Chapter 10. Network Address Translation

This chapter covers the following exam topics:

4.0 IP Services

4.1 Configure and verify inside source NAT using static and pools

This chapter examines a very popular and very important part of both enterprise and small office/home office (SOHO) networks: Network Address Translation, or NAT. NAT helped solve a big problem with IPv4: the IPv4 address space would have been completely consumed by the mid-1990s. After it was consumed, the Internet could not continue to grow, which would have significantly slowed the development of the Internet.

This chapter breaks the topics into three major sections. The first section explains the challenges to the IPv4 address space caused by the Internet revolution of the 1990s. The second section explains the basic concept behind NAT, how several variations of NAT work, and how the Port Address Translation (PAT) option conserves the IPv4 address space. The final section shows how to configure NAT from the Cisco IOS Software command-line interface (CLI) and how to troubleshoot NAT.

“Do I Know This Already?” Quiz

Take the quiz (either here or use the PTP software) if you want to use the score to help you decide how much time to spend on this chapter. The letter answers are listed at the bottom of the page following the quiz. Appendix C, found both at the end of the book as well as on the companion website, includes both the answers and explanations. You can also find both answers and explanations in the PTP testing software.

Table 10-1 “Do I Know This Already?” Foundation Topics Section-to-Question Mapping

Foundation Topics Section


Perspectives on IPv4 Address Scalability


Network Address Translation Concepts


NAT Configuration and Troubleshooting


1. Which of the following summarized subnets represent routes that could have been created for CIDR’s goal to reduce the size of Internet routing tables?





2. Which of the following are not private addresses according to RFC 1918? (Choose two answers.)






3. With static NAT, performing translation for inside addresses only, what causes NAT table entries to be created?

  1. The first packet from the inside network to the outside network

  2. The first packet from the outside network to the inside network

  3. Configuration using the ip nat inside source command

  4. Configuration using the ip nat outside source command

4. With dynamic NAT, performing translation for inside addresses only, what causes NAT table entries to be created?

  1. The first packet from the inside network to the outside network

  2. The first packet from the outside network to the inside network

  3. Configuration using the ip nat inside source command

  4. Configuration using the ip nat outside source command

5. NAT has been configured to translate source addresses of packets for the inside part of the network, but only for some hosts as identified by an access control list. Which of the following commands indirectly identifies the hosts?

  1. ip nat inside source list 1 pool barney

  2. ip nat pool barney netmask

  3. ip nat inside

  4. ip nat inside

6. Examine the following configuration commands:

Click here to view code image

    interface Ethernet0/0
     ip address
     ip nat inside
    interface Serial0/0
     ip address
    ip nat inside source list 1 interface Serial0/0
    access-list 1 permit

If the configuration is intended to enable source NAT overload, which of the following commands could be useful to complete the configuration? (Choose two answers.)

  1. The ip nat outside command

  2. The ip nat pat command

  3. The overload keyword

  4. The ip nat pool command

7. Examine the following show command output on a router configured for dynamic NAT:

Click here to view code image

    -- Inside Source
    access-list 1 pool fred refcount 2288
     pool fred: netmask
     start end
     type generic, total addresses 7, allocated 7 (100%), misses 965

Users are complaining about not being able to reach the Internet. Which of the following is the most likely cause?

  1. The problem is not related to NAT, based on the information in the command output.

  2. The NAT pool does not have enough entries to satisfy all requests.

  3. Standard ACL 1 cannot be used; an extended ACL must be used.

  4. The command output does not supply enough information to identify the problem.

Answers to the “Do I Know This Already?” quiz:

1 D

2 B, E

3 C

4 A

5 A

6 A, C

7 B

Foundation Topics

Perspectives on IPv4 Address Scalability

The original design for the Internet required every organization to ask for, and receive, one or more registered classful IPv4 network numbers. The people administering the program ensured that none of the IP networks were reused. As long as every organization used only IP addresses inside its own registered network numbers, IP addresses would never be duplicated, and IP routing could work well.

Connecting to the Internet using only a registered network number, or several registered network numbers, worked well for a while. In the early to mid-1990s, it became apparent that the Internet was growing so fast that all IP network numbers would be assigned by the mid-1990s! Concern arose that the available networks would be completely assigned, and some organizations would not be able to connect to the Internet.

The main long-term solution to the IPv4 address scalability problem was to increase the size of the IP address. This one fact was the most compelling reason for the advent of IP version 6 (IPv6). (Version 5 was defined much earlier but was never deployed, so the next attempt was labeled as version 6.) IPv6 uses a 128-bit address, instead of the 32-bit address in IPv4. With the same or improved process of assigning unique address ranges to every organization connected to the Internet, IPv6 can easily support every organization and individual on the planet, with the number of IPv6 addresses theoretically reaching above 1038.

Many short-term solutions to the addressing problem were suggested, but three standards worked together to solve the problem. Two of the standards work closely together: Network Address Translation (NAT) and private addressing. These features together allow many organizations to use the same unregistered IPv4 network numbers internally—and still communicate well with the Internet. The third standard, classless interdomain routing (CIDR), allows ISPs to reduce the wasting of IPv4 addresses by assigning a company a subset of a network number rather than the entire network. CIDR also can allow Internet service providers (ISP) to summarize routes such that multiple Class A, B, or C networks match a single route, which helps reduce the size of Internet routing tables.


