Lesson 2. The Anatomy of a C++ Program

C++ programs are organized into classes comprising member functions and member variables. Most of this book is devoted to explaining these parts in depth, but to get a sense of how a program fits together, you must see a complete working program.

In this lesson, you learn

Image The parts of a C++ program

Image How the parts work together

Image What a function is and what it does

Image Basic input and output operations

Parts of the Hello World Program

Your first C++ program in Lesson 1, “Getting Started,” did nothing more than write a simple “Hello World” statement to the screen. Yet this program contains some of the most important and basic building blocks of a C++ program. You use Listing 2.1 as a starting point to analyze components all C++ programs contain.

LISTING 2.1 HelloWorldAnalysis.cpp: Analyze a Simple C++ Program

  1: // Preprocessor directive that includes header iostream
  2: #include <iostream>
  4: // Start of your program: function block main()
  5: int main()
  6: {
  7:    /* Write to the screen */
  8:    std::cout << "Hello World" << std::endl;
 10:    // Return a value to the OS
 11:    return 0;
 12: }

This C++ program can be broadly classified into two parts: the preprocessor directives that start with a # and the main body of the program that starts with int main().


Lines 1, 4, 7, and 10, which start with a // or with a /*, are called comments and are ignored by the compiler. These comments are for humans to read.

Comments are discussed in greater detail in the next section.

Preprocessor Directive #include

As the name suggests, a preprocessor is a tool that runs before the actual compilation starts. Preprocessor directives are commands to the preprocessor and always start with a pound sign #. In Line 2 of Listing 2.1, #include <filename> tells the preprocessor to take the contents of the file (iostream, in this case) and include them at the line where the directive is made. iostream is a standard header file that enables the usage of std::cout used in Line 8 to display “Hello World” on the screen. In other words, the compiler was able to compile Line 8 that contains std::cout because we instructed the preprocessor to include the definition of std::cout in Line 2.


Professionally programmed C++ applications include standard headers supplied by the development environment and those created by the programmer. Complex applications are typically programmed in multiple files wherein some need to include others. So, if an artifact declared in FileA needs to be used in FileB, you need to include the former in the latter. You usually do that by inserting the following include statement in FileA:

#include "...relative path to FileBFileB"

We use quotes in this case and not angle brackets in including a self-programmed header. <> brackets are typically used when including standard headers.

The Body of Your Program main()

Following the preprocessor directive(s) is the body of the program characterized by the function main(). The execution of a C++ program always starts here. It is a standardized convention that function main() is declared with an int preceding it. int is the return value type of the function main() and stands for integer.


In many C++ applications, you find a variant of the main() function that looks like this:

int main (int argc, char* argv[])

This is also standard compliant and acceptable as main returns int. The contents of the parenthesis are “arguments” supplied to the program. This program possibly allows the user to start it with command-line arguments, such as

program.exe /DoSomethingSpecific

/DoSomethingSpecific is the argument for that program passed by the OS as a parameter to it, to be handled within main (int argc, char* argv[]).

Let’s discuss Line 8 that fulfills the actual purpose of this program!

std::cout << "Hello World" << std::endl;

cout (“console-out”, also pronounced see-out) is the statement that writes “Hello World” to the display console—that is, screen. cout is a stream defined in the standard std namespace (hence, std::cout), and what you are doing in this line is putting the text "Hello World" into this stream by using the stream insertion operator <<. std::endl is used to end a line, and inserting it into a stream is akin to inserting a carriage return. Note that the stream insertion operator << is used every time a new entity needs to be inserted into the stream.

The good thing about streams in C++ is that different stream types support similar stream semantics to perform a different operation with the same text. For example, insertion into a file instead of a console would use the same insertion operator << on an std::fstream instead of std::cout. Thus, working with streams gets intuitive, and when you are used to one stream (such as cout, which writes text to the console), you will find it easy to work with others (such as fstream, which helps save files to the disk).

Streams are discussed in greater detail in Lesson 27, “Using Streams for Input and Output.


The actual text, including the quotes "Hello World", is called a string literal.

