Modern DevOps

Organizations that have fully embraced DevOps are redefining what it means to be agile. Teams are not waiting until the end of the sprint to ship—they are shipping updates to their microservices dozens or hundreds of times a day! While it might seem counterintuitive, high-performing DevOps companies shipped thirty times more frequently and had fifty percent fewer failures by leveraging automation (Puppet Labs 2014 State of DevOps). The Mean Time to Repair (MTTR), which is the average time taken to repair an issue, was twelve times faster for companies that deploy small, more frequent releases than companies that do large, less frequent releases.

When your organization embraces DevOps, deployment stops being an “event,” meaning there are no special meetings required to deploy a new version of an app. It’s just something that happens whenever it’s needed, using an automated pipeline that is managed and monitored from check-in to production.

To summarize, let’s look at what a world with and without DevOps might look like in Table 6.1.


TABLE 6.1: Comparing Teams With and Without DevOps

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