These tools have worked well. Estimates in the early 1990s predicted that the world would run out of IPv4 addresses by the mid-1990s, but IANA did not exhaust the IPv4 address space until February 2011, and ARIN (the RIR for North America) did not exhaust its supply of public IPv4 addresses until September 2015.


CIDR is a global address assignment convention that defines how the Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA), its member agencies, and ISPs should assign the globally unique IPv4 address space to individual organizations.

CIDR, defined in RFC 4632, has two main goals. First, CIDR defines a way to assign public IP addresses, worldwide, to allow route aggregation or route summarization. These route summaries greatly reduce the size of routing tables in Internet routers.

Figure 10-1 shows a typical case of CIDR route aggregation and how CIDR could be used to replace more than 65,000 routes with one route. First, imagine that ISP 1 owns Class C networks through—not by accident, but by purposeful and thoughtful design to make this route aggregation example possible. In other words, IANA allocated all addresses that begin with 198 to one of the five Regional Internet Registries (RIR), and that RIR assigned this entire range to one big ISP in that part of the world.

A network setup illustrates the CIDR route aggregation and how they are used.

Figure 10-1 Typical Use of CIDR

The assignment of all addresses that begin with 198 to one ISP lets other ISPs use one route—a route for—to match all those addresses, forwarding packets for those addresses to ISP1. Figure 10-1 shows the ISPs on the left each with one route to—in other words, a route to all hosts whose IP address begins with 198. This one summary route will match packets sent to all addresses in the 65,536 Class C IP networks that begin with 198.

The second major CIDR feature allows RIRs and ISPs to reduce waste by assigning a subset of a classful network to a single customer. For example, imagine that ISP1’s customer A needs only 10 IP addresses and that customer C needs 25 IP addresses. ISP1 does something like this:

  • Assign customer A CIDR block, with 14 assignable addresses ( to

  • Assign customer B CIDR block, with 30 assignable addresses ( to

These CIDR blocks act very much like a public IP network; in particular, they give each company a consecutive set of public IPv4 addresses to use. The public address assignment process has much less waste than before as well. In fact, most public address assignments for the last 20 years have been a CIDR block rather than an entire class A, B, or C network.

Private Addressing

Some computers might never be connected to the Internet. These computers’ IP addresses could be duplicates of registered IP addresses in the Internet. When designing the IP addressing convention for such a network, an organization could pick and use any network number(s) it wanted, and all would be well. For example, you can buy a few routers, connect them in your office, and configure IP addresses in network, and it would work. The IP addresses you use might be duplicates of real IP addresses in the Internet, but if all you want to do is learn on the lab in your office, everything will be fine.

When building a private network that will have no Internet connectivity, you can use IP network numbers called private internets, as defined in RFC 1918, “Address Allocation for Private Internets.” This RFC defines a set of networks that will never be assigned to any organization as a registered network number. Instead of using someone else’s registered network numbers, you can use numbers in a range that are not used by anyone else in the public Internet. Table 10-2 shows the private address space defined by RFC 1918.

Table 10-2 RFC 1918 Private Address Space

Key Topic.

Range of IP Addresses


Class of Networks

Number of Networks to


1 to –


16 to –



In other words, any organization can use these network numbers. However, no organization is allowed to advertise these networks using a routing protocol on the Internet.

Table 10-3 summarizes these important features that have helped extend the life of IPv4 by decades.

Table 10-3 Three Important Functions That Extended the Life of IPv4



Main Benefits



Assign more-specific public IPv4 address blocks to companies than Class A, B, and C networks.

Aggregate routes to public IPv4 addresses based on worldwide address allocation plan.



Enable approximately 65,000 TCP/UDP sessions to be supported by a single public IPv4 address.

Private Networks


Enable the use of NAT for enterprise Internet connections, with private addresses used inside the enterprise.

*CIDR and NAT may be better known for their original RFCs (1518, 1519 for CIDR; 1631 for NAT).

Network Address Translation Concepts

NAT, defined in RFC 3022, allows a host that does not have a valid, registered, globally unique IP address to communicate with other hosts through the Internet. The hosts might be using private addresses or addresses assigned to another organization. In either case, NAT allows these addresses that are not Internet ready to continue to be used and still allows communication with hosts across the Internet.

NAT achieves its goal by using a valid registered IP address to represent the private address to the rest of the Internet. The NAT function changes the private IP addresses to publicly registered IP addresses inside each IP packet, as shown in Figure 10-2.

Key Topic.
An illustration of the Network Address Translation concept in private addressing.

Figure 10-2 NAT IP Address Swapping: Private Addressing

Notice that the router, performing NAT, changes the packet’s source IP address when the packet leaves the private organization. The router performing NAT also changes the destination address in each packet that is forwarded back into the private network. (Network is a registered network in Figure 10-2.) The NAT feature, configured in the router labeled NAT, performs the translation.

