124

Order of group elements, 94

Organon, 180

Output iterators, 186


Palindromic primes, 28

Parallel postulate. See Fifth postulate of Euclidean geometry

Partition points, 193

partition_point, 194

partition_point_n, 193

Peano, Giuseppe, 169175

profile, 171172

Peano arithmetic, 170171, 173175

Peano axioms, 170173

Peano curve, 171

Perfect numbers

in ancient Greece, 2832, 38

definition, 2829

mathematicians’ interest in, 63

Permutation of remainders lemma, 7172

Permutations, 197201

Phaedo, 43

Philo of Alexandria, 7

PID (principal ideal domains), 228

Pigeonhole principle, 95, 263

Pisano, Leonardo See Leonardo Pisano

Plaintext, 238

Plato, 4143, 177179

profile, 4243

Platonic Questions, 20

Platonic solids, 41, 44

Playfair’s axiom, 163

Plus sign (+), mathematical convention for, 115

Plutarch, 20

Poincaré, Jules Henri, 85, 229230, 248

profile, 229230

pointer iterator trait, 187

Politics, 179

Polylog space, 215216


computing GCD for, 134

degree of, definition, 133

division with remainder, 133

history of, 132135

Horner’s rule, 132

treating as numbers, 133135

polynomial_value, 132

Population count, 10

Postconditions, 269

Postulates, Euclid’s axiomatic method, 162, 163

Power algorithm, 119123, 249

computing Fibonacci numbers, 126

computing linear recurrence, 127

use in cryptology, 241243, 246

use in graph applications, 148149

power_accumulate_semigroup, 121

power_group, 123

power_monoid, 122

power_semigroup, 122

Primality testing, 240245

Prime factorization, 29, 3132, 65, 136, 139140

Prime fields, 151, 154

Prime numbers

in ancient Greece, 2128

definition, 21

distinguishing from composite, 240245

Fermat primes, 6368

finding. See sieve of Eratosthenes

infinite number of, 21

Mersenne primes, 6368

primality testing, 240245

Principal element, 227

Principal ideal domains (PID), 228

Principal ideals, 227228

Problèmes Plaisants, 225226


by contradiction, 35, 261262

definition, 158159

by induction, 262263

nonconstructive, 229

pigeonhole principle, 95, 263

visual, 155159

Proper divisor, 32

Ptolemy, 164

Public-key cryptosystems, 239240

Pythagoras, 17

profile, 1819

Pythagorean program, 3338

Pythagorean Theorem, 44

Pythagorean triples, 5051


Quadrivium, 18

Quaternions, 151

Quotient, 5557, 150, 153, 202

for polynomials, 133

quotient_remainder, 57


Random-access iterators, 185


bounded, 189, 203204

closed, 188

counted, 189, 203204

definition, 188

open, 188

overview, 188189

partition points, 193

semi-open, 188

swapping, 201204

Rational arithmetic, GCD applications, 234

Rational numbers, 151, 258

Real numbers, 131, 258

reciprocal, 124

Recreational mathematics, 225226

Recursive remainder lemma, 4849

Reduction algorithm, 124

reference iterator trait, 187

Regius, Hudalricus, 64

Regular concepts, 183184

Regular functions, 183

Regular types, 114

Rejewski, Marian, 238

Remainder, 4749, 5355, 5759, 150, 153, 222

Floyd-Knuth algorithm, 58

permutation of remainders, 7172

in modular arithmetic, 7375

of Gaussian integers, 138139

of polynomials, 133134

remainder, 5455

remainder_fibonacci, 58

Remote parts of objects, 181

Requirements on algorithm, 111119

reverse, 212215

reverse_copy, 216

reverse_n, 214

reverse_n_adaptive, 217

reverse_n_with_buffer, 216

reverse_recursive, 214

Reverse permutation, 201, 212215

Rewriting code, 1415

Rhind Mathematical Papyrus, 8, 57

Rings. See also Ideals; Semirings

definition, 142143

and the GCD, 225229

integral domains, 145

summary description, 153

unitary, 143

units, 144

zero divisors, 145

Rivest, Ron, 239

Rotate algorithms, 204213

rotate, 207, 210, 213

rotate_cycle_from, 208

rotate_transform, 210

rotate_unguarded, 206

Rotation, 204207

Rotation algorithms, GCD applications, 234

RSA algorithm, 239240, 245247

