
: (colon), 50

{ } (curly brackets), 10, 11, 27, 28

- (hyphen), 26, 40, 82

" " (quote marks), 4, 9, 25, 28, 43

; (semicolon), 10, 27, 28, 50, 131

_ (underscore), 40, 82

, (comma), 27, 50

!important styles, 17, 48, 63

#container styles, 132

# sign, 132–133

* (asterisk), 20, 38, 62

* HTML hack, 82, 110–111, 119, 225

@import directive, 12–13, 19, 46–47

3-D positioning, 78

3 pixel text jog bug, 102–104


absolute positioning, 77

absolute-size fonts, 112

accessibility, 7, 114, 261

:active pseudo-class, 23, 24

adjacent selectors, 23

advanced selectors, 30–36

:after pseudo-element, 25, 118, 120

Agency for Prevention of Spontaneous Dancing. See APoSD site

almost-standards mode, 57

ancestor elements, 15, 16

APoSD site, 198–228

image credits, 268–269

page code, 201–214

problems/solutions, 215–228

site concept inspiration, 268

as viewed in different browsers, 199–200

asterisk (*), 20, 38, 62


and HTML tag structure, 5

targeting, 25–26

troubleshooting, 9

attribute selectors, 25–26

author styles, 17


background colors, 61

background images, 116, 215–216, 252

background property, 34, 35

backups, 61, 71

base font size, 114

block elements, 76

bold text, 7

border property, 33–34, 61, 79

bottom margin bug, 105

box model

components of element box, 79

and IE browser versions, 80

and outline property, 62

problems, 79–81

workarounds for broken, 81, 119

and z-axis hierarchy, 78

breaks, 7

browser bugs, 75–120

clearing floats, 85–94

disappearing content, 105–111

double margin float, 104, 187, 188

extra white space in lists, 97–100, 120, 175

float drop, 94–95, 188, 249

float stepdown, 94–96, 187, 188–190, 193–195

guillotine, 108–111, 224–226

hasLayout problem, 82–85

IE's broken box model, 79–81

margin errors, 101–105

peekaboo, 105–108, 249

resources, 263

text size, 115–116

vs. coding errors, 74

browser modes, 56–58, 260

browsers. See also specific browsers

compatibility across, 82, 111, 116, 178, 198

consistency across, 37, 114, 254, 266

and CSS3 properties, 116–117

default styles for, 17, 175, 257

and doctype declarations, 56–58

problems with (See browser bugs)

and relative font sizes, 114–115

and selectors, 22, 24

standards-compliant, 56–57

and text sizing, 222–223

usage statistics, 83

and W3C box model, 62, 80 (See also box model)

browser-support charts, 256

Browser Who Hated Me case study, 197–228

design viewed in different browsers, 199–200

image credits, 268–269

page code, 201–214

problems/solutions, 215–228

site concept inspiration, 268

<br> tag, 7

<b> tag, 7

bugs. See also browser bugs; debugging

dimensional, 83–84, 117

and document flow, 76–77

margin, 101–105


cascade, 16–19, 43, 68, 256

Cascading Style Sheets, 257. See also CSS

case-sensitivity, 4

case studies

Browser Who Hated Me, 197–228

Devilish Details, 123–134

Float with Mind of Its Own, 177–196

LOL Layout, 229–254

Mistaken Identity, 135–156

Single White Space, 157–176

child elements, 16

child hack, 82, 119

child selectors, 22, 82, 265

Chrome. See Google Chrome

classitis, 40

class selectors, 20–21

clearfix class, 90, 110, 192

clear property, 88–90, 109, 118


backing up, 61, 71

commenting out sections of, 64–67

debugging, 71–74

code validators. See validators

coding case studies. See case studies

coding errors, 74. See also debugging

collapsed margins, 101

colon (:), 50

color blindness simulator, 261

color-scheme information, 46

color shorthand, 36, 43

column sizing, 116

combinators, 22

comma (,), 27, 50


conditional, 82, 119, 251, 253, 261–262

as debugging tool, 64–67

nesting, 14

in styles, 14, 48

compatibility, cross-browser, 82, 111, 116, 178, 198

conditional comments, 82, 119, 251, 253, 261–262

consistency, cross-browser, 37, 114, 254, 266

contact information, 46

container selector, 132


disappearing, 105–108

generated, 118

separating presentation from, 8–9

and W3C box model, 79

contextual selectors, 22–23, 30–31

corners, rounded, 116, 251

cross-browser compatibility, 82, 111, 116, 178, 198

cross-browser consistency, 37, 114, 254, 266

cross-browser testing, 227, 264


browser-support chart, 256

case studies (See case studies)

