Chapter 11

Confidential computing

After completing this chapter, you will be able to:

  • Grasp the goals of confidential computing.

  • Understand the core elements of confidential computing.

  • Identify the various Azure services that embrace confidential computing.

What is confidential computing?

Confidential computing is critically important to Azure. It enables highly secure workloads that protect against rogue administrators and even rogue cloud operators. Confidential computing supports highly protected trust boundaries, making it a cornerstone of many zero-trust designs. But what is confidential computing? The Confidential Computing Consortium defines it as “the protection of data in use by performing computation in a hardware-based trusted execution environment.”

Confidential computing requires support from specialized hardware, most notably processors that support strong isolation and other protections. Note that we purposefully use the term processors rather than CPUs because confidential computing can extend to other devices, such as GPUs and network cards.

At the lowest level, Azure offers virtual machines (VMs) and other products that support specialized processors from AMD, Arm, and Intel. These provide isolation all the way down the processor. Above the processors are IaaS VMs that expose the capabilities of the processors below them.

Azure offers many PaaS services that execute within the confines of VMs that run processors that support confidential computing. Examples include Azure SQL Database, Azure Kubernetes Service, Azure Confidential Ledger, and more. All these take advantage of specialized capabilities in the Intel and AMD processors. Azure Container Instance and Azure Kubernetes Service also support confidential containers.

The topic of confidential computing can quickly become incredibly complex—so much so that this topic could easily fill a book. Indeed, the solutions now enabled by confidential computing were unimaginable a decade ago! However, this chapter merely provides an overview of the topic, so you will have some idea of what confidential computing services are available in Azure and how you might use them in your secure designs. Before we get started, here are some relevant terms you will need to understand:

  • Hardware root of trust This ensures data is protected using silicon. Trust is rooted to the hardware manufacturer; not even Microsoft operators can modify the hardware configuration.

  • Remote attestation This allows customers to directly verify workloads are running on approved hardware and software and ensures they follow the security policy before accessing data or performing work.

  • Trusted launch This guarantees that VMs boot with customer-verifiable and authorized software. It uses Secure Boot and Virtual Trusted Platform Module (vTPM) technology to defend against rootkits, bootkits, and malicious firmware.

  • Memory isolation and encryption This certifies that data is protected while processing using hardware-based cryptography. Azure uses CPUs that offer memory isolation by VM, container, and application.

  • Secure key management This ensures keys stay encrypted during their lifetime and are released only as authorized code in wrapped form.

Confidential computing processors

At the root of confidential computing are processors that have extra instructions and functionality to support confidential computing. The three currently supported CPUs in Azure are as follows:

  • Intel processors that support Software Guard Extensions (SGX)

  • AMD processors that support Secure Encrypted Virtualization-Secure Nested Paging (SEV-SNP)

  • Arm processors that support TrustZone

Let’s take a quick look at each in a little more detail.

Intel Software Guard Extensions

Azure VMs in the DC-series support Intel’s Software Guard Extensions (SGX). SGX is a security technology that creates one or more trusted execution environments (TEEs), which Intel calls enclaves. Enclaves are isolated and encrypted protected memory whose isolation control, cryptographic keys, and security boundary are managed by the CPU. This is important, because you want security defenses like these as low as possible in the stack, and for the root of trust to be immutable such that these defenses cannot be compromised by malware or even a bad actor who works at a cloud service provider (CSP).

From the outset, SGX was designed for purpose-built applications that can be refactored or built from the ground up to run in this restricted environment. However, there are now library OS (LibOS) solutions that run the most sensitive parts of their workloads in an SGX enclave and require little or no code changes to do so.

Simply deploying a DC-series VM (series 2 and 3) offers no security benefit until you load some trusted code into the TEE. This requires that you either write some code or use some code that comes as part of a product. For example, under the hood, Azure SQL Database uses these VM types when the Always Encrypted with Secure Enclaves setting is applied. (This is covered in Chapter 13, “Database security.”) Azure SQL Database loads part of the query engine into the TEE, where the query engine decrypts and analyzes data. The only time data is in plaintext is in the TEE; outside the TEE—both on disk and when the query results are sent to a client for client-side decryption—only ciphertext is used.