This book discusses source NAT, which is the type of NAT that allows enterprises to use private addresses and still communicate with hosts in the Internet. Within source NAT, Cisco IOS supports several different ways to configure NAT. The next few pages cover the concepts behind several of these variations.

Static NAT

Static NAT works just like the example shown in Figure 10-2, but with the IP addresses statically mapped to each other. To help you understand the implications of static NAT and to explain several key terms, Figure 10-3 shows a similar example with more information.

An illustration of the Static Network Address Translation concept.

Figure 10-3 Static NAT Showing Inside Local and Global Addresses

First, the concepts: The company’s ISP has assigned it registered network Therefore, the NAT router must make the private IP addresses look like they are in network To do so, the NAT router changes the source IP addresses in the packets going from left to right in the figure.

In this example, the NAT router changes the source address (SA in the figure) of to With static NAT, the NAT router simply configures a one-to-one mapping between the private address and the registered address that is used on its behalf. The NAT router has statically configured a mapping between private address and public, registered address

Supporting a second IP host with static NAT requires a second static one-to-one mapping using a second IP address in the public address range. For example, to support, the router statically maps to Because the enterprise has a single registered Class C network, it can support at most 254 private IP addresses with NAT, with the usual two reserved numbers (the network number and network broadcast address).

The terminology used with NAT, particularly with configuration, can be a little confusing. Notice in Figure 10-3 that the NAT table lists the private IP addresses as “private” and the public, registered addresses from network as “public.” Cisco uses the term inside local for the private IP addresses in this example and inside global for the public IP addresses.

Using NAT terminology, the enterprise network that uses private addresses, and therefore needs NAT, is the “inside” part of the network. The Internet side of the NAT function is the “outside” part of the network. A host that needs NAT (such as in the example) has the IP address it uses inside the network, and it needs an IP address to represent it in the outside network. So, because the host essentially needs two different addresses to represent it, you need two terms. Cisco calls the private IP address used in the inside network the inside local address and the address used to represent the host to the rest of the Internet the inside global address. Figure 10-4 repeats the same example, with some of the terminology shown.

Key Topic.
An illustration of the terminologies "inside" and "outside" in the Static NAT.

Figure 10-4 Static NAT Terminology

Source NAT changes only the IP address of inside hosts. Therefore, the current NAT table shown in Figure 10-4 shows the inside local and corresponding inside global registered addresses. The term inside local refers to the address used for the host inside the enterprise, the address used locally versus globally, which means in the enterprise instead of the global Internet. Conversely, the term inside global still refers to an address used for the host inside the enterprise, but it is the global address used while the packet flows through the Internet.

Note that the NAT feature called destination NAT, not covered in this book, uses similar terms outside local and outside global. However, with source NAT, one of the terms, outside global, is used. This term refers to the host that resides outside the enterprise. Because source NAT does not change that address, the term outside global applies at all times.

Table 10-4 summarizes these four similar terms and refers to the IPv4 addresses used as samples in the last three figures as examples.

Table 10-4 NAT Addressing Terms

Key Topic.


Values in Figures


Inside local

Inside: Refers to the permanent location of the host, from the enterprise’s perspective: it is inside the enterprise.

Local: Means not global; that is, local. It is the address used for that host while the packet flows in the local enterprise rather than the global Internet.

Alternative: Think of it as inside private, because this address is typically a private address.

Inside global

Inside: Refers to the permanent location of the host, from the enterprise’s perspective.

Global: Means global as in the global Internet. It is the address used for that host while the packet flows in the Internet.

Alternative: Think of it as inside public, because the address is typically a public IPv4 address.

Outside global

With source NAT, the one address used by the host that resides outside the enterprise, which NAT does not change, so there is no need for a contrasting term.

Alternative: Think of it as outside public, because the address is typically a public IPv4 address.

Outside local

This term is not used with source NAT. With destination NAT, the address would represent a host that resides outside the enterprise, but the address used to represent that host as packets pass through the local enterprise.

Dynamic NAT

Dynamic NAT has some similarities and differences compared to static NAT. Like static NAT, the NAT router creates a one-to-one mapping between an inside local and inside global address, and changes the IP addresses in packets as they exit and enter the inside network. However, the mapping of an inside local address to an inside global address happens dynamically.

Dynamic NAT sets up a pool of possible inside global addresses and defines matching criteria to determine which inside local IP addresses should be translated with NAT. For example, in Figure 10-5, a pool of five inside global IP addresses has been established: through NAT has also been configured to translate any inside local addresses that start with 10.1.1.

A network topology illustrates Dynamic NAT.

Figure 10-5 Dynamic NAT

The numbers 1, 2, 3, and 4 in the figure refer to the following sequence of events:

  1. Host sends its first packet to the server at

  2. As the packet enters the NAT router, the router applies some matching logic to decide whether the packet should have NAT applied. Because the logic has been configured to match source IP addresses that begin with 10.1.1, the router adds an entry in the NAT table for as an inside local address.

  3. The NAT router needs to allocate an IP address from the pool of valid inside global addresses. It picks the first one available (, in this case) and adds it to the NAT table to complete the entry.

