Chapter 6
Introduction to the 220-1002 Exam

The CompTIA A+ Core 2 (220-1002) exam covers operating systems such as Windows, Linux, and macOS; computer and network security; mobile device operating systems such as Android and iOS; software troubleshooting; and operational procedures. The largest percentage of the exam focuses on operating systems—mainly, the installation, configuration, and troubleshooting of Windows—but you will also see many questions on the other topics.

In this chapter, I briefly discuss how the exam is categorized, give you some test-taking tips, and then prepare you to take the three 220-1002 practice exams that follow.

Exam Breakdown

The CompTIA A+ 220-1002 exam is divided by domain. Each domain makes up a certain percentage of the test. The four domains of the A+ 220-1002 exam and their respective percentages are listed in Table 6.1.

Table 6.1 220-1002 Domains


Percentage of Exam

1.0 Operating Systems


2.0 Security


3.0 Software Troubleshooting


4.0 Operational Procedures




Chances are, when you take the real CompTIA exam, the questions will be based on these percentages. But you never know. The questions are chosen at random, so you have to be prepared for anything and study all of the objectives. As with the 220-1001 exam, troubleshooting plays a huge role. Remember: Without good troubleshooting skills and experience, you have very diminished hopes of passing the exam.

Each domain has several objectives. There are far too many to list in this book, but I recommend you download a copy of the objectives for yourself. You can get them from CompTIA’s A+ web page, and I link to them at my website as well:

Let’s talk about each domain briefly.

Domain 1.0: Operating Systems (27%)

We’ve hardly talked about Windows up until this point. But now that we’re here, you’ll see lots of questions on Windows—I guarantee it. Domain 1.0 deals with Windows 10, Windows 8 and 8.1, and Windows 7.

This domain covers how the operating systems can be installed, how they are configured, and how they are utilized. It covers the Windows Control Panel (and Windows 10 Settings) and a plethora of Windows tools. You’ll have to be ready to network Windows computers together too; be ready to set up workgroups, domains, networking connections, and plenty more. In addition, this domain gets into commands such as ipconfig, netstat, shutdown, and robocopy, which are issued in the Command Prompt. Then there’s maintenance and backup of Windows; and this is not a finite list. However, it’s not only Windows—Linux, macOS, iOS, Android, and Chrome OS are covered in this domain as well. So, the objectives are in depth. There’s a lot of information to cram into one domain, but remember that this domain does not cover Windows troubleshooting; that topic is left for Domain 3.0.

Domain 2.0: Security (24%)

Security takes on a bigger role every year in the IT world. The CompTIA A+ 220-1002 exam reflects this growth. This domain deals with common security threats, physical and digital prevention methods, how to secure the various operating systems listed in the first domain, how to dispose of hard drives properly, and how to secure a small office or home office (SOHO) network. Basically, careful consideration for security should be applied to anything technology-oriented.


Many test-takers have the most difficulty with this domain and the troubleshooting domain. Be ready.

Domain 3.0 Software Troubleshooting (26%)

Here it is: troubleshooting. It’s the troubleshooting methodologies that make the ultimate computer tech. And it’s those skills that will make or break you on this exam. Whenever you encounter a technical problem, try to approach it in a logical manner. The best way to do this is to use some kind of troubleshooting theory.

Remember the CompTIA six-step troubleshooting methodology from the 220-1001 exam? I’d like you to try to incorporate this six-step process into your line of thinking as you read through the practice exams and whenever you troubleshoot a PC, mobile device, networking, or security issue:

Step 1. Identify the problem.

Step 2. Establish a theory of probable cause. (Question the obvious.)

Step 3. Test the theory to determine cause.

Step 4. Establish a plan of action to resolve the problem and implement the solution.

Step 5. Verify full system functionality and, if applicable, implement preventive measures.

Step 6. Document findings, actions, and outcomes.

This section could be considered the most difficult and, unfortunately in the IT field, the most insidious. Issues can look or act like one thing yet be another. Stay really focused when dealing with troubleshooting questions. You’ll know them when you see them; they include real-world scenarios and often end in a question such as “What should you do to fix the problem,” or “How can this be resolved,” and so on.

Master this domain, and you will be well on your way to passing the A+ 220-1002 exam, attaining your A+ certificate, and becoming a true expert at troubleshooting.

Domain 4.0: Operational Procedures (23%)

The fourth domain of the 220-1002 exam deals with safety procedures, environmental concerns, incident response, prohibited content, communication, professionalism, basic scripting, and remote access. Many of these are the “intangibles” of the A+ exam, and although this domain is the smallest—coming in at 23 percent of the exam—they could be considered some of the most important topics for the real world. This last domain helps develop a well-rounded technician. Apply the concepts in this domain to everything else you do.

Test-Taking Tips

Just like with the 220-1001 practice exams, I recommend you take it slow through these practice exams. Carefully read through each question. Read through all of the answers. Look at each answer and think to yourself whether it is right or wrong. And if an answer is wrong, define why it is wrong. This approach will help you eliminate wrong answers in the search for the correct answer. When you select an answer, be confident in your decision.

Be ready for longer questions. The length of these questions is due to the complexity of some of the scenarios. You need to imagine yourself within the situation and think how you would approach the problem step by step. Be prepared to write things down as you look at a question. Doing so can help you organize your thoughts. It’s allowed on the real exam as well.


In fact, the testing center is required to give you something to write on. Be sure that you receive it before you start your exam.

Finally, don’t get stuck on any one question. You can always mark it and return to it later. I provide more tips as you progress through the book, and I summarize all test-taking tips at the end of this book.

Getting Ready for the Practice Tests

The practice tests in the following three chapters are based on the 220-1002 exam. Each exam is followed by in-depth explanations. Be sure to read them carefully. Don’t move on to another exam until you have mastered the first one by scoring 90 percent or higher. Be positive that you understand the concepts before moving on to another exam. This will make you an efficient test-taker and allow you to benefit the most from this book.

Consider timing yourself. Give yourself 90 minutes to complete each exam. Write down your answers on a piece of paper. When you are finished, if you still have time left, review your answers for accuracy.

Each exam gets progressively more difficult. Don’t get overconfident if you do well on the first exam because your skills will be tested more thoroughly as you progress. And don’t get too concerned if you don’t score 90 percent on the first try. That just means you need to study more and try the test again later. Keep studying and practicing!

After each exam is an answer key, followed by the in-depth answers/explanations. Don’t skip the explanations, even if you think you know the concept. I often add my two cents, which can add insight to the nature of the question, as well as help you answer other similar questions correctly.

Ready yourself: prepare the mind, and then go ahead and begin the first 220-1002 exam!

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