There are two confidential computing models that use a TEE. The first is a per-process TEE, which is how Azure SQL Database works when using Always Encrypted with Secure Enclaves. The second is an app-level TEE, which is used by tools like Enarx and Occlum.

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For more information on these two confidential computing models, see In addition, you can read more about Enarx and Occlum here:

The Signal Messenger app is a great example of effective use of SGX using the first model. To quote Signal’s website (

“State-of-the-art end-to-end encryption (powered by the open source Signal Protocol) keeps your conversations secure. We can't read your messages or listen to your calls, and no one else can either. Privacy isn’t an optional mode—it’s just the way that Signal works. Every message, every call, every time.”

The Signal server runs on Azure and parts of its internal system run on VMs that support SGX. So, when Signal says, “We can’t read your messages or listen to your calls,” this is how they do it. It is a great example of plausible deniability. You can read a case study on Microsoft’s website about Signal’s use of SGX here:

TEE code is frequently written in C and C++. This is because the runtime dependencies tend to be smaller for C and C++, and you always want to run the smallest amount of code possible in secured environments. These small, highly secure environments are often referred to as trusted computing bases (TCBs). Use of the Rust programming language ( is growing in popularity, however, because of its correctness and safety guarantees.

If you want to write your own code that executes in a TEE, you can use an SDK. The recommended approach is to use the Open Enclave SDK because it is hardware agnostic. You can learn more at

AMD Secure Encrypted Virtualization-Secure Nested Paging

AMD Secure Encrypted Virtualization-Secure Nested Paging (SEV-SNP) feature bears no resemblance to Intel’s SGX. Although they both exist under the banner of Azure confidential computing, they solve hardware-isolation problems differently.

When you use AMD SEV-SNP, the entire VM image is protected. So, everything in the VM is encrypted and isolated down to the CPU level. This is different from SGX because you need not create custom code or modify existing code to take advantage of the hardware-enforced security boundary. This makes it easier to lift and shift workloads that run on-prem or other VMs and move them to a considerably more secure and isolated environment.

At the time of this writing, AMD SEV-SNP VMs are available in preview using the following VM types:

  • DCasv5 A confidential VM with remote storage and no local temporary disk

  • DCadsv5 A confidential VM with a local temporary disk

  • ECasv5 A memory-optimized confidential VM with remote storage and no local temporary disk

  • ECadsv5 A memory-optimized confidential VM with a local temporary disk

Be aware that if an Azure VM using AMD SEV-SNP requires support, Microsoft employees cannot access it, even if authorized by the customer. This renders certain recovery and support scenarios unavailable for confidential VMs. This is by design.

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For a great technical overview from AMD of how SEV-SNP works, see

Arm TrustZone

Arm TrustZone takes a different approach to isolation. With the previously discussed architectures, the normal OS can address enclave memory, but encryption prevents it from accessing the enclave memory. In contrast, with TrustZone, the normal OS cannot even address the enclave memory. For example, consider a 32-bit processor. With this type of processor, addresses use a 33-bit address space (re-read that if you missed it: 33-bit, not 32-bit), where the extra bit is secure versus normal. So, a 32-bit register can express an address only within its own 32-bit space. Although Azure IoT Edge uses Arm TrustZones, you cannot currently create a VM image that supports Arm processors. You can learn more at

DCsv3-series VMs, SGX, Intel Total Memory Encryption, and Intel Total Memory Encryption Multi-Key

SGX requires the use of DCv2 VMs. However, the newer DCsv3 VMs ( support Intel SGX and Intel Total Memory Encryption Multi-Key (TME-MK). On the surface, TME-MK is similar in principle to the VM encryption provided by AMD, but it is not. If you define confidential computing the way the CCC does, Intel TME/TME-MK is not confidential computing. To be more precise, TME/TME-MK is closer to another AMD technology, called Secure Memory Encryption (SME), than to SEV-SNP.