  4. The NAT router translates the source IP address and forwards the packet.

The dynamic entry stays in the table as long as traffic flows occasionally. You can configure a timeout value that defines how long the router should wait, having not translated any packets with that address, before removing the dynamic entry. You can also manually clear the dynamic entries from the table using the clear ip nat translation * command.

NAT can be configured with more IP addresses in the inside local address list than in the inside global address pool. The router allocates addresses from the pool until all are allocated. If a new packet arrives from yet another inside host, and it needs a NAT entry, but all the pooled IP addresses are in use, the router simply discards the packet. The user must try again until a NAT entry times out, at which point the NAT function works for the next host that sends a packet. Essentially, the inside global pool of addresses needs to be as large as the maximum number of concurrent hosts that need to use the Internet at the same time—unless you use PAT, as is explained in the next section.

Overloading NAT with Port Address Translation

Some networks need to have most, if not all, IP hosts reach the Internet. If that network uses private IP addresses, the NAT router needs a very large set of registered IP addresses. With static NAT, for each private IP host that needs Internet access, you need a publicly registered IP address, completely defeating the goal of reducing the number of public IPv4 addresses needed for that organization. Dynamic NAT lessens the problem to some degree, because every single host in an internetwork should seldom need to communicate with the Internet at the same time. However, if a large percentage of the IP hosts in a network will need Internet access throughout that company’s normal business hours, NAT still requires a large number of registered IP addresses, again failing to reduce IPv4 address consumption.

The NAT Overload feature, also called Port Address Translation (PAT), solves this problem. Overloading allows NAT to scale to support many clients with only a few public IP addresses.

The key to understanding how overloading works is to recall how hosts use TCP and User Datagram Protocol (UDP) ports. To see why, first consider the idea of three separate TCP connections to a web server, from three different hosts, as shown in Figure 10-6.

Three TCP connections are shown from three PCs with the IP address,, and to the server ( The TCP connections extend from, Port 49724,, Port 49724, and, Port 49733 to the server at, Port 80.

Figure 10-6 Three TCP Connections from Three PCs

Next, compare those three TCP connections in Figure 10-6 to three similar TCP connections, now with all three TCP connections from one client, as shown in Figure 10-7. The server does realize a difference because the server sees the IP address and TCP port number used by the clients in both figures. However, the server really does not care whether the TCP connections come from different hosts or the same host; the server just sends and receives data over each connection.

Three TCP connections are shown from a PC with the IP address to the server ( The TCP connections extend from, Port 49724,, Port 49725, and, Port 49726 to the server at, Port 80.

Figure 10-7 Three TCP Connections from One PC

NAT takes advantage of the fact that, from a transport layer perspective, the server doesn’t care whether it has one connection each to three different hosts or three connections to a single host IP address. NAT overload (PAT) translates not only the address, but the port number when necessary, making what looks like many TCP or UDP flows from different hosts look like the same number of flows from one host. Figure 10-8 outlines the logic.

Key Topic.
A figure illustrates the NAT overload.

Figure 10-8 NAT Overload (PAT)

When PAT creates the dynamic mapping, it selects not only an inside global IP address but also a unique port number to use with that address. The NAT router keeps a NAT table entry for every unique combination of inside local IP address and port, with translation to the inside global address and a unique port number associated with the inside global address. And because the port number field has 16 bits, NAT overload can use more than 65,000 port numbers, allowing it to scale well without needing many registered IP addresses—in many cases, needing only one inside global IP address.

Of the three types of NAT covered in this chapter so far, PAT is by far the most popular option. Static NAT and Dynamic NAT both require a one-to-one mapping from the inside local to the inside global address. PAT significantly reduces the number of required registered IP addresses compared to these other NAT alternatives.

NAT Configuration and Troubleshooting

The following sections describe how to configure the three most common variations of NAT: static NAT, dynamic NAT, and PAT, along with the show and debug commands used to troubleshoot NAT.

Static NAT Configuration

Static NAT configuration requires only a few configuration steps. Each static mapping between a local (private) address and a global (public) address must be configured. In addition, because NAT may be used on a subset of interfaces, the router must be told on which interfaces it should use NAT. Those same interface subcommands tell NAT whether the interface is inside or outside. The specific steps are as follows:

Config checklist.

Step 1. Use the ip nat inside command in interface configuration mode to configure interfaces to be in the inside part of the NAT design.

Step 2. Use the ip nat outside command in interface configuration mode to configure interfaces to be in the outside part of the NAT design.

Step 3. Use the ip nat inside source static inside-local inside-global command in global configuration mode to configure the static mappings.

Figure 10-9 shows the familiar network used in the description of static NAT earlier in this chapter, which is also used for the first several configuration examples. In Figure 10-9, you can see that Certskills has obtained Class C network as a registered network number. That entire network, with mask, is configured on the serial link between Certskills and the Internet. With a point-to-point serial link, only two of the 254 valid IP addresses in that network are consumed, leaving 252 addresses.

A network setup shows a NAT configuration, with Public class C.