conditional comments, 82, 119, 251, 253, 261–262

document hierarchy, 14–16

document structure, 10–14

element relationships, 15–16

eliminating sections of, 72

floats, 85 (See also floats)

foundational concepts, 14–28, 76–77

frameworks, 259

hacks, 82

how cascade works, 16–19

inheritance, 16, 256

properties and values charts, 258

readability considerations, 26–27

reset, 37–38, 81, 258–259

resources, 256–266

selectors (See selectors)

style rules, 10–11, 26–27

styles of writing, 26–27

troubleshooting, 27–28, 47–50

validating, 52, 55, 130, 134, 260–261

writing sleek, 42–43


properties, 116–117, 258

Property Support table, 117

selectors, 256

specifications, 117, 245–246

validation, 245, 263, 262

curly brackets ({ }), 10, 11, 27, 28


<dd>s, 192–193

debugging. See also troubleshooting

resources, 264

step-by-step process, 71–74

techniques, 60–67

declaration blocks, 10, 28

default styles, 47, 175, 257

default values, 42

definition lists, 192–193

descendant elements, 15

descendant selectors, 22, 43, 44

design, standards-based, 11, 160

design comps

EateryJunkie site, 137

FarfallaEffect site, 124

Nena Adornments site, 158

developer information, 46

Developer Toolbar, 68

Developer Tools, MSIE's, 68

Devilish Details case study, 123–134

design comp vs. home page, 124–125

image credits, 267

page code, 126–130

page-validation results, 130

problems/fixes, 131–134

dimensional bugs, 83–84, 117

disappearing content, 105–111

display: inline property, 188, 189, 196

display property, 84, 94, 118, 119, 120, 262

divitis, 40

<div>s, 7, 40–41, 84

doctype declaration, 52, 55, 56. See also doctypes; DTD


choosing, 58

HTML vs. XHTML, 4–5

list of valid, 56

purpose of, 56

resources, 260

traditional vs. strict, 255

troubleshooting, 58–60

doctype sniffing, 56, 260

doctype switching, 56, 260

document flow, 76–77

document hierarchy, 14–16

document-level styles, 13


accessibility of, 7

employing styles in, 11–14

establishing relationship between, 11–12

document structure

CSS, 10–14

HTML, 4–9

document tree, 15

document type definition, 52. See also DTD

DOM Inspector for Firefox, 68

double margin float bug, 104, 187, 188, 190–191, 249

Dreamweaver, 68

drop-shadows, 116, 251


anatomy of, 55–56

and code validators, 52, 54

meaning of acronym, 52

dynamic pseudo-classes, 23–24


Easter egg, 253

easy-clear method, 88–90, 110, 120

EateryJunkie site, 136–156

design comp, 137

home page, 137

image credits, 268

page code, 137–147

problems/solutions, 149–156

validation results, 148, 263, 266

element ancestry, 15–16


adding borders to, 61

applying multiple class styles to, 31

block vs. inline, 76

controlling placement of, 77–78

and document flow, 76–77

floating, 86–87

highlighting, 61

with layout, 83

naming, 39, 40

overlapping, 114–115

resetting styles for, 37–38

understanding relationship between, 14–16

vs. tags, 6

element selectors, 20

embedded styles, 13, 28

ems, 63, 112, 113, 114

<em> tag, 7


punctuation, 134

spelling, 11, 47, 131, 175

validation, 54, 55

Evotech, 256, 258, 264

ex (unit of measure), 114

external styles, 11–13, 18


FarfallaEffect site, 124–134

design comp, 124

home page, 125

page code, 126–130

problems/fixes, 131–134

validation results, 130

file-created date, 46

file-last-edited date, 46

Firebug, 68


and CSS3 properties, 116

DOM Inspector for, 68

and drop shadows, 251

as example of modern browser, 178

extensions, 261

and rounded corners, 251

fixed positioning, 77

fixed-size fonts, 112

float drop bug, 94–95, 169, 188, 220, 249

float property, 84, 86, 119, 120

floats, 85–96

applying, 42, 88

clearing, 42, 87, 88–94, 150, 156, 221

containing, 87, 150–151

how they work, 86–87

problems with, 94–96, 120, 195–196

ways of using, 85

float stepdown bug, 94–96, 187, 188–190, 193–195

Float with Mind of Its Own case study, 177–196

design viewed in different browsers, 179

image credits, 268

page code, 180–186

