
We hope this book will be a step, however modest, toward clarifying the language, construction, and meaning of many of our important marketing metrics. If we have succeeded in making such a step, we owe thanks to a number of people.

Jerry Wind reviewed our initial concept and encouraged us to set our sights higher. Rob Northrop, Simon Bendle, and Vince Choe read early drafts and gave valuable feedback on the most important chapters. Eric Larson, Jordan Mitchell, Tom Disantis, and Francisco Simon helped develop material for important sections and provided their research skills. Gerry Allan and Alan Rimm-Kauffman allowed us to cite liberally from their materials on customers and Internet marketing. We thank Valerie Redd and Kelly Brandow for their help in designing, testing, and administering the survey of the metrics that senior marketing managers use to monitor and manage their businesses.

Marc Goldstein and Lynn Selhat combined business savvy with deft editing touches that improved the readability of almost every chapter. Kim Spenceley, Chris Zahn, Paula Lowell, Lori Lyons, and the production team also made significant improvements in moving from a raw manuscript to the book in your hands.

Erv Shames, Stu James, and Richard Johnson have collaborated on our “Management by the Numbers” online tutorials. That work helped us set the stage for this volume. Finally, we thank Emily, Kate, Donna, and Sarah, who graciously tolerated the time sacrificed from home and social lives for the writing of this book.

For the Third Edition, we would also like to thank Raymond Pirouz and Liz Gray for sharing their opinions and expertise in respect to online marketing.

Thanks to Dr. Manuel Garcia-Garcia, Neuroscience Director, Nielsen and Adjunct Associate Professor, NYU Stern School of Business, and Neuroscience UVA student Pasha Davoudian for their invaluable guidance and assistance with the section on neuro-marketing.

For the Fourth Edition, we would like to add our thanks to those who have shared their ideas and suggestions, such as Samuel Franssens, Raymond Pirouz, Bob Robicheaux, and Bruno Aeschbacher.

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