Figure 11-1 compares TME/TME-MK, SEV-SNP, and SGX. Note the trust boundaries and that the Intel TME/TME-MK attack surface is larger than that of SEV-SNP and SGX. Also notice that SEV-SNP trusts the guest VM, but on the Azure host, SGX does not trust the guest VM.

A graphic that compares Intel Total Memory Encryption (TME) and TME Multi-Key (TME MK), AMD Secure Encrypted Virtualization-Secure Nested Paging (SEV-SNP), and Intel’s SGS (SGX). The Intel TME/TME-MK solution’s isolation includes all applications and VMs, including the Azure Hypervisor and Azure host operating system. AMD SEV-SNP has a much smaller boundary that isolates the application and the guest VM. Finally, Intel SGX has the smallest boundary, the application only.

FIGURE 11-1 Comparing TME-MK, SEV-SNP, and SGX. The dotted line denotes trust boundaries; everything inside these boundaries is trusted, and everything outside these boundaries is untrusted.

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To clarify, by encryption, we mean encrypted memory while the VM or Enclave is executing.


Attestation is a process that verifies that software binaries are correct and properly instantiated on a trusted platform, such as SGX or an SEV-SNP VM. The Confidential Computing Consortium defines attestation as follows:

Attestation is the process by which one party, called a “Verifier,” assesses the trustworthiness of a potentially untrusted peer, i.e., the “Attester.” (These terms are consistent with the Internet Engineering Task Force’s “Remote Attestation Procedures Architecture.”) The goal of attestation is to allow the Verifier to gain confidence in the trustworthiness of the Attester by obtaining an authentic, accurate, and timely report about the software and data state of the Attester.

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Microsoft Azure Attestation Service ( performs this validation.

Attestation uses policies to validate that some code is valid and meets your security requirements. A sample policy follows:

version= 1.0;
     [type=="x-ms-sgx-is-debuggable", value==false]
      && [type=="x-ms-sgx-product-id", value==4639]
      && [type=="x-ms-sgx-svn", value >= 0]
      && [type=="x-ms-sgx-mrsigner", value=="e31c9e505f3 <snip> c450b6e33e5"]
  => permit();

Here is what some of these claims mean:

  • x-ms-sgx-is-debuggable This can be set to true or false. If it is set to false, the enclave cannot be debugged.

  • x-ms-sgx-product-id This is an integer that identifies the code in the enclave. It allows for the segmentation of enclave code signed by the same entity. In the preceding example, 4639 is the ID for the Azure SQL Database Always Encrypted enclave.

  • x-ms-sgx-svn This is the security version number of the code that runs in the enclave. This is important when fixing vulnerabilities in the code. If v1 has a vulnerability and you fix it, you can make the fixed version v2 and can set the attestation to load only v2. If someone tries to load the insecure v1, the operation will fail.

  • x-ms-sgx-mrsigner This is a hex-encoded hash of the signer’s public key associated with the private key used to sign the binary that runs in the enclave.

Notice the => permit() line at the end. This essentially means, if all these claims are correct, then permit the code to execute in the enclave.

You can also deny the attestation based on specific claims. For example, the following code is part of a policy that is applied when loading Azure VMs configured for Trusted Boot (covered later):

[type=="secureboot", value==false] => deny();

This code indicates that if the VM is not configured for Secure Boot, the load operation should be denied.

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We highly recommend that you digitally sign attestation policies so the policy is authenticated and not tampered with.

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There are many more claims you can add to policy files. The brave of heart can learn more at Also, you can view other sample policies at

When using a feature that uses attestation, you must reference the attestation endpoint using HTTPS. For example, when using Azure SQL Database with secure enclaves, you can set the URL in tools like SSMS and Azure Data Explorer, as shown in Figure 11-2.

Part of a screenshot from Azure Data Studio that shows the security settings for a login to SQL Server. The options show that Always Encrypted is enabled; Microsoft Azure Attestation will be used using a specific enclave attestation URI. The other options, Encrypt (for TLS), Persist security info, and Trust server certificate, have no bearing on Always Encrypted.

FIGURE 11-2 Setting the attestation URL for an Azure SQL Database using Always Encrypted and Secure Enclaves.

