Connecting to the VM Using SSH and Git Bash on Mac OS X

Open the terminal and enter the following command:

$ ssh –i ./dockerhostkey [email protected]
–p 22

The SSH command is identical to the one used with Git Bash on Windows. Figure 2.11 shows the terminal window after successful connection to the Azure VM.


FIGURE 2.11: MAC OS terminal session connected to the Azure VM

Before we move on and get to the Docker basics, let’s recap what we have done during the last couple of steps.

We used the Azure Portal to provision a virtual machine based on the “Docker on Unbuntu Server (preview)” image.

We created an SSH public key on Windows (using Git Bash) and on Mac OS X (using the terminal).

We connected to the VM using SSH.

These steps show that it is very easy to set up an Azure virtual machine with the Docker daemon on it and connect to it.

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