problems/solutions, 187–196

validation results, 187

flow, document, 76–77

:focus pseudo-class, 23, 24

font property, 35

fonts, 111–116. See also text

font-face vs. font-family, 149

importing, 116

serif vs. non-serif, 150

sizing options, 111–114

font-size conversion, 113

font-size keywords, 112, 115

font-size property, 118

footers, 172, 174, 224–226, 232, 249–250, 263

frameworks, CSS, 259, 264


gaps, 215, 216, 246–247

Google Chrome, 116, 246, 251, 266

guillotine bug, 108–111, 117, 118, 224–226


hacks, 82, 119


activating, 85, 107–108

and height property, 247, 254

and IE6/7, 82–85, 254

issues/problems, 82–85

overriding, 84–85

resources, 254, 264–265, 265

headers, 40, 42, 45, 73, 174

height property, 84, 117, 119, 247

hexadecimal color values, 36, 46, 62


document, 14–16

z-axis, 78

hooks, 39

:hover pseudo-class, 23, 24


best practices, 3

characteristics of "well-formed," 4

document structure, 4–9

eliminating sections of, 72

hacks, 82

lists (See lists)

meaning of acronym, 4

resources, 255–256

semantic, 6, 8 (See also POSH)

tag structure, 5 (See also tags)

tailored, 39–42

troubleshooting, 8–9

validating, 7, 9, 52, 55, 260–261

versions, 4

vs. XHTML, 4–5, 255–256

Hypertext Markup Language, 4. See also HTML

hyphen (-), 26, 40, 82


identifiers, 40, 56, 156

id selectors, 21, 155, 156

IE. See also specific versions

bugs, 79–81, 104–105, 108–111, 224–226, 262–263

clearing methods, 90

and CSS3 properties, 116

and CSS support, 257

doctype modes in, 260

and float drop, 94

and floats, 178, 195–196

and font resizing, 112

hacks, 82, 119

hasLayout problems, 82–85, 254

installer, 264

and text sizing, 223

usage statistics, 83

IE5, 57


and child selectors, 82

clearing method, 90

CSS enhancements in, 260

double margin float bug, 104, 187, 188, 190–191

float drop bug, 188, 220

and floats, 195–196

float stepdown bug, 95–96, 187, 193–195

guillotine bug, 224–226

and hasLayout, 85, 254

list white-space bug, 97–100

and min-height property, 117

and min-width property, 117

and outline property, 62

peekaboo bug, 105–108, 249

and PNG files, 245, 252, 265

and star HTML hack, 82, 225

text size bug, 115–116

and text sizing, 223

and underscore hack, 82

and W3C box model, 62, 80


bottom margin bug, 105

clearing method, 90

and floats, 195–196

float stepdown bug, 187, 193–195

and hasLayout, 85, 254

and outline property, 62

peekaboo bug, 105–108, 249

and text sizing, 223

and W3C box model, 62, 80

IE8, 80, 118

IETester, 264

image credits, 267–269


background, 116, 215–216, 252

positioning, 131, 132, 171, 191, 216

sliced, 57

transparent, 245, 265

!important styles, 17, 48, 63

@import directive, 12–13, 19, 46–47

importing fonts, 116

indentation, 37, 44

inheritance, 16, 256

inline elements, 76

inline styles, 13, 18, 64

Internet Explorer. See IE

Internet resources, 255–266


keywords, font-size, 112, 115



case study (See LOL Layout case study)

characteristics of elements with, 83

engines, 257

problems, 82–85, 119

removing/overriding, 84–85, 119

using tables for, 7

line breaks, 7, 27

line-height property, 108, 116, 117, 120

link pseudo-classes, 23

link styles, 24

<link> tag, 11–12


definition, 192–193

extra white space in, 97–100, 120, 175

proper structure for, 266

unordered, 172, 251

where to implement, 266

list-style property, 35

list white-space bug, 97–100, 120, 175, 176

logos, 131, 132, 152

LOL Layout case study, 229–254

design viewed in different browsers, 231–232

image credits, 269

page code, 233–244

problems/solutions, 233, 246–254

site concept inspiration, 269

validation results, 244–246

loose mode, 56–57


margin bugs, 101–105

margin property, 32–33, 37, 63

margins, 79, 81, 101–105, 120, 168–172

markup languages, 56, 255

markup validation service, 260–261

max-width property, 119

measurement units, 42, 50, 111–114, 131

menus, 73

Meyer, Eric, 259


Developer's Network, 261

hasLayout overview, 264

Internet Explorer (See IE)

