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You can learn to be more creative by modelling your favourite genius

Wouldn’t it be great if you could learn from Thomas Edison, Linus Pauling, Steve Jobs, Richard Branson, Stephen Hawking, Abraham Lincoln, Marie Curie, Nikolai Tesla, Vincent van Gogh, or your other favourite genius?

They may be unavailable due to being busy or dead, but just about every genius in any area either wrote or was written about. In many cases, you can find out not only what influenced them but also their thought processes, in books like How to Think Like Leonardo da Vinci by Michael Gelb (Element) and Socrates’ Way: Seven Keys to Using Your Mind to the Utmost by Ronald Gross (published by Jeremy P. Tarcher).


You’ll find in many cases that people who were great in one area were not necessarily so admirable in their private lives. But that’s OK, you don’t need to model your entire life on them, only the parts you want to emulate.

As you read books by and about these people, here are some questions to keep in mind:

  • What drove them to be creative?
  • What kinds of questions did they ask?
  • What kinds of obstacles did they overcome? What did they learn from each one?
  • What kept them going when their ideas were ridiculed or resisted?
  • What parallels can you find between what they did and what you want to do?

The best teachers are always the people who have done what you wish to do – so why not let the greatest geniuses help you get into the right frame of mind?

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