Figure 10-9 Sample Network for NAT Examples, with Public Class C

When planning a NAT configuration, you must find some IP addresses to use as inside global IP addresses. Because these addresses must be part of some registered IP address range, it is common to use the extra addresses in the subnet connecting the enterprise to the Internet—for example, the extra 252 IP addresses in network in this case. The router can also be configured with a loopback interface and assigned an IP address that is part of a globally unique range of registered IP addresses.

Example 10-1 lists the NAT configuration, using and for the two static NAT mappings.

Example 10-1 Static NAT Configuration

NAT# show running-config
! Lines omitted for brevity
interface GigabitEthernet0/0
 ip address
 ip nat inside
interface Serial0/0/0
 ip address
 ip nat outside
ip nat inside source static
ip nat inside source static

NAT# show ip nat translations
Pro Inside global Inside local       Outside local       Outside global
---           ---                 ---
---           ---                 ---

NAT# show ip nat statistics
Total active translations: 2 (2 static, 0 dynamic; 0 extended)
Outside interfaces:
Inside interfaces:
Hits: 100 Misses: 0
Expired translations: 0
Dynamic mappings:

The static mappings are created using the ip nat inside source static command. The inside keyword means that NAT translates addresses for hosts on the inside part of the network. The source keyword means that NAT translates the source IP address of packets coming into its inside interfaces. The static keyword means that the parameters define a static entry, which should never be removed from the NAT table because of timeout. Because the design calls for two hosts— and—to have Internet access, two ip nat inside commands are needed.

After creating the static NAT entries, the router needs to know which interfaces are “inside” and which are “outside.” The ip nat inside and ip nat outside interface subcommands identify each interface appropriately.

A couple of show commands list the most important information about NAT. The show ip nat translations command lists the two static NAT entries created in the configuration. The show ip nat statistics command lists statistics, listing things such as the number of currently active translation table entries. The statistics also include the number of hits, which increments for every packet for which NAT must translate addresses.

Dynamic NAT Configuration

As you might imagine, dynamic NAT configuration differs in some ways from static NAT, but it has some similarities as well. Dynamic NAT still requires that each interface be identified as either an inside or outside interface, and of course static mapping is no longer required. Dynamic NAT uses an access control list (ACL) to identify which inside local (private) IP addresses need to have their addresses translated, and it defines a pool of registered public IP addresses to allocate. The specific steps are as follows:

Config checklist.

Step 1. Use the ip nat inside command in interface configuration mode to configure interfaces to be in the inside part of the NAT design (just like with static NAT).

Step 2. Use the ip nat outside command in interface configuration mode to configure interfaces to be in the outside part of the NAT design (just like with static NAT).

Step 3. Configure an ACL that matches the packets entering inside interfaces for which NAT should be performed.

Step 4. Use the ip nat pool name first-address last-address netmask subnet-mask command in global configuration mode to configure the pool of public registered IP addresses.

Step 5. Use the ip nat inside source list acl-number pool pool-name command in global configuration mode to enable dynamic NAT. Note the command references the ACL (step 3) and pool (step 4) per previous steps.

The next example shows a sample dynamic NAT configuration using the same network topology as the previous example (see Figure 10-9). In this case, the same two inside local addresses— and—need translation. However, unlike the previous static NAT example, the configuration in Example 10-2 places the public IP addresses ( and into a pool of dynamically assignable inside global addresses.

Example 10-2 Dynamic NAT Configuration

NAT# show running-config
! Lines omitted for brevity
interface GigabitEthernet0/0
 ip address
 ip nat inside
interface Serial0/0/0
 ip address
 ip nat outside
ip nat pool fred netmask
ip nat inside source list 1 pool fred
access-list 1 permit
access-list 1 permit

Dynamic NAT configures the pool of public (global) addresses with the ip nat pool command listing the first and last numbers in an inclusive range of inside global addresses. For example, if the pool needed 10 addresses, the command might have listed and, which means that NAT can use through

Dynamic NAT also performs a verification check on the ip nat pool command with the required netmask parameter. If the address range would not be in the same subnet, assuming the configured netmask was used on the addresses in the configured range, then IOS will reject the ip nat pool command. For example, as configured with the low end of, high end of, and a mask of, IOS would use the following checks, to ensure that both calculations put and in the same subnet:

  • with mask implies subnet, broadcast address

  • with mask implies subnet, broadcast address

If the command had instead showed low and high end values of and, again with mask, IOS would reject the command. IOS would do the math spelled out in the following list, realizing that the numbers were in different subnets:

  • with mask implies subnet, broadcast address

  • with mask implies subnet, broadcast address

One other big difference between the dynamic NAT and static NAT configuration in Example 10-1 has to do with two options in the ip nat inside source command. The dynamic NAT version of this command refers to the name of the NAT pool it wants to use for inside global addresses—in this case, fred. It also refers to an IP ACL, which defines the matching logic for inside local IP addresses. So, the logic for the ip nat inside source list 1 pool fred command in this example is as follows:

Create NAT table entries that map between hosts matched by ACL 1, for packets entering any inside interface, allocating an inside global address from the pool called fred.