min-height property, 84, 117, 119

min-width property, 84, 117, 119

misspellings, 11, 47, 131, 175

Mistaken Identity case study, 135–156

design comp, 137

home page, 137

image credits, 268

page code, 137–147

problems/solutions, 149–156

validation results, 148

modes, browser, 56–58, 260

Mozilla, 246, 260, 261. See also Firefox

MSIE's Developer Tools, 68

Multiple IE installer, 264, 264


naming conventions/rules, 40, 48, 156

navigation bars, 72, 168, 190, 216–220, 223

navigation menus, 73

negative margins, 101–102

Nena Adornments site, 158–176

design comp, 158

image credits, 267

page code, 160–167

problems/solutions, 168–175

site-design inspiration, 267

validation results, 167–168


comments, 14

tags, 9

Netscape Navigator, 57


offset values, 77 site, 230–254

Easter egg, 253

footer, 232, 249–250

logo, 253

original design, 231

page code, 233–244

problems/solutions, 233, 246–254

validation results, 244–246

as viewed in different browsers, 231–232

online resources, 255–266

Opera, 178, 251, 260, 262, 266

outline property, 62

overflow: auto property, 84, 93–94, 107, 118, 119, 120

overflow: hidden property, 84–85, 91–95, 120, 156, 196

overflow property, 84, 91–94, 119, 120, 150–151

overflow: scroll property, 84, 92, 107, 119, 120

overflow: visible property, 85, 91, 119



and browser default values, 168

and CSS box model, 79

and spacing problems, 168–172, 175

and unordered lists, 172

workarounds, 81

padding property, 33, 37, 63, 118, 169

page logos. See logos

page semantics, 39

page zooming, 115

paragraph breaks, 7

parent elements, 16, 88

peekaboo bug, 105–108, 117, 118, 249

percentage font-sizing, 112, 113, 114, 115, 258, 259

photo credits, 267–269

photos. See images

pixels, 112, 113

Plain Old Semantic HTML, 6. See also POSH

PNG image files, 245, 252, 265

points, 112, 113

POSH, 6–9

benefits of using, 8

meaning of acronym, 6

practices for achieving, 7

purpose of, 6

troubleshooting, 8–9

Position Is Everything, 263

position property, 77, 84, 118, 119, 131

presentation, separating content from, 8–9

properties. See also specific properties

bug fixes for, 117–120

CSS2, 258

CSS3, 116–117, 258

and inheritance, 16, 256

resources, 258

shorthand equivalents for, 31–36

troubleshooting, 27

property-value pairs, 10, 26

pseudo-class selectors, 23–24

pseudo-elements, 24–25

punctuation errors, 134, 175


quick-fix styles, 120

quirks mode, 56–57, 58, 80, 260, 117, 256, 260, 262

quote marks (" "), 4, 9, 25, 28, 43


Raymond Jay site, 178–196

image credits, 268

page code, 180–186

problems/solutions, 187–196

validation results, 187

as viewed in different browsers, 179

readability, 26, 114, 115, 261

relative positioning, 77, 218–219

relative-size fonts, 112–114

relative text sizes, 133

rel attribute, 12

rendering modes, 56–57

reset styles, 37–38, 45

resources, 255–266

RGB color values, 36

rounded corners, 116, 251

RSS buttons, 152

RSS feed boxes, 168, 170–171


Safari, 116, 246, 251, 264–265

scaling, 114–115

screen readers, 7

selectors, 20–26

advanced, 30–36

checking browser support for, 22, 24, 256–257

complex relationship, 30–31

contextual, 22–23, 30–31

creating/placing, 43

and CSS document structure, 10

esoteric, 24–26

general, 20–21

grouping, 30, 44

naming, 40, 48

pseudo-class, 23–24

purpose of, 10, 20

relationship-based, 22–23

troubleshooting, 27, 67–68

using multiple, 10, 30

semantic hooks, 39

Semantic HTML, 6, 8. See also POSH

semicolon (;), 10, 27, 28, 50, 131

shorthand properties, 32–36

shorthand styles, 31–36, 43

shrink-to-fit, 83

shrink-wrapping, 83, 120

sibling elements, 16

sibling selectors, 23

simple-clear method, 91–94

Single White Space case study, 157–176

image credits, 267