Returning a Value

Functions in C++ need to return a value unless explicitly specified otherwise. main() is a function, too, and always returns an integer. This integer value is returned to the operating system (OS) and, depending on the nature of your application, can be very useful as most OSes provide for an ability to query on the return value of an application that has terminated naturally. In many cases, one application is launched by another and the parent application (that launches) wants to know if the child application (that was launched) has completed its task successfully. The programmer can use the return value of main() to convey a success or error state to the parent application.


Conventionally programmers return 0 in the event of success or –1 in the event of error. However, the return value is an integer, and the programmer has the flexibility to convey many different states of success or failure using the available range of integer return values.


C++ is case-sensitive. So, expect compilation to fail if you write Int instead of int and Std::Cout instead of std::cout.

The Concept of Namespaces

The reason you used std::cout in the program and not only cout is that the artifact (cout) that you want to invoke is in the standard (std) namespace.

So, what exactly are namespaces?

Assume that you didn’t use the namespace qualifier in invoking cout and assume that cout existed in two locations known to the compiler—which one should the compiler invoke? This causes a conflict and the compilation fails, of course. This is where namespaces get useful. Namespaces are names given to parts of code that help in reducing the potential for a naming conflict. By invoking std::cout, you are telling the compiler to use that one unique cout that is available in the std namespace.


You use the std (pronounced “standard”) namespace to invoke functions, streams, and utilities that have been ratified by the ISO Standards Committee.

Many programmers find it tedious to repeatedly add the std namespace specifier to their code when using cout and other such features contained in the same. The using namespace declaration as demonstrated in Listing 2.2 helps you avoid this repetition.

LISTING 2.2 The using namespace Declaration

  1: // Preprocessor directive
  2: #include <iostream>
  4: // Start of your program
  5: int main()
  6: {
  7:    // Tell the compiler what namespace to search in
  8:    using namespace std;
 10:    /* Write to the screen using std::cout */
 11:    cout << "Hello World" << endl;
 13:    // Return a value to the OS
 14:   return 0;
 15: }

Analysis Image

Note Line 8. By telling the compiler that you are using the namespace std, you don’t need to explicitly mention the namespace on Line 11 when using std::cout or std::endl.

A more restrictive variant of Listing 2.2 is shown in Listing 2.3 where you do not include a namespace in its entirety. You only include those artifacts that you wish to use.

LISTING 2.3 Another Demonstration of the using Keyword

  1: // Preprocessor directive
  2: #include <iostream>
  4: // Start of your program
  5: int main()
  6: {
  7:    using std::cout;
  8:    using std::endl;
 10:    /* Write to the screen using std::cout */
 11:    cout << "Hello World" << endl;
 13:    // Return a value to the OS
 14:    return 0;
 15: }

Analysis Image

Line 8 in Listing 2.2 has now been replaced by Lines 7 and 8 in Listing 2.3. The difference between using namespace std and using std::cout is that the former allows all artifacts in the std namespace (cout, cin, etc.) to be used without explicit inclusion of the namespace qualifier std::. With the latter, the convenience of not needing to disambiguate the namespace explicitly is restricted to only std::cout and std::endl.

Comments in C++ Code

Lines 1, 4, 10, and 13 in Listing 2.3 contain text in a spoken language (English, in this case) yet do not interfere with the ability of the program to compile. They also do not alter the output of the program. Such lines are called comments. Comments are ignored by the compiler and are popularly used by programmers to explain their code—hence, they are written in human-readable language.

C++ supports comments in two styles:

Image // indicates the start of a comment, valid until the end of that line. For example:

// This is a comment – won’t be compiled

Image /* followed by */ indicates that the contained text is a comment, even if it spans multiple lines:

/* This is a comment
and it spans two lines */


It might seem strange that a programmer needs to explain his own code, but the bigger a program gets or the larger the number of programmers working on a particular module gets, the more important it is to write code that can be easily understood. Comments help a programmer document what is being done and why it is being done in that particular manner.

Functions in C++

Functions enable you to divide the content of your application into functional units that can be invoked in a sequence of your choosing. A function, when invoked, typically returns a value to the invoking/calling function. The most famous function is, of course, int main(). It is recognized by the compiler as the starting point of your C++ application and has to return an int (i.e., an integer).

You as a programmer have the choice and usually the need to compose your own functions. Listing 2.4 is a simple application that uses a function to display statements on the screen using std::cout with various parameters.