Dynamic NAT Verification

Examples 10-3 and 10-4 show the evidence that dynamic NAT begins with no NAT table entries, but the router reacts after user traffic correctly drives the NAT function. Example 10-3 shows the output of the show ip nat translations and show ip nat statistics commands before any users generate traffic that makes NAT do some work. The show ip nat translations command, which lists the NAT table entries, lists a blank line; the show ip nat statistics command, which shows how many times NAT has created a NAT table entry, shows 0 active translations.

Example 10-3 Dynamic NAT Verifications Before Generating Traffic

! The next command lists one empty line because no entries have been dynamically
! created yet.
NAT# show ip nat translations

NAT# show ip nat statistics
Total active translations: 0 (0 static, 0 dynamic; 0 extended)
Peak translations: 8, occurred 00:02:44 ago
Outside interfaces:
Inside interfaces:
Hits: 0 Misses: 0
CEF Translated packets: 0, CEF Punted packets: 0
Expired translations: 0
Dynamic mappings:
-- Inside Source
[id 1] access-list 1 pool fred refcount 0
 pool fred: netmask
    start end
    type generic, total addresses 2, allocated 0 (0%), misses 0

Total doors: 0
Appl doors: 0
Normal doors: 0
Queued Packets: 0

The show ip nat statistics command at the end of the example lists some particularly interesting troubleshooting information with two different counters labeled “misses,” as highlighted in the example. The first occurrence of this counter counts the number of times a new packet comes along, needing a NAT entry, and not finding one. At that point, dynamic NAT reacts and builds an entry. The second misses counter toward the end of the command output lists the number of misses in the pool. This counter increments only when dynamic NAT tries to allocate a new NAT table entry and finds no available addresses, so the packet cannot be translated—probably resulting in an end user not getting to the application.

Next, Example 10-4 updates the output of both commands after the user of the host at telnets to host

Example 10-4 Dynamic NAT Verifications After Generating Traffic

NAT# show ip nat translations
Pro Inside global      Inside local       Outside local       Outside global
---           ---                  ---

NAT# show ip nat statistics
Total active translations: 1 (0 static, 1 dynamic; 0 extended)
Peak translations: 11, occurred 00:04:32 ago
Outside interfaces:
Inside interfaces:
Hits: 69 Misses: 1
Expired translations: 0
Dynamic mappings:
-- Inside Source
access-list 1 pool fred refcount 1
[eml fred: netmask
    start end
    type generic, total addresses 2, allocated 1 (50%), misses 0

The example begins with host telnetting to (not shown), with the NAT router creating a NAT entry. The NAT table shows a single entry, mapping to And, the first line in the output of the show ip nat statistics command lists a counter for 1 active translation, as shown in the NAT table at the top of the example.

Take an extra moment to consider the highlighted line, where the show ip nat statistics command lists 1 miss and 69 hits. The first miss counter, now at 1, means that one packet arrived that needed NAT, but there was no NAT table entry. NAT reacted and added a NAT table entry, so the hit counter of 69 means that the next 69 packets used the newly added NAT table entry. The second misses counter, still at 0, did not increment because the NAT pool had enough available inside global IP addresses to use to allocate the new NAT table entry. Also note that the last line lists statistics on the number of pool members allocated (1) and the percentage of the pool currently in use (50%).

The dynamic NAT table entries time out after a period of inactivity, putting those inside global addresses back in the pool for future use. Example 10-5 shows a sequence in which two different hosts make use of inside global address Host uses inside global address at the beginning of the example. Then, instead of just waiting on the NAT entry to time out, the example clears the NAT table entry with the clear ip nat translation * command. At that point, the user at telnets to, and the new NAT table entry appears, using the same inside global address.

Example 10-5 Example of Reuse of a Dynamic Inside Global IP Address

! Host currently uses inside global
NAT# show ip nat translations
Pro Inside global      Inside local       Outside local       Outside global
---            ---                 ---
NAT# clear ip nat translation *

! telnet from to happened next; not shown
! Now host uses inside global

NAT# show ip nat translations
Pro Inside global      Inside local       Outside local       Outside global
---           ---                 ---
! Telnet from to happened next; not shown
NAT# debug ip nat
IP NAT debugging is on

Oct 20 19:23:03.263: NAT*: s=>, d= [348]
Oct 20 19:23:03.267: NAT*: s=, d=> [348]
Oct 20 19:23:03.464: NAT*: s=>, d= [349]
Oct 20 19:23:03.568: NAT*: s=, d=> [349]

Finally, at the end of Example 10-5, you see that host has telnetted to another host in the Internet, plus the output from the debug ip nat command. This debug command causes the router to issue a message every time a packet has its address translated for NAT. You generate the output results by entering a few lines from the Telnet connection from to The debug output tells you that host now uses inside global address for this new connection.

NAT Overload (PAT) Configuration

The static and dynamic NAT configurations matter, but the NAT overload (PAT) configuration in this section matters more. This is the feature that saves public IPv4 addresses and prolonged IPv4’s life.

NAT overload, as mentioned earlier, allows NAT to support many inside local IP addresses with only one or a few inside global IP addresses. By essentially translating the private IP address and port number to a single inside global address, but with a unique port number, NAT can support many (more than 65,000) private hosts with only a single public, global address.

