
Thank you so much to all the retailers and friends who so kindly gave me your help—it’s all been so valuable. Thanks especially to Mark, Steve, Nick, Chris, Kevin, TT, John, Jim, and Rocky who have been there with ideas, suggestions, and the offer of a beer many times when the going has been tough.

A retail career takes us away from our family and friends for huge chunks of time. To be a retailer is impossible without the patience of the people we love. I have been so lucky to have a wonderful family support me in all those twists and turns that a life in retail offers. To Rosy, Isabella, Bump, and Emily—thank you so much for being awesome.

I would like to say a special “thank you” to those inspirational friends who have made retail so rewarding for me. First, to Umesh Vadodaria and Mahendra Patel for making me get off my bum and do things. To “Buffalo” Steve Smith for that very first break at 16. To Glyn Moser for making me see how important people are. To Janet for the belief that I could get the things in my head out and down on paper. To Rachael Stock at Pearson for making the original edition of this book better than I had imagined it could be. Thank you also to all the many retailers who gave up time, advice, and ideas for Smart Retail—you know who you are and you are all superstars.

I would like to add this last thing: all the effort, sacrifice, setbacks, and challenges have been worth it. Retail is the best life in the world.

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