At some point, if you are dealing with anything related to confidential computing, you will probably need to use an attestation service. The Microsoft Azure Attestation Service is a general-purpose service that will probably meet your needs.

Trusted launch for Azure VMs

Some years ago, Microsoft added Secure Boot and Trusted Boot technology to Windows in response to increasingly sophisticated malware targeting the boot sequence using kernel malware, bootkits, and rootkits. (You can read more about Secure Boot and Trusted Boot here: Trusted launch is a similar technology, but for Generation 2 Azure VMs.

Trusted launch is a simple option you can set during deployment or in an ARM template:

            "securityProfile": {
                "uefiSettings": {
                    "secureBootEnabled": true,
                    "vTpmEnabled": true
                "securityType": "TrustedLaunch"

And it is no cost!

The goal of Azure trusted launch is to provide confidence in the entire boot chain’s integrity and to serve as a major defense against sophisticated attackers. You should use this feature for your VMs if possible. (Note, however, that at the time of this writing, this feature does not support Ultra disks.)

Certain layered technologies are used to enable Azure trusted launch. One of these is Virtual Trusted Platform Module (vTPM), a virtualized TPM, like those found in Windows 11 laptops; it is also TPM 2.0 compliant. Trusted launch provides your VM with its own dedicated TPM that is not directly accessible by code running in any VM and that can provide Microsoft Defender for Cloud telemetry and alerts about the security health of your VMs.

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Learn more about trusted launch here:

Table 11-1 compares mitigations provided by trusted launch VMs, hardware-confidential VMs with AMD SEV-SNP, and hardware enclaves with Intel SGX.

TABLE 11-1 A comparison of trusted launch VMs, hardware-confidential VMs with AMD SEV-SNP, and hardware enclaves with Intel SGX


Trusted Launch


Intel SGX

Defends against Bootkits




Defends against Datacenter admins




Defends against VM admins




Defends against other Azure services




Defends against Hypervisor and Azure OS




Defends against malicious code in the VM




Here is another way to look at the protections provided by the three capabilities:

  • Trusted launch VMs Only known, trusted code runs on the VM.

  • AMD SEV-SNP VMs Microsoft cannot touch the code or data in a VM.

  • Intel SGX VMs Users can trust only their application and the processor.

Azure Services that use confidential computing

This section covers services that form part of the Azure confidential computing family. It does not contain all the services, and there are more to come. One thing these services share is they abstract away the intricacies of confidential computing from the developer, administrator, and users.

SQL Server Always Encrypted

Various aspects of Always Encrypted are covered elsewhere in the book. For example, Chapter 10 explains which cryptographic primitives are used, and Chapter 13 explains the database-specific aspects of using Always Encrypted, such as how to configure Always Encrypted for SQL Server, Azure SQL Database, and Cosmos DB. The SQL Database products can use enclaves (with a small caveat we discuss in a moment), but Cosmos DB does not.

There is an important difference between the current implementation of Always Encrypted using secure enclaves in Azure SQL Database and SQL Server running in a Windows VM or on-premises. Azure SQL Database loads the query engine into an SGX enclave. SQL Server uses a different approach: it loads the query engine into another kind of isolation technology called virtualization-based security (VBS). VBS is similar in principle to SGX, but the implementation is different. The isolated region of memory used by VBS is controlled entirely by the Windows hypervisor. Essentially, the hypervisor creates a logical separation between the “untrusted world” and the “secure world,” designated by virtual trust levels (VTLs)—VTL0 and VT1, respectively. You can learn more about VBS technical details at

Another difference is the way attestation works in SQL Server. Specifically, rather than using Microsoft Azure Attestation, SQL Server uses Host Guardian Service (HGS). (For more information, see

Azure Confidential ledger

Chapter 13 discusses Azure SQL Database ledger. In its coverage of this topic, the chapter mentions that you can store hashes created by Azure SQL Database ledger in Azure Confidential ledger (ACL—not to be confused with access control lists!). These services might share the same word (ledger), but they are different products that solve different problems.