Two variations of PAT configuration exist in IOS. If PAT uses a pool of inside global addresses, the configuration looks exactly like dynamic NAT, except the ip nat inside source list global command has an overload keyword added to the end. If PAT just needs to use one inside global IP address, the router can use one of its interface IP addresses. Because NAT can support over 65,000 concurrent flows with a single inside global address, a single public IP address can support an entire organization’s NAT needs.

The following statement details the configuration difference between NAT overload and 1:1 NAT when using a NAT pool:

Use the same steps for configuring dynamic NAT, as outlined in the previous section, but include the overload keyword at the end of the ip nat inside source list global command.

Key Topic.

The following checklist details the configuration when using an interface IP address as the sole inside global IP address:

Config checklist.

Step 1. As with dynamic and static NAT, configure the ip nat inside interface sub-command to identify inside interfaces.

Step 2. As with dynamic and static NAT, configure the ip nat outside interface subcommand to identify outside interfaces.

Step 3. As with dynamic NAT, configure an ACL that matches the packets entering inside interfaces.

Step 4. Configure the ip nat inside source list acl-number interface type/number overload global configuration command, referring to the ACL created in step 3 and to the interface whose IP address will be used for translations.

Example 10-2 demonstrated a dynamic NAT configuration. To convert it to a PAT configuration, you would use the ip nat inside source list 1 pool fred overload command instead, simply adding the overload keyword.

The next example shows PAT configuration using a single interface IP address. Figure 10-10 shows the same familiar network, with a few changes. In this case, the ISP has given Certskills a subset of network CIDR subnet In other words, this subnet has two usable addresses: and These addresses are used on either end of the serial link between Certskills and its ISP. The NAT feature on the Certskills router translates all NAT addresses to its serial IP address,

A network setup shows PAT configuration and NAT Overload.

Figure 10-10 NAT Overload and PAT

In Example 10-6, which shows the NAT overload configuration, NAT translates using inside global address only, so the NAT pool is not required. In the example, host creates two Telnet connections, and host creates one Telnet connection, causing three dynamic NAT entries, each using inside global address, but each with a unique port number.

Example 10-6 NAT Overload Configuration

NAT# show running-config
! Lines Omitted for Brevity
interface GigabitEthernet0/0
 ip address
 ip nat inside
interface Serial0/0/0
 ip address
 ip nat outside
ip nat inside source list 1 interface Serial0/0/0 overload
access-list 1 permit
access-list 1 permit

NAT# show ip nat translations
Pro  Inside global      Inside local       Outside local      Outside global
NAT# show ip nat statistics
Total active translations: 3 (0 static, 3 dynamic; 3 extended)
Peak translations: 12, occurred 00:01:11 ago
Outside interfaces:
Inside interfaces:
Hits: 103 Misses: 3
Expired translations: 0
Dynamic mappings:
-- Inside Source
access-list 1 interface Serial0/0/0 refcount 3

The ip nat inside source list 1 interface serial 0/0/0 overload command has several parameters, but if you understand the dynamic NAT configuration, the new parameters shouldn’t be too hard to grasp. The list 1 parameter means the same thing as it does for dynamic NAT: inside local IP addresses matching ACL 1 have their addresses translated. The interface serial 0/0/0 parameter means that the only inside global IP address available is the IP address of the NAT router’s interface serial 0/0/0. Finally, the overload parameter means that overload is enabled. Without this parameter, the router does not perform overload, just dynamic NAT.

As you can see in the output of the show ip nat translations command, three translations have been added to the NAT table. Before this command, host creates one Telnet connection to, and host creates two Telnet connections. The router creates one NAT table entry for each unique combination of inside local IP address and port.

NAT Troubleshooting

The majority of NAT troubleshooting issues relate to getting the configuration correct. Source NAT has several configuration options—static, dynamic, PAT—with several configuration commands for each. You should work hard at building skills with the configuration so that you can quickly recognize configuration mistakes. The following troubleshooting checklist summarizes the most common source NAT issues, most of which relate to incorrect configuration.

  • Reversed inside and outside: Ensure that the configuration includes the ip nat inside and ip nat outside interface subcommands and that the commands are not reversed (the ip nat inside command on outside interfaces, and vice versa). With source NAT, only the inside interface triggers IOS to add new translations, so designating the correct inside interfaces is particularly important.

  • Static NAT: Check the ip nat inside source static command to ensure it lists the inside local address first and the inside global IP address second.

  • Dynamic NAT (ACL): Ensure that the ACL configured to match packets sent by the inside hosts match that host’s packets before any NAT translation has occurred. For example, if an inside local address of should be translated to, ensure that the ACL matches source address, not

  • Dynamic NAT (pool): For dynamic NAT without PAT, ensure that the pool has enough IP addresses. When not using PAT, each inside host consumes one IP address from the pool. A large or growing value in the second misses counter in the show ip nat statistics command output can indicate this problem. Also, compare the configured pool to the list of addresses in the NAT translation table (show ip nat translations). Finally, if the pool is small, the problem may be that the configuration intended to use PAT and is missing the overload keyword (see the next item).

