Appendix III. Street time

This is a day we run as part of our training programs—normally we obviously try to dress it up a bit with all sorts of important words such as “structured,” “energizing,” and “experiential.” Clients like that sort of guff for some reason. Between you and me: This exercise is about going shopping. It’s good fun when done with a group, and it always uncovers loads of ideas and gets people thinking creatively. It can be quite shocking—I’ve had a number of top retailers give the feedback that they hadn’t really seen shops as customers see them in years.

What do we do?

Ideally run it with six people and do it near a main street or a shopping center. Give each of the delegates twenty dollars and a list of five stores they must visit and allow them to choose one other as a “wild card.”

Take them through the stuff in Smart Retail on:

• Reading stores

• Big Idea

• Mission and values

• Discovery

Then send them off, in teams of two, for two hours with the explicit brief that they must observe, talk to customers, and talk to staff. How they get those conversations going is up to them. They can play-act a bit if they want, whatever. But they must get those conversations going. They can spend their twenty dollars however they want to—a bit in each store, all at once, whatever.

The hard part

As well as making some specific observations (listed next), they will need to be taking note of everything with the idea to later apply this stuff to the creation of a sector-raiding Big Idea of their own.


Part 1

On returning to the training room, we will be analyzing some of the retailers we’ve looked at against the following criteria:

• What is the Big Idea at each store?

• How does that translate into values (name five customer emotions per store)?

• How are they hanging these things together as part of the overall offer?

• What are they doing to create theater and discovery?

• What evidence can you cite supporting your views on Big Idea, values, and differentiation of each store?

Part 2

• How might you adapt each store to better suit the Big Idea?

• What might be a better Big Idea for each store?

Part 3

• As a group: Choose one market sector in which you think there might be room to try something new. Then find a Big Idea that would offer an opportunity for a new retail business in that sector.

Who would want to shop there?


What will the store look like?

How does discovery work in it?

What’s the perfect customer experience going to feel like?

How will it compete?

What will it be called?

Run one of these sessions with your team and you will be stunned by what shakes out. Or get in touch with me and we can set one up and run it for you.

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