Russell, Bertrand, 171

Russian Peasant Algorithm, 9. See also Egyptian multiplication


Saccheri, Giovanni Girolamo, 164

Saxena, Nitin, 244

Scheme, 116

The School of Athens, 177178


binary, 191196

linear, 190191

Segmented iterators, 186

Self-Canceling Law, 7576

Semantic requirements for generic algorithms, 113

Semigroups. See also Groups

additive, 90, 109

associativity axiom, 91

commutativity of powers, 91

definition, 90, 109

examples, 90

multiplication algorithm, 115

multiplicative, 90

summary description, 108, 152

Semi-open ranges, 188

Semiregular concepts, 184

Semirings. See also Rings

Boolean, 148

description, 145147

matrix multiplication, 146

shortest path, 148149

summary description, 153

tracing social networks, 147148

transitive closures, 147148

tropical, 149

weak, 147

Separating types, law of, 202203

Setting of algorithm, 150

Shamir, Adi, 239

Shortest path, finding, 148149

Sieve of Eratosthenes, 2223

implementation 2328

sift, 27

smallest_divisor, 240

Social network connections, tracing, 147148

Socrates, 42

Socratic method, 42

Sophists, 42

Space complexity, 215216

Square root of 2, an irrational number, 3738

Standard Template Library. See STL

Stein, Josef, 219222

Stein’s algorithm, 219225

stein_gcd, 220

Stepanov, Alexander A., 3, 124

Stevin, Simon, 129135, 192

profile, 130131

STL (Standard Template Library)

algorithms, 195196, 215, 217

application of generic programming, 1, 186

containers, 190191

conventions, 24

non-categorical, 104

Strength reduction, 26

Stroustrup, Bjarne, 265

Subgroups. See also Groups

cyclic, 96

definition, 95, 109

generator elements, 96

trivial, 95

Successors, 170, 184

Sum of odd powers formula, 30

swap, 199

swap_ranges, 201203

Symbolic integration, GCD applications, 234

Symmetric groups, 198

Symmetric keys, 238

Symposium, 43

Syntactic requirements for generic algorithms, 113


Tail-recursive functions, 1214

Template functions, 265266

Thales of Miletus, 18, 159161

Thales’ Theorem, 160161

Theories. See also Models

categorical, 104106

characteristics of, 102

completeness, 102

consistency, 102, 104

definition, 102

determining truth of, 167

finite axiomatizability, 102

independence, 102

non-categorical, 106107

univalent, 104

Totality of successor axiom, 172

Totient of an integer, 80

A Tour of C++, 265

Transfinite ordinals, 172173

Transformation group, 92

Transitive closures, finding, 147148

Transposition lemma, 199

Transpositions, 197, 199201

Trapdoor one-way functions, 239

Triangular numbers, 19

Trichotomy Law, 34

Trip count, 204, 213

Trivial cycles, 200, 208

Trivial subgroups, 95

Tropical semirings, 149

Turing, Alan, 169, 238

Tusculan Disputations, 50

Type attributes, 182183

Type dispatch. See Category dispatch

Type functions, 182183


Unitary rings, 143

Units, rings, 144

Univalent theories, 104

Univariate polynomials. See Polynomials

University of Göttingen. See Göttingen, University of

Unreachable numbers, 172173

Unrestricted objects, 181

upper_bound, 195

Useful return, law of, 5758, 201202, 213


Value types, definition, 180

Values, definition, 180

value_type iterator trait, 187

van der Waerden, Bartel, 129, 142

Veblen, Oswald, 104

vector container, 116,

Vector space, 152, 154

Visual proofs, 155159

Vorlesungen über Zahlentheorie (Lectures on Number Theory), 140


Waring, Edward, 76

Weak semirings, 147

Weilert, Andre, 224

Well-ordering principle, 34

Whitehead, Alfred North, 43

Wiles, Andrew, 67

Wilson, John, 76

Wilson’s Theorem

description, 76

using modular arithmetic, 83

Witnesses, primality testing, 242



in Egyptian number system, 8

introduction of, 52

origins of, 5153

Zero divisors, rings, 145, 154

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