LISTING 2.4 Declaring, Defining, and Calling a Function That Demonstrates Capabilities of std::cout

  1: #include <iostream>
  2: using namespace std;
  4: // Declare a function
  5: int DemoConsoleOutput();
  7: int main()
  8: {
  9:    // Call i.e. invoke the function
 10:    DemoConsoleOutput();
 12:    return 0;
 13: }
 15: // Define i.e. implement the previously declared function
 16: int DemoConsoleOutput()
 17: {
 18:    cout << "This is a simple string literal" << endl;
 19:    cout << "Writing number five: " << 5 << endl;
 20:    cout << "Performing division 10 / 5 = " << 10 / 5 << endl;
 21:    cout << "Pi when approximated is 22 / 7 = " << 22 / 7 << endl;
 22:    cout << "Pi is 22 / 7 = " << 22.0 / 7 << endl;
 24:    return 0;
 25: }

Output Image

This is a simple string literal
Writing number five: 5
Performing division 10 / 5 = 2
Pi when approximated is 22 / 7 = 3
Pi is 22 / 7 = 3.14286

Analysis Image

Lines 5, 10, and 16 through 25 are those of interest. Line 5 is called a function declaration, which basically tells the compiler that you want to create a function called DemoConsoleOutput() that returns an int (integer). This declaration enables the compiler to compile Line 10 where DemoConsoleOutput() is called inside main(). The compiler assumes that the definition (that is, the implementation of the function) is going to come up, which it does later in Lines 16 through 25.

This function actually demonstrates the capabilities of cout. Note how it not only prints text the same way as it displayed “Hello World” in previous examples, but also the result of simple arithmetic computations. Lines 21 and 22 both attempt to display the result of pi (22 / 7), but the latter is more accurate simply because by dividing 22.0 by 7, you tell the compiler to treat the result as a real number (a float in C++ terms) and not as an integer.

Note that your function is required to return an integer, as declared in Line 5, and returns 0. Similarly, main() returns 0, too. Given that main() has delegated all its activity to the function DemoConsoleOutput(), you would be wiser to use the return value of the function in returning from main() as seen in Listing 2.5.

LISTING 2.5 Using the Return Value of a Function

  1: #include <iostream>
  2: using namespace std;
  4: // Function declaration and definition
  5: int DemoConsoleOutput()
  6: {
  7:    cout << "This is a simple string literal" << endl;
  8:    cout << "Writing number five: " << 5 << endl;
  9:    cout << "Performing division 10 / 5 = " << 10 / 5 << endl;
 10:    cout << "Pi when approximated is 22 / 7 = " << 22 / 7 << endl;
 11:    cout << "Pi actually is 22 / 7 = " << 22.0 / 7 << endl;
 13:    return 0;
 14: }
 16: int main()
 17: {
 18:    // Function call with return used to exit
 19:    return DemoConsoleOutput();
 20: }

Analysis Image

The output of this application is the same as the output of the previous listing. Yet, there are slight changes in the way it is programmed. For one, as you have defined (i.e., implemented) the function before main() at Line 5, you don’t need an extra declaration of the same. Modern C++ compilers take it as a function declaration and definition in one. main() is a bit shorter, too. Line 19 invokes the function DemoConsoleOutput() and simultaneously returns the return value of the function from the application.


In cases such as this where a function is not required to make a decision, or return success or failure status, you can declare a function of return type void:

void DemoConsoleOutput()

This function cannot return a value.

Functions can take parameters, can be recursive, can contain multiple return statements, can be overloaded, can be expanded in-line by the compiler, and lots more. These concepts are introduced in greater detail in Lesson 7, “Organizing Code with Functions.

Basic Input Using std::cin and Output Using std::cout

Your computer enables you to interact with applications running on it in various forms and allows these applications to interact with you in many forms, too. You can interact with applications using the keyboard or the mouse. You can have information displayed on the screen as text, displayed in the form of complex graphics, printed on paper using a printer, or simply saved to the file system for later usage. This section discusses the very simplest form of input and output in C++—using the console to write and read information.