  • PAT: It is easy to forget to add the overload option on the end of the ip nat inside source list command. PAT configuration is identical to a valid dynamic NAT configuration except that PAT requires the overload keyword. Without it, dynamic NAT works, but the pool of addresses is typically consumed very quickly. The NAT router will not translate nor forward traffic for hosts if there is not an available pool IP address for their traffic, so some hosts experience an outage.

  • ACL: As mentioned in Chapter 3, “Advanced IPv4 Access Control Lists,” you can always add a check for ACLs that cause a problem. Perhaps NAT has been configured correctly, but an ACL exists on one of the interfaces, discarding the packets. Note that the order of operations inside the router matters in this case. For packets entering an interface, IOS processes ACLs before NAT. For packets exiting an interface, IOS processes any outbound ACL after translating the addresses with NAT.

  • User traffic required: NAT reacts to user traffic. If you configure NAT in a lab, NAT does not act to create translations (show ip nat translations) until some user traffic enters the NAT router on an inside interface, triggering NAT to do a translation. The NAT configuration can be perfect, but if no inbound traffic occurs that matches the NAT configuration, NAT does nothing.

  • IPv4 routing: IPv4 routing could prevent packets from arriving on either side of the NAT router. Note that the routing must work for the destination IP addresses used in the packets.

With source NAT, the user sits at some user device like a PC. She attempts to connect to some server, using that server’s DNS name. After DNS resolution, the client (the inside host) sends an IP packet with a destination address of the server. For instance, as shown in Figure 10-11, PC1 sends an IP packet with destination IP address, some server in the Internet. PC1 is an inside host, the server is an outside host, and is the outside global address. (Note that these addresses match the previous example, which referenced Figure 10-10.)

A network setup shows the change of destination address in the IP packet between the outside and the inside network region, with source NAT.

Figure 10-11 Destination Address Changes on Outside to Inside (Only) with Source NAT

Note that with source NAT in what should be a familiar design, the destination IP address of the packet does not change during the entire trip. So, troubleshooting of IPv4 routing toward the outside network will be based on the same IP address throughout.

Now look at steps 3 and 4 in the figure, which reminds you that the return packet will first flow to the NAT inside global address ( in this case) as shown at step 3. Then NAT converts the destination address to in this case. So, to troubleshoot packets flowing right to left in this case, you have to troubleshoot based on two different destination IP addresses.

Chapter Review

One key to doing well on the exams is to perform repetitive spaced review sessions. Review this chapter’s material using either the tools in the book or interactive tools for the same material found on the book’s companion website. Refer to the “Your Study Plan” element for more details. Table 10-5 outlines the key review elements and where you can find them. To better track your study progress, record when you completed these activities in the second column.

Table 10-5 Chapter Review Tracking

Review Element

Review Date(s)

Resource Used

Review key topics


Book, website

Review key terms


Book, website

Repeat DIKTA questions


Book, PTP

Review memory tables


Book, website

Review command tables



Do labs



Review All the Key Topics

Table 10-6 Key Topics for Chapter 10

Key Topic.

Key Topic Element


Page Number

Table 10-2

List of private IP network numbers


Figure 10-2

Main concept of NAT translating private IP addresses into publicly unique global addresses


Figure 10-4

Typical NAT network diagram with key NAT terms listed


Table 10-4

List of four key NAT terms and their meanings


Figure 10-8

Concepts behind address conservation achieved by NAT overload (PAT)



Summary of differences between dynamic NAT configuration and PAT using a pool


Key Terms You Should Know


inside global

inside local

NAT overload

outside global

Port Address Translation

private IP network

source NAT

Command References

Tables 10-7 and 10-8 list configuration and verification commands used in this chapter. As an easy review exercise, cover the left column in a table, read the right column, and try to recall the command without looking. Then repeat the exercise, covering the right column, and try to recall what the command does.

Table 10-7 Chapter 10 Configuration Command Reference



ip nat {inside | outside}

Interface subcommand to enable NAT and identify whether the interface is in the inside or outside of the network

ip nat inside source {list {access-list-number | access-list-name}} {interface type number | pool pool-name} [overload]

Global command that enables NAT globally, referencing the ACL that defines which source addresses to NAT, and the interface or pool from which to find global addresses

ip nat pool name start-ip end-ip {netmask netmask | prefix-length prefix-length}

Global command to define a pool of NAT addresses

ip nat inside source inside-local inside-global

Global command that lists the inside and outside address (or, an outside interface whose IP address should be used) to be paired and added to the NAT translation table

Table 10-8 Chapter 10 EXEC Command Reference



show ip nat statistics

Lists counters for packets and NAT table entries, as well as basic configuration information

show ip nat translations [verbose]

Displays the NAT table

clear ip nat translation {* | [inside global-ip local-ip] [outside local-ip global-ip]}

Clears all or some of the dynamic entries in the NAT table, depending on which parameters are used

clear ip nat translation protocol inside global-ip global-port local-ip local-port [outside local-ip global-ip]

Clears some of the dynamic entries in the NAT table, depending on which parameters are used

debug ip nat

Issues a log message describing each packet whose IP address is translated with NAT

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