Chapter 5. Keeping Up with the Times with the Observer

One of the knottiest design challenges is the problem of building a system that is highly integrated—that is, a system where every part is aware of the state of the whole. Think about a spreadsheet, where editing the contents of one cell not only changes the number in the grid but also changes the column totals, alters the height of one of the bars in a bar chart, and enables the Save button. Even more simply, how about a personnel system that needs to let the payroll department know when someone’s salary changes?

Building this kind of system is hard enough, but throw in the requirement that the system be maintainable and now you are talking truly difficult. How can you tie the disparate parts of a large software system together without increasing the coupling between classes to the point where the whole thing becomes a tangled mess? How do you construct a spreadsheet that properly displays changes in the data without hard-coding a link between the spreadsheet editing code and the bar chart renderer? How can you make the Employee object spread the news about salary changes without tangling it up with the payroll system?

Staying Informed

One way to solve this problem is to focus on the fact that the spreadsheet cell and the Employee object are both acting as a source of news. Fred gets a raise and his Employee record shouts out to the world (or at least to anyone who seems interested), “Hello! I’ve got something going on here!” Any object that is interested in the state of Fred’s finances need simply register with his Employee object ahead of time. Once registered, that object would receive timely updates about the ups and downs of Fred’s paycheck.

How would all of this work in code? Here is a basic version of an Employee object with no code to tell anyone anything—it just goes about its business of keeping track of an employee:

   class Employee
    attr_reader :name
    attr_accessor  :title, :salary
       def initialize( name, title, salary )
         @name = name
         @title = title
         @salary = salary

Because we have made the salary field accessible with attr_accessor, our employees can get raises:[1]

   fred ="Fred Flintstone", "Crane Operator", 30000.0)
   # Give Fred a raise

Let’s now add some fairly naive code to keep the payroll department informed of pay changes:

   class Payroll
     def update( changed_employee )
       puts("Cut a new check for #{}!")
       puts("His salary is now #{changed_employee.salary}!")
   class Employee
     attr_reader :name, :title
     attr_reader :salary
     def initialize( name, title, salary, payroll)
      @name = name
      @title = title
      @salary = salary
      @payroll = payroll
     def salary=(new_salary)
       @salary = new_salary

We can now change Fred’s wages:

   payroll =
   fred ='Fred', 'Crane Operator', 30000, payroll)
   fred.salary = 35000

And the payroll department will know all about it:

   Cut a new check for Fred!
   His salary is now 35000!

Note that since we need to inform the payroll department about changes in salary, we cannot use attr_accessor for the salary field. Instead, we need to write the salary= method out by hand.

A Better Way to Stay Informed

The trouble with this code is that it is hard-wired to inform the payroll department about salary changes. What do we do if we need to keep other objects—perhaps some accounting-related classes—informed about Fred’s financial state? As the code stands right now, we must go back in and modify the Employee class. Needing to change the Employee class in this situation is very unfortunate because nothing in the Employee class is really changing. It is the other classes—the payroll and accounting classes—that are actually driving the changes to Employee. Our Employee class seems to be showing very little change resistance here.

Perhaps we should step back and try to solve this notification problem in a more general way. How can we separate out the thing that is changing—who gets the news about salary changes—from the real guts of the Employee object? What we seem to need is a list of objects that are interested in hearing about the latest news from the Employee object. We can set up an array for just that purpose in the initialize method:

   def initialize( name, title, salary )
     @name = name
     @title = title
     @salary = salary
     @observers = []

We also need some code to inform all of the observers that something has changed:

   def salary=(new_salary)
     @salary = new_salary
   def notify_observers
     @observers.each do |observer|

The key moving part of notify_observers is observer.update(self). This bit of code calls the update method on each observer,[2] telling it that something—in this case, the salary—has changed on the Employee object.

The only job left is to write the methods that add and delete observers from the Employee object:

   def add_observer(observer)
     @observers << observer

   def delete_observer(observer)

Now any object that is interested in hearing about changes in Fred’s salary can simply register as an observer on Fred’s Employee object:

   fred ='Fred', 'Crane Operator', 30000.0)
   payroll =
   fred.add_observer( payroll )

By building this general mechanism, we have removed the implicit coupling between the Employee class and the Payroll object. Employee no longer cares which or how many other objects are interested in knowing about salary changes; it just forwards the news to any object that said that it was interested. In addition, instances of the Employee class will be happy with no observers, one, or several:

   class TaxMan
     def update( changed_employee )
       puts("Send #{} a new tax bill!")
   tax_man =

Suppose we change Fred’s salary again:


Now both the payroll department and the tax man will hear about it:

   Cut a new check for Fred!
   His salary is now 90000.0!
   Send Fred a new tax bill!

The GoF called this idea of building a clean interface between the source of the news that some object has changed and the consumers of that news the Observer pattern (Figure 5-1). The GoF called the class with the news the subject class. In our example, the subject is the Employee class. The observers are the objects that are interested in getting the news. In our employee example, we have two observers: Payroll and TaxMan. When an object is interested in being informed of the state of the subject, it registers as an observer on that subject.

