Cloning Samples

To get started, we are going to clone the product catalog from to your local machine. Because later in the chapter we will use local volume mounting, it’s important that you run your clone command from within a user folder like the “Documents” (C:users<username>Documents) folder. This is because VirtualBox only mounts user folders by default.

From a Mac terminal, type the following:

cd ~
mkdir DockerBook
cd DockerBook
git clone

From the Windows command prompt, type the following (replace the username as appropriate) to create a new directory named “DockerBook” and clone our repository into it as shown in Figure 4.4:

cd c:Users<username>Documents
mkdir DockerBook
cd DockerBook
Git clone


FIGURE 4.4: Cloning the Product Catalog project

Now that we have the code locally, the first thing we’re going to do is set up our project using live reload.

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