page code, 160–167

problems/solutions, 168–175

site-design inspiration, 267

validation results, 167–168, 265

sliced images, 57

spaces, 7, 63, 90. See also white space


and absence of margins/padding, 168–172, 175

and negative margins, 102

rules, 73

specificity, 18, 63–64, 256

spelling errors, 11, 47, 131, 175

stacking order, 77, 78

standards-based design, 11, 160

standards-based markup, 8. See also POSH

standards mode, 56, 81

star HTML hack, 82, 110–111, 119, 225

static positioning, 77

strict mode, 56, 260

strings, 43

<strong> tag, 7

style declarations, 17, 26–27, 43, 45

style order, 19

style rules, 10–11, 26–27

styles. See also style sheets

author, 17

changing order of, 16

comments in, 14, 48

conflicting, 17, 19

creating titles for groups of, 14

declaring, 17, 26–27, 43

default, 17, 175, 257

disabling, 67

document-level, 13

embedded, 13, 28

external, 11–13

inline, 13, 64

naming, 40

organizing, 44

resetting, 37–38

temporarily removing, 14

troubleshooting, 14

user, 17

user-agent, 257

style sheets. See also styles

connecting to HTML documents, 11–12

creating IE-only, 262

creating multiple, 46–47

linking to, 12

organizing, 45

resources, 257

standardized, 44–47

style shorthand, 31–36, 43

<style> tag, 11, 13


table-based layouts, 57

table of contents, 45–46

tables, 7

tabular data, 7

tag names, 5, 8, 10


nesting, 9

syntax for, 5

troubleshooting, 8–9

vs. elements, 6

testing, cross-browser, 227, 264

text. See also fonts

aligning with other elements, 152

misplacement of, 151, 247–248

sizing, 114–115, 133, 222–223

text jog bug, 3 pixel, 102–104

text size bug, 115–116, 118

three-D positioning, 78

transparent images, 245, 265, 264

troubleshooting. See also debugging

backing up prior to, 61, 71

CSS, 27–28, 47–50

developer tools for, 68

by dismantling everything, 70

doctypes, 58–60

HTML, 8–9

by process of elimination, 69

by rebuilding from ground up, 70

selectors, 67–68

by simplifying cascade, 68

style shorthand, 36

taking breaks during, 71

using comment element for, 14

validation, 54–55, 265

type attribute, 12

type selectors, 20

typography, 114–115


<ul>s, 251

underscore (_), 40, 82

underscore hack, 119

units of measure, 42, 50, 111–114, 131

universal selector, 20, 38, 62

unordered lists, 172, 251

usability, 114

user agents, 17. See also browsers

user-agent style sheets, 257

user styles, 17


validation, 52–55

defined, 52

errors vs. warnings, 54

importance of, 126, 134

interpreting results from, 53, 130–133

limitations of, 53–54, 134

troubleshooting, 54–55

validators, 52, 260–261. See also validation


charts, 258

and HTML tag structure, 5

resources, 258

troubleshooting, 9, 28, 262, 261

visited links, 23, 24



box model, 62 (See also box model)

CSS3 specification, 117

and HTML versions, 4

list of valid doctypes, 56

list of values for display property, 262

meaning of acronym, 4

resource for interpreting validation results, 53

validators, 52, 260–261

warnings, validation, 54, 55

WAVE, 261

web browsers. See browsers, 263

web design, 158, 255. See also design comps

Webkit, 246

web resources, 255–266

Weyl, Estelle, 264

white space, 50, 97–100, 120, 175, 176

White Space case study, 157–176

image credits, 267

page code, 160–167

problems/solutions, 168–175

site-design inspiration, 267

validation results, 167–168

width property, 84, 117, 119, 120

Wikipedia, 255, 256, 257

World Wide Web Consortium, 4. See also W3C, 266

WYSIWYG editors, 56



purpose of, 4

resources, 255–256

sample validation results, 167

transitional doctype definition, 5

vs. HTML, 4–5, 255

XML syntax, 4


zero values, 42

z-index, 77, 78

zoom property, 84, 108, 119

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