Azure Virtual Machines as a Docker Host

The foundation for every Docker environment in Azure are Azure virtual machines (VMs). There are several ways to create a Docker host, that is, a virtual machine installed with Docker. In order to support running Docker, Azure provides a Linux virtual machine extension that installs both Docker and Docker Compose. While Windows Server 2016 has not yet officially released, it too will have an intuitive way to provision a Docker-ready virtual machine. Below are sections of the book that go into detail about setting up a Docker host in Azure:

Chapter 2

Image Docker VM extension

Image Create a Docker host through the Azure portal

Image Create a Docker host through Azure Resource Manager

Image Create a Docker host in Azure through command line interface (CLI)

Image Create a Docker host in Azure through docker-machine

Image Setting up a Docker host on a local machine using Docker toolbox

Chapter 4

Image Setting up a Docker host on a local machine

Chapter 5

Image Azure VM extensions

Image Create a Docker host through Azure Resource Manager

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