Figure 5-1. The Observer pattern


It has always seemed to me that the Observer pattern is somewhat misnamed. While the observer object gets top billing—in fact, the only billing—it is actually the subject that does most of the work. It is the subject that is responsible for keeping track of the observers. It is also the subject that needs to inform the observers that a change has come down the pike. Put another way, it is much harder to publish and distribute a newspaper than to read one.

Factoring Out the Observable Support

Implementing the Observer pattern in Ruby is usually no more complex than our Employee example suggested: just an array to hold the observers and a couple of methods to manage the array, plus a method to notify everyone when something changes. But surely we can do better than to repeat this code every time we need to make an object observable. We could use inheritance. By factoring out the code that manages the observers, we end up with a functional little base class:

   class Subject
     def initialize
     def add_observer(observer)
       @observers << observer
     def delete_observer(observer)
     def notify_observers
       @observers.each do |observer|

Now we can make Employee a subclass of Subject:

   class Employee < Subject
     attr_reader :name, :address
     attr_reader :salary
     def initialize( name, title, salary)
      @name = name
      @title = title
      @salary = salary
     def salary=(new_salary)
       @salary = new_salary

This is not a completely unreasonable solution; in fact, Java has gone exactly this route with its java.util.Observable class. But, as we saw in Chapter 1, using inheritance can cause grief. The problem with using Subject as a base class is that it shuts out the possibility of having anything else as a base class. Ruby allows each class to have exactly one superclass: Use up your single superclass of Employee on Subject and you are done. If our domain model demands that we make Employee a subclass of OrganizationalUnit or DatabaseObject, we are out of luck; we cannot also make it a subclass of Subject.

The problem is that sometimes we want to share code between otherwise unrelated classes. Our Employee class wants to be a Subject, but perhaps so does that spreadsheet cell. So how can we share the Subject implementation without using up our one allotted superclass?

The solution to this dilemma is to use a module. Recall that a module is a package of methods and constants that we can share among classes, but that does not soak up the single allotted superclass. If we recast our Subject class as a module, it does not really look all that different:

   module Subject
     def initialize
     def add_observer(observer)
       @observers << observer
     def delete_observer(observer)
     def notify_observers
       @observers.each do |observer|

Using the new Subject module is simplicity itself. We include the module and call notify_observers when something changes:

   class Employee
     include Subject
     attr_reader :name, :address
     attr_reader :salary
     def initialize( name, title, salary)
      @name = name
      @title = title
      @salary = salary
     def salary=(new_salary)
       @salary = new_salary

By including the Subject module, our new Employee class gains all of the Subject methods: It is now fully equipped to play the subject in the Observer pattern. Note that we needed to call super() in the initialize method of Employee, which has the effect of calling initialize in the Subject module.[3]

Building our own Subject module was great fun and a good exercise in creating a mixin module. But would you really want to use the Subject that we just cooked up? Probably not. The Ruby standard library comes with a fine, prebuilt Observable module that provides all of the support you need to make your object, well, observable. Using it is not all that different from using the Subject module that we built:

   require 'observer'
   class Employee
     include Observable
     attr_reader :name, :address
     attr_reader :salary
     def initialize( name, title, salary)
      @name = name
      @title = title
      @salary = salary
     def salary=(new_salary)
       @salary = new_salary

The standard Observable module does feature one twist that we omitted from our hand-built version. To cut down on redundant notifications to the observers, the standard Observable module requires that you call the changed method before you call notify_observers. The changed method sets a Boolean flag that says the object really has changed; the notify_observers method will not actually make any notifications if the changed flag is not set to true. Each call to notify_observers sets the changed flag back to false.

Code Blocks as Observers

A common Ruby variation on the Observer pattern is our old friend the code block. The code becomes a lot simpler if we can just pass in a code block as our listener. Because the Ruby library Observable does not support code blocks, perhaps we can find a use for a slightly modified version of our Subject module after all:

   module Subject
     def initialize
     def add_observer(&observer)
       @observers << observer
     def delete_observer(observer)
     def notify_observers
       @observers.each do |observer|
   class Employee
     include Subject
     attr_accessor :name, :title, :salary
     def initialize( name, title, salary )
       @name = name
       @title = title
       @salary = salary
     def salary=(new_salary)
       @salary = new_salary

The advantage of using code blocks as observers is that they simplify the code; we no longer need a separate class for the observers. To add an observer, we just call add_observer and pass in a code block:

   fred ='Fred', 'Crane Operator', 30000)

   fred.add_observer do |changed_employee|
       puts("Cut a new check for #{}!")
       puts("His salary is now #{changed_employee.salary}!")

This example passes a two-line code block as an observer into Employee object. By the time those two lines reach the Employee object, they are all wrapped up in a convenient Proc object and are set to act as a ready-made observer. When Fred’s salary changes, the Employee object calls the call method on the Proc, and the two puts get fired.