Azure Confidential ledger is a managed PaaS offering of the Confidential Consortium Framework (CCF). CCF is a Microsoft Research–developed open source framework for building secure, highly available, and high-performing applications that focus on consortium-based (that is, multiparty) solutions. CCF has a similar goal to blockchain, but Azure Confidential ledger users and developers are not expected to have blockchain knowledge. For more information about the CCF, see

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The CCF is different from the Confidential Computing Consortium (CCC). The word consortium in CCF means building applications that support multiparty (consortium) solutions, while the word consortium in CCC means a community of companies and nonprofits that provide guidance to build confidential computing solutions.

The Azure Confidential ledger managed service hides the internal complexity of the CCF. It provides Azure customers and developers with a REST API endpoint that can be used to store and retrieve key-value pairs to and from an immutable, tamper-proof ledger, and to verify the integrity of that ledger.

Azure Confidential ledgers can be private (encryption and integrity) or public (integrity only) and require Azure Active Directory (AD) or certificates to authenticate for both control-plane and data-plane operations. There is no anonymous access.

The code behind Azure Confidential ledgers runs in SGX enclaves. When client code sends data to an Azure Confidential ledger over a protected TLS channel, the data enters an SGX enclave. There, cryptographic operations are performed over the ledger plaintext. The cryptographic keys never leave the enclave in an unprotected form.

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When referring to data sent to a Confidential ledger over a protected TLS channel, we mean the Confidential ledger endpoint is authenticated, that the channel between the client and the Azure Confidential ledger service is encrypted, and that the channel uses hashed message authenticate codes (HMAC) to protect against tampering.

Confidential ledgers are created as blocks in blob storage containers in an Azure Storage account. Transaction data can be stored either encrypted or in plaintext. But remember, the core rationale for Azure Confidential ledgers and Azure SQL Database ledgers is to mitigate tampering threats. It is a strong nonrepudiation defense.

You will need to know some settings for your ACL instance, such as the identity service URI (for example, You can get the core metadata by using the following Azure CLI command:

az confidentialledger show --name "<ledgername>" --resource-group "<rg>"

The name is just the name, not the complete URI. For example, the name for is ledger-clinic-tst.

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The sample C# Confidential ledger code at appears to use insecure TLS settings, implying that the ledger is not authenticated. This is not the case. The problem is that X.509 certificates are too imprecise for the Confidential ledger’s needs, Instead, the root of trust lies in the node attestation, endorsed by the hardware manufacturer. In short, yes, there is server authentication; it is just not using TLS.

Confidential containers

Confidential containers, used in AKS and ACI, enable you to wrap a container inside an SGX enclave with little work and little SGX knowledge. You can learn about the process here:

When considering deploying any container-based workload, you must think about it from an application-development standpoint as well as a DevOps standpoint, and the same holds true for confidential containers.

Confidential container–related tasks for developers are as follows:

  • Developing applications following security practices

  • Running security and validation tests

  • Containerizing the application

  • Wrapping the container in an SGX runtime

  • Rerunning all tests to make sure there are no regressions

  • Storing the image in a container registry

For the DevOps teams, these are the tasks:

  • Adding SGX-enabled nodes to the node pool

  • Adding the confidential computing AKS add-on

  • Deploying SGX-enabled containers

Microsoft also provides two references regarding confidential container architectures: a Confidential Healthcare Platform demo, at, and an article on big data analytics on confidential computing with Apache Spark on Kubernetes, at Finally, Chapter 12, “Container security,” includes additional container-related security considerations.


Azure confidential computing opens a new world of possibilities for highly secure workloads in Azure. If you are deploying highly sensitive workloads that handle confidential data, then you should consider using some aspects of confidential computing, such as isolated and encrypted VMs that use AMD CPUs to enforce strong security boundaries that deny access even to malicious admins and cloud operators. Alternatively, you could use specific features, such as Always Encrypted or Confidential ledger, to secure specific data-oriented solutions. Finally, you can orchestrate confidential containers using AKS.

The confidential computing technology and services currently available in Azure today are only the start. There is more to come. To stay up to date, read the Azure confidential computing team’s blog at

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