You use std::cout (pronounced “standard see-out”) to write simple text data to the console and use std::cin (“standard see-in”) to read text and numbers (entered using the keyboard) from the console. In fact, in displaying “Hello World” on the screen, you have already encountered cout, as seen in Listing 2.1:

8:    std::cout << "Hello World" << std::endl;

The statement shows cout followed by the insertion operator << (that helps insert data into the output stream), followed by the string literal “Hello World” to be inserted, followed by a newline in the form of std::endl (pronounced “standard end-line”).

The usage of cin is simple, too, and as cin is used for input, it is accompanied by the variable you want to be storing the input data in:

std::cin >> Variable;

Thus, cin is followed by the extraction operator >> (extracts data from the input stream), which is followed by the variable where the data needs to be stored. If the user input needs to be stored in two variables, each containing data separated by a space, then you can do so using one statement:

std::cin >> Variable1 >> Variable2;

Note that cin can be used for text as well as numeric inputs from the user, as shown in Listing 2.6.

LISTING 2.6 Use cin and cout to Display Number and Text Input by User

  1: #include <iostream>
  2: #include <string>
  3: using namespace std;
  5: int main()
  6: {
  7:    // Declare a variable to store an integer
  8:    int inputNumber;
 10:    cout << "Enter an integer: ";
 12:    // store integer given user input
 13:    cin >> inputNumber;
 15:    // The same with text i.e. string data
 16:    cout << "Enter your name: ";
 17:    string inputName;
 18:    cin >> inputName;
 20:    cout << inputName << " entered " << inputNumber << endl;
 22:    return 0;
 23: }

Output Image

Enter an integer: 2017
Enter your name: Siddhartha
Siddhartha entered 2017

Analysis Image

Line 8 shows how a variable of name inputNumber is declared to store data of type int. The user is requested to enter a number using cout in Line 10, and the entered number is stored in the integer variable using cin in Line 13. The same exercise is repeated with storing the user’s name, which of course cannot be held in an integer but in a different type called string as seen in Lines 17 and 18. The reason you included <string> in Line 2 was to use type string later inside main(). Finally in Line 20, a cout statement is used to display the entered name with the number and an intermediate text to produce the output Siddhartha entered 2017.

This is a simple example of how basic input and output work in C++. Don’t worry if the concept of variables is not clear to you as it is explained in good detail in the following Lesson 3, “Using Variables, Declaring Constants.


If I had entered a couple of words as my name (for example: Siddhartha Rao) while executing Listing 2.6, cin would’ve still stored only the first word, “Siddhartha,” in the string. To be able to store entire lines, use the function getline(), discussed in Lesson 4, “Managing Arrays and Strings,” in Listing 4.7.


This lesson introduced the basic parts of a simple C++ program. You understood what main() is, got an introduction to namespaces, and learned the basics of console input and output. You are able to use a lot of these in every program you write.


Q What does #include do?

A This is a directive to the preprocessor that runs when you call your compiler. This specific directive causes the contents of the file named in <> after #include to be inserted at that line as if it were typed at that location in your source code.

Q What is the difference between // comments and /* comments?

A The double-slash comments (//) expire at the end of the line. Slash-star (/*) comments are in effect until there is a closing comment mark (*/). The double-slash comments are also referred to as single-line comments, and the slash-star comments are often referred to as multiline comments. Remember, not even the end of the function terminates a slash-star comment; you must put in the closing comment mark or you will receive a compile-time error.

Q When do you need to program command-line arguments?

A To supply options that allow the user to alter the behavior of a program. For example, the command ls in Linux or dir in Windows enables you to see the contents within the current directory or folder. To view files in another directory, you specify the path of the same using command-line arguments, as in ls / or dir .


The Workshop provides quiz questions to help you solidify your understanding of the material covered and exercises to provide you with experience in using what you’ve learned. Try to answer the quiz and exercise questions before checking the answers in Appendix E, and be certain you understand the answers before continuing to the next lesson.


1. What is the problem in declaring Int main()?

2. Can comments be longer than one line?


1. BUG BUSTERS: Enter this program and compile it. Why does it fail? How can you fix it?

 1: #include <iostream>
 2: void main()
 3: {
 4:      std::Cout << Is there a bug here?";
 5: }

2. Fix the bug in Exercise 1 and recompile, link, and run it.

3. Modify Listing 2.4 to demonstrate subtraction (using –) and multiplication (using *).

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