Variations on the Observer Pattern

The key decisions that you need to make when implementing the Observer pattern all center on the interface between the subject and the observer. At the simple end of the spectrum, you might do what we did in the example above: Just have a single method in the observer whose only argument is the subject. The GoF term for this strategy is the pull method, because the observers have to pull whatever details about the change that they need out of the subject. The other possibility—logically enough termed the push method—has the subject send the observers a lot of details about the change:

   observer.update(self, :salary_changed, old_salary, new_salary)

We can even define different update methods for different events. For example, we could have one method for a salary update

   observer.update_salary(self, old_salary, new_salary)

and a different method for title changes

   observer.update_title(self, old_title, new_title)

The advantage in providing more details is that the observers do not have to work quite as hard to keep track of what is going on. The disadvantage of the push model is that if all of the observers are not interested in all of the details, then the work of passing the data around goes for naught.

Using and Abusing the Observer Pattern

Most of the problems that come up in using the Observer pattern revolve around the frequency and timing of the updates. Sometimes the sheer volume of updates can be a problem. For example, an observer might register with a subject, unaware that the subject is going to spew out thousands of updates each second. The subject class can help with all of this by avoiding broadcasting redundant updates. Just because someone updates an object, it does not mean that anything really changed. Remember the salary= method on the Employee object? We probably should not notify the observers if nothing has actually changed:

   def salary=(new_salary)
     old_salary = @salary
     @salary = new_salary
     if old_salary != new_salary

Another potential problem lies in the consistency of the subject as it informs its observers of changes. Imagine we enhance our employee example a bit so that it informs its observers of changes in an employee's title as well as his or her salary:

   def title=(new_title)
     old_title = @title
     @title = new_title
     if old_title != new_title
       changed = true

Now imagine that Fred gets a big promotion and a big raise to go along with it. We might code that as follows:

   fred ="Fred", "Crane Operator", 30000)
   fred.salary = 1000000
   # Warning! Inconsistent state here!
   fred.title = 'Vice President of Sales'

The trouble with this approach is that because he receives his raise before his new title takes effect, Fred will briefly be the highest-paid crane operator in the world. This would not matter, except that all of our observers are listening and experiencing that inconsistent state. You can deal with this problem by not informing the observers until a consistent set of changes is complete:

   # Don't inform the observers just yet
   fred.salary = 1000000
   fred.title = 'Vice President of Sales'
   # Now inform the observers!

One final thing to look out for is badly behaved observers. Although we have used the analogy of the subject delivering news to its observer, we are really talking about one object calling a method on another object. What happens if you update an observer with the news that Fred has gotten a raise, and that observer responds by raising an exception? Do you simply log the exception and soldier on, or do you do something more drastic? There is no standard answer: It really depends on your specific application and the amount of confidence you have in your observers.

Observers in the Wild

The Observer pattern is not hard to find in the Ruby code base. It is, for example, used by ActiveRecord. ActiveRecord clients that want to stay informed of the goings on as database records are created, read, written, and deleted can define observers that look like this:[4]

   class EmployeeObserver < ActiveRecord::Observer
     def after_create(employee)
       # New employee record created
     def after_update(employee)
       # Employee record updated
     def after_destroy(employee)
       # Employee record deleted

In a nice example of the Convention Over Configuration pattern (see Chapter 18), ActiveRecord does not require you to register your observer: It just figures out that EmployeeObserver is there to observe Employees, based on the class name.

You can find an example of the code block-based observer in REXML, the XML parsing package that ships as part of the standard Ruby library. The REXML SAX2Parser class is a streaming XML parser: It will read an XML file and you are welcome to add observers that will be informed when specific XML constructs get read. While SAX2Parser supports the more formal, separate object observer style, you can also pass in code blocks that act as your observer:

   require 'rexml/parsers/sax2parser'
   require 'rexml/sax2listener'
   # Create an XML parser for our data
   xml ='data.xml')
   parser = xml )
   # Add some observers to listen for start and end elements...
   parser.listen( :start_element ) do |uri, local, qname, attrs|
     puts("start element: #{local}")
   parser.listen( :end_element ) do |uri, local, qname|
     puts("end element #{local}")
   # Parse the XML

Feed the code above an XML file, and you can sit back and observe as the elements go flying by.

Wrapping Up

The Observer pattern allows you to build components that know about the activities of other components without having to tightly couple everything together in an unmanageable mess of code-flavored spaghetti. By creating a clean interface between the source of the news (the observable object) and the consumer of that news (the observers), the Observer pattern moves the news without tangling things up.

Most of the work in implementing the Observer pattern occurs in the subject or observable class. In Ruby, we can factor that mechanism out into either a superclass or (more likely) a module. The interface between observer and observable can be a complex as you like, but if you are building a simple observer, code blocks work well.

As pointed out in Chapter 4, the Observer pattern and the Strategy pattern look a bit alike: Both feature an object (called the observable in the Observer pattern and the context in the Strategy pattern) that makes calls out to some other object (either the observer or the strategy). The difference is mostly one of intent. In the case of the observer, we are informing the other object of the events occurring back at the observable. In the case of the strategy, we are getting the strategy object to do some computing.

The Observer pattern also serves more or less the same function as hook methods in the Template Method pattern; both are there to keep some object informed of current events. The difference is, of course, that the Template Method pattern will only talk to its relatives: If you are not a subclass, you will not get any news from a Template Method pattern hook.

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