Docker Coverage in This Book

The Docker ecosystem is growing at an amazing rate. At DockerCon 2015, Docker reported that between 2014 and 2015, the number of pulls from the Docker Hub increased 18,000% to more than 500 million! New features were added daily by Docker and its respective community. This book is about microservices with Docker on Azure, so we cover Docker tools and features available on Azure throughout the book. While it’s impossible to fully cover everything the Docker ecosystems provides, our goal is to provide a solid overview of the most useful Docker services and features available on Azure.

At a high level, Azure’s support and strategic direction for Docker is about enabling your choices:

Choose your development tool—Whether that’s Visual Studio, Eclipse, Atlassian, Jenkins, Docker Hub Enterprise, or simple command-line tools, if it works with Docker, it will work with Azure.

Select your provisioning or configuration tools—Choose from Puppet, Chef, Docker Machine, Azure Resource Manager, PowerShell, cross-platform CLI, or via the Azure website portal.

Pick your clustering tool—Azure includes support for the Azure Container Service as Platform-as-a-Service for Docker based on Mesosphere, as well as the ability to run your own clustering solution like Kubernetes, DCOS, Docker Swarm, and more.

Work with the Operating System of your choice—Windows Server 2016 and many Linux operating systems are supported, including Ubuntu, CoreOS, and Red Hat Enterprise.

Enable Public or Private Cloud—Azure provides both a public cloud as well as a private hosted cloud for government, and with Azure Stack, enterprises will be able to host a privately hosted, on-premise cloud inside your firewall.

In order to build and deploy containerized services we need an infrastructure for development and test production. Azure offers a set of fundamental services to build